
Chapter 10: Próta Academy

"Each change is a new adventure"

Pisces Code - 2:8

After two days of 'dull travel' as quoted by Bien, parading at the common road - with flushing banners, soldiers in elegant garbs, horses in intricate harness connected to noble carriages - they finally arrived at the academy.

No bandit dared to approach them, so their travel was smooth.

Their groups arrived at the central gate of the Academy that earned a crowd of students who came to witness their grand arrival.

Three figures emerged from the first carriage wearing their local dress befitting nobles and noble's guard, and another three figures emerged from the next carriage wearing the noble's dress code of attendants - a little dull in color and design. Lastly, a young lady in a simple purple dress emerged at the end of the carriage.

Tjadris bowed at Bien and stayed like that as Aaron and Clio passed by. Then, he followed behind them. The soldiers with them stayed outside for they were not allowed to enter except if they also sought tutelage, but they were not. The head attendant that was with them dismissed them knowing that their masters will not return.

Students who recognized the brothers gasped in surprise and anticipation. They spread the news, spreading it further to other students who were unaware of the commotion they had stirred.

A teacher, with her grayish hair, was already there waiting for them at the side of the gate. Wearing the grayish robe in black linen and insignia of an open book adjoined by a feather pen girdled with iris - a well-known flower of the academy - her amiable smile invited their group. She led them to a specific tower imposingly stretched towards the sky and expanded towards the horizon, splintered with unique rocks adjoined by two more towers - same in structures but diminutive copies - standing high, side by side.

Sophia felt little as she followed its head with her eyes, her head slowly rose. Their edifice at their kingdom wasn't that towering.

Giles scanned the surroundings with his serious mien.

Clio also raised her head and eyes landed on a diminutive tower on the right. The notable part of the tower was its very head where she felt the energy of a stone. 'It sure is there.'

Hoven, in the attendant's uniform, was enraptured by the edifice too. He feasted the view with his eyes as they entered it. The outside design didn't betray its inside design with its towering pillars and picturesque simplicity of distinctive pattern.

The right and left side of their shoulders were rooms with various purposes. The teacher led them over an admins' window. She presented something to one of the attendants and another teacher, gray his hair can be, continued to entertain her and Bien as another teacher led Aaron with Tjardis, in attendant's dress code, to another door.

He led them to stairs after stairs, having glimpses of each story they passed by - each room had students sometimes poking their heads on the door to peep. The teacher continued to walk further until they arrived at a door on the third floor, "The principal is waiting inside."

Bien stepped inside, but the teacher blocked Clio, Sophia, Hoven and Giles. "I'm afraid that this is the place you could go further."

Bien pointed to Clio, "This young lady has the most important matter to discuss."

The teacher gave her a space, meaning she can pass too.

The trio were left waiting outside with him. Instead of dallying there, Giles asked permission to read their books that were towering over his eyes. The teacher gave him permission. Sophia joined him reading books of medicine whilst Hoven was guarding them.

Meanwhile, Bien personally handed over the endorsement letter - a little different from the first letter his father had sent - of his father to the principal who was not alone in the room. There were six more people inside wearing the same kind of robes of the teacher but burgundy in color. Their heads were painted gray.

These prominent individuals weren't surprised by his presence, but they couldn't help but astonished. A proclaimed dead was there in front of them after all.

After reading the letter, the principal passed it to the others who simultaneously read it. He scrutinized Clio from head to toe, unable to come up with a decision.

Bien recognized that look of their eyes. He guaranteed, "She saved my life, reverenced Headmaster Xarles and brought back the health of my brother. I think she deserves a room at your physician faculty."

"All you have said are in the letters, young man." He jabbed his head a little nearer to Clio, eyes showing fixed decision. "I can admit you as a special student, young lady. That is all I have to offer. Is it a deal?" His long gray head was tucked at his back. He has a firm standing that has no hint of his oldness and daunting air, but suppressed expressively.

Clio shook her head. She needed wide access to the Academy and being a teacher was her only option. Her fine tone betrayed her cold mien. "I'm afraid you will be just wasting my skills if you do so, " revered Headmaster Xarles."

Xarles stiffened from her self-proclaimed skills. The other prominent six, the six deans of different faculties, weren't that pleased with her remark either.

"Don't take this as an offence, but your young mind tells us that the knowledge you might have acquired is not enough. Just the span of your life tells me that it is just limited," one of the faculties pontificated.

'Young mind?' If she knew how to laugh, she would surely burst out over her lungs. 'Stars! I am older than your ancient soul human!' She condoned, "Your supposition is axiomatic to some degree, but it isn't a wise decision to let go of a 'young mind' full of potential, am I right?" She could hardly press the words 'young mind' out of her throat.

Xarles butted in, "That is why we are offering you to study here first and let us judge your knowledge through our own measurements."

Clio doesn't have that much time to waste, especially knowing the gravity of the matters than she thought. "Don't you think that I have enough credits to earn the position as a teacher? The evidence is right here-" she eyed Bien, "-over our eyes."

Another faculty debated, "I also saved a life during my youthful days, but I agreed to the terms of being admitted here as a student first before I earned this position, slowly grasping the skills that this academy could offer." He sure was the Dean of Physician, Raheem.

"That is the very first idea that we can agree on, Dean Raheem." Though old, he has a hint of the air of a soldier, he was the Dean of the Warrior Faculty, Haron.

Raheem just rolled his eyes not giving any room for indecorous behavior.

"You humans really complicate things. Can't you just improvise your education where an accredited young mind can teach those novices as he is learning about master's skills? Your stringent rules and standards are holding students to the grip of their destination." But she admitted that their kind of policy was way better than she remembered it to ancient civilizations. At least, it caters to most humans who want to study.

Everyone was lost for words. She had come to apply as a beginning teacher and given a chance to prove herself from that position through vigorous study in the academy, but she was now talking about the academy's administration?

Haron reprobated, "Are you here for admonition of our policy?"

Clio shook her head. She realized that she went too far, but she did not apologize. She delivered her opinion, and she believed there was nothing wrong with that.

"If you apologize, we can talk again from the start," the dean of the Law faculty, Osias, demanded.

Haron assent, "Your generation should know what to talk and when to talk."

"What is it to apologize?"

"Huh!? Your admonition of course!" Haron smirked.

"I just stated my opinion. It is in your hands to believe in it or just brush it out but I will not apologize. If every time I speak about my opinion, do I need to apologize? Is expressing one's opinion a sin?"

The room was filled with silence until laughter reverberated. Everyone found its origin from the Headmaster. He composed himself realizing its inappropriateness. He intentionally coughed, "I will give it a shot. This is the first time in the history of this academy to accept a young mind as a teacher, I hope you realize it and prove your assertion."

Clio respectfully said, "Thank you."

The principal and other faculties inside waited for more action from her but nothing!

Bien was the one who bowed first before he hauled Clio outside when Xarles dismissed them. He wanted to ask the matter of obeisance she lacked, but someone emerged from the same room. It was the dean of the Physician. He approached them and said, "I will escort you to your room…teacher Clio." He eyed Bien and continued, "Teacher Paco will escort you to your room, young master."

Bien hurriedly cleared, "I came here as her attendant, Dean Raheem."

Raheem jumped in surprise, "Are you sure?"

Bien nodded, not scrupling.

Raheem waited for Clio's other attendants before they proceeded forwards, passing room after room until they arrived at an open space - where a bridge connecting the main tower to the diminutive tower - hung stationary.

As a foreigner to the land, Sophia and Hoven couldn't help their admiration to the beauty that beheld side by side. The nature was unobscured from their sight, giving them a picturesque view below. Bien was no less fluctuated by it too, even if he had seen it before.

Raheem explained to her the rules and policy of the academy, "There is a wall clock in your room. Classes ended up similarly, and teachers and students alike were given three hours to roam and do their administrative work before curfew hit in the evening. After that, any shadow is not allowed out of their rooms."

Raheem stopped in front of a sliding door of a specific room. He gave the key to her and let her open it by herself.

The inside was a wondrous sight to behold. The very room itself has three rooms at each side stretching at the far end of the glass wall surrounding a mini garden that created the ambiance of the outside condition. Clearly, for attendants. There was a unique door directly facing the mini-garden. Surely, it would be the room of a teacher.

Her so-called attendants gasped in astonishment. They were expecting only a crowded room, but it was not the case.

Raheem read their expression. He explained, "There are enough rooms for teachers up here."

That explained the vast space offered to each employee.

Before she entered, Clio glanced for the first time at the door at the end of the hallway.

"I'll be back later with news," Raheem left them for themselves.

Sophia accompanied him just outside the door as Bien looked room after room before he decided which room he would take. It was in the last room on the right side. Giles picked the room across from him.

Soon, attendants came knocking at the door with their things. Hoven and Sophia took the pleasure of cleaning Clio's and Giles' room before theirs whilst Bien arranged his own room to keep himself busy as he was hesitant to approach and help the trio.

As it was early in the afternoon and she had nothing to do, Clio decided to gather information about the tower. With a map in her slender shoulder bag, she left her residence, leaving them on their own.

She dressed simply, indistinguishable from being a teacher or student, just a visitor. Clio promenaded the places she can go starting from the third floor where her room was located.

The structure of each residence did differ only by the taste of the resident, but its vastness was all the same creating a beautiful repetition of pattern. Teachers were currently at their classes, so the residences were filled with attendants going to and fro to support and tend to their masters' needs.

She was accustomed to seeing attendants but not having one, so she let her so-called attendants roam as they want and please. She visited the main tower where classes were held but found no significant information.

As she was heading back after a tiresome walk, she bumped into a student holding a mountain of books in his embrace. The books fell at his grip. He hurriedly scurried down to pick them up but soon stood up, adjusted his monocles, and begged for pardon, "I'm sorry for that." He couldn't think of how to address her because he has no idea who she was. Fortunately, the young lady didn't seem to mind his words nor reprimand him for being clumsy. She gazed at him as if she didn't care. He secretly sighed in relief.

"It's not entirely your fault young man," she helped him out as she took note of his white gown that followed his every movement. A demure gilt crest hung at his chest.

His eyes couldn't help but scrutinize her dress as he commented, "Didn't you know that it is a must to wear your uniform when entering the main tower?"

Clio scanned her dress but was unable to produce any emotions on her face. She doesn't have a uniform yet and she hadn't read the rules and policy of the Academy. With her usual cold face, she said, "Thank you for the reminder. I will make sure to heed the policy next time."

The lad nodded his head in approval.

She just got up picking the last book when a young lady in fine garments intentionally pushed him out.

The young man failed to hold it again. It splattered to the ground.

Clio tilted her head in confusion to why the young lady did that but soon, her query was answered.

Laughter reverberated from behind but the young man did not bother to mind them at all as he started to pick up the books again. Clio thought of reprimanding them when a student stepped out, wearing the same gown as him. But one thing was peculiar to both of them. They wore bandages!

"Do the ladies of the faculty of law have nothing to do again?" unpleasant might be her tone but she knew how she put weight on it.

Some students gathered to spectate.

The seemingly leader of the group closed her distance to her and threateningly hissed, "This is just my warning and you don't want me as your enemy lady Yamea." She turned around and vanished at their sight as the students slowly dispersed.

The crowd vanished knowing there would be no more show to see.

Clio's presence was immediately forgotten when she stepped out of the group to let them help the young man.

Unknown to her, the young man was looking for her over his eyes.

Yamea squatted down and helped him out picking up the books, ignoring the dispersing crowd. She apologized, "We are not even close but you are entangled with my mess. I am deeply sorry, Aldir."

Aldir looked at her. He shook his head, decorating his face with a smile. "It's nothing to worry about."

Yamea smiled back and let silent footsteps of students going to and fro ruled their surroundings.

When they finished arranging the books in his embrace, Yamea let him leave first. She stretched her hands as she yawned. She uttered her dissent for tomorrow's class, "Just two days rest? Why are they so cold to us?"

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

An hour before the curfew started, Raheem visited Clio as he said so. She was accompanied by Bien as they waited for her. Hoven and Sophia hadn't finished arranging their things yet.

Bien and Raheem have some fine wine whilst talking about their government, when Clio finally shows up.

Raheem went straight to his business of coming. "You will start your class tomorrow, is that okay with you?"

Clio nodded.

Sophia brought them tea. She delicately served Clio and Raheem before she moved back to continue the cleaning and arranging of their things.

"Your uniform will be delivered tomorrow morning. I have assigned a teacher to show you around which I think you don't need anymore, am I right?"

Clio nodded before she sipped a little at her tea.

"Then, just ask him the place you haven't gone yet and he will explain it to you. He will lead you to your classroom which consists of ten students." he handed over the documents which she received immediately. "It contains data of your students and information about the Academy that you need to know."

Clio nodded and put it aside. She sipped her tea again before she asked for a favor pointing to Giles cleaning his own room next to Bien's room, "Can you tend his mark on his forehead?"

Raheem didn't ask her about the details as he directly agreed, "That's a trifle matter teacher Clio. You can send him to the clinic downstairs. If you wish, I can accompany him right now."

"Thank you Dean Raheem," she called for Giles who came to her aid immediately which was a little odd to her. She stated, "Dean Raheem will accompany you to the clinic to tend your brand on your forehead. Are you willing?"

Giles discernibly nodded. He was going to clasp his both fists but stopped midway realizing where he was. Instead, he clasped his right fist at his chest and expressed his gratitude, "Thank you Dean Raheem-" without changing his posture, he faced Clio, "-thank you again Clio."

Clio nodded in recognition.

"Just don't take Dean Haron's word into heart. He likes bullying my faculty."

Clio nodded but mind was drifting to a plan that she was forming at her head.

After a little small talk that he mostly did, Raheem, with Giles, bid his farewell. As before, Sophia accompanied him outside.

⨳ ⨳ ⨳

A middle-aged man was sitting comfortably at his own laboratory after so much work, but instead of going to his bed for it was already late at night, he received a late visitor - with the obeisance befitting for the lieutenant general of the first corp of the Homobono City - a man whose broad face was a little wrinkled due to his age.

"Physician Estes, how far did your investigation go this time?"

Estes reported, "It is not impossible to suppress the strength of a human or even paralyze him. If you press the right nerve, then you can do it effortlessly but I have not yet examined that effect you have described. It's far-fetched and the sudden change of eyes is impossible. It can not naturally change unexpectedly. Even though I knew that fact, I can't think of any trick to do it.

"Why do you want me to find it out?" his curiosity hadn't failed to be expressed.

Gareth replied to him with a question, "Is it possible that a person could utilize such a trick?"

Estes blurted out in glee, "Come on Lieutenant general. We are not discussing fiction here, right?" He ruminated on the possibility of meeting one, but found it really far-fetched. "If I knew one, I would definitely be friendly for his existence will not only prove the knowledge we are seeking, but his sole existence is knowledge itself!" He jabbed his head, feeling that he knew something he didn't. "Do you know one?"

Gareth discernibly shook his head. He already decided not to escalate the matter. As Estes stated, if she is the knowledge herself, then everyone will try to snatch her. She needs a trusted ally. He fell into deep thoughts thinking on what to do next. 'Come on, I am not responsible for her wealth, why would I bother?'

Estes further explained, "Such existence is only heard in legend Gareth. I wonder what brought you to this extent."

Estes got up and poured a drink to his cup as well as to Gareth. He couldn't fathom the old man. After sipping a little, he broke the silence saying, "Come on Gareth, don't tell me you believe such things."

Gareth was hesitant to help Clio knowing that there was an enemy at her side, Giles. He needed to decide it thoroughly. "I'll come back tomorrow. Find out anything you can until then."