
That Time The Demon King Disciplined his Children

After conquering the whole world, the Demon King didn't destroy it, instead, he sired 50 children from women of different nations that surrendered to him. After 30 years. The bored Demon King decided to sleep because of how boring the world turned out to be. When he woke up 30 years later, he found out that his children and their mothers ended his rule but couldn't kill him. Along with a new wife in the form of a Goddess, they're off to discipline both children and their mothers. ---------- Not a serious novel. Well, just tried to write this with an absurd plot that can go anywhere. We'll see where it will lead.

Dyrem · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

I tried to make Heroes for the Future

"So, what now?"

The Chicken Goddess asked me. Ah. She can't be called like that now, I hid her wings so she can pose as my goblin wife.

"Let's see. These goblins, why are they this poor?"

"Huh? Why do you care?"

"Well, we'll live here for a while, I should've brought my servants."

"You seem to forget. They're all dead. Killed by your children."

"Ah you're right. There's that story."

"What the fuck? Get your act together!"

"Then come here in the bed. We'll continue that lesson yesterday."

"Haa. I'll go home you fucking Demon King."

"Tsk. You're disobedient again Queen. Okay, just one round."

"That better be one round."

Of course not. I was bored and well, one round turned to 3 turned to countless times. We only stopped when the sun rose up again.

Then there were knocks on the door.

"Excuse me, we received a report of Night Disturbance. Please come out."

"Eh? That's an issue?"

"That's because you never thought to stop, you idiotic Demon King."

"It's your moans that are too loud!"

"And whose fault do you think that was?!"

"Well, mine. How should we deal with it?"

"Deal with that yourself. I'm going to sleep!"

Eh? This Chicken Goddess. After I made her a queen. Haa. Right. This is my fault.

I opened the door and a grumpy goblin stared at me.

"Are you the big boss?"

"What big boss? I'm the Village Chief. You two are so loud that we can't even sleep a wink!"

"I'm sorry for that. What do you want then?"

"Pay the disturbance fee."

"Is 1 gold enough?"

Hearing 1 gold the chief's eyes sparkled, greed is apparent in his eyes. Err. Is gold worth that much here?

Ah. I never knew the value of it. I only took whatever I ran into

"Huh? Of course that's not enough. But really, it should be 2 gold."

"Heh. So you became blinded with your greed. I see. I'm bored right now, so I'll give you that 2 gold if you bring me your most talented youths."

"Right away!"

Ah. I used a bit of magic to compel him. Well. Why did I ask that? No reason.

"Why did you ask him that?"

"I don't know, tell me."

"Huh? Unbelievable."

"Ah. Right. Give them some of your luck then let them go on a journey."


"We'll make them Heroes who will save this Kingdom."

"I can only give to 1 of them Idiot Demon King. In case you didn't know. My luck isn't as absurd as yours."

"You're a bit useless for a Goddess of Luck, aren't you?"

"Well, excuse me. I'm going to sleep."

This Chicken Goddess. Should I enhance her power?

Well. That wouldn't hurt me at all but yeah, I need her to be a bit useful. It's too troublesome to always deal with things as trivial as raising a Hero.

"Hey Queen Chicken. One more round. I'll inject you with my magic"

"Hey! Wait! I'm still full of you!"

"This will be over in a jiffy."

"Fuck my life. I shouldn't have gone to look for you."

"Shush. You're not being cute at all when you curse."

After a few minutes, we're done. Though she looks like a beautiful goblin now, she's still my beautiful Chicken Goddess inside. Ah, that gap is good too.

When that Village Chief came back, 3 ugly goblin children were behind him.

"Don't you have a beautiful looking goblin like me?"

That son of mine is pretty good looking even with a goblin blood and that goblin wife. Yeah. How can she have that beauty when most of her folks are like this?

"Chief. This goblin is rude."

"Shush. You're not worth 2 golds so shut up."

"Okay, he's out. Send him back."

I pointed at the 1st ugly goblin.

"You heard the man. Go home."

"Eh? I can't accept this!"

The 1st ugly goblin took out a knife from who knows where and jumped at me.

Seriously? What the hell is wrong with these goblins?

Ah. Okay. Let them deal with it.

"You two, whoever can beat him will be blessed by this Chicken Goddess, err Goddess of Luck."

I declared as I pointed to my Queen that's still sleeping. Err. She doesn't look like a Goddess right now. More like a Goblin Goddess.

But yeah, these goblins are a bit dumb so they believed it right away. Taking out weapons from somewhere I don't know, they jumped at the 1st ugly goblin.

"So, mister. I brought these youths. Where's the promised 2 golds?"

"Ah. Get it from my wife."

She's a bit grumpy so she'll most likely take this guy's luck away. Then I'll give him the gold. It will be amusing how he will lose that in an instant.

Eh? This is still boring. Should I influence the beasts from the forest? Wait. These 3 aren't strong yet. Maybe later.

A moment later I heard my chicken wife shout from inside the house and the Village Chief came out crying.


"She said the golds are on you. I don't know what happened but my back suddenly felt the ache."

"Ah. Don't worry. Here. Use these golds to treat that backache. Off you go now."

Handing him the golds, I watched the goblin walk away slowly and suddenly, out of nowhere a sinkhole appeared below him, swallowing him inside.

Err. I forgot. Her power got enhanced. Sorry chief.

The 3 ugly goblins stood speechless when they saw that chief suddenly disappear from the ground.

"T-the chief!"

"T-the earth opened."

"I-it swallowed him."

No, he just got unlucky. Well, they wouldn't understand. That chicken took away all his luck that he fell down to his death due to misfortune.

"Don't mind it. He's just off to a vacation of his life."


The hell? How can you 3 just accept that explanation?

Haa. So in the end. I took in 3 of them.

Chicken Queen went out of the house after a while.

"So these 3. I'll boost their luck?"

"You're smart now, chicken wife."

"Call me by my name you fucker. I'm Angel--"

"Angelica? Angelito?"

"What the fuck? Angelina! It feels like my lifespan is slipping away when I'm with you."

"But you're happy, right?"

"Do you see me as happy? You won't let me go, shithead!"

"Ah. I see. Go. I'll get a new queen."

"Wait! I'm just joking."

"Really? I never take a joke lying down."

"What the fuck? Don't pull out some random lines. What will I do?"

"Doesn't it sound amusing? Ah. Right. I forgot. You decide."

"Haa. I give up retorting. Hey you three ugly bastards!"

The three who were watching tensed up and said in unison.


"Let's see. This idiot Demon King wants to discipline his child and wife but is too lazy to think of a plan. Give us suggestions."

"Spank them?"

"Tie them?"

"Eat them?"

The Chicken Goddess facepalmed at their answers.

Pointing her hand to the 3. 3 bolts of light shot out of it and enveloped them.

In a blink, the 3 ugly goblins evolved into slightly less ugly hobgoblins. Their luck was boosted and that triggered their evolution.

"You three. Do whatever you want to do. Take the country for all I care."

"Huh? What's that cliched plan of yours Angelica?"

"Angelina! Err. They'll get noticed and will be hunted down."


"I guess, they'll die?"

Ah. This girl. She's also a hopeless case. You keep inciting those nations before and look at what happened, they went to their deaths. Are you actually at the other end of good luck?

"You three. Be a bandit and found your own kingdom!"


With that we sent off the 3 and continued our peaceful life at the village. Well, it still functioned even without a chief.

Maybe they'll do what we said but it's not interesting right now.

I soon got bored of that kind of life so I took this Chicken Queen with me and moved closer to the Capital of Gobgob. Err. It's too hard to remember names. Right? What's the name of this Chicken Goddess again?

Ah. Whatever happened to those 3. I don't care. If their luck can hold, they'll grow to a menace. Let's see if my son can defeat them.

I need to prepare more like those 3. Ah. If it's to discipline them then I'll have this nation taste the brink of destruction. Let's build a revolutionary army!


Why are my ideas this boring?

Should I atleast invite someone better?

"Hey Chicken Goddess. Aren't there supposed to be Heroes from another world?"

"Idiot Demon King. You forgot. You killed the Goddess responsible for that."

Ah? Did I?

What the hell? That's why all the heroes from before are natives. Ah. Those guys from another world are cheats.

"Where can I find a replacement for it?"

"You're looking at one now."

"You? Then send in one. Someone with a cheat ability like. One Punch Death."

"Don't ask for the impossible. I can only give a cheat that was in the realm of my own. So even if I did summon one. He can't grow strong enough to defeat you."

This chicken. No one can defeat me. I'm the overpowered MC here.

"Who said something about defeating me?"

"Eh? Isn't that their purpose?"

"Duh. Why do I need someone that can kill me? I'm bored, yes. But I don't have a deathwish yet. I still have to impregnate you. You Goddesses are the hardest to conceive. Tsk."

"The fuck? Then what do you want them to do?"

"Discipline my children, of course. I'll brainwash him into my control. Then use him as my whip. Pretty genius, don't you think?"

Ah. It might be good if the Hero she can summon is a girl. It's pretty generic that it's always a dude. Have some variety!

"Y-you. I don't care anymore. I need time to summon one."

"Okay. We can do it on the way, right? And remember to choose a girl Hero."

"I can smell what you're planning, you pervert."

"Don't mind the details. You're my Queen. Just follow what I want."

"Argh. Ugly female? Then fine."

"Do you want another round?"

"N-no. I'll summon a beautiful one, okay?"

"Then let's go! To the next city!"

"Stop carrying me. I have wings!"

Ah. What to do next? Those children of mine have it good these past 30 years I was sleeping. I don't want to say something as cliched like avenging my subordinates. It's their fault that they're weak. And probably, a lot of them went with those children of mine. I can still feel their connection to me. One command and they'll come running back. But still, that's boring. I'll slowly discipline them. At least I could do that as their father.