
That Time I Was Betrayed and Got My Revenge

A Kid well respected by people, learn that most humans, most gods and most importantly, your own best friend are nothing but fakers. let us dive in the world which Akihiro will get revenge on for this very reason.

LordSanctify · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The First Battle of Judgement Arc

Chapter 129: Carnage Unleashed

The eerie darkness cloaked the orc village as Lucia, Nariko, Myra, Akira, and Ren descended upon it like vengeful shadows. Their malevolent intent was palpable as they unleashed havoc upon the unsuspecting inhabitants. Buildings crumbled, and the air was filled with anguished cries as the villagers fought desperately to defend their homes.

Chapter 130: A Glimmer of Hope

Among the chaos, a lone orc stood defiantly before the malevolent intruders. With unwavering determination, she stepped forward, her eyes reflecting a mix of sorrow and rage. She raised her weapon, a makeshift spear, and swung it with fierce resolve, intercepting Myra's deadly blow meant for another orc. Blood sprayed as the spear found its mark, and Myra recoiled.

Chapter 131: Forced Retreat

The unexpected resistance caught Myra off guard, a rare moment of vulnerability in her cold demeanor. The orc's counterattack had thwarted her intentions, and her companions' assurance that they could handle the situation only fueled her frustration.

"Deal with her," Myra ordered, her voice dripping with malice, as she turned away from the defiant orc, leaving Akira and Ren to finish the grim task.

The villagers' wails of despair and the orc's unwavering stand painted a grim tableau of destruction and loss, a stark reminder of the darkness that had taken root in the world.

The First Battle of Judgement Arc took a somber turn as the violence and brutality escalated. The juxtaposition of the orc's courage against the backdrop of overwhelming malevolence deepened the impact of the scene, evoking emotions of sadness and empathy for the innocent lives caught in the crossfire.

Chapter 132: Clash of Shadows

The once serene orc village had turned into a nightmarish battleground, stained with the blood of innocent lives. As Akihiro, Katsumi, Ryuko, and Miyuki arrived, their eyes met the chilling gaze of Lucia, Myra, and Nariko. Among them stood two newcomers, the Holy Twins, who exuded an unsettling aura.

Akihiro's gaze remained unyielding, his determination unwavering even in the face of this malevolent assembly. The tension in the air crackled as he unleashed a mana spell attack, his incantation-free magic catching the enemy off-guard. The spell soared towards Akira and Ren, but the Holy Twins swiftly dodged and retaliated with blinding speed.

In a heartbeat, Akihiro's hands were on their throats, his grip vice-like as he held them suspended. His voice was a dangerous whisper, laden with a promise of retribution, as he threatened the intruders. However, his attention was abruptly diverted by the village itself.

Using his newfound ability derived from his healing magic, Akihiro enacted a drain skill, siphoning the life force of Akira and Ren in an instant. Their bodies went limp, dropping to the ground like discarded puppets, life extinguished without mercy. Akihiro's resolve remained firm as he wasted no time, channeling his energy into a powerful explosion incantation that obliterated the remains, leaving no trace of the fallen intruders.

Chapter 133: Lingering Darkness

The aftermath of the confrontation left a chilling stillness in the air. The orc village bore witness to the tragic clash of powers, and the remains of the Holy Twins were swept away in the consuming blaze. The villagers' mournful cries reverberated through the eerie silence, a haunting reminder of the relentless darkness that plagued their world.

Akihiro's actions had severed a sinister threat, but the cost weighed heavily on his heart. The First Battle of Judgement Arc delved deeper into the depths of darkness, exploring the harrowing consequences of power and vengeance. As the story progressed, it weaved a web of intrigue and despair, showcasing the characters' struggles against a relentless tide of malevolence.

Chapter 134: Tears of Sorrow

The moon cast a haunting glow on the battlefield, where the fates of heroes and villains hung in the balance. As Lucia commanded Myra and Nariko to withdraw, the two complied, retreating from the scene as instructed. Alone now, Lucia's focus turned to the group before him – Akihiro, Katsumi, Ryuko, and Miyuki.

A sense of dread settled over them as Lucia's cruel intentions became all too clear. His methodical counting and eerie rhyme led to his chilling decision – Miyuki. Time seemed to slow as Lucia's mana technique surged, a manifestation of his dark powers. Miyuki's tear-filled eyes met Akihiro's for a heart-wrenching moment as the mana engulfed her, her voice lost in a final cry of gratitude to her friends.

Akihiro's world shattered in that instant, his heart heavy with grief. He watched helplessly as Miyuki's life was extinguished, her gratitude and final words etching into his soul. The depths of his rage and anguish unlocked a dormant power within him, a darker form than he had ever taken before. This new force surged within him, and he charged a destructive mana cero, a torrent of despair-fueled energy.

Lucia's senses warned him, and he managed to dodge the lethal blast. But Akihiro, now consumed by his dark rage, reappeared behind him in a flash, striking him down with unrelenting force. Ryuko and Katsumi rushed to aid their friend, but their efforts were futile against Akihiro's unleashed wrath. Lucia's body collided with the ground, the impact resonating through the night.

Chapter 135: Shattered Resolve

The battlefield was marked by devastation, both physical and emotional. Ryuko and Katsumi, though formidable in their own right, lay defeated among the trees, their strength no match for the vengeful fury that had consumed Akihiro. Lucia, bloodied and battered, struggled to regain his footing. The rage-fueled form that Akihiro had taken seemed insurmountable.

Akihiro's transformation held him in a grip of relentless anger. His eyes, usually so kind, now burned with an intensity that sent shivers down Lucia's spine. The weight of his friend's death bore down on him, fueling a power he had never witnessed before. Lucia's heart ached as he glimpsed the pain he had caused, even as he steeled himself to the task at hand.

In a moment of defiance, Lucia shed a tear for the friend he had lost and then concealed his emotions, unwilling to show weakness. Swiftly, he incapacitated Akihiro with a calculated strike to his neck. As Akihiro fell unconscious, his dark form dissipated, leaving him vulnerable and broken once more.

The First Battle of Judgement Arc delved into the depths of despair, exploring the consequences of unchecked rage and the sacrifices made in its wake. The raw emotion and devastating losses painted a poignant picture of a world teetering on the edge of darkness, setting the stage for the characters' continued journey through the trials that awaited them.

Chapter 136: Fragments of Darkness

The orc woman, battered and bruised, stared at Lucia with a mixture of fear and defiance. Lucia's words hung heavy in the air, a chilling promise of future confrontation. "Remember this encounter well, for the next time we meet, your life will be forfeit," Lucia's voice dripped with cold malice.

With a flicker of mana, Lucia vanished from sight, reappearing behind Myra and Nariko. The trio exchanged a few hushed words, their expressions determined as they agreed to lay low for a time. The weight of their recent actions bore down on them, their resolve shaken but unbroken.

Meanwhile, in the orc village's inn house, Akihiro, Katsumi, and Ryuko were carried to safety. The last surviving orc, a young woman named Atsuko, stepped forward. Her healing abilities, though unrefined, were enough to mend their wounds. Ryuko, Katsumi, and Akihiro stirred as the healing magic worked its soothing effect.

As Akihiro's eyes fluttered open, he found himself met with Atsuko's kind gaze. Gratitude and admiration shone in her eyes, and without hesitation, she pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. Akihiro's cheeks flushed, caught off guard by the unexpected gesture.

The scene shifted, revealing fragments of Lucia's past – a haunting glimpse into the events that shaped her into the formidable force she had become. The promise of a new arc lay ahead, one that would delve into Lucia's history and her intricate connection to Akihiro, hinting at revelations that would rock the very foundation of their journey.

The First Battle of Judgement Arc continued to weave a complex tapestry of emotions, from chilling confrontations to tender moments of connection. The impending arc promised to unravel the enigmatic past of one of its central characters, casting a shadow of intrigue and uncertainty over their already tumultuous world.