

Sky showered tears of sorrow, thunderclaps bellowed pleas, and lightning splashed light illuminating the horrible fate of the humans below them. Shouts and cries eerily echoed at the mundane world from poor humans that were callously slaughtered by erratic monsters that came out of nowhere.




Even feeling so burdened by those negative feelings whilst surrounded by unknown creatures, a young soldier, forehead is perspiring, held his sword with dignity. Those creatures simultaneously leap onto him. Unable to dodge or swing his sword, the soldier could only scream in pain as his skin was ripped and gnawed. His final gaze rested on another soldier meters away from him. Dead.

Callous, fast and furious, sharp fangs and hungry eyes, dark and slick, short and long, small and giant; these were the behaviors and appearances of the monsters that were sweeping the armies of humans.

Every human tried to protect and survive as they swung their swords, shot their arrows, raised their shield, and called forth their astral energies against the monsters. The world was in chaos that no one of their regions could support or back up other regions. They were slowly reduced in numbers but the waves of monsters reduced only to an iota of numbers.

They knew that if it dragged on, humanity would be annihilated.

Above them, the rumbles of thunder, and cry of the sky - as clouds poured heavy rains preventing the radiance of the sun - persisted on such acts. An edifice supported by intricately designed pillars - pure white - stood beyond those crazy weather hidden to mortal beings. Every corner was blurred by white mist. A vast and differentiated 12 castles lay connected around it.

Eleven Celestial Almighties inside the Great Antechamber were surrounded by Xénos - Celestial Outsiders - clearly showing their fangs towards them.

"Ophiuchus, how could you do this?" a feminine figure, holding a spear, roared even though it didn't seem to match her soothing voice. Her conspicuous unique silver scale insignia called Libra was attached at her left chest. Her blue robe that seemed to be cut off directly from the sky itself with pink linen, graciously waved, and her glossy hairs with apparent natural waves with shades of pink and teal, naturally swayed even if there was no wind at all. If just her eyes met Ophiuchus, she would tear him apart immediately. Unfortunately, she was facing the other enemies.

With her comrades, they formed a circle facing the Celestial Outsiders surrounding them.

"I warned all of you, but you didn't listen. This is what you will get in return from your arrogance." Ophiuchus smirked as he kept hissing. His half-snake body reflected on their eyes but he seemed not to care about his appearance.

"Hmm! How unusual-" a male figure scrutinized him from head to tail as his bow rested over his shoulder, "-as it is you who looks like a monster here amongst us." He has a muscular body paired with a great set of strong legs. His large, sparkling eyes beneath his broad forehead gazed cautiously to his opponent. His thick, short straight hair with reddish undertones, as well as his navy blue robe with red linen, waved as if defying the gravity.

In fact, each one of them seemed to defy gravity.

Their group couldn't help but laugh at his comment that earned displeasure from Ophiuchus. His displeasure deepened as another feminine figure, wearing a silver Gemini insignia on her left chest, closured, "Serves him right."

Close to her was her twin with a manly appearance, wearing the same insignia on his left chest. They were practically identical, seemingly crafted by the same artist.

Their group held their weapons tightly as they positioned themselves in fighting stances ready to strike and fight.

"Summon your warriors," a male figure ordered. His trimmed hair didn't match the grave expression of his face. His Aries insignia flickered as he positioned himself in front, confronting Ophiuchus.

Understanding him, they snapped. Lights from their respective houses simultaneously surged down to the different places of the mundane world, leaving their houses a little darker. Those lights fell like comets of hope to humans, creating craters upon landing.

Those lights rose like human figures, but bigger and larger in built, emitting the radiance of the Celestial Almighties they serve. They called forth their mighty weapons and energies to aid the humans against the monsters.

Humans paused for seconds pensively looking at those beings that were dropped from the sky with awe.

For asking questions weren't at the proper time, they instead continued to attack fiercely. The presence of those Celestial Beings boosted the confidence and fighting spirits of the human warriors.

"The Celestial Almighty sent support and is currently aiding our troops."

"The neighboring domain also received such support."

"The Celestial Almighties care!"

Reports traveled to every ear of humans, from normal citizens to their Kings.

Meanwhile, above them a celestial battle began to spin gravely, unfavorable towards the eleven Celestial Almighties.

A feminine figure with a Virgo insignia leapt into the air sending her powerful but delicate fist aiming a Xénos facing her. She successfully hit the outsider causing that very being to stumble on air and flew out of the edifice.

She was just going to land when another outsider leapt from behind her, who was holding a spear that was going to thrust at her nape.

Fortunately, her companion saw it coming. A male figure with Taurus insignia blocked the attack with his sword, but the outsider seemed more powerful than he thought. That forceful attack threw him down a few steps backward. He swiftly diverted the strength at his right side by sliding his sword, but it gave the opponent a chance to flip the sword over and scratched his hand. Light started to spill from inside of his skin but it didn't stay that way for too long. His open skin closed by itself even without his command or will to do so. He flipped over dropping his sword and immediately grabbed the knife at his disposal. He threw it aiming at the outsider's neck and bang! The outsider dropped lifelessly and slowly faded into nothingness.

It happened faster than a blink of an eye.

They managed to kill some of the outsiders, but with great difficulty. They stumbled, thrown, and wounded as light escaped from their bodies, then just came back to normal after a millisecond. Moments later, the battle seemed even on both sides until flairs of dark energies, approaching from a distance, caught their attention. The ominous feelings came rushing to their minds.

Ophiuchus, from far away, smirked as it dawned to them what had just happened.

"They are just buying time," a feminine figure, with a Scorpio insignia at her left chest, commented. She shot a piercing gaze at Ophiuchus who unconsciously gulped knowing her fearsome temper. Her curly black hair with reddish undertones waved like she was underwater.

These eleven Celestial Almighties became gravely serious about their fight trying to end the current battle as fast as possible to stop the approaching enemies.

A masculine figure with an Aries insignia tightly closed his right hand against his chest. He was intently reading the battle over his striking eyes. Asterisks at his dorsal blistered as a seemingly thunderbolt appeared connecting those asterisks in a lightning spark. Blazing flame busted out from there and red energy engulfed his hand by seconds creating an illusion of fiery flames.

The enemies seemed to understand his action. Two of them leaped and swung their swords against his head and chest. Aries dodged and rolled next to another masculine figure wearing an Aquarius insignia whose blue robe with silver linen swayed the same way as his silky and straight hair did.

"Aquarius, send Pisces down there."

"Copy," Aquarius nodded, but before he could take a step toward his task, a young lady whose soulful eyes beneath her thick eyebrows scanning the battle, popped up from his sight.

With great difficulty in breathing, he pointed his finger at the young lady and bellowed, "YOU!"

Her presence didn't only catch the attention of them, but also the Xénos who watched her as she promenaded - feet an inch above the floor - towards their group, intrepid. Her long wavy purple hair followed her every movement as well as her majestic violet robe.

She seemed oblivious to the battle, but she was not. More than anyone there, she knew what to do.

Up above and down below, the battle seemed not to rest.

Some of their opponents threw their weapons or tried to approach her but Aries and his companions caught and blocked them protecting her like a little child. Unknown to them, she could only lampooned at herself. She knew she was weak for the meantime as she used her energy to fed a stone that will end the war.

The clashing continued as Aquarius made his way towards her, and when he succeeded to approach her, he hauled her to a safe distance. He was just about to escort her out but Aries shoved him from the side. His whole body was now engulfed by his fiery energy.

One by one, his other companions also flared up; blue, red, white and brown hue, simultaneously.

Pisces handed over a stone to him. Without further words, he sent a powerful palm strike that was engulfed by his flaming energy against her chest, not giving her time to revolt.

Caught off guard, Pisces could only follow him by her gaze at Aries with her shock expression as she fell down like a shooting star towards the mundane world until she hit the water slowing her momentum. She could not draw her energy to stop her downfall or even lessen the impact and she knew the reason. She was exhausted!

Aries seemed not to know it.

She hit the floor of an ocean. Exhaustion deprived her of the strength to move. Her eyes slowly shut down. She calmly lay dormant.

Meanwhile, the amethyst rolled over Aries' feet when Ophiuchus tried to snatch it from him. He snatched it from the floor as he dodged the incoming assaults from different sides and angles. The Xénos diverted all their attention to him but his companions were way more in accordance with their steps and in harmony as they immediately aided him.

Having a second break, Aries scrutinized the stone that was the size of a human eye and it didn't glow as it should be. It was the first stone he had ever seen that does not glow to a Celestial stone.

"She succeeded," Aries winced as he glanced at where Pisces fell; remorseful.