
That Time I Visited Marvel

Time passes, and good and bad memories are made. Then you die or you would if you were not the Last Demon Lords and unageing slime. That even the end of a universe couldn't kill. "Well time to leave, I wonder what the next universe has in store for me?" By: gdog1 he is on fanfinction.net

DipolarHen43477 · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Letting out a deep sigh as she sat on a throne in the middle of the vast emptiness of space, the lights started to fade out around Rimuru Tempest, the True and Last Demon Lord, Ruler of Monsters, and Chaos Creator. She wondered where the time had gone, reflecting on her first birth, her death, her rebirth, and the time spent enjoying her second life in this universe. However, the world she loved was coming to an end, and despite her immense power, she couldn't stop the inevitability of the universe's demise. Watching stars blink out of existence, Rimuru felt a mixture of sadness and acceptance. 

For her, it wasn't truly the end, but the beginning of something new. As the universe approached its end, Rimuru, with her first wife Shion beside her, contemplated the uncertainty of the future. 

"Is it time to go now, Rimuru, my love?" Shion's sweet voice broke the silence. 

Rimuru, the Ultimate Slime, had the ability to consume anything, including those she loved. Shion, having grown into a powerful being, had asked Rimuru to consume her, ensuring they could always be together. Rimuru gladly fulfilled this request, cherishing the idea of avoiding the loss she had experienced with her brother Veldora. 

"Where are we going, my love?" Shion inquired from within Rimuru. 

"I am unsure, Shion. I thought I would leave that to chance. What fun is a new adventure without a bit of mystery?" Rimuru replied, maintaining good spirits despite the impending end of her universe. 

Shion giggled at Rimuru's response, reminiscing about the excitement of discovering their love. The voices of Rimuru's other wives bickered, but Rimuru wisely refrained from declaring any of them as her favorite. 

"That is enough, my loves," Rimuru said, quieting the voices. "Let us get out of here, but first." 

Gazing at the remnants of the universe, Rimuru shed a single tear before casting her powerful skill, "Beelzebuth." The universe collapsed into a hole of unimaginable size, and Rimuru, wielding her sword Ryuumatou and donning her Anti-Magic Mask, sliced through the fabric of reality. She jumped into the unknown, propelled by the desire for a new adventure. 

In a surprising twist, Rimuru found herself in Earth 2007, New York City, on top of the Baxter Building. Reed Richards, facing the impending threat of Galactus, felt a sense of hopelessness. However, Rimuru's arrival brought a glimmer of something new. 

On the X-Mansion grounds, Jean Grey experienced a sudden surge of power, causing distress among her peers. She cried out about the arrival of "The Devour, the Chaos Creator." 

Meanwhile, Rimuru encountered the Fantastic Four on top of the Baxter Building. Observing them, she wondered if the rock man's "poos rocks" and found herself under attack as a powerful beam headed her way. Rimuru, unfazed, used Absolute Guard to nullify the attack and contemplated getting to know the pretty blonde behind her. 

"We, as in you and me," Rimuru clarifies, still wearing a cheerful smile. "I mean, you seem like an interesting guy, and I'm always up for company on my adventures. Plus, I've got this nifty skill called 'Infinity Prison' that can create a space-time pocket for us to chill in without causing any more disruptions." 

Galactus, intrigued by Rimuru's proposal, contemplates the idea. He understands the potential danger Rimuru's uncontrolled power poses to the fabric of this reality. "Very well, Rimuru Tempest. Lead the way, and we shall explore this new dimension together." 

Rimuru grins, excited to have a cosmic entity as a companion on her adventures. With a wave of her hand, she activates her skill, creating a spatial pocket where the two beings can exist without adversely affecting the surrounding universe. The duo vanishes from the rooftop of the Baxter Building, leaving behind a world in turmoil. 

As they journey through the fabric of realities, Rimuru and Galactus embark on an adventure that spans across dimensions, encountering new worlds, strange beings, and unimaginable challenges. The chaos creator and the planet devourer, an unlikely pair, traverse the multiverse, leaving their mark on the tapestry of existence. 

Reed cleared his throat, trying to regain control of the situation. "Um, Rimuru, we appreciate your assistance earlier, but we need to understand why you're here and what your intentions are." 

Rimuru turned her attention to Reed, still wearing a playful smile. "Oh, I told your big rock friend earlier. I'm here to explore and have some fun. Your world seemed interesting, so I thought I'd drop by." 

Johnny, who had been quiet for a while, couldn't help but blurt out, "Fun? Is that what you call crashing through buildings and dodging our attacks?" 

Rimuru chuckled, "Well, I didn't expect such a warm welcome. But hey, we're all fine, right?" 

Sue, feeling a bit awkward, finally spoke up. "Rimuru, we appreciate your power and the fact that you've kept us safe, but invading someone's home and flirting with them isn't the best way to make friends." 

"Oh, come on, Sue! Lighten up a bit. Life's too short to be so serious." Rimuru pouted in a playful manner. 

Reed sighed, feeling the need to establish some boundaries. "Rimuru, we need to have a serious conversation about your actions and the consequences they might have on our world. We can't have you causing chaos or putting people in danger." 

Rimuru tilted her head, genuinely curious. "Consequences? Chaos? But I'm just having a good time. Besides, I can fix anything if it goes wrong. No harm, no foul, right?" 

The Fantastic Four exchanged concerned glances. Reed, still trying to find a diplomatic solution, said, "Rimuru, we need you to understand that our world operates on certain rules and norms. Your powers, while impressive, might disrupt the balance here. We can't let that happen." 

Rimuru sighed, realizing that she might have to compromise a bit. "Okay, okay, I get it. I'll try to be more mindful of your rules. But hey, let's not make this a boring lecture. How about we do something fun together?" 

Johnny, still a bit annoyed, couldn't resist a smirk. "Fun? What did you have in mind?" 

Rimuru's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Well, how about a race around the world? I've always wanted to see who's faster, me or your flame guy." 

Johnny grinned, liking the idea of a challenge. Sue, still a bit skeptical, said, "A race sounds harmless enough. But no more crashing through buildings, alright?" 

Rimuru giggled, "Deal! Let's make it exciting!" 

And with that, the Fantastic Four found themselves reluctantly drawn into Rimuru's cosmic adventure, hoping that this race would be the extent of the chaos she'd bring to their lives. Little did they know Rimuru's definition of "exciting" might be a bit different from theirs. 

Sue, on the other hand, wasn't just feeling uncomfortable because of the clear sexual advances on her person by this otherworldly being. No, that was only the tip of the iceberg. She wasn't only just being hit on by a cosmic being who chased off Galactus and took on Johnny and Ben with hardly a sweat but was also somewhat enjoying the attention the woman was giving her. Maybe it was because of the stress that had built up during the day or the anger she still felt towards Reed for ignoring her during their relationship. All she knew was that it felt nice to have the attention of a clearly powerful being focused only on her. Even if she had no homosexual feelings or thought she believed. It still felt nice, if not a bit awkward. 

Laughing a bit unevenly, Sue says to Rimuru, "Your... ah, welcome, Miss Tempest." 

"Please call me Rimuru, Miss Storm. There is no need to add Miss to my name or call me by my last name," Rimuru says while leaning close to her ear, making Sue blush just a bit while at the same time trying to think of a way to get free of the cosmic entity that had her arm trapped between the valley of her breasts. 

Unable to come up with a way, however, Sue just settles on a direct method. "Yes... well, Rimuru, would you mind... that is, letting go of my arm?" Blinking at her a few times while looking Sue in the eyes, Rimuru says, "Sure." 

Letting go of her arm, she makes Sue stumble backward, her words being almost unintelligible. Sue was intelligent enough to realize what the girl was doing, using her looks to manipulate her, more sensitive to women than to men. 

Well, not like any other because Sue very much doubted there were that many beings in all of existence that looked as beautiful as Rimuru. 

Hearing a cough coming from in front of her, Rimuru takes her eyes off the blonde bombshell and looks back at the old young man who she found out was named Reed. 

"Yes?" Rimuru asks nicely. 

"Miss Tempest..." Reed starts to say but is interrupted by Rimuru. 

"Please, Reed, there is no need for Miss. Just call me Rimuru," she says with a bright smile, a smile that could literally melt the hearts of even the coldest people. 

Finding a way to divert the attention, Reed coughs. Trying and failing to hide his own embarrassment and says, "Yes well... Rimuru, if you don't mind, I would like to..." 

"Why would I mind?" Rimuru asks cutely. "Please feel free to ask me anything you like." 

Again, a sudden feeling of attraction towards the being comes over Reed. Which he is able to fight off after clearing his throat a bit before saying, "Thank you. Well, I guess the first question is the most obvious one. What are you?" 

For a moment, Rimuru doesn't say anything, but then takes a thinking pose as if she was deep in thought. After a while longer, she answers, "That is actually a good question Reed, but I am afraid it is one that is not so easily answered. On one hand, I am many things, things that you couldn't even start to imagine but on the other, I am simply a Slime." 

"A Slime?" Reed asks in confusion. Wondering why anyone would call themselves something that was generally used as an insult. 

His question is quickly answered, however, when Rimuru says, "That is right, I am a Slime." 

Then right before their eyes, the young girl who was sitting right in front of them transformed right before their eyes into perhaps the most dull and unimpressive form any of them had ever seen. Where once there was a beauty beyond compare, there was now, well, I guess you could call it a blue blob of about 40cm. It had no face and just two black lines running across what Reed guessed was its face. 

Seeing a part of it extend into what could only be called a tentacle, the blue blob waves and says, "Surprised." 

"What the hell?" Johnny says, being the first one to come to his senses this time around. 

"I...is that really you Rimuru?" Sue asks, stepping forward cautiously and then touching the blob before her with her finger. Then watching it jiggle like jello. 

"Ohhh Miss Storm, we hardly know each other. Can't you at least wait till we are somewhere more private," Rimuru says in a sexual tone that, for some reason, makes Sue's face turn bright red. Even though what was now sitting before her was just a blob of some kind. 

"Reed what is going on?" Ben asks, not knowing what to make of this. 

Looking at the thing before him in stunned wonder, Reed's mind kicks into overdrive as he tries to understand what had just happened. Yet what had just happened before him shouldn't have been possible. Shape-changing notwithstanding, where did all the mass go? He could change shapes, stretch, deform, expand, or compress, but that isn't what she just did. When she entered the building, he had his camera take readings and x-rays of her body. It was definitely the body of a human being with a normal body temperature, skeletal structure, and whatnot. Yet right before him, she had done a full molecular change to what could only be described as, well, a condensed blob of liquid. 

"I..I am not sure Ben," Reed says, his mind being unable to come up with a solution to the question before him. Something that made Rimuru giggle. 

"Come now, this really isn't that surprising, is it? I mean, you got a big orange rock man sitting right across from me," Rimuru says in good humor. 

Something that makes Ben rub his head somewhat bashfully. "Well, I guess you got a point there." 

"By the way, I wanted to ask you something myself. Ben, was it?" Rimuru asks. 

"Yes," Ben asks, wondering what question this thing before him had for him. 

"Do you shit rocks too or is your body more human underneath?" Rimuru asks in all seriousness. 

Treating everyone as if they hadn't just witnessed a cosmic transformation, everyone was too stunned to say anything at all. That is until Johnny starts to laugh, falling on the ground dramatically, banging his hand on the floor, "Oh god, oh god hahah. I can't..." 

If Ben could still blush, he would be at Rimuru's seemingly innocent question. 

"Shut it flame head," Ben snaps at Johnny, who is still on the ground laughing. 

"Rimuru, that was a rude question to ask," Sue says looking at Rimuru crossly, and if she didn't know any better, she saw the slime become even smaller before her. Making this whole encounter even stranger than it already was. 

With a tentacle coming out from her side, Rimuru just rubs her head and says, "Oh sorry, it's just you four are so strange. I can't help but wonder how your bodies and powers work." 

"We are strange? I hate to break it to you, sister, but you're a goddamned slime. If anyone in this room is strange, it is you," Ben nearly shouted in anger as Johnny laughing at him was getting on his nerves. 

"Ohhhhhh, now that you mention it, that is pretty weird isn't it?" Rimuru says like an afterthought. Having long since forgotten that, in fact, from a human perspective, she was pretty weird. 

"Alright, alright, I think we are getting a little off-topic," Reed said to them all. "Miss Rimuru, you were saying that what you are isn't so simple to explain. And from the reading I am getting from my sensors, that would be putting it mildly. Can you explain what a slime is?" 

Somehow at his question, Reed can't help but imagine Rimuru is tilting her head at him and giving him a look that says, "Are you stupid or something?" But just shakes it off, that is till she asks in turn, "What do you guys not have video games or something? Slimes are a pretty common character in those if I remember right." 

"Oh, I know what they are," Johnny says raising his hand playfully, and when everyone is looking at him, he explains, "Slimes are monsters typically found in fantasy games. Made up of a combination of an ooze-like substance and some type of element." 

"Very good Johnny," Rimuru praises using two tentacles to clap at him. 

Letting out a sigh, Reed says, "Yes well, that doesn't really answer my question." 

"Doesn't it? You're a stretching man, him a rock man, her a blonde hottie who can use barriers of some kind, and him a flame man. Me being a slime doesn't seem to be all that special," Rimuru says while looking over at Sue, who was currently looking a bit bashful but at the same time not nearly as red in the face. It would seem she was learning that being straightforward was just who Rimuru was. 

"Point, but none of us could face Galactus by ourselves," Reed points out. 

Rimuru doesn't say anything for a while and then says, "That is true. While each of you is impressive in your way, none of you have the raw power to stand up to that guy." 

"Which brings us back around again to the question: what are you?" Reed asks again. 

Again, Rimuru is quiet for a time. A long time, in fact, so Sue speaks up, "Rimuru if you don't want to tell us, that is fine. We are not trying to pressure you or anything." 

This only makes Rimuru giggle a bit, "It's not that I don't wish to answer your question, Reed, it just I am not sure how to answer. After all, now to explain to an ant about the size of the universe or that which lies beyond it." Everyone feels a bit insulted at that, till after a few moments Reed says, "So you are like Galactus." Humming to herself for a bit, Rimuru says, "In a way yes, but also very different." 

"What do you mean?" Johnny asks. 

"Well, what is Galactus?" Rimuru asks. 

"A prick," Ben answers in all seriousness that makes Rimuru laugh. 

"Yes well, I don't really know him, but I guess to you, a being like him that needs to consume to survive would be. But really, he is no different from any other mortal creature. If he does not feed, he cannot survive. The only difference is he is a tad stronger than most. At least from what I could tell," Rimuru says. 

"A tad bit?" Reed asks both dreading and fascinated by what answer he would get. 

It almost seems like Rimuru is nodding her head when she answers, "Yes, a bit. He is no doubt strong, and if he was at full power would be even more so. But compared to the real me, well, he doesn't really match up." This gets everyone to take a deep breath. Both at the knowledge that Galactus, when he showed up, was not at full power and that even if he was, Rimuru was basically saying he would still be far weaker than her. But one thing stands out more than that, and Sue is the one to ask, "Real you?" 

Transforming again back to the body of a young girl, Rimuru says, "Yes, the real me. Really, you should all be thanking Galactus for pointing out to me that I was having a negative effect on the universe. If a few more minutes had passed by I probably would have accidentally destroyed it." 

Taking in a deep breath, Reed asks, "Destroyed it. You're saying you are capable of destroying the universe by your mere presence in it?" 

"Yep, but don't worry while it took me nearly a million attempts, I was able to depower myself enough to finally stop having a negative effect on the universe," Rimuru says like it was no big deal that she was so powerful in her real body. And in fact, to her, it wasn't, as she no longer had the ability to tell how powerful she really was. Only knowing that in her own universe, there was only one above her still. Now whether or not that was still the case didn't much matter as fighting her would be ill-advised no matter what. 

"And ah... where is your real self-right now?" Sue asks. 

With a big smile on her face, Rimuru answers, "I have no clue." 

Which almost makes everyone faceplant like in a cheesy old-school anime. 

Instead, she only receives a flat look from everyone in the room, and Ben asks, "You don't know? Now how can you not know where your real body is?" Giving Ben a look like he is asking a stupid question, Rimuru answers, "Simple I don't know because I don't know duh." 

Looking a bit irate, Ben is about to snap back at Rimuru but is stopped by Reed, who is able to understand exactly what she was saying. "You didn't just have to depower yourself, did you? You had to reduce your overall intelligence as well, didn't you Rimuru?" 

Clapping her hands happily, Rimuru says, "Congratulations Reed, you are 100% correct. You see the first part of doing something is learning how to do it. Now as time goes by, you can forget how to do something. For example, when I was in my great body, I could just look at you four and understand how your powers worked. Instead, all I can do is get a very vague sense of your powers. For example, I knew Sue's barrier was there but couldn't see it. Then there is the fact that Ben and Johnny were able to hit me. Something that in my real body they would not have been able to do if I didn't wish it or hurt me for that matter." 

"Didn't seem like we were hurting you," Johnny says feeling a bit down thinking about how badly they were honestly doing when they fought her. 

"Oh, Johnny, don't feel so down. Trust me, each time you or Ben hit me, I felt it. The only problem for you both is that I have vastly more experience than you two. That, and I can see 360 degrees in every direction with perfect clarity." 

"You can see 360 degrees?" Sue asks. 

"Yep," Rimuru answers simply. 

"But humans only have a 100° vertical and a maximum 190° horizontal field of vision," Sue says. 

70 degrees in a 30-degree field of vision can alter one's perception of light, wavelength, and sense. Which makes your power all the more interesting, Sue, as it interferes with a broad spectrum of light, wavelength, and sense. I can practically see your barrier. 

Rimuru says, looking at her closely again but without that perverted feeling Sue felt from her before. 

Reed can only nod his head at this. As Rimuru was right, no matter how hard he tried, he was no closer to understanding how Sue's powers really worked than the woman herself was. But he does remember something Rimuru said before. "You said you could tell it was there, however current?" 

Looking back at Reed, Rimuru says, "Oh yes, while Sue's ability is impressive, it is not that hard to tell it's there if you have my sight. After all, her barrier is physically there, so it disrupts not only the airflow around it but also changes the way wavelengths interact with the said area. So, it is quite obvious that something is there even if I can't see it in the conventional way." 

"Fascinating," is all Reed says. 

"You're telling me, Reed, and let me tell you something, you have never truly seen a gorgeous woman till you see her the way I do. I mean, by the creator of all things, Sue, you are sexy. The curves of your hips, the shape of your butt and breasts. You're more than a perfect 10," Rimuru says with that same husky voice she had used on Sue before, loving the way her face turns a bright red. By the One Above All, she was happy that she was able to keep the Essence of the Succubus. 

Unlike what most people thought, succubus were not in themselves evil. At least not in her 2nd universe they weren't. Sure, they stole some life essence from people during sexual activities, but it was generally only a small amount. They were more along the lines of seductresses who brought out the sexual desires of others and loved to use that to tempt people. But it was very rare for one of them to outright drain the life out of people. In fact, Rimuru had only met one who she would classify as truly evil and had consumed her, giving her the ability to use many of their abilities, including the Essence of the Succubus. A passive skill that brought out one's natural sexual desires or attraction towards the individual with said skill. It didn't, however, make people automatically want to have sex with the individual. It was more like opening the door for one to think about it. 

That was why Sue blushed whenever Rimuru came on to her. Even if she didn't admit it, Sue had a slight attraction to her, and Essence of the Succubus drew it out into the open. It would be up to Sue if that desire grew or died on the vine, as it were. Rimuru had a feeling she wouldn't, as even with the short amount of time she had been there, she could see Sue's eyes turn to look at Reed with more than a hint of fondness. It made her wonder if there was something there or if it was just a crush. Well, it wasn't any of her business so she wouldn't think too hard about it. 

Coughing into his hand again, Reed brings everyone's attention back to him. "Yes, well, tell us, Rimuru, why are you here? If you don't mind me asking." Smiling brightly at the man, Rimuru answers, "Oh, I am just here to explore. You don't have to worry, Reed, I have no desire to cause too much trouble." 

"Well, that is good," Reed says, not catching onto that last part about her causing trouble. Sue and Ben do, however, and narrow their eyes at her. Not that Rimuru minded and was actually enjoying it for a number of reasons. 

-Later that night- 

Looking up at the stars in the sky, Rimuru smiled to herself. Not long had it been since she saw a sky full of stars or talked with people that she had not consumed. A couple of hundred billion years, maybe even trillions of years. It was really hard to tell. She only wished that the Fantastic Four, as they called themselves, had been able to stay up a bit longer to talk with. She was really enjoying herself, especially when she was teasing Sue, but it had been a long day for them, and they needed their rest. Though she did promise them she would stick around for a bit longer before she went off exploring the world. So she would get to speak to them some more as Reed ran the experiments she agreed to. First, however, she would have to take care of the peeping tom. 

"You can come out now. I know you're there," Rimuru says and watches as a bald-headed woman walks out from the shadows. 

"I guess I should not be surprised that one such as yourself would be able to sense me. Still, you should not have come to this dimension, Chaos Creator," said the woman to Rimuru. 

Looking at her and tilting her head to the side, Rimuru says, "Hmm, you know of me. That is a bit of a surprise." 

"Not really, your deeds are recorded in the Book of Demon Lords. You are quite infamous among the daemons. In the lowest levels of hell," the woman says, and Rimuru sighs at hearing this. 

"Let me guess, Diablo, or perhaps you know him better as Noir, wrote this book, didn't he?" Rimuru says, and the woman is a little taken aback at how casually she spoke its name. 

"Your reaction tells me all I need to know. Really, that man still putting on airs about me even after all this time," Rimuru says, remembering her old servant foundry. Again, she can't remember how long it had been since she had set him free to return back to Hell, but she missed him dearly. 

If she wasn't already standing before the Chaos Creator and slayer of the Primordial of Red, the woman before Rimuru would be scared of how casually she spoke of one of the most powerful rulers of Hell. "I had read once that the Primordial Black once had a master. I didn't know it was you, however, Chaos Creator." 

"Please call me Rimuru, and I never saw Diablo as my servant, no matter what he may have thought personally. We were more along the lines of family, if you ask me. But you have me off guard, you know of me, but I don't know you," Rimuru says, leaving the unasked question in the air. 

"Yes, apologies. I am simply known as the Ancient One, the Sorcerer Supreme of Earth," the Ancient One answers while keeping her guard up. She could feel that the Chaos Creator or Rimuru, as she said she was called, was not at full power. Perhaps that would allow her to banish Rimuru before it was too late. 

"Ancient One? Is that a title or really your name?" Rimuru asks. 

With a smile and a small laugh that doesn't actually express any amusement, the Ancient One says, "A title." 

Giving a deadpan look at the woman, Rimuru says, "A unflattering one. True, you are no great beauty, my lady, but you are hardly ancient looking. Plus, you can only be what a couple of hundred years old, maybe 500 at most." 

"You flatter me, my lady, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised as the book said you seduced many great demons and monsters. Taking them as your brides or the Ladies of Chaos, as they were called," the Ancient One says. 

Rimuru, however, can't help but groan at that name. Really, she was starting to think she needed to get a hold of that book and soon. If only to see what the hell Diablo put in it. Already she had heard two outlandish things. 

One of which would have seen Guy kill Diablo in the most painful of ways. Only to bring him back and do it all over again. Did she kill Guy? Yes, she did but not in the way she was suspecting Diablo wrote down. 

"You seem in distress, Chaos Creator," the Ancient One says with some puzzlement in her voice. After all, demons usually love to glorify themselves in any way they could. 

"Yes, well, Diablo has a habit of, let's say, embellishing events that actually happened. I can assure you half of whatever it is you have read was untrue with the rest you're going to have to take with a grain of salt," Rimuru says feeling the same strange and impossible headache she used to when she ruled over her kingdom long ago. 

The Ancient One just looks at the demon lord before her and thinks on this, "Well, while that may be true, Chaos Creator, I will still have to insist that you take your leave." Letting out another sigh, Rimuru says to the woman, "Listen, is there any way we can resolve this without violence?" 

"Yes, you can leave voluntarily," the Ancient One answers. 

Shaking her head knowing that look in the woman's eyes, Rimuru knows she won't just leave this alone. "Then I guess that is that." 

"Indeed," the Ancient One says then takes a fighting stance casting her Tao Mandalas. Readying for what surely would be a difficult fight. One that she may not walk away from. 

I did not make this novel it was made By: gdog1 on fanfiction.net BYE!

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