
Chapter 9 – A Veiled Proposal of Sex

The end of the first term was finally there. It was the last day of school. Students and teachers were tired after three months of hard intense work and the idea of a spending a holiday even a two week one was welcoming. The mood around the school was different. One could almost sense it. There was a joy in the air and everybody put a smile on their faces. Everybody, with the exception of Deejay. He could not explain it but spending two weeks' holiday appeared to be daunting, a little bit too long to his likings. He will have to stay at home, far from Meeji. It was true that they chatted at night but sometimes she was not online as she was caught up doing some personal stuffs. So, he will not be in constant contact with her and he absolutely hated the idea.

'Hi. What's up? Gearing for the holidays?' he asked Meeji as he met her on the way to class.

'Well, I don't really like staying at home, you know. I find it boring doing the chores and not having much to do afterrwards,' Meeji replied.

'Do you mind giving me your number? ' Deejay had been planning to ask for her number for a long time and now that he won't see her for two weeks meant that he could no longer delay it. He felt that texting her apart from chatting with her will bring them closer.

The fact that Deejay and Meeji were close friends now was there for everyone to see. During this three months' period, Deejay had made it his sacred mission to become very intimate with the white lady. To him, he had partially succeeded while for others Deejay and Meeji were more than friends but like we say, no one knows the truth until you are a part of it. Only Deejay knew that he had still some way to go before conquering the white lady.

'Sure dear.' And the number was given without any fuss made. Meeji too felt that intimacy with Deejay now and she liked it.

'I hope you will reply when I text. Some people reply after a day or two while others don't reply at all which is something that I hate,'

'No worries. As long as you are not walking me up from my sleep, I will reply for sure.' Meeji joked.

As they walked towards their classes, Deejay asked Meeji to have lunch with him that day. He would be going out tonight with some friends at school but during the day he was free and he jumped on the fact that it was the last day of the first term to make his invitation. Normally, school finishes early on the last day of each term.

'Sure. I don't have anything to do once school releases. Where are you taking me?' she asked.

'Any place of your choice. Provided I am in your company,' Deejay said.

This was the part that Meeji liked about Deejay. He was not a professional charmer but he did things so naturally and so instantly that Meeji found this a very attractive trait. With Deejay, it seems that there was nothing planned, nothing rehearsed, it was just plain simple. She might have well declined the invitation but for the way the invitation was forwarded with the all naturalness and simplicity. She had to say yes.

When school released, they met at the gate and walked up to a barbecue grill restaurant. Over the course of this term, Deejay found out that Meeji, like him appreciated grilled lamb and this restaurant was one of the best in the surroundings for this. It was also an intimate corner. The relatively expensive price scared students away who on this last day would be everywhere apart from this place. The place was definitely meant for couples with its romantic settings. When the menu was presented to them, both lost no time in ordering the mixed grilled platter which was the signature dish of the restaurant.

'So let's see how much of this dish can you gulp,' Deejay laughingly told Meeji.

'I like challenges and I am a foodie. My dad always says that I eat too much especially when nice food is around.'

'It doesn't matter you eat a lot. You don't seem to be someone who takes on weight easily. You have the perfect figure. No excess fats hanging around which is really good and sexy to see. You have the figure of a model,' Deejay said gallantly.

Bang! 'Straightforward as always,' Meeji thought and continued,' You are really a direct guy. I've never seen someone talk so frankly like that. '

'I am prepared to take my chances with you. If you like me great, if not well I can at least say I tried. I don't know Meeji with you it's different. You really have an effect on me. In the morning when I come to school the first thing I check is to see whether you have already signed in. I then gear myself to meet you and chat in the staff room.' Deejay knew that he had entered confession mode and there was no going back now. He had to tell Meeji what was going on inside him or else run the risk of never telling her. 'You have this grip on me. I just can't explain it. And, I love looking at your sexy figure all the time. Your lips, limbs, firm breasts. You are really a divine creature.'

'I didn't know that I have such an effect on you. I…' and she blushed, 'I guess it's called attraction. I do…do find you nice and direct. You seem to know what you want.' Meeji answered hesitantly.

'Meeji, I want you. I want to see your sexy figure for real. I want to touch you, smell you, make you happy and bring you in another world,' Deejay said.

'I…I..I really don't know what to say,'

'Then say nothing. Let's eat. I told you what I wanted to tell you for months. You don't need to say anything ok,' and Deejay winked as he saw the two flaming platters arriving.