
That Time I Met A Cowboy In Space

The story takes place in a modern setting where living beings have evolved to colonize Outer Space while having an Intergalactic Monarchical Military Regiment established in the Universe. It revolves around a young boy Tommy Oldton(that dresses like a cowboy) who is investigating the conspiracy behind a supernatural event where his parents died but ends up finding himself a greater mess of ancient conspiracies around a deity named "Seth" that is now possessing him, who by legend, is the incarnation of chaos from an ancient time period where Gods thrived.

Re_Kiwiko · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs

End of a Dark Slumber

Writer's note: A detailed description of the relevant characters is given at the end of the Chapter.

"AHHHH!!!" a vision of a woman drowning in darkness can be observed.

The scene immediately shifts to a boy panting and waking up, realizing it was just a nightmare.

Meet our main character Thomas Oldton, or "Tommy" for short. He's 15 years old. Sleeping on the lower bed is his younger brother Oliver Isaac Oldton, he's 13 years old. And here comes CHAOS!

"WE ARE LATE" Tommy observes his clock realizing both him and his brother are late for school. Tommy quickly jumps from the upper bed down to the ground making some of his surroundings fall SPLAT near him as he kicks his younger brother Oli off the bed and they both start getting ready for school ASAP.

They both get outside through the window with a toast in their mouth as they run and jump through rooftops of the neighborhood to get to their school faster. These two aren't ordinary children considering their long jumping feats and their lack of fear of such heights and stunts.

As they run through the city's rooftops, Oli spots a random crime and says, "Brother, I think we should stop that guy…" while Tommy says, "Not again… Another late day to school and Yoko would end me… WHATEVER!!"

Tommy and Oli take a giant leap down and start chasing a rather jumpy burglar who has cartoony springs on his shoes. Tommy increases his running speed and takes a conjoined cylindrical object out of his pocket and presses the cross section between the cylinders to turn it into a nunchaku with a string made of electricity.

Tommy then launches the other end of the ever expanding nunchaku like a rope to catch the burglar's leg but the burglar takes a giant leap, does a front flip and slams Tommy onto his head on the ground and runs away but an object falls out of the burglar's bag.

"Is that a Rubik's cube…?" Tommy mumbles as he gets back to the chase.

"YES IT IS!!" The burglar replies as he runs away from Tommy.



"No wonder you're a goddamn idiot…" Tommy replies with an awkward expression while Oli matches his running speed finally and continues the conversation by saying, "Buddy, there's a hundred or so methods to solve that thing, it won't make you a genius…", but the burglar just screams, "YOU BOTH ARE THE UNINTELLIGENT ONES!!", as he keeps on running while Tommy and Oli have a rather offended expression on their face upon hearing an idiot call them unintelligent.

The idiotic burglar then takes a leap onto the metal poles across the city when Tommy nearly grabs him which makes Oli grab one of the poles and say, "All the poles are connected from underground… Prepare to get shocked!!", and sends a shock down all the poles which makes the burglar fall SPLAT onto the ground upon being electrocuted when leaping on them.

"Good job Oli!" Tommy screams as he grabs hold of the burglar but because of being electrocuted, his high jumping tech starts malfunctioning and sends the two flying towards a building.

Tommy, with a scared expression, charges an extremely hot blue and shiny sphere of heat and light in his palms, screams, "STELLAR FLASH!!!", and unleashes it through the building before they crash land which makes a large hole through it. The two then go rolling through the building and crash into a bathroom while rolling and apologize to a screaming lady who is embarrassed by their random entrance while she was taking a bath.

As they continue rolling, the burglar falls SPLAT onto the ground while Tommy falls on top of him but even despite that, both his and the burglar's heads start spinning.

In no time, the police arrive, thank Tommy and Oli and arrest the burglar who screams, "I'LL SETTLE MY SCORE WITH YOU SOME OTHER DAY BRAT!! YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE WILL CALL ME A GENIUS!!".

"Whatever man… I AM LATE FOR SCHOOL!!!" Tommy screams and immediately starts running back towards the school with Oli who simultaneously screams, "SO AM I!!!".

Upon reaching the school, they start looking through the bushes for an empty area as they both climb through the school walls and reach an isolated looking window. Tommy takes a good look through the window before opening it and says "All clear."

As soon as he enters however, he is greeted by Yoko Kobayashi. Another one of our main characters. Both her and Tommy are, you guessed it, DATING! But this isn't exactly a "romantic" expedition per se...

"YOU ARE LATE!" Yoko screams.


Oli just sighs and does a facepalm as if it's nothing new, which it predictably isn't.

Yoko is pretty strict about discipline since she is also in charge of the Student Council.

"You know, you look cuter when you're angry" Tommy says with a smirk.

"Oh my- THIS OBVIOUS FLATTERY IS NOT GONNA WORK ON ME!" Yoko exclaims yet again although she did get flattered for a second there.

Yoko flashes Tommy a paper showing him how he's always late to submit his school assignments and how it is not good for someone who scores as good as he does in exams to have such bad grades in other activities like HOMEWORK.

"Oh lay off, it's not a big deal..." Tommy tries to escape arguing with her.

"IT IS A BIG DEAL WHEN IT'S REPEATED ALL THE TIME!", Yoko exclaims yet again.


Tommy's phone rings. This upsets Yoko further for a short moment until Tommy says it's the boss's call and he has to pick it up.

Tommy just so happens to be a high ranked Interspace Military Officer. His reputation precedes him. He's the youngest cadet to rise to such a high rank and he has a record of always completing his cases and getting the truth out. Although his methods can be very rash and questionable at times due to how flashy and "reminiscent of comic books" they can be. His fame alone is one of the biggest reasons aside from his high test scores that he is more praised by students and teachers alike in contrast to the school's own ELECTED STUDENT COUNCIL. He just happens to be studying there with exclusive privileges from the military to complete necessary education that all personnel require.

"I heard your conversation just now. Not very good with submission dates eh? I wasn't either but I've got a mission for you. You can hit two targets with one arrow through this.", the boss explains.

"Eh? That's awesome! What is the mission?" Tommy asks.

"Relax, I am getting to that. So your assignment is a report of an obscure population of people on obscure planets right?", the boss asks.

"How'd you know that!?" Tommy asks.

The phone gives a sweating expression.

"He's obviously keeping tabs on Tommy." both Yoko and Oli whisper to themselves.

"Well anyways, the mission is on an obscure planet on the outskirts of the galaxy. I'll send you the details on your phone. It's been kind of a wildcard nutcase for quite a while so I thought a guy like you would be best suited for it. Good luck.", the boss hangs up.

Tommy makes a confused expression on the boss's indirect slander of him and his rash methods to get the job done.

Tommy then checks his phone to see the mission details.


The mission is set on Planet Libdan. A desert planet with a low development index. The galactic government has provided it with special low tax privileges due to its poverty and special provisions to use said tax on its development until the civilization is capable and independent enough to be a strong part of the galactic alliance and improve the galaxy's overall development index rating.

The military officer in charge of the planet and its taxation has seemingly been making suspiciously high amounts of cash considering the nature of his post. On top of that, information regarding its high amount of medical and third party imports has been questioned for 3 years now to no avail due to the not-so-far nature of intergalactic law's loopholes. The planet seemingly hasn't been gaining much development either.

Multiple reports of officers and independent journalists going there to check have either been found missing or dead but no evidence could trace it back to the authorities there. The officers who do get reports back however have been saying there is nothing wrong with the planet, however, even they seem to have been getting quite a cash grab but yet again, there's no proof to trace the case back to incidents of bribing. Due to the twisted nature of the case, officers always have to be switched.

There's more reason to put suspicion on the officer in charge as well. He had quite a brutal reputation in the previous galactic war and since the war ended, he has been in charge of overseeing two other planets aside from the one he currently is in charge of. Both of which lost all signs of life due to the planet's lack of inherent "self sustaining" capabilities and the people "not being ready" for a change. We suspect it's the officer who is not ready for a change rather than the people.

We only have theories regarding the case being the result of double taxation fraud or an even bigger conspiracy but again, the law and the lack of decisive evidence makes it impossible to trace it back to said theories. For now, all we can hope for is that another civilization does not go to waste or our galaxy will lose its strength and faith in the government.]

"Strange..." Tommy thinks to himself while reading the mission details.

It's about time for Tommy to leave. A huge crowd of fangirls and fanboys from the school gather around him after a rumor quickly spreads that Tommy is leaving for another mission. He waves with a big smile, points and winks at the girls saying he'll get the case done in no time and leaves the school grounds while the guards struggle to keep the gates closed.

With all that out of the way, Tommy reaches the military office where he finds one of his colleagues Joseph Wright who tells Tommy to take better care of his ship and that he's done with the repairs.

Tommy thanks him with an awkward expression and says he'll keep that in mind and takes off to space almost immediately.

"The planet of Libdan is tidally locked and has two barren moons. It's nearing a special and rare stage in its life where it'll experience a simultaneous Lunar and Solar Eclipse." The spaceship's radio speaks.

Tidally locked means that the planet does not rotate, meaning that one side always faces the sun while the other always faces the dark side. With one side being too hot and the other too cold, the flow of winds towards the vertical axis makes it a habitable location. The lack of usable land due to this situation is one of the reasons why the planet is so poor.

"Man when will they play the cowboy show..." Tommy thinks to himself while ignoring such interesting news.

He sets the ship on autopilot and decides to take a nap. Just then, he hears some odd noises. Noises as if someone is whispering something to someone else and they are whispering back.

He grabs his extending metal rod, his signature weapon and screams "COME OUT, I HEARD YOU! WHO ARE YOU!"

Just then, the refrigerator on the ship opens up and the trash can's lid flies upwards and Yoko and Oli come out.

Tommy sighs and does a facepalm. Moments later, they're all face to face on the spaceship's chairs and Tommy asks why they're in the ship.

Yoko makes a red face like that of a tsundere and tells Tommy that they've not been able to spend as much time together as they used to in quite a while. Tommy makes an awkward and sweaty expression realizing that he has been occupying himself in way too many missions these days. He then proceeds to put his hand on Yoko's face and says he promises to take her on a date once this mission is done.

Yoko hugs Tommy with a happy expression while Oli is eating food from the refrigerator because he finds this romance quite uninteresting.

Due to autopilot technology not being the best, a suspicious high speed cruiser hits the side of the ship and breaks one of the engines resulting in an emergency crash landing protocol to be initiated. While the ship does land on the designated planet, it is beyond repairs.

Tommy contacts the boss who is vocally upset and 'crying'...?


"Well, it did fall from the sky here-", Tommy tries to explain with an awkward expression yet again.

"IT IS NO TIME FOR JOKES. USELESS PROPERTY DAMAGE GETS CUT FROM MY SALARY TOMMY! AS MILITARY PERSONNEL, WE BARELY EVEN GET PAID THAT MUCH TO BEGIN WITH! Anyways, I'll send someone to pick you up in a week, all forces are busy.", The boss switches tones immediately.

"Is he sobbing...?" Tommy thinks to himself while hanging up.

"Poor boss...", Oli thinks to himself on the sidelines while reading the room.

"Anyways, now that we're here, let's just walk towards the town ourselves. We're surprisingly not far away according to the map.", Oli explains.

After walking for miles in tormenting heat, Yoko's legs give up as she says "How much longer...? You said the town was close to Oli-kun..."

"Well yeah, thirty miles is close." Oli replies.

"30 MILES IS CLOSE???" Yoko screams.

"There!" Tommy points and spots the town nearby.

"FINALLY!" Yoko exclaims.

By the time they reach the town, Tommy is carrying Yoko on his back and checking up on everything through his binoculars.

"Oli, I'll go do some investigation. Can you take her to a nearby hotel for me? You can tag along afterwards." Tommy requests Oli.

"Sure big bro." Oli replies.

As Tommy strolls through the town, he spots a couple of people beating up an old man and starts to run towards the scene.

"You still haven't paid the medical bills old man!" a buff guy exclaims to the poor old man.

"I'm sorry... I promise, I will have them prepared by next month. My granddaughter is really sick. She needs those medicines..." the old man begs to the group of people on his knees.

The buff guy waves to the crowd then faces the old man again "Is this how you pay back the man who gives free medicines to the city? He is doing so much for this backwater planet and you're leeching the supplies he is giving for OUR COLLECTIVE BENEFIT!"

The crowd starts to cheer the buff guy on as he is about to land a punch on the old man's face. Tommy grabs his fist right before it can land on the poor old man's face and twists his arm to his back.

"What's with all the commotion? Why're you beating a helpless old man, big guy? You got more muscle instead of brains?" Tommy asks.

The military officer in charge of the planet steps in out of nowhere and says "There is no need to fight." and helps the old man get up.

"You need not pay me. I am here for the good of the planet. I don't care about money. You can continue asking me for more supplies, old man." the officer continues.

"And you must be Tommy Oldton, the famous young captain. Oh what happened to my manners, my name is Pierre Quark, in charge of this planet." The officer continues talking to Tommy this time.

"So what's all this commotion about?" Tommy asks with a suspecting face.

"Well, how about we walk to my office to explain that." The office replies.

When they reach the office, hundreds of people are gathered. Some are there for "free medicines" while the rest are there for paying medicinal prices.

"So you give away free medicine? What's up with these people paying you back then?" Tommy asks.

"Oh it's nothing. The people of this planet are too modest. I give them free medicine and they feel like paying me back double the amount later. I, of course, use them for more medical imports." the officer explains.

"Well, I will be here for another week, hope you won't mind further inspection. Especially in your quarters. I simply cannot put my eye off the imports being so high yet the population being so sick. And with all the money and governmental funds you get, I must say, the planet has a long way to go... unless it drops to the same fate as the other planets you're in charge of." Tommy replies.

"Well well young captain, it seems you also put the blame of people too ignorant to change themselves onto me like many of the other skeptical officers do. Rest assured that is not the case. Also, by law, I can forbid investigation of certain places as per the Local Functioning Government act. And captain... I also advise you to not stick your nose in places it shouldn't be... You can discuss the rest with my attorney." says the officer as he leaves.

Tommy is visibly upset and tries to sneak into the imports but gets caught by some guards and gets asked to leave. To top it all off, his stomach is growling in hunger and the hotel is still far away.

On his way, Tommy is greeted by the old man and his sick granddaughter who thank him for his help. Tommy says it's his pleasure to help those in need and the old man and his granddaughter insist on Tommy coming to their place. Tommy hesitantly goes along with them.

The house was in a seemingly bad shape. The old man got some snacks and tea, less for himself and his granddaughter and more for Tommy. Tommy asks them why they aren't eating much themselves. They explain to Tommy that they're very religious people and believe in returning the favor unconditionally. They even eat after quite a long prayer. Nearly 15 minutes passed and Tommy was almost feeling starved but he waited for them to finish.

Just as they were eating, the daughter started to cough a lot and Tommy offered her his tea since he doesn't like tea that much but she refused saying he's too nice. He left the house with a bad taste in his mouth feeling as if he almost used those people.

It's night time already. Tommy is sitting at the window of the hotel room while Yoko and Oli are sleeping on their respective beds. Just then, he sees a group of people in black clothes seemingly committing theft.

Tommy screams and alerts Oli and Yoko of what's happening and immediately jumps out of the window and jumps his way through rooftops towards those suspicious people.

Tommy sees countless individuals in those black clothes covering their faces. Tommy engages in hand-to-hand combat with a few of them as the rest run away but Tommy swings his extending metal stick to hit one of them on the head. While the rest run away, the one hit falls several feet down towards the ground abandoned by his allies and struggling to get up.

Tommy and the gang reach that guy and tie him up for interrogation. Starting with unmasking him. Tommy gets shocked to realize that it was the same guy he met in the morning who was beating the old man up. He grabs him by the collar and asks him why he'd do this but he refuses to answer.

"Oli, you're in." Tommy says.

"Alright big bro." Oli comes in pulling his sleeve back and charging a blue electric current between his fingers.

"What are you gonna do...?" the buff guy gets scared.

"How about I show you?" Oli touches the buff guy with his hand and electrocutes him a tiny bit.

"So, ready to answer?" Tommy enters the conversation again.

"OKAY OKAY, JUST DON'T HURT ME!" the buff guy exclaims.

The buff guy explains that he's just a paid thug who is hired to steal the free medicines that Pierre distributed. He brings the stolen medicines back for redistribution and the people of the planet being so religious and naive pay him back double the price for spending his "own" money for the "benefit" of the planet. And for all of that, he gets to feed his family better than the rest of the villagers as well as get to keep the free medicines.

Hearing all this infuriates Tommy and his eyes glow black for a second. He gets a creepy grin on his face saying, "Who would've thought he'd stoop this low... To play with the trust of innocent people... I won't kill him... I'll make sure he begs for death."

A dark aura surrounds Tommy which visibly scares Yoko and Oli. But as they walk towards the location the thug gave, the aura subsides and Tommy seems like his usual self. They sneak into the military grounds, sneakily take the guards out and investigate the imports. The situation is far worse than they could've imagined. It was samples of various viruses being imported from an illegal third party and some goons were lifting entire canisters of this and pouring it down the planet's already dry water sources and food supplies. No wonder the planet's shape was not improving at all.

"All that faith in their god... and for what...? This...?" Tommy says in sorrow while Yoko and Oli also look down in sadness.

They then look at Officer Pierre's tower from a distance with a determined look to take him down for good and get their hands together.

The rare sight has begun. One of the moons is about to block the light of the star the planet revolves around while the planet itself is about to cast its shadow on the other moon at the back, both moons being vertically apart from each other.

They climb from the exterior and get inside through the giant opening at the top. Oli then finds an electric box and takes down their power while Yoko and Tommy team up to take the guards of the floors they go through one by one until they reach the floor Pierre is in.

"The planet won't last another year at the pace we're at. I think we need to slow down sir." a scientist looking guy talks to Pierre.

"Oh c'mon doctor, we've made enough from this and the other planets to last us and many generations of our descendants for a lifetime. I can retire with ease since I have no need to make money off of another planet. That way, even the government won't suspect us AHA HA HA!" Pierre laughs.

"That's horrible!" Yoko whispers to the gang on the spot they're observing from silently.

The lights go off yet again.

"HEY WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?" Pierre screams.

Sounds of guards getting beat up can be heard. The lights turn back on and Tommy and Yoko are holding hands while sitting on top of a pile of guards, lovey dovey n' all.

"You're so strong Tommy-kun." Yoko says with a blush.

"You're no weak girl either. And you're so pretty Yoko." Tommy says with a straight yet red face.

Oli, Pierre and the rest are weirded out by this strange romance. Tommy then steps up and says "Your reign of inhumanity is over Officer Pierre. I've recorded the conversation that was going on here. As soon as this reaches the government, you're done for!"

"AHA HA HA... I'm sorry... Please don't do that Captain Tommy... That's if you wanna get home alive!" Pierre hysterically laughs.

"You sound awfully confident. Did the bulk of what makes your body go into making your body fat instead of increasing the grey matter inside of that tiny brain of yours?" Tommy replies with his arms folded and a smirk on his face.

"Oh I'm not just confident, I fully believe what I said will be a fact in a matter of time. So Captain. How about we have a duel? Or are you too scared? I'm afraid you cannot run. I can't let you do that! Sorry! You must suffer the same fate as the other ones who just like I said earlier today... poked their nose in places they shouldn't be in... I even offered them money... but they didn't listen! Unfortunately for you, you know too much!" Pierre laughs yet again.

"Oh I'm always ready for a duel. Try not to disappoint me though." Tommy replies as he takes his shirt off and clenches his fists ready to fight. As he takes his shirt off, his royal birth mark is revealed to Pierre.

"Ah... Of course... You're the grandson of the king of the ole intergalactic alliance. Cleaning after your grandfather's falling empire's messes your highness?" Pierre speaks in an unserious manner.

"Too bad that information isn't gonna help you much in prison." Tommy replies with a smirk.

"He's almost 9 ft tall and it looks like he has a lot of muscle mass... are you sure Tommy-kun? We still have time to run!" Yoko exclaims.

"Relax! The bigger they are, the harder they fall!" Tommy says as he gets into a fighting stance.

Pierre takes off his trenchcoat to reveal his enormous muscles and his 9 ft tall body towering over the 5'7 Tommy.

"Any last wishes, your highness?" Pierre asks sarcastically.

"Stealing words right out of my mouth before going to a prison cell eh honey?" Tommy replies sarcastically.

Without a second to spare, Tommy dashes in with his agile stature compared to Pierre and lands high jump kicks and a barrage of punches from left to right, up to down, from various different directions at speeds faster than the blink of an eye. Fast enough for even Pierre to not notice. The attacks start making tons of cuts on the body of the tank that is Pierre, much to everyone's surprise.

Pierre then lands a really fast hit himself on the ground that Tommy barely dodges. This however gives an opening to Tommy to dash under Pierre's legs.

"Just as planned" Tommy thinks to himself.

"DOUBLE IMPACT" Tommy screams from under Pierre with his hands together and his fingers shaped like a gun while utilising his Force: Repulsion technique.

Pierre is sent flying and breaking through the ceiling through several floors until he reaches the terrace. Tommy jumps right up in his direction and screams "FORCE: PULL!" as he reaches the halfway point mid air between himself and Pierre.

Yoko and Oli run upwards through the stairs to see what's going on.

"That's brother's powers... The ability to push and pull objects or people through huge distances... That's not the only range of his moves however..."

Scene shifts back to the battle as a FWOOSH sound starts coming from between Tommy's palms as he charges up a blue colored sphere of light on his palms and says "Say Goodbye...".

Pierre then gets a giant smirk on his face and grabs Tommy's head right before he can move to the other side mid air due to Pierre's immense body mass blocking the space to escape.

"Stole the words right out of my mouth... your highness!" Pierre exclaims as he throws Tommy down to the terrace ground and dashes through the air down where he fell.

"I must admit. Your attacks hurt me quite a bit. Nobody has damaged me this much before. Had you been more careful about my size, you would have defeated me. But luck is on MY SIDE today. PIERRE'S SIDE!" Pierre exclaims as he grabs Tommy by the head on the ground.

"Your special abilities are truly worth the praise you get, Captain... compared to that, mine are very pathetic... but allow me to show you it anyway!" Pierre says as he releases purple sparks from his giant palm onto Tommy's head and he starts screaming as if he is in deep agony.

"My ability isn't much. I can generate weak electric shocks on my palms, enough to manipulate the wavelengths of your brain's currents and make you remember your darkest times in life... and amplify the tendencies they bring to you... A very handy tool in war for sneak attacks... immobilizing the enemy in mental pain... giving you the ability to murder them with ease..." Pierre explains as he uses his abilities on Tommy.

Tommy is standing immobilized as Pierre laughs and says to his friends, "I used to be a very scrawny brat myself. People made fun of me for having a rather useless ability. So I pushed my body to its limits... Took steroids... and came up with this strategy that got me up in the ranks of war... Have such a huge size that it's impossible to escape my ability... And here I am in all my glory. About to murder his highness."

The special stage has been reached in the planet's orbit... As all sides get dark, the black moon engulfs the host star's light while the ring of light and darkness of the planet is projected onto the other moon in syzygy with the black moon... Black clouds start to appear over the tower and a massive jolt of lightning hits the terrace.

In a flash, Tommy disappears. Everyone starts looking for him from where they stand. That's when they see him behind Pierre suddenly...

"How did you get there!?! ANSWER ME!!" Pierre exclaims in fear.

A dark green aura is surrounding Tommy. His eyes have gone black while his irises glow red as this figure laughs, "AHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

"At last... I've waited for millennia for this moment... a vessel capable of hosting the might of SETH!", the seemingly possessed Tommy, now Seth, exclaims.

"Seth...? Wait... that couldn't be... wasn't he the traitor of the gods... the treacherous son of the supreme deity...? I thought that was a myth... But how... and why this boy...?" Pierre thinks to himself in fear.

Pierre falls to his knees and can't himself tell what's happening. He tries to brute force his way, crawling towards this 'Seth' person. Barely able to stand on his knees, he grabs his head.

"MEMORY AILMENT" Pierre screams in terror. Much to his dismay, the move backfires and he is flooded with strange flashes of the past... the distant and dark past from the time of gods reigning supreme...

"WHAT ARE THESE MEMORIES..." Pierre screams.

"My my... for someone with so much malice in his heart to have even crawled a few steps towards me is quite astonishing. I commend your strength despite the sinful aura you emit." Seth says with a smug and goofy face.

"I assume you grew your size to seal all openings for your opponents to escape. So that you can use that impractical technique of yours. As cowardly as it is, I commend someone with a bulk-only body to actually have the kind of wisdom. Now what saying did you mortal beings have? Ah yes! Never judge a book by its cover. I am amused by how much you mortals have advanced." Seth claps.

"So you'll spare me...?" Pierre asks in fear.

"Oh yes I will. If you survive your own move that is. You see, I learnt the main structure of it when you hit me with it. Not very complex I fear but for someone with a thick skull like yours, again, quite an impressive use." Seth replies.

"Now let me show you an IMPROVEMENT!" Seth exclaims as he grabs and lifts the giant embodiment of pure muscle, Pierre, with ease and hits him with extremely loud purple lightning on his head.

"Not only am I making you remember how miserable you are mentally. Your body's physical stress is also being magnified. I am curious what will happen to you after this AHA HA HA HA HA." Seth laughs.

As the current goes through Pierre's body, it starts to deform and turn purple. He starts growing extra eyes and arms and his clothes tear apart.

"My my... you've quite literally become the embodiment of the malice in your heart. Such a disgusting sight. Allow me to address you with the honor of being taken out of your misery by the MIGHTY SETH!" Seth exclaims while flicking his fingers and hitting the tower with black lightning.

The entire tower starts burning. Seth flies off away from the fiery tower and unknowingly lifts Yoko and Oli with him.

"Huh...? Why did I save these brats?" Seth thinks to himself and drops them off at the forest below.

The trees end up catching and saving them while Seth is viewing the tower burn. From the burning mess, a burning abomination that was once Pierre jumps out having lost all semblance of intelligence he once had to become a wild beast.

Seth dodges his wild charge and sends him flying several meters ahead with a punch, dowsing all the flames from his burnt and deformed monstrosity of a body.

Seth is holding him by one arm only as the deformed beast struggles to breathe.

"How pitiful... I wonder what it is with mortals and their will to live despite the atrocities they commit or face. To be born is the greatest displeasure one must experience... Enough games. I will end you right here and NOW!" Seth speaks his final words to the beast.

Seth throws him high up in the air and raises his other hand up. A giant purple arrow starts forming in the sky above the beast as Seth screams "CELESTIAL SPEAR!"

The giant spear immediately hits the deformed beast Pierre and disintegrates him in mere seconds as Seth laughs at the glowing light of his magnificent move.

"What the...?" Seth holds his chest feeling weak as his green aura starts to fade.

"This kid... is he somehow holding me in... he is strong... but no matter that... I... Seth... will remain patient until I can devour his soul entirely... AHA HA HA", Seth gives his final laugh before the green aura completely fades and Tommy's body goes unconscious.

Tommy falls several feet down from the sky and gets caught by Yoko and Oli before he takes a serious amount of damage. While holding the unconscious Tommy, they watch the burning tower in shock and awe of what events had just transpired which even they themselves can't describe in words.

To be continued in Chapter - 2


1. Name: Thomas Oldton (or Tommy for short)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Description: He's a young Interspace Military Captain. He has perfect test scores and is a martial arts expert. He still attends a school because his education is still incomplete. He's a huge manga fan as well.

Appearance: He has spiky silver hair and sky blue eyes. He's very charming and handsome. He dresses like a Cowboy for some odd reason and wears a Red scarf around his neck, a blue full sleeves shirt, a black vest and black pants. He wears long black boots.

Signature weapons: An extendable metal stick with ends that can release electric shocks or stingers. He also carries a whip around but never uses it.

2. Name: Oliver Oldton (or Oli for short)

Age: 13

Gender: Male

Description: He's the younger brother of Tommy and is still in middle school and training to join the Interspace Military himself. He's very timid and modest unlike his brother who can be a bit impulsive and arrogant.

Appearance: He's shorter than Tommy but has the same silver hair color. He also has yellow eyes and has brushed up hair. He wears a white shirt and black pants. He usually only carries a book around because he loves to read.

3. Name: Yoko Kobayashi

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Description: She's Tommy's girlfriend. She is also the president of the student council. She's skilled in academics, martial arts, cooking, first-aid, music, you name it! But she's not interested in fighting. She just wants to be a teacher.

Appearance: She has long black hair and red eyes. She wears a short white Kimono with red seams and wears black skin tight knee-length shorts. She wears long white and pink striped socks and red shoes. She has a pink bow on her head. She is adorable and has C cup measurements (at least as per Tommy's observations).

4. Name: Pierre Quark

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Description: He is a cowardly scumbag who manipulates naive people for his own benefit. In the war, he was known as the Sneaky Annihilator for his technique of sneaking up on the opponents to let them have no space to escape and immobilize them using his Memory Surge technique that sends a small shock to the captured person's brain and amplifies their trauma which is very effective when fighting soldiers on a battlefield. He then proceeded to kill his prey. All he cares about is money and didn't stray away from ending lives of millions when he is sent to be in charge of obscure planets on the outskirts of the galaxy to check up on their development. All he does is deplete their already low amount of sources for his own personal riches and abandon the entire population to die due to lack of said resources.

Appearance: He's a 9ft tall man weighing an astounding 250 Kg. He has long silver hair and a goatee. He also wears a monocle. Many people do describe him as handsome despite being a scum. He wears a white trench coat and green pants as well as long black boots and rocks his military badges on his coat as display.

5. Name: "The Boss" (yet to be revealed)

Age: 33

Description: He is the head of the military group Tommy is in. He seems to be upset about the property damage Tommy causes in each case he assigns him to. Seems to be a nice guy despite his heavy voice.

6. Name: Joseph Wright

Age: 38

Description: He is a weapons inspector and ship mechanic. He is also ranked a major which is a rank above even Tommy. He's kind and checks up on the squad's weapons' stability and supplies them with newer/repaired weapons and ships.

Appearance: He has spiky black hair with no bangs. He wears sunglasses and has a slight amount of beard. He's a pretty buff guy standing 6'1".

7. Name: SETH

Age: Several billion years

Gender: Male

Lore: He is a mysterious entity coming from the Golden Age of Gods feared by demons and gods alike. His goal was to destroy everyone and everything made by the supreme deity because of his belief that he is above the supreme deity himself and his current intentions are unclear.

Appearance: He takes the appearance of Tommy when he possesses him with the exception of the eye color changing to red and black as well as the body being surrounded in a green aura. He also gets spikier hair and a very creepy grin stuck to his face.