
That Time I Met A Cowboy In Space

The story takes place in a modern setting where living beings have evolved to colonize Outer Space while having an Intergalactic Monarchical Military Regiment established in the Universe. It revolves around a young boy Tommy Oldton(that dresses like a cowboy) who is investigating the conspiracy behind a supernatural event where his parents died but ends up finding himself a greater mess of ancient conspiracies around a deity named "Seth" that is now possessing him, who by legend, is the incarnation of chaos from an ancient time period where Gods thrived.

Re_Kiwiko · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Normal Life

It has been an entire year since M1ke started training Tommy. The frail young boy has now grown quite muscular for the young age of 11 while having strength of several giant beasts packed in a punch.

The boy who couldn't even hurt a fly once is now better than most of the military at hand-to-hand combat, high dodge proficiency, and counters. He is what you can quote literally a martial arts black belt.

The boy who would only read manga in his free time is now performing flashy techniques he could've only dreamed of upon seeing pages of said manga.

The scene goes back to the training spot at the mountains. Tommy has just finished taking on an entire obstacle course set by M1ke with ease. Such an obstacle course is difficult for even advanced military officers to clear. He has clearly come a long way.

"I think that's enough for today's solo practice." Tommy says to himself.

Just then, a lady comes calling for Tommy. She is one of M1ke's assistants who goes by the name Petra.

"Hey, I've got breakfast for you and Mr. M1ke!" Petra speaks up.

"Ah, thank you Ms. Petra. I was really getting hungry. Perfect timing as usual!" Tommy replies back as he opens his box of breakfast he had just received from Petra.

"It's no biggie! Where's Mr. M1ke though?" Petra asks Tommy.

Right then, M1ke finally shows up panting.

"There's your recipient!" Tommy exclaims.

"Woah Mr. M1ke, what's with this casual getup and the boxes you're carrying?" Petra asks M1ke.

"Yep! Got me curious too! Strange to see you of all people dresses so casually in jeans and a blue shirt with a handbag and none of your weapons, sensei! You're usually in your plain black shirt and the black military pants with those goofy fishing hooks attached to your belt. Also the boxes..." Tommy joins Petra in on the conversation.

"Ah this. I'm going on a date with Mari haha." M1ke laughs.

"Aye!" Both Tommy and Petra exclaim as they gently hit M1ke with their elbows to tease him and continue, "It's still strange that you've dressed so casually!"

"About that..." M1ke also continues as he takes a small but luxury looking box out of his back pocket.

"YOU'RE GOING TO PROPOSE TO HER!?" Petra exclaims as Tommy continues with, "SENSEI IS GONNA SETTLE DOWN!?! INSANE!?!"

After that, they both say to each other, "I know right???"

"Ahem. Now if you'll excuse me! I was just here to say that starting today, your training has finished Tommy! I've got nothing more to teach you. In life and combat situations, the next best teacher that one can have is themselves. The more experience you get, the more you're comfortable with making your own fighting style!" M1ke interrupts their idle chatter.

"I was thinking that too! It's time I get onto some real missions! Besides! Your training has gotten to stale! I really don't need it no more" Tommy replies back with a smirk showing how full of himself he is in the moment.

"You really need to work on that overconfidence kid. When I first took you in, you were as weak and frail as they come mentally. Too much confidence ain't good either." M1ke replies in a casual mood because of the rather unserious atmosphere there.

"Yeah yeah! I heard you! It won't happen! I just know I'd win too easily! I wish there was a match as worthy as I-" Tommy tries to reply back but gets interrupted by M1ke who continues, "Oh by the way, I've got gifts for you in these boxes I've been carrying to congratulate you on the completion of your formal training with me!"

Upon hearing the word 'gift', Tommy's eyes sparkle up, however, as soon as he opens the boxes, it takes no time for the sparkle in his eyes to turn into black and white disappointment.

"What even is this...?" Tommy asks M1ke unenthusiastically.

"Well, in the first box, I've got you a middle school uniform for the school nearest to your new home. In the second and third boxes, Mari personally chose a new school bag for you as well as bought you all the important set of books you'll need in your school life." M1ke explains.

"School gear... Wasn't I supposed to be a full time hero like you guys...? Why is this all so... This all so... Ugh" Tommy tries to reply but can't finish his last sentence because of being unable to find the right word, however, Petra enters the conversation in and suggests, "You mean normal?"

"YES! NORMAL! IT'S TOO NORMAL! I'M SUPPOSED TO BE A HERO! NORMAL LIFE ISN'T SOMETHING I CAN HAVE! IT'S TOO BORING!" Tommy screams with passion after Petra's suggestion in speech.

M1ke sighs upon hearing Tommy and continues, "Tommy. I think my training has pushed you too hard. You've been here all year learning tricks after tricks while all children your age were enjoying their school life, playing outside, making friends, studying well and stuff. And I feel guilty of being part of why it was taken away from you. I think you deserve a chance at normal life again, go to school, make those friends you couldn't in the past year and have an enjoyable life ya know?"

"That's the thing! I don't want it anymore! I find this way more fun!" Tommy continues exclaiming back his sentiment.

"Well. Like I said, I've got nothing to teach you, nor help you with. After the incident and all the brutal and harsh things you've seen, I'm rather shocked you don't want things to slow down. Take things slow for a while. Find your true self along kids your age ya know. You might end up missing a normal life someday. Might as well make the most of what you have right now with it! Chances like these don't come to people of our profession often. That's why even I am making as much as I can of it in this time of peace. I hope you understand Tommy." M1ke continues to persuade Tommy with another long lecture on life.

While Tommy pouts, Petra joins M1ke in persuading him by saying, "Tommy, you're young! Going to school is very important for children! You need your education! Everyone in military has been to school! If you don't meet people and make connections, you'll never be able to become a good leader! And besides! Friends made in school last a lifetime!"

Tommy's expression doesn't change one bit. Petra then sweats and continues, "Okay hear me out little Tommy, if you go to school today, I promise to pack you your favorite for today's lunch! No! An entire week's lunch! How about it?"

Tommy's expression then becomes smug with a finger on his face and sparkle in his eyes again as they open as he says, "Deal."

M1ke gets an awkward and sweaty expression and continues, "Good food from a cute lady sure changes the mind of a young boy into doing anything... By the way Tommy, if you do plan to go to school today, you might wanna hurry. It's already 7 am, classes start at 8 AM and from the mountains, the school would take an hour for even me to reach. You better start running."

Upon realizing the lack of time, Tommy quickly grabs his uniform and changes into it, followed by kicking the box of books into the air while holding his school bag open on the ground and the books comically fall right into his bag, which is then followed by him running towards his school.

"That was really fast..." M1ke and Petra are at a comical loss of words after seeing such a cartoony situation.

The scene switches to a young girl walking at quite a fast pace.

"Ugh, I still can't get used to this makeup thing even after a year! It takes so much time! Now I'm getting late for school!" The girl says as she applies makeup on her face while holding a small mirror in her other hand.

"It's been one year since I last saw him..." The girl thinks to herself while reminiscing of certain events she had witnessed, that transpired a year ago.

Scene shifts again to a few days before the night of the attack on the castle during an afternoon. Two kids are fighting by the riverside while a bunch of other kids are watching.

About two more kids run into this one kid but get slammed back several meters in no time.

"We can't lose to a girl..." One of the three kids who attacked the other speaks up while panting heavily after his loss in hand-to-hand combat.

"Still haven't learned your lesson? How many more things do you wish to lose to me at before realizing I'm no less than you guys!" The young girl who had just beat three chubby boys at once speaks back to them.

"You're a girl... You think cutting your hair short and dressing up like us would make you better than boys? You're wrong! Girls will always be beneath boys! We'll prove it!" Another one of the three boys speaks up.

Upon hearing the boy, the crowd of boys surrounding the grounds the fight took place in start cheering.

"Yoko! Please stop! You're getting more hurt! Even if you beat them, you're still more frail and would succumb to more damage! They're boys on the other hand! They're more durable!" A few girls there speak up.

"Stop trying to convince her! In pursuit of 'strength', she can't even be classified as a girl and with how frail she is, not a boy either! Haha! With those scars she's so stupidly accumulating on her legs, no boy on earth would fall for her! Not with that short hair and dressing sense either!" The rest of the crowd of girls speak up to the girls concerned.

"You're all weak! How long are you going to be deluded by the fact that us girls are no less than boys at anything! I'd rather be nothing than to be one of any of you! You're all pathetic! I can't imagine the lack of pride or shame that'd make someone admit to the stupid and misogynistic sentiments of these boys! " Yoko, the girl who had just taken those boys down speaks back to the crowd of girls.

"What'd she say...?", "Just leave her be... We're not stupid like her...", "Yeah leave her be! A boy has to be really down bad and REALLY desperate to fall for someone like her!", The crowd of girls speaks amongst themselves.

"Ugh... Anyways! What's the next challenge I'm supposed to outclass you fools in?" Yoko speaks badk to the boys after being disgusted by the outrageous sentiments of the crowd of girls spectating.

"Heh... Boys, I've got an idea!" One of the boys speaks up while calling to the other boys to speak his mind to them.

Upon hearing his idea, the boys get a creepy smirk on their face and look towards Yoko with a creepy glare.

"The next challenge is... Swimming!" The boys reply to Yoko as they take their clothes off.


"What? Too scared? Looks like we've got you beat! If we can take our clothes off and take you on for the sake of our pride, you should be able to do the same! That is if you have the courage, strength and pride for it! Oh wait! You don't! You're a girl! Hahaha! You're probably scared you'd lose to us in swimming!" The boys speak back to her while laughing.

"That's not true..." Yoko replies back but in a mood of despair.

"Then prove it to us! Prove us you're a strong woman like you say you are", "Yeah! Prove us!", "Prove us!", "Prove us!", "Prove us", the boys say as they walk towards Yoko and start trying to pull her clothes to strip her naked there.

"STOOOOP!! HELP ME!!!" Yoko screams for help but none of them shows up.

While the boys who don't necessarily agree with the boys trying to sexually harass Yoko, they're too scared to step up to their bullies. The girls in the other hand continue, "Why should we help you? You stepped in the lion's den yourself! And you called us pathetic!"

Yoko is standing there able to do nothing while the boys are trying to pull on her clothes. Just then, a young boy with his hair covering his face up to his eyes shows up screaming, "LEAVE HER ALONE!!"

The attention of the boys immediately diverts towards him as they start clenching their fists and say, "We're in a good mood today Tommy. We're going to prove to this bitch that boys are better once and for all! So how about you head out of here? Besides, you're so weak, you wouldn't even stand a chance against her! Hahaha"

"I won't repeat it Chris! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Young Tommy screams back at them.

"Looks like we'll have to teach you a lesson of never to pick fights with someone stronger than you first!" The boys say as they run towards Tommy to ambush him.

Tommy then puts his hand in a bag tied to his waist and throws a bunch of sand and grass into the eyes of the boys. He then closes his eyes and trusts his hearing and instincts to hit them one by one and takes most of them down.

The move while useful couldn't hold the boys down for long. As the sand and grass settle down, the boys get their vision back and scream, "THAT'S CHEATING YOU PUSSY! STOP FIGHTING LIKE A GIRL!"

"Fighting like a girl? I'd argue a girl who just beat up most of you fought better than you guys today. Is throwing grass and sand at you guys any less unfair than you guys hanging up on people in general? If we're being objective, the only pussy I see is you guys! Even girls fight better than you losers! Haha! Heck, I'd argue you guys are even able to bully others because of your strength in numbers! Make you all go one by one and you'd all run away!" Tommy speaks back to them with a laugh.

"What'd you say!?", "Damn bastard! We'll kill you", "Don't get too cocky!" The boys speak back as they do exactly what Tommy had berated them for by ganging up on him.

They grab both of Tommy's arms and start beating him up. By the end of it, Tommy is a bloody mess and falls to the ground, barely able to open his eyes.

"You've sure got a big mouth but no strength to back it up Tommy. We're sparing you today. Don't ever interfere with whatever we're doing ever again!" One of the boys speaks back to Tommy as they all walk away from the riverside.

Tommy however, stands up, barely able to get up still, and replies "Just like I said... You guys are too scared to fight fair... And you guys call yourself men? Heck, if that's what being called a man, I'd not be one! If I can't stand to protect those in need and attack them first, I wouldn't be able to say I'm worthy of being a man... And neither are ANY OF YOU!"

"We've had enough of you... GET READY TO SEE HELL TOMMY!!!" The kids scream as they get ready to charge again on Tommy together.

"STOP!" Yoko screams and gets up but Tommy gives a serious look to her with eyes he can barely open and shows her his palm as a sign to not interfere in his fight.

This time however, as soon as the first kid approaches Tommy, he elbows him, takes the other down with a kid, beats the third one into the fourth and then makes a bloody mess of the fifth kid with a barrage of punches.

Tommy then runs towards the chubby leader of the bullies, Chris with a scream.

"This shall make you learn Tommy!" Chris screams as he punches in Tommy's direction, however, before his punch is even able to land, Tommy lands a heavy hitting uppercut which sends a chubby kid like Chris flying several meters into the air and fall to the ground really hard.

Chris then grabs hold of his nose which had been broken because of Tommy's powerful uppercut and notices blood. Upon noticing it, he immediately screams, starts crying and runs away along the other boys who had just witnessed Tommy's true strength, which they had never seen before while calling him a "Freak".

Tommy who was the only one remaining that could stand, then walks towards Yoko who couldn't stand after her own fights because of an injury on her knee that she had succumbed to, during her fight with those creepy boys.

"What? Here to tell me that I'm weak just because I got saved by a boy? Go ahead... I'm well aware..." Yoko says to Tommy.

Tommy then takes out a handkerchief out of his pocket to patch her knee up. After patching it up, he stands while offering his hand to help Yoko get up and says, "Stand proud. You're strong."

"But... You saw what they just did... I had nearly lost... You don't have to reaffirm me... I AM WEAK BECAUSE I AM A GIRL... And that's all I will ever be..." Yoko replies to Tommy with tears of sorrow in her eyes.

"Did you not hear anything I said to those boys? I thought I was loud enough to make it clear. You fought then braver than they could've ever fought anyone in their entire lives. Those creeps played unfair yet you beat them fairly. You were one against many. Actually, did you not hear yourself? You're not weak. Don't let some stupid words from bullies get to you. Get what I just said into that thick skull of yours already." Tommy replies to her and flicks his finger onto her forehead.

"You say all that but what do you know about being a girl? There's so much being expected from us. All men see us as is objects... Like today... Back there... Like in the alleyways of big cities... Like with how a man wouldn't marry a woman more successful than him... More intelligent than him... More in any regard than him... Just seeing us girls like tools... It's getting harder and harder to prove ourselves..." Yoko replies back while sobbing but has her eyes wide open immediately when Tommy puts her hands into her shoulders and gives her a serious look.

"Precisely! I don't get your issues because I'm not a girl! But you're doing a great job proving yourself! The only thing that icks me is why dress like a boy to prove your point.

Us boys won't automatically start dressing like girls just because we got beat up by one. Not those boys for sure. That's because they have pride in what they are... You should too... You're trying to prove a point here right? It's not like dressing like boys is making you stronger, it's your will! You're fine as you are!" Tommy continues.

"But..." Yoko tries to reply but her despair has her at a loss of words.

"Listen... When you fought back for yourself When you talked back to those boys... I was amazed... It was like I had never seen a girl- No, a person! Not a single person as brave as you were right there! Your resolve shined brighter anyone I've ever faced! Especially way more than the shitty and outdated sentiment of good for nothing creeps!

Heck! All those girls were really stupid and not my type either... I wouldn't get along any of them... Their lack of pride in themselves made my blood boil! But then you showed up... To me personally... Girls who can stand up for themselves... Are the coolest ones!" Tommy continues his words of encouragement to Yoko.

Yoko's expression of despair on her face then turns into the expression of being completely flustered. She tears up, immediately leans onto Tommy and grabs him tightly for a hug.

Tommy's expression changes from a serious one to a gentle smile. He puts one hand on Yoko's back to hug her pack and the other on her head for reaffirmation and continues, "It has been tough for you hasn't it... Just be your true self... you're still a girl, a strong girl... I know you too want to dress cutely like the other girls And you can!

It's not a sign of your weakness! It is just what you are! These scars don't make you any less of what you are either! They mean you stood up for yourself and that's what matters the most! That's why you're amazing! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! You'll be happier this way..."

After what Tommy had just said, Yoko couldn't stop blushing and pushed Tommy gently aside saying, "Cut it out already!"

"Sorry! I was just trying to help..." Tommy replies with a gentle voice to Yoko.

Much to Tommy's obliviousness, Yoko had fallen in love with him and says, "No wait! I should be the sorry one... Here you were reaffirming me and I pushed you aside... That was rude..."

"Eh I don't mind! So what's your name?" Tommy continues talking to Yoko.

"Yoko! Kobayashi Yoko! And yours? Oh wait, I heard it from those guys! You're Tommy right?" Yoko continues the conversation, to which, Tommy replies with a "Yes".

They continue to have a chat and laugh together for hours until it's night time.

"It's getting late, we should be getting home now. Want me to drop you off?" Tommy asks.

"I'll be fine! Plus I don't want your parents to worry about you since you'll get home even later if you take the time to drop me off!" Yoko answers.

"It's fine! But whatever you say!" Tommy replies back to her.

As they both are about to take a separate route home, Tommy calls to Yoko one last time to say, "Longer hair would look really cute on you! See ya!"

After saying that, Tommy runs towards his home while Yoko is left standing there all flustered.

"Longer hair eh?" Yoko says to herself with her hands on her red face.

The scene returns to a year later with Yoko putting makeup on her face while on her way to school.

"My hair has grown out quite a bit in the past year... I've even gotten myself a new dress along with some new earrings... All for what... It's not like Tommy is returning..." Yoko says to herself with a sigh.

A car is about to hit Yoko from behind just then but she immediately gets pushed to the side and saved by Tommy who is also running his way to the same school.

"You should be more careful Ms.! That car could've killed you!" Tommy screams while on top of her on the footpath.

Yoko is too flustered to say anything despite not knowing who this person even is.

Tommy goes back on his way to school running again after helping Yoko stand up.

"Why am I getting so flustered about all that... He's really cute and handsome but he's just another guy... Right...? But something about him felt familiar..." Yoko wonders to herself while gazing upon Tommy from a distance.

She then sees a notebook on the ground and lifts it only to see the name "Tommy Oldton" on it. Upon seeing the name, the only thought running in her head is, "OH MY GOD HE'S BACK!!" while standing there more flustered than ever before.

To be continued in chapter 10...


Name: Petra Page

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Description: She's a subordinate of M1ke who handles lower level tasks like team management. She also prepares lunches for M1ke and his teammates as well as lunches for Tommy. She's a really sweet and innocent person overall.

Appearance: She's not very tall, standing at a very short 4'9" ft. She's really cute however and has medium length brown hair and brown eyes. Her attire is like a policewoman except the blues are replaced with black and grey.