
That Time I Met A Cowboy In Space

The story takes place in a modern setting where living beings have evolved to colonize Outer Space while having an Intergalactic Monarchical Military Regiment established in the Universe. It revolves around a young boy Tommy Oldton(that dresses like a cowboy) who is investigating the conspiracy behind a supernatural event where his parents died but ends up finding himself a greater mess of ancient conspiracies around a deity named "Seth" that is now possessing him, who by legend, is the incarnation of chaos from an ancient time period where Gods thrived.

Re_Kiwiko · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Being In The Shadow

"Sir, we couldn't get many details on the target yet. Very blurry pictures if any. Doubt there's any correlation to File 60. No relation to any of the artifacts found all those years ago either." A subordinate speaks up.

"I don't care. Keep searching. We've already been sent chunks of data from a strange source on File 60's imports, exports, traversal and location here recently. Be it blurry or not, chase him down. This is our only chance to solve the case of the castle fire and any prior terrorism from File 60. I want everyone to work extra hours, chase down every lead, keep working on de-pixelating all image sources, research every ancient book, scripture and hieroglyphic, deduce any possible goals File 60 may have and report any and all progress to me." M1ke says in a loud voice.

M1ke then continues, "Joseph, Neil, Hans, I need more skilled soldiers like you for this investigation. Tag along.", while the three people he calls say, "Yes sir!"

Before leaving, M1ke looks at a dull picture of a man with the tag "File - 60 : SINA".

Scene shifts to the ringing bell of Tommy's school…

"It's over for you Stefanie! For I summon the Evolved Dragon King!" Tommy exclaims as he slams a card out of the 5 he has on hand.

"Sorry Tommy but I've been a step ahead of you! I summon the Final Wizard King and the Evolved Dragon God with the mystic prison card!" Stefanie exclaims back at Tommy as she slams her own cards out of the 4 she already held.


"Sorry Tommy, I gotta study today. I've got a test tomorrow. We can play again tomorrow!" Stefanie says to Tommy as she packs her bags and leaves while waving to Tommy.

Scene shifts to Tommy and Yoko walking back home together…

"This sucks… Stefanie gotta be cheating… I can't lose at Dragon Orb X Card Game!" Tommy exclaims to Yoko on their way home.

"Uh… I don't know much about the game but losing at a mundane card game isn't something you should be taking to heart Tommy…" Yoko replies to Tommy with an awkward and sweaty expression.

"It's not some run of the mill card game! IT IS THE DRAGON ORB X CARD GAME!! GET IT RIGHT!!" Tommy screams at Yoko with a rather offended expression on his face.

"I'm not really interested in it… That's all…" Yoko replies back with a sad face.

"How could you not be!? It's like the best card game out there!?" Tommy replies back to Yoko all fired up.

"I like other things… Like books… Novels… Stories on magic, history and love… Hehe." Yoko replies back to Tommy with a blush.

"Boring…" Tommy replies nonchalantly.

"Oh come on! Not all our interests can be the same you know!" Yoko replies with a slightly angry face.

The scene then shifts to them finally reaching home…

"Now that we're home, how about we watch some TV, watch a movie or we can play a video game!" Tommy speaks to Yoko all fired up.

"I was thinking we should complete our homework. Now's the best time to finish it as well. We can't afford to leave a bad impression on the teachers right on the second day of school." Yoko replies to Tommy as she starts taking some text books out of her bag.

"Homework…? But that's no fun…" Tommy mumbles.

"If you finish it before dinner, I'll give you a kiss on the cheek!" Yoko speaks to Tommy with a big smile.

"ALRIGHT!" Tommy replies seemingly fired up again.

About 15 minutes into doing their homework, Yoko is nearly done while Tommy isn't even halfway through and screams, "NO WAY! THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! I CAN'T DO THIS!"

"What is it Tommy…?" Yoko asks with an awkward expression.

"I can't answer this question… I've never seen anything like it…" Tommy replies with a comical cranky face.

"It's easy… Here…" Yoko replies as she helps Tommy answer it.

For the next 30 minutes or so, Tommy keeps struggling at doing his homework but Yoko helps him out.

"You're a savior… Thank you…" Tommy replies as he hugs Yoko.

"There there…" Yoko replies back, kisses Tommy on the cheek and continues, "You struggled but the fact you still took the initiative to complete it and the fact how adorable you are, you get the kiss as promised! Try not to be so cranky next time when we do our homework together…"

"It's a promise!" Tommy replies back with a thumbs-up.

Just then, Petra returns home with a giant back of vegetables and other stuff and exclaims, "Ah! Looks like I am late! Sorry! I'll get too cooking! Won't take long!"

"Let me help out!" Yoko replies as she takes a few of the bags from her hands and helps Petra carry them to the kitchen.

"You don't have to! You're a guest!" Petra exclaims back.

"It's fine! I love cooking! Plus I'd like to know what Tommy likes!" Yoko replies back with a blush.

"Aww! Okay then, I'll give you the instructions!" Petra replies to Yoko while giving her a headpat.

While Petra and Yoko are busy cooking, Oli finally comes back home and sits alongside Tommy while reading an encyclopedia. Tommy meanwhile is just reading a comic.

"By the way Tommy, the military enlistment exams are a month away! Got any training plans?" Petra asks Tommy from the kitchen.

"I was gonna ask M1ke but he seems really busy with his current case… I guess I gotta manage my training myself." Tommy replies back loud enough so Petra can hear it.

"I can ask someone from our group to help you out if you need!" Petra replies back to Tommy from the kitchen itself.

"It's fine! I can train by myself!" Tommy replies back to Petra for a final time, to which she replies, "Okay!"

"I can help you big bro!" Oli speaks up to Tommy.

"You wanna help me train?" Tommy asks.

"Yes! I don't know much about fighting but I know a lot from the comics and TV shows we've seen hehe!" Oli replies back.

"Yeah uh… Fighting in fiction is very different from real combat… I did say I'd train you a while ago so how about we start training tomorrow itself? I think then you can be a good sparring partner!" Tommy replies to Oli's enthusiasm.

"Yay!" Oli jumps with joy.

After all that, all four of them eat dinner…

"So Yoko, how about you sleep with me?" Petra asks Yoko.

"Sure Ms. Petra! Good night Tommy! Good night Oli!" Yoko speaks up as she heads to bed with Ms. Petra.

"Let's go to sleep bro." Oli speaks up to Tommy.

"In a bit…" Tommy replies as he heads upstairs.

Tommy steps out onto the roof and gazes upon the full moon.

"I remember how I used to look at you a year ago…" Tommy thinks to himself as he reminisces to the time shortly after the incident where he gazed upon the moon and mumbled towards the moon while crying, saying, "It's so peaceful under you… I don't know what I am gonna do… Mom is gone… Dad too… All I've got is Oli, Grandpa, Yoko and Stefan… What if I lose them like this too… Why is everything getting so bad… Just take me away… I am too weak… I will be at peace there… I can't live here anymore… I am just a disappointment who'll never be able to stand up again…"

"Hah… I'm not the same kid I was a year ago… I am stronger than ever… Just you and everyone wait… I'll be the strongest there is! I'm powerful enough to save everyone I want to! Just look at me! The rising child! THE CHOSEN ONE! I can't even count the number of wins I've got against opponents I thought I could never defeat! I even beat infinite acceleration! I can't be anything short of a genius! Just you wait, big guy… I'll reach you… I'll tower above you… My light will be brighter than your petty comfort!" Tommy from now continues to think to himself with a spark in his eyes while reaching his hand out to the full moon with a smile.

Scene switches back to the bells of the schools Tommy and Oli are in, ringing…

As soon as the bells ring, they both start running and finally converge paths as they head towards the forest Tommy had been training for a year in.


"Alright… Do 200 push ups…" Tommy says nonchalantly while reading a comic book.

"200!?! I CAN'T POSSIBLY DO THAT!?!" Oli screams back at Tommy, to which, he replies, "Won't know until you try it", but much to his dismay, Oli isn't even close to as strong as Tommy already was before formal training and fails to even do a few push ups and continues, "This is gonna take a while… Come with me… I'll find you a different task…"

They both then walk through the city and Tommy then spots a construction site but thinks to himself, "He isn't strong enough for that kind of weight lifting…"

As they continue walking, Tommy spots simple gigs like carpentry, fixing and making shelves, tables and chairs, scrework, etc., and makes Oli do those at an excessive rate for three whole days.

"Brother… I've been missing out on way too much homework… Can we stop these stupid chores already…? It's like you're making money instead of training me…" Oli speaks up with a sigh to Tommy.

"Oh relax! I just sped up your basic strength training! Now try doing 200 push ups!" Tommy exclaims.

"Ugh… I am gonna die at this pace…" Oli thinks to himself but much to his surprise, he finds doing at least 100 push ups very easy and getting to 200 slightly tedious and continues, "Woah…"

"See. All those movements of hands, the circular motion, heavy cutting and moderate lifting got your arms up to speed!" Tommy exclaims again.

"Hell yeah! What's next!?" Oli exclaims with enthusiasm after recognizing his newfound strength.

"Construction work!" Tommy exclaims but Oli just has a very scared look on his face and thinks to himself, "I hate doing chores as training… Why can't there be an interesting alternative…"

Right before Oli could start the first day, Tommy puts weights on his back which induce the same pressure and pain Tommy felt when he first trained under M1ke. While Oli does deliveries and construction work with increasing weights, Tommy just reads comics and chops wood using pure binding energy as training.

After about a week of Oli just doing heavy lifting chores like construction and furniture delivery, he finally gets tired and kicks through the wood Tommy was supposed to chop with ease, gets astounded by his increased strength and just stands still stunned.

"Heh. Now that we've got you up to speed with the required strength, it's time we focus on combat!" Tommy exclaims.

"YAY!" Oli screams.

Another week of fighting training, Oli has trouble landing a single punch on Tommy because he either dodges them, blocks them or counters Oli away.

"Your hands and feet aren't in sync. You really get stunned by the opportunity to counter and switch from defense to offense…" Tommy sighs.

"It's difficult…" Oli pants and continues to ask, "By the way bro, how do you pull off those fancy push and pull moves mid air and charge magic blasts like in the news?"

"Ah! That's just binding energy." Tommy answers.

"Binding… Energy…?" Oli seems confused.

"It's sort of like this. Everything in the universe is some sort of building block. Like us, we're made of organs and those organs are made of cells. Cells in turn have DNA and DNA has… uhh…" Tommy gets confused explaining it himself.

"Molecules!" Oli exclaims.

"Yeah! Molecules! And those molecules are made of atoms. Atoms make up nearly everything we see like us, cars, ships, planets and even stars! Then there's light, made of uhh…" Tommy gets confused again.

"Photons!" Oli replies enthusiastically.

"Yeah! Photons! And then there's space, time and the universe expanding energies and particles called… uhh…" Tommy reaches another point of confusion, to which Oli replies with a big smile again with, "Dark matter and Dark energy!"

"Yeah… That… So basically, anything and everything we know, from stars, us, ships, planets, the fundamental forces of nature, light, dark energy, dark matter, space, time, etc., even stuff like magic and concepts like thinking and fiction, all are made of the same energy called the binding energy!" Tommy continues his explanation.

"Sounds like String Theory… So it is real! We are all made of the same string forms!!" Oli replies all fired up.

"String theory…? Anyways, that's besides the point. Us living beings are different from non living beings in the regard we can manipulate nature the way we like. Be it solid atoms, reflecting light or the very binding energy that makes everything… That's because we have the ability to think and we have processes going on to live.

Unlike planets who do the same, we can alter our fate. We can make more concepts like thinking, hunger, love, magic, etc. A whole new spec of reality! Everything there is! But the ability to control binding energy so far has been limited to natural phenomena…" Tommy explores the idea behind binding energy further to Oli.

"Like the way you control forces, big sis Yoko controls entanglement, Mr. M1ke controls sound and grandpa controls fire!?" Oli asks with a child-like curiosity.

"Yep! It takes a lot of mental strength, fortitude and knowledge to control binding energy, on top of physical prowess. Our personality and emotions shape the kind of phenomena we control and how fierce it gets. The fact everyone has a difference in abilities is because of the distinct personalities us living beings have. The more we understand it, the more it evolves!

Like how I changed ordinary force control into making infinite pressure if you can remember! Once we know more about the phenomena, it's like knowing a part of ourselves! The more we know of it, the more we can change the variables involved in them, hence making them easier to pull off! There may not even be a limit to how far someone can go with it!" Tommy

"Woah! I wanna learn it!!" Oli passionately exclaims.

"Heh. It'll take a long while for you to learn it! You can't even master hand-to-hand combat. I doubt your lack of hand-to-eye coordination would get you anywhere! Plus you wear glasses!" Tommy exclaims back with a smug face almost as if he's berating Oli, to which, Oli just grr's at.

"Okay relax! To harness binding energy, you gotta search deep within your brain and centralize the feeling of your body, your surroundings, what everything is made of, into a single point, visualizing atoms into waves, the wind into waves, etc-" Tommy tries to explain but gets shocked to see Oli understand it in no time and emit a huge chunk of binding energy.

"Woah! So cool! I just thought of it like math and string theory and this energy came popping out!" Oli exclaims as binding energy flows through his body like a high speed gust of wind.

"He's fast to pick up on it… I took a month to learn the basics of binding energy… Although I did learn hand-to-hand combat faster…" Tommy thinks to himself and continues, "Alright. Now try to imagine this centralized plane moving downwards into your body, contracting and expanding, going in and going out, mixing into the surrounding, until your body is in a constant state of being covered with binding energy and regenerating it so you don't run out-" Tommy continues explaining but again gets interrupted from the shock of Oli already adapting to more advanced stuff.

"Crazy… He has already harnessed binding energy into its regenerative state and enhanced it into his arm…" Tommy thinks to himself as Oli makes a precise chop on the wood and exclaims, "Woah this is cool!"

Just then, they hear a bunch of police cars nearby following a burglar with metal wings. On seeing it, Tommy immediately starts following it and warns Oli not to follow.

Tommy then jumps on top of a building and runs and jumps through several buildings to gain enough altitude to catch the flying burglar. Tommy then grabs hold of a tall pole using his new weapon and turns it into a swinging rope and uses the acceleration from the swing to speed through towards the flying burglar. Unfortunately, Tommy is sent flying ahead of the burglar, which gives him the opportunity to stab Tommy in a matter of seconds.

Oli who had neglected Tommy's orders and followed him through the city, in a moment of desperation breaks a metal pipe in worry and throws it towards the flying burglar. Somehow, the metal pipe becomes electrically charged and speeds up mid air but still misses the burglar.

The burglar then grabs hold of Tommy immediately and is about to stab him, but Tommy bites his arm and frees himself. It then turns into a mid air fist fight and the electrically charged metal pipe comes by attracted to a metal pole near the mid air combat which gives Tommy an opportunity to use his force manipulation ability and exchange the forces acting on them.

This sends Tommy flying onto the pole and the electrically charged metal pipe to hit the burglar and electrocute him which makes him fall to the ground and result in his capture.

Tommy then swings down the pole he landed on and heads towards the direction of the burglar along with Oli who asks, "Are you okay big bro?", to which, Tommy replies with, "Yes I am! Electricity eh? Quite a cool ability to have!"

"Yeah… I didn't even think of it… It just came up…" Oli replies, to which, Tommy replies back with, "Well, binding energy abilities are very much derivative of personality… They awaken in a desperate time. That's why you can't just make them up. It's your natural trait."

"Oh! Electric control is so cool though!" Oli exclaims.

As soon as they reach the burglar, the police thank them for another capture while arresting him.

Another two weeks pass… It is the last few hours before Tommy has to head for the military enlistment exam grounds…

"HAAH!!" Oli attacks Tommy at full speed with a swing of a rather blunt metal sword charged with electricity.

Tommy stops the attack using a nunchaku and they both jump and swing around the trees while fighting each other holding their respective weapons.

Tommy blocks another few swings and jumps behind Oli. Oli, being quick to respond immediately targets his swing backwards but Tommy suddenly disappears as if he weren't behind Oli at all and hits Oli from the opposite side onto his side with the nunchaku.

"OUCH!!" Oli screams.

"Sorry. But you gotta time yourself better. Your counters are still pretty hit or miss. You gotta focus on speed and defense rather than just attacking the air. It's quite the opposite of the problem I had where I just kept defending but couldn't switch to attacking. Also, please stop closing your eyes when you swing the sword." Tommy explains.

"Alright…" Oli replies while getting his sword stance ready again and charges electricity into it.

They both start fighting again but this time Oli is left unarmed and Tommy warns him to keep a steady grip or he may die. The resume fighting yet again.

As they fight, Tommy continues, "Never let your sword around the back of your head. This may seem like a strong move but it leaves you open. Try to use your legs to send your opponent back. Make use of all 8 angles you have when attacking. Keep your hips straight. Do not try to do a stab very often or the opponent can attack the other side as well as your upper body. 

Try to parry my nunchaku slams when blocking by putting extra swing power into the deflect. Try to step away when I approach with a big slam. Try to displace the opponent's weapon by forcing it to the other side and apply extra pressure onto it so your opponent is disarmed or vulnerable. Try to step back and use a side swing to counter. The best way of using a sword is to leave the opponent's usable hand injured."

As they continue the fight, it gets more and more intense, making it even harder for Oli to get used to it. Tommy's eyes get a sharper look, his attacks get more and more faster and more furious. It's almost as if he is going to kill Oli. The attacks get so fierce that large cuts start showing up on Oli's body.

"Oli, you never know when you're up against me in the future… The world is unpredictable… You gotta make your own choices… I used to think the military was good… But with so much corruption… I had to face reality… Fight me with an intent to kill… The world has no need for weaklings who claim to be heroes… To be a hero is to be strong… And if it means I kill someone weak who claims to be a hero… Then so be it! Its land a hit or DIE!!

If you stay the way you are… The way everyone has to keep saving you… You're no less than cannon fodder… An average civilian who can't stand for himself… The one who dies in the crossfire all alone with no one to save you…

Remember… Not all battles will be easy… It's not every day someone will be there to fight with you! Stop putting your training to waste! Stop wasting the time you can use to save others! Stop letting petty fears get in your way! Get your head on it! FOCUS! GET SERIOUS OR I WILL ACTUALLY KILL YOU!! It's when everything is getting tough when it TRULY COUNTS!!" Tommy exclaims while continuing his brutal barrage of attacks.

After hearing Tommy's intent to kill, Oli is left stunned. Yet despite that, all Oli can think of right now is the time the police said, "You're just like your brother.", a month ago and gave most of the praise to Tommy. All he can think of right now is, "I can't live in his shadow forever… I did just as much work as he did yet they praised him more and didn't even see me for myself… It always happens… In family matters… Working and doing chores… School… Even though I study harder and enjoy studying… Heck… Even when eating food…

I hate this… But I must get stronger… To protect others… But before that… I have to be strong enough to save my own skin… I can't stay being a disappointment like this forever… Someone who has to be saved all the time … Like the day big bro talked of… He may be right… I don't want to lose him or anyone else… But that's where our similarities end…

Unlike you big bro… I hate fighting… When you fight… You're comical and foulmouthed… To me… Living is a matter of respect… And when I fight… I fight to end all fights as soon as possible…

Even so… I will prove to you that you're not alone in the ambition to protect and provide a normal life to those you love big bro… I will make sure you get the taste of that normal life too… I will not stay a sore loser for years… Then everyone will know my name… OLIVER OLDTON!!"

"Look at him just attacking like there's no tomorrow… It's getting harder to block or deflect any of his attacks… It's as if he cannot be countered… Like there's no opportunity to… So this is what he trained for all that time… My head is spinning from the sheer speed… My hands hurt with each hit… But there lies a counter waiting for me that'll help me take the tide of the battle…

Right before me stands the very brother I admire… Yet his fame and strength shining through his body at such a young age mocks me right at my face… I can't let all my training go to waste… I can't die here… Not in such a humiliating way… I must land a hit… If I give up, I'd end up giving up on saving who I care about as well…

Even though we have our differences… I still admire your courage, your strength and your words… I want to be like you in the sense of being brave and strong… Give me some of that courage big bro… So I can stand next to you and not beneath you… You were right when you said that this isn't a game… The odds will not always be easy… That's when it truly matters…

I have to be worthy of this strength… I am getting used to his pattern of attacks… I may not be able to outdo his raw strength and furious skills in attacking… But I am fast… I got the momentum for it… It's just like you said again… The faster the strike, the harder it hits with the mass combined… All I have to do… Is to get… Faster… FASTER!!!" Thoughts bubble up and rush through Oli's head as if a dam holding a furious flood had broken loose.

Suddenly, Oli gets surrounded by lightning and zips through a star shaped path around Tommy to the point he takes a hit or two and has trouble keeping up.

Oli is followed by a trail of lightning. He gradually goes full blue as if he has become electricity. Tommy takes a huge leap from the ground and Oli follows him in mid air as their intense clashes continue.

They both go zig zig while jumping across trees until Oli nearly hits Tommy's face with his sword but Tommy dodges it in an instant. Oli immediately sees this as an opportunity to land a sideways counter but slows down for some reason which gives Tommy an opening to hit Oli's face with his nunchaku and make him fall back.

"Ouch…" Oli pants after his loss.

"You did well. You did great for being just a month into training. I am really impressed!" Tommy exclaims.

"But I could barely do much until the last half of the fight… And I did terribly otherwise… I lost so many rounds with not even a single hit…" Oli sighs.

"It's fine! Like I said, you're still new! I've been doing this for almost a year now! You'll get better with time! I wasn't even close to your level at this point of my training. I think you're strong enough as to where most won't even be a challenge to you. Plus it'd be a bad outlook on me if I lost to a bigger rookie than me! And I got a whole enlistment exam today!" Tommy cheers Oli up.

"Really…?" Oli seems to be charmed.

"Yes really! I had a difficult time keeping up when you nearly turned into electricity! The speed, the mass combined, the momentum and the hard electrifying hits were sure a lesson for me to never underestimate you. Some of your attacks still hurt ya know! And besides, all that matters is that you accomplished landing a hit on me! But beware, it won't be this easy next time! I'd be stronger than ever!" Tommy says with a thumbs up.

"I'll also be stronger next time! You should be more prepared too!" Oli replies to Tommy with a thumbs up and a smug face.

"You bet." Tommy replies as he leaves for the exam grounds.

M1ke who was just passing by while still on the case saw the last half of the fight. With a smirk, he thinks to himself, "These kids are crazy. I thought Tommy was crazy enough but even Oli… To think he'd have the same powers as his father… These kids really are on their way to the top… We gotta step up our game… You'd be proud of both of them Isaac… Wherever you are…"

The scene then shifts to the military enlistment exam grounds. Thousands of candidates of different species have gathered. A huge number of military officers and experts are present there. There's several campaigns being conducted there as well. Weight and height of all candidates is being monitored, basic medical, mental and physical examinations are being conducted, their records are being checked still and many of them are still training on the nearby boxing ring.

"There sure are a lot of people here… So many aliens too. This really is a big deal. But it just gets me more and more excited!" Tommy thinks to himself all fired up.

"Heh. There's about one hundred thousand candidates here, kid. There were initially going to be a million of them here but half of them forfeited before arrival while the others are doing the same now that they've seen the caliber of the stronger candidates. There's going to be more of such cowards. This really ain't no place for kids. You should really get outta here while you have the time and return when you're all grown up! Haha!" A rather egotistical and grown up candidate speaks up with a creepy yet smug face.

"Just because you're scared doesn't mean I would be too. If you're that scared, run by yourself with your small dick between your legs. I won't judge! Haha" Tommy replies with a smirk displaying his ego in full swing.

"What'd you just say kid!? You should choose your words wisely before we leave you incapable of ever being able to move again let alone come back to ever give this exam!" The egotistical candidate speaks back.

"As if…" Tommy says as he starts dialing a number on his cellphone.

"What're you doing?" The egotistical candidate speaks up again, to which Tommy replies, "Calling an ambulance in advance."

On hearing that, a bunch of the egotistical candidates start laughing and sharing the sentiment, "Calling it for yourself!? What a pity! We can't beat a weakling like you! Especially not a child! It'll mud our pride."

"Who said I'm calling it for my own sake buddy? Stop assuming. One, Two, Three…" Tommy replies as he starts counting.

"What is wrong with you kid!? Who else are you gonna call a whole ambulance for!?" The egotistical candidate talks back with a rageful tone.

"There's about 7 of you idiots here. So it's for the 7 of you of course! Don't worry though! There will be a next time for you guys! I won't beat you up that hard!" Tommy replies back as he clenches his fist and gives them a huge smirk.

"WHY YOU!?!" The egotistical candidates scream as they charge onto Tommy. Unfortunately for them and very obviously, Tommy beats them up with ease.

"I told you guys… The ambulance is for you haha! And besides! My skills have been called stronger than many high ranked military officers themselves! You guys were lucky that I was in a good mood today! I also suggest you stop underestimating opponents based on age and size! Might not be a good outlook on you considering that's basic fighting etiquette!" Tommy gives them his final reply before leaving.

Some other candidates show up after the drama is over to help the beat up candidates while mumbling about Tommy being the same kid in the news as well as the grandson of the king himself that took out an S tier threat himself with just a few months of training while also having several A rank crimes solved solo under his belt. This obviously shocks the egotistical candidates who just got beat up into saying, "That kid… He is dangerous…"

"He's strong… But that's to be expected from the lineage of the king… But I am stronger… He is no match for me…" A shady boy around the same age as Tommy thinks to himself while standing in a corner hearing about Tommy's feats.

To be continued in Chapter - 13…