
What If Naruto Was in the Yuki Clan Part 1

We see a small boy five years old with spiky black hair in the land of water he lives in a small village he lives with his twin brother and father naruto is playing outside when he hears a loud noise from his house Naruto runs over to the window and see his fathers holding a knife covered in blood naruto see his brothers body on the ground tears start to fall from naruto's eyes naruto runs off after a few hours naruto falls down a and break his right arm Naruto still continues until he reaches the land of Fire borders he passes out nearby a small village naruto wakes up to see a woman in a blue dress with long brown hair wear am I the woman smiles your in the village of Toketa Yuki on the border of the land of fire this is a extremely small shinobi village we only have a few shinobi know it's my turn to ask you a question why was your arm broken and why are you here Naruto explains what happened to him the woman suddenly hugs him and starts crying and saying she's sorry for his loss Naruto using his left arm returns the hug and starts crying after minutes the girl asked for his name Naruto smiles and says Yuki Naruto Naruto ask for the woman's name he is a gentle smile and says Aiko suddenly the door slams open a man with long white hair and a white Katana on his back the man walks I'm glad to see you're awake my name is kenma I am a shinobi of the TakaYuki do you mind telling me what you were doing and how you ended up here Naruto starts to explain kenma pov incredible this kid friend that fast so far if you choose to be shinobi I'm sure need to be quite gifted kenma ask Naruto would you like to train to become a shinobi Naruto's POV if I become a shinobi I can change the hidden Mist Village that way people will no longer have to suffer Naruto nods his head yes Kenma tells naruto you're training will start in a week when you fully heal over the next week Naruto has became very close to Aiko and Kenma okay for Naruto to start his training kenma Hands him a small piece of paper and tells him to put his chakera into the Naruto complies and puts his chakra into the piece of paper the paper proceeds to split in the middle and the two pieces get wet and freeze over after a few seconds kenma starts to speak good it seems we both have the wind chakra nature unfortunately I do not have the water check nature but I can still teach you some wind jutsu we have a few scrolls sow we might have a few water jutsu sow lits start your wind chakra nature training kenma Hands naruto a cup of water kenma then tells Naruto to put his chakera in the water to split the water in half Naruto starts a few days past and Naruto is finally able to do it he shows kenma kenma congratulates we skip one year we see a 6-year-old Naruto over the last year Naruto has learned a few jutsu including Wind Bullet Great Break Threw and couting weapons In Wind chakra and the Water Clone Naruto has also created his own ice Jutsus Ice Shuriken and ice Kuni Jutsu naruto is trained in the woods when he see a giant ploom of smoke coming from the village naruto rushes over to see mist anbu kill everyone naruto luts out a primal yell naruto's chakra flares increasing drastically due to his emotions hundreds of shuriken form around naruto and go towards the anbu killing most of them but a few that are able to dodge get cased in ice causing them to freeze to death naruto falls face first and passes out we skip two days naruto wakes up feeling extremely weak due to chakra exhaustion naruto starts to cry once again he's family died naruto vowed to change the hidden mist Village naruto stops crying and gets a determined look on his face naruto starts to walk towards the village hidden in the leaf we skip half a week we see naruto in a forest clearing cooking Venison when naruto hears rustling in a tree naruto throws three ice Kuni into the tree the kuni fall to the ground naruto weaves hand signs but before he laughs the Jutsu a old man in white robes drops down from the tree with his hands in the air naruto stops the Jutsu Old Man's POV why is this boy on the outskirts of the hidden leaf village not just that but those kuni were made of ice the child also seems to be on garde as if he's waiting for me to try to kill him The Old Man moves his finger naruto jumps back hiruzen sits down sorry if I scared you do you mind telling me your name Naruto nods his head yes my name is Yuki Naruto the old man smiles my name is Sarutobi Heruzen do you mind telling me what you're doing here Naruto POV I don't know why but I feel like I can trust him but still naruto sighs I'm heading to the leaf village to become a shinobi hiruzen gets a surprised look Heruzen then smiles do you mind telling me why Naruto gets a sad look and clenches his fist Hiruzen puts his hand on naruto's shoulder it's fine three is no need to tell me if you don't want naruto nods his head hiruzen pulls out a piece of paper and writes something down on it before handing it to naruto give this to the ninja at the leaf village gate hiruzen then jumps off the next morning naruto heads towards the gate midday naruto finally see the gate he slowly approaches the gate naruto walks up to one of the guards and hands him the paper hiruzen gave him the guard gets a surprised look on his face he then tells naruto to follow him naruto does as they start heading towards the hokagay office when they pass a crowd of people naruto stops the gate garde and ask him what's going on naruto see a girl with blond hair crying and a man about to kick her naruto in a burst of speed catches the kick with his left hand naruto looks the man in the eyes naruto release his blood lust scaring the man the man backs off naruto stops leaking bloodlust naruto walks up to the girl and crouches naruto smiles are you ok miss the girl slightly blushes and nods her head yes ok see you later miss naruto varnish from her sight and appears beside the Gate Guard the continue walk until they reach a giant red building with the symbol for fire they walk in the guard takes naruto to a door on the second floor the man tells naruto to enter before leaving naruto opens the door to see Heruzen naruto walks in and ask hew hiruzen is hiruzen hiruzen lagges I am the hokage naruto goes wide eyed hiruzen then explains to naruto that he will get a apartment hiruzen will give naruto a monthly allowance hiruzen explains that he will pay for the apartment until naruto becomes a Genin naruto thanks hiruzen hiruzen takes out a envelope with Ryo heruzen takes naruto to the apartment naruto once again thank heruzen heruzen tells naruto the academy starts when he's eight naruto ask hiruzen where he can go to train hiruzen points naruto towards the forest naruto thanks hiruzen and goes to bead.