
Chapter 4

These chapter releases are brought to you by the few guys who made the effort to leave reviews so promptly. It was a good barter event; I had never done it before, and it was a good thing as I found it funny and a way to interact with you guys.



"We made it," Alaric said with a smile. "We fucking made it alive!"

"Baby, how are you? Are you okay?" Alaric then quickly asked as he removed himself from the seat and started inspecting his sister for any wounds. "How do you feel?"

"I'm okay, I'm okay. Don't worry, I don't feel hurt anywhere." Clarke quickly tried to calm him down, seeing her brother's worried look. She took off his seat belt, embraced him, and started kissing his lips eagerly.

"Listen. No machine hum," Miller said as he looked around the dropship.

"Whoa. That's a first," Jasper commented afterward.

Wells sighed, seeing them, and moved closer to Finn to check if he was alive. Seeing him fine, just dazed, and seeing two guys on the floor who had cushioned his crash, he moved to look at the bodies. "They're dead."

"The outer door is on the lower level. Let's go," somebody called out.

"No. We can't just open the doors," Clarke quickly said as she heard them intending to go down to the outer door. "We can't allow them, Alaric. Come quickly."

"Hey, just back it up, guys," Bellamy yelled to the eager teenagers surrounding the big metal door.

"Stop. The air could be toxic," Clarke yelled as she appeared with Alaric, the kids making way for them.

"If the air is toxic, we're all dead anyway," Bellamy said to her, his eyes shifting from Alaric beside her to Clarke.

"Bellamy?" Octavia said as she suddenly appeared between the teens.

"That's the girl they hid under the floor," a random guy said as she walked closer to Bellamy.

"My God, look how big you are," Bellamy said, recognizing his sister.

Alaric recognized the girl's voice and body; he couldn't be mistaken. She was the girl who he danced with back then at the Unity Day Dance. The mysterious girl who never showed up to him again.

"Is she?" Clarke said quietly to Alaric, eyeing Octavia doubtfully, almost recognizing her. "Is she the girl who danced with you back then?"

"I think she is," Alaric nodded.

Octavia embraced Bellamy for a moment, emotively, with a big smile on her face. After she separated from their hug, she recognized the uniform he was wearing. "What the hell are you wearing, a guard's uniform?"

"I borrowed it to get on the dropship," Bellamy explained quietly to her. "Someone has got to keep an eye on you. Ha ha!"

"Where's your wristband?" Clarke asked doubtfully.

"Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year," Octavia said as she turned around. But then she froze, seeing Alaric and Clarke as she recognized Alaric almost instantly.

"Alaric?" Octavia said excitedly as she saw him.

Bellamy had a doubtful face, seeing his eager sister calling to someone.

"Hey, mysterious girl!" Alaric called out to her.

"Alaric!" Octavia called out with a smile as she eagerly embraced him.

"No one has a sister," some guy said, interrupting them.

"That's Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor," a female then said after him.

"Fuck you, bitches," Alaric yelled back at them.

Octavia wanted to go and punch them, but Bellamy grabbed her. "Octavia, Octavia, no. Let's give them something else to remember you by."

"Yeah? Like what?" Octavia said angrily.

"Like being the first person on the ground in a hundred years," Bellamy said with a smile to her. He eyed Alaric and then grabbed the door lever, moving it down and opening it.

The sunlight shone in through the void space left by the door when it opened, the light dazzling the eyes of everyone as it illuminated the insides of the dropship.

After their eyes adapted to the light, they started seeing the lush green scenery in front of them—a forest full of life.

"Alaric," Clarke muttered quietly, full of emotions beside him as she took his hand in a firm grip, excited about what she was seeing in front of her eyes.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Alaric inhaled the fresh air that was seeping inside the place.

Meanwhile, Octavia walked a few steps, not believing what her eyes were seeing in front of her as she descended the ramp of the ship, touching the ground, the earth beneath her feet. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, feeling the fresh air on her face. "Ah…"

"Uh! We're back, bitches!" Octavia then called out aloud excitedly with her arms over her head.

Alaric smiled, seeing her so excited.

"Wow!!" All the teenage prisoners cheered at that and swarmed out of the ship to every place around it, excited to explore the surroundings, walk the earth, and breathe the fresh air.

Clarke quickly moved to grab a big map beside them, and then she took his hand again and dragged him out of the ship.

"Smell this fresh scent of this leaf," Alaric said as he grabbed a green leaf from a plant that he was pretty sure wouldn't be toxic. It smelled so good... so... fresh and humid because of the soil and dew.

"It smells nice, brother," Clarke said without care, as nobody was beside them. She smelled it and then kissed his lips.

"I know, right?" Alaric smiled as he grabbed her big ass into his hands, squeezing the soft, pliant flesh through her pants.

"Mhmm~~. I like it," Clarke moaned cutely, leaning against his chest for a moment as her cheeks reddened.

Then she kissed him eagerly, her tongue playfully dancing with his. They stood like that for a while before she separated from their kiss, panting for air.

"Wait, we need to check out something first," Clarke said as she turned around on his chest. He embraced her hips, and she pushed eagerly her ass back into his cock, opening the map that she grabbed before. She looked at the mountains far away while enjoying her brother's cock firmly against her ass.

"Alright, baby," Alaric chuckled as he pushed eagerly against her backside and kissed her neck while embracing her.

"Mhm~~," Clarke moaned cutely, trying to look at the map.

"What are you both doing here, guys? Far from everyone," Finn suddenly appeared, calling out from behind them.

"You haven't died yet, Finn?" Alaric mocked, a little pissed off at his sudden appearance while he was enjoying his time with his sister and her body. The guy was doing the same he did when he was with Raven; he could tell it at a simple sight by now.

"I'm a tough guy, Alaric," Finn smiled smugly beside them as he eyed the rosy face of Clarke in Alaric's arms as she pushed her ass on his cock. The sight made his eyebrow twitch in rejection as he released a frustrated tsk sound.

"More like a tough cockroach, actually," Alaric rolled his eyes.

"Try telling that to the two guys who tried to follow you out of their seats. They weren't fortunately so tough like you," Clarke said, a little disgusted by his recklessness.

Finn had a wry smile at that, not knowing what to say to her about it. "So, what are you guys doing?"

"Do you see that peak over there?" Clarke sighed and explained to him and her brother.

"Yeah," Finn said, looking into the distance.

"That's Mount Weather," Clarke pointed out. "There's a radiation-soaked forest between us and our next meal."

"They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain," Clarke said, frustrated.

"Then we need a plan to get there," Alaric said as he kissed his sister's neck.

"Mhm-Mm~~," Clarke nodded with a moan.


A while later, Clarke fiddled around with the map, marking where they were situated and projecting the direct path of trajectory to Mount Weather with a pencil and a piece of metal that worked as a ruler.

Meanwhile, beside her, Alaric was sharpening the ends of two solid long pieces of wood into pointy spears. They were heavy enough to penetrate whatever he threw them against made of flesh and leather with the pointy part, just as their ancestors did back in the cave age. He helped himself with the aid of an improvised knife that he made with a piece of metal sharpened from the dropship structure.

"How is it?" Alaric asked, making small talk with her as he sharpened the pointy end of the stick. Nothing else mattered in a spear like that—make a pointy end and throw it at whatever was the target.

"Almost there, there isn't much science to it anyway." Clarke said as she finished tracing a line on the map with her pen.

"Hey, don't say that. You're miles ahead more brilliant than 95% of these guys around here." Alaric said beside her, as he eyed the rest of the people doing nothing worthwhile or productive. "You're thinking about the food problem, while they just roam around."

"Thank you." Clarke gave him a shy, content smile before looking back at the map.

"That's it." Alaric smiled as he stood up and looked at his work with the pointy stick in hand.

"Hey! We've got problems." Wells said as he suddenly appeared, walking towards them. "The communications system is dead."

"I went to the roof and checked it out; a dozen panels are missing." Wells continued as he eyed the pointy sticks in Alaric's hands with a weird look. "Heat fried the wires."

"Well, all that matters right now is getting to Mount Weather. See? Look." Clarke said after hearing him. Then she pointed at the map, explaining her thoughts while showing it to him. "This is us. This is where we need to get to if we want to survive. We need the food in there."

"Where'd you learn to do that?" Wells asked, surprised and amazed.

Clarke didn't answer him, making him suddenly realize the answer. "Your father." he said quietly.

"Ah, cool, a map." Jasper said all smiles as he suddenly appeared from behind them. Looking at the map and then at Alaric beside them with the spear a little warily. "They got a bar in this town? I'll buy you a beer."

"You mind?" Wells said as he grabbed and pushed him a little farther from the map.

"Whoa." Jasper said, surprised as he was suddenly grabbed.

"Leave him, Wells." Alaric said beside them. "The guy is just fooling around. If he were to try something, he wouldn't be able to tell the tale."

"Hey, hey, hey, hands off of him." A stupid teen suddenly appeared with a bunch of guys around him. "He's with us."

"Relax." Wells said warily, eying the group and trying to de-escalate the situation. "We're just trying to figure out where we are."

"We're on the ground." Bellamy suddenly said a little farther away, appearing with his sister, Octavia, beside him. "That not good enough for you?"

"We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message." Wells said as he walked a little closer to them, seeing how all the people were gathering around the place. "That has to be our first priority."

"Screw your father," Octavia replied, not liking anything related to Chancellor Jaha.

That reply left Wells not knowing what to say to her.

"What, you think you're in charge here?" Octavia said, then she looked eagerly at Alaric. "Ain't I right, Alaric?"

"Yes, fuck Thelonious and everyone in the council, fuck them. Except Clarke's mother, of course." Alaric smiled at Wells' twitching eyebrow and then looked at Bellamy, Octavia, and the rest of the people around.

Clarke sighed and interrupted before things got out of hand. "Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get, and the harder this will be."

"How long do you think we'll last without those supplies?" Clarke continued, explaining calmly to every teen around the place the simplest way possible for them to understand the seriousness of the situation. "We're looking at a twenty-mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now."

"I got a better idea. You three go, find it for us." Bellamy said calmly, as if he were the voice of reason. "Let the privileged do the hard work for a change."

Octavia's smile faded, not amused by her brother including Alaric in that statement. She looked at him in the distance with worry about what he would think of her.

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." The delinquents echoed brainlessly, as if he were right about what he was saying.

"You're not listening. We all need to go." Wells tried to reason with everybody.

"Look at this, everybody…" Murphy said as he appeared like a rat from behind Wells, pushing him. "The Chancellor of Earth."

"Think that's funny? Uh!" Wells said to Murphy.

Murphy then attacked him suddenly without warning, tumbling him to the ground.

"Wells," Clarke called out as she tried to approach Wells, but suddenly a guy tried to stop her. Alaric grabbed him by his clothes and tumbled him to the ground as Clarke ran to help Wells up.

"Yeah. Come on. Get him." Some guys yelled excitedly, seeing Murphy and Wells but not yet noticing how Alaric took down one guy.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Uh?!" Alaric said enraged as he started giving punch after punch to the face of the guy, making it bloody soon all over.

"Please." The guy under Alaric tried to talk as he was punched.

"Fuck you, don't ever think about touching her again. Piece of shit." Alaric didn't care about him; he kept punching him, making an example of him as the old Chinese saying goes: Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

"Ah." The guy trembled and went limp as Alaric punched the shit out of him. His face was a mess and bloody, even his mother wouldn't be able to recognize him if she had him in front of her.

"Any of you, that dares to put a finger on her, I will kill you." Alaric said as he stood up from the bloody guy under him and calmly gripped his knife in hand.

The guys around him backed away, scared, seeing him make a mess of the guy and seeing him not moving.

Alaric then moved fast to Murphy, who was scared shitless. "Wait. Wait!!" Murphy tried to talk to him about it, but Alaric didn't care and knocked out Murphy with a single punch that made a good sound as it connected to him, causing the people around him to cower.

"Who else?" Alaric asked as he looked around, now gripping one of the spears he made. "Who else wants to mess around?"

No one said anything as they looked at him, terrified. But they commented quietly among themselves. "He is the one they locked up for being deemed dangerous for kicking the ass of the guards wherever he wanted."

Alaric ignored the whispers of the teens and saw that the party was over. Then, he looked at Bellamy. "You incited them. You should be in the ground instead of these two fools. They will understand the seriousness of going to Mount Weather when they start feeling the hunger in their bellies."

Bellamy didn't say anything as he felt threatened by him. He quietly tried to move his hand to the gun just in case but stopped as he saw Alaric moving the spear in his direction; it seemed he knew he was armed. So he relaxed his grip; there was no need to continue this any further. Besides, his sister seemed to know him and liked the guy.

"Alaric, how is your hand? Are you hurt?" Clarke quickly asked as she started checking on him.

"It's okay, don't worry. Just a skin scratch; the other guy must have it worse than this." Alaric tried to reassure her as he shrugged it off, letting his sister check his hand.

"We need to clean it anyway," Clarke said, still worried about it as she pulled him away from there.

"Thanks, bro," Wells said quietly as he walked with them.

"I still hate you just as much as Clarke for your treason, Wells. And fucking hate and loathe the bunch in the council." Alaric said briefly to him.

"It's not like that." Wells tried to say but in the end, desisted.

"If it's not, then make it clear. As you not explaining anything doesn't clean your treasonous action in our eyes." Alaric snapped at him.

Wells didn't say anything as he fell silent.

"Hey, Alaric, rescue me next," Octavia said with a smile at him as she walked beside them. "You were so cool."

"I will do it, Octavia," Alaric smiled at her. She was pretty but a little, well...

Clarke scoffed and rolled her eyes hearing Octavia and her brother as she tended his hand.

"Octavia, come here." Bellamy called out to her.

"I will come back," Octavia said to Alaric as she fluttered her eyelashes to him before walking away.

"What? He's cute, and I like him." Octavia said to Bellamy.

Alaric smiled as he still heard that and was sure Clarke and Wells did too. Before they moved farther away.

"Check Wells' leg, Clarke." Alaric said as he pawed his sister's ass with his free hand while she finished tending his hurt one and was in front of him.

"Mhm-Mm~~," Clarke made a cute sound as she rolled her eyes at him.

After she finished, she moved to check on Wells.

"So, Mount Weather. When do we leave?" Finn suddenly said as he appeared.

"I saw you were perched like a monkey on top of the pod back there," Alaric said as he sighed, hearing the annoying guy.

"You had everything under control, Alaric." Finn smiled, shrugging it off. "That punch you gave those two, ouch. They must be regretting doing that."

"The guy you punched, it was like a bag of meat; you almost killed him, Alaric," Clarke said worriedly. Already thinking that maybe the guy wouldn't make it with that kind of wound on his face, but she still didn't intend to say or help in any way.

"I don't care. Anyone who puts a finger on you, I will leave him worse than that. I just did an example of him for the rest. But if needed, the next one won't leave the ground."

"Alaric..." Clarke said worriedly and touched about her brother but in the end didn't say anything more; she would support his decisions.

"Alright, the bone is not broken, but you have a sprained leg. You can't come with us to look for the food, Wells." Clarke said to him as she stood up after finishing checking him.

"How are the two... well, three of you gonna carry enough food for a hundred?" Wells asked quietly as he eyed Alaric, Clarke, and then Finn.

"Five of us. Enough to go now?" Finn said as he grabbed Monty and Jasper.

Alaric gave a loud chuckle as he saw that, even more seeing the faces of Monty and Jasper who didn't know what was happening.

"Sounds like a party," Octavia said happily, clapping her hands as she appeared suddenly, walking beside Alaric. "Make it six."

"Hey, what the hell are you doing?" Bellamy followed after her, stopping her.

"Going for a walk." Octavia shrugged off her brother.

"Hey, were you trying to take this off?" Clarke said as she eyed Finn's wrist device and then pointed at the one on her wrist as she was beside her brother.

"Yeah. So?" Finn replied without a care.

"So, this wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark. Take it off, and they'll think you're dead." Clarke explained.

"Should I care?" Finn asked, shrugging it off.

"Well, I don't know. Do you want the people you love to think you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in two months? Because they won't if they think we're dying." Clarke said as if looking at a fool.

The people around fell silent, thoughtful about it. Seeing that they got it, Clarke said, "Okay! Now let's go." Then she grabbed Alaric's hand, pulling him away to start walking. The rest followed behind.

"Go on." Bellamy said resignedly to Octavia after seeing her look.

"Mwah!" Octavia excitedly kissed his cheeks before running away.

"You shouldn't have come here, Wells." Clarke said as she stopped with her brother for a moment in front of Wells.

Alaric didn't say anything but supported whatever she said to him. As he couldn't forgive him for what he did.

"So, the princess is the same girlfriend you had back then?" Octavia said chirpily as she walked beside them both.

"Yeah, she is the same girlfriend, my mysterious girl." Alaric smiled. "So, Octavia was your name, eh?"

"Yes! It is, Alaric," Octavia said happily as she took his free arm that was carrying the two long sticks he sharpened.

"Hey! He is my boyfriend, not yours. Don't get handsy." Clarke yelled at her, seeing how she got comfy around her twin brother and man.

"Oh, don't be like that; he can have the two of us. I don't have a problem that you are his girlfriend too. We can share him." Octavia said, not caring about it. Instead, she pushed even more of her soft breasts into his arms.

Alaric laughed hearing her say that. Instead, Clarke scoffed hearing his laugh, and gave him a soft elbow to his ribs before pushing her big tits on him as she leaned even more into his body as they walked, intending to mark her territory.