
That Time I Was Reborn As A Dual Wielding Ultra Demon DoorDash Beaver

Just a cliché Isakai for Lols

ShadowBlobby_corp · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

My Life Before...

As I jumped from my wood plank I used to float around on the river I rushed as fast as I could toward my destination "Damn it!" I mumbled who the heck orders food for 5:00 at 4:59! You would have to be bathing in Drugs or just plain insane to try that. I Rang the doorbell With 3 seconds left. My Name Is Jake and well I'm a beaver but it wasn't always this way. I used to be an 11yr boy. I never thought of anything other than Being a Hero. One day I had been chilling with my crush Lilith when suddenly we came across this sword on the road being the Idiot person I was I picked it up trying to look cool in front of her When suddenly a flashing light had appeared and taken me here and when I woke up I was in this new world when I realIzed I was in this new world I thought i would be some sort of Buff Cool protagonist-type person…When I went to the river I like looked like a God damn beaver… I wanted to drown myself after that but for some reason, I could breathe underwater. When I came to the surface I found a door dash building and thought it would be funny to apply for a job and I got the job….So now my first day on the job and some idiots are pulling pranks is just my luck!