
26. GS24 Yeonhui Branch


Convenience store owner Min Do-hoon scanned the Internet article with trembling eyes.

[First place winner for 4 consecutive times last month, first place winner this time too!] [Purchase worth 100,000 won only with the same number. The winning prize alone is 12 billion won.] [5 consecutive first place prizes of 68.5 billion won. A quick fortune is born.] [What is the secret to winning first place 5 times in a row? When I asked him about it, he told me that he had predicted it in his dream... … .]'Can you tell me in my dreams?'

I was moved to tears when I looked at the comments and it was shocking.

└Wow, I'm so jealous. If only I had received your number once... … .

└There is no way the lotto god will tell me which number I can't even get from a woman... … .

└X germination.

└You seem to be a very lucky person. In that sense, give me 100 million... … .

└Are you stupid enough to ask for money without even writing down your bank account? For your information, my account is Nonhyup Bank 291-2894-9311-110.

└Winner. If you read this post, please give me a penny. This is Kihyup Bank 281-293099-39-001.

└You guys. Look at you begging so pathetically. Nonhyup 291-2919-3999-912 Park Bong-cheol.

└I can't be left out either. Woohyup Bank… … .

└Are there only beggars here?

└Everyone has no idea. Would the winner come here and just read the comments without anything else to do? You must be spending a lot of money and going on a cruise.

└In this situation?

└What do you do if you have a lot of money? From the age of 15 to 29, your life is on the line.

└It doesn't matter if you're over 30, right?

└Aren't you using your abilities because you're a player? Predicting the future... … .

└If you have that kind of ability, you must be a real fraud. I think I will guess the lottery number dozens more times in the future.

└Witthat, that doesn't happen. Didn't you see the breaking news that just came up? They said that for reasons of fairness, lotto sales will be discontinued after this round.

└Wow… … really?


Although he was surprised in the comments, it was information that only made Min Do-hoon sigh.

I already received a call from the franchise a little while ago.

Lotto sales have been discontinued, so if a customer who bought it yesterday or today comes, please refund them according to the procedure.

This is why I scanned the article with trepidation.

Because I wanted to see it with my own eyes.

just as expected.

[trot! Lotto sales are completely suspended as of Tuesday, February 1.]-The government has decided to stop selling various lottery tickets, including Lotto, starting today.

This is because the sale of lottery tickets is not appropriate at a time when the global economy is shaking due to the death of 900 million people and a wave of mourning continues.

However, this is only a superficial reason, and in reality, it is understood to be due to opposition from the general public who raised issues about fairness with the appearance of players.

Each player demonstrates special abilities using the power of runes, but the problem is that these abilities cause great chaos in society.

For example, there is speculation that the winner who monopolized nearly 70 billion in winnings over the past month is a player in his 20s.

This controversy over fairness is a problem that has been arising since the winner won first place in succession.

For reference, all citizens between the ages of 15 and 29 are players.

There are about 870 million people in the world and about 4 million in Korea.

Purchasers on Sundays and Mondays can receive an immediate refund by heading to the place of purchase with the lottery paper.

An article about the suspension of lottery sales was posted on the main page of the portal site.

It was natural for Min Do-hoon to frown.

"ha… … What should I do with this? "It looks like sales have been cut in half."

GS24 Yeonhui branch was a convenience store that also sold lottery tickets.

Since there are no lottery outlets nearby, business is particularly good.

'Moreover, the publicity effect was great as it was recently said to be the place where the winner of the 100th game visited.'

But now we have reached an ironic situation where lottery tickets cannot be sold because of the winner.

"Whoa… … It's already hard to handle labor costs and other things... … ."

In particular, Do-Hoon Min has a daughter who is graduating from high school.

It was the only treasure that gave me strength when I divorced my wife due to business failure and was struggling with debt.

'If we want to send to Juri University, we need to earn several times more than we do now... … .'

It's hard to believe that you can't even sell lottery tickets at a time when money is tight.

"Whoa... … ."

At that time, I was just sighing deeply.

The door opened and my daughter, who didn't feel any pain even if she put it in her eyes, came in.

"Uh, is Juri here?"

"Dad, why are you sighing so much?"

"Whoa… … That's it, no. It's nothing."

"It's no big deal. It's written all over your face that you're having a hard time. Don't do that, just talk about it."

Min Do-hoon complained as if there was nothing he could do after Min-ri's persuasion.

I feel sorry for my daughter, but I feel like I will go crazy if I don't complain like this.

"Lotto sales have been discontinued?"

"okay… … There are so many places to spend money, so how can I live with this? … Phew… … ."

Minjoo-ri's face also showed concern as her father sighed.

I know this well because I helped out at the convenience store every vacation.

How big is the lottery's share of convenience store sales?

Minjoo-ri smiled brightly.

"Don't worry, Dad. Since I am graduating now, I can help not only during vacation but also in the future. Then you can save on labor costs... … ."

"Don't say that. "I'm already feeling sorry for making my daughter do this."

"Did dad order it? "I help because I like it."

"But that doesn't work. You promised before, right? "Are you going to quit working at a convenience store when you graduate?"

"Then, if you find a separate part-time job and add it to your living expenses… … ."

"Write it. What kind of part-time job does a student need to go to school? "I will do whatever it takes to send you to college, so you don't have to worry about this."

"But the cost of living… … ."

"Uh huh. Dad will take care of the money, so you can just focus on your studies? A kid with good grades won't go to college? "It's your dream to become a doctor."

"dad… … When was that a dream? "I gave up on that dream."


"Besides, what's the point of schools in this current situation? I don't know if I can survive the next round or not... … ."


Min Do-hoon felt a shock as if he had been hit in the back of the head.

Because I was so focused on making money, I forgot about the reality my daughter was in.

"iced coffee… … yes. Money isn't important right now... … . My dad is so out of it these days. sorry. It's Juri. Because dad couldn't help... … ."

"What does Dad have to be sorry about? "It's an unavoidable situation, like a natural disaster."

"still… … ."

"I'm really fine. You survived both the first and second rounds. I'll be able to survive the next round as well. "You got a job this time?"


Min-ri Min raised her hand instead of answering.

A bright cluster of light appears and permeates Min Do-hoon's head.

"W-what is this?"

"It's a skill called Bless that I gained while working as a buffer. "It increases overall stats and has a revitalizing effect on ordinary people."

"Hehe, what an amazing ability. "I really feel like my whole body is energized."

Min Do-hoon said that and turned his shoulders.

My shoulder, which had always been stiff, was fine now.

"I can't believe my daughter has such abilities. "It's surprising again."

"I'll use skills often. So cheer up, Dad."

"Okay, thank you. "Dad, I'll do my best too."

Even though he said that, Min Do-hoon's face didn't seem to brighten.

'Ah, such a goddamn guy! 'I don't know when my daughter will die, so what kind of lottery is that?!'

Min Do-hoon shook his head and blamed himself.

Now, I was more worried about my daughter's life than the convenience store's sales.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

"Oh, no."

"Now let's take turns. "I'll take charge from now on."

"No, that's enough."

"It's okay. "I was guarding the convenience store all night."

"You can stay a little longer. "Thanks to the buff you gave me, I think it will be easy for three hours."

"Still, go home and rest. Ah, quickly."

While Minjoo-ri pushes her father away.

The convenience store door opened and a customer came in.

"welcome… … ."

Minjoo-ri, who was reflexively greeting me, suddenly looked like a surprised rabbit.

Min Do-hoon was also surprised.

"uh? That customer... … ."

"why? dad? "Do you know the customer?"

"That's him. "The first place winner who played 100 games with the same number at our convenience store."

It is rare for someone to buy 100,000 won worth of items manually.

I remembered it clearly because I looked young and had my ID checked.

The customer, Ryu Min, looked in the direction where the father and daughter were and walked over.

Meanwhile, Min Joo-ri stared at him intently, but Ryu Min didn't even pretend to see him.

"Hello, boss. Do you remember me? "I bought 100,000 won worth of lottery tickets here a month ago."

"… … ."

Min Do-hoon looked at the other person instead of answering.

Looking closer, it was clearly that customer.

'What brought you here? Did you really come to say thank you?'

Occasionally, guests who won second or third place come to say thank you, saying it was a great place.

But this customer's case was different.

'You took the pictures manually, so you don't have to thank me, right?'

Min Do-hoon, who was looking at me as if trying to figure out my intention, answered with a confused expression.

Since it was the cause of the decline in sales, it couldn't look good.

"yes… … I remember. "But for what reason?"

"First of all, let me say I'm sorry."

When Ryu Min suddenly lowered his head, Min Do-hoon looked at him in surprise.

"Well, what is it? suddenly?"

"I saw the article. Since I won first place in a row, lotto sales have been discontinued. We apologize for unintentionally causing damage to the store."

"ah… … ."

I was momentarily taken aback by the polite greeting.

"It's okay, it's okay. That's the customer's fault. "It's not like you're starving to death because you can't sell lottery tickets, right?"

Min Do-hoon coolly accepted it.

The unexpected apology seemed to have washed away the bitterness in my heart.

"And if you think about it, it's not even the customer's fault, right? I heard you gave me my number in a dream. What should I do? "I also went all in on the lottery."

"Still, I feel bad because you feel like you've been harmed because of me. In that sense… … ."

Ryumin held out the white envelope he had prepared.

"I would like to compensate you, even if only slightly."

"What is this?"

"It's ten million won."


Min Do-hoon, surprised, hurriedly waved his hand.

"Hey, it doesn't have to be like this. Take it back... … ."

"Still, I hope you accept it. In any case, it is true that it caused damage to the boss. "Okay then."

Ryumin left the store without leaving those words.

"Oh, hey! Hey! customer!"

Min Do-hoon was taken aback when he went away without a chance to catch him.

"Why, how shameless would I be to accept such a large sum of money…?" … ."

"Dad, then I'll run now and bring it back!"

"uh? Yes, that's right!"

Min-ri Min picked up the bag and went out of the store.

Fortunately, the customer didn't go far.

"Hey, wait a minute!"

Ryumin turned around at the sound coming from behind him.

Min-ri Min ran and gasped.

"Ryumin! "You're Ryumin, right?"


"I do not know? Minju-ri! "We're in the same class."

"uh… … ? really?"

Min Joo-ri looked disappointed at the reaction as if she knew this for the first time.

"You mean I didn't even know we were in the same class?"

"sorry. "Because I'm not good at memorizing other people's faces."

It was a lie.

Ryu Min already knew that Min Joo-ri was in the same class and that she was the daughter of a convenience store owner.

'And the only class called buffer.'

I didn't know at first.

The convenience store where the lottery ticket was purchased is run by Min Joo-ri's father.

'I only found out after the 20th episode.'

That wasn't reality either, it was information I learned by chance while becoming close to Min Joo-ri in another world.

'I can't believe we became friends not even in the same class, but in a different world.'

Ryu Min was quite surprised when he found out later that we were in the same class.

I thought there was such a coincidence.

'I have to get Minjoo-ri on my side and take her until the 20th round.'

Because buffering was a very helpful job.

"Should we go somewhere and talk for a bit?"

Ryu Min grinned at Min Ri's suggestion.


The planned approach disguised as coincidence worked.