
That Time I Got Reincarnated with my Bike in Another World [Volume 1]

[Inspired by some random Facebook comment] [ORIGINAL NOVEL BY KAMELINGIL] Legendary verse 5/5 Released: Aug 20, 2023 to ??? Aladin Grantham, 23 years old, a newly licensed bike driver. He enjoyed exploring everywhere with his expensive bike, he always dreamed to ride a bike someday and now that dream became a reality when he got a huge salary. He learned all the bike techniques and he is the best Motor Racer globally, he won a lot of races. But one day, he was having a hard left in a tight road, a truck suddenly appeared, he crashed into the truck so hard that he went to another world with his bike. This is the story of the Hero of Bike in another world. (Available in Wattpad, Scribble Hub, Royal Road)

Kamelingil · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Hunting

Aladin embarked on an arduous quest, scouring the depths of the dense forest astride his motorcycle in pursuit of the elusive Goblin Village. However, he was blindsided by the sheer complexity of locating these creatures, an undertaking that proved far more challenging than he had anticipated. He traversed numerous kilometers, overcoming varied terrain, until at long last he stood on the precipice of his destination – the Goblin Village. Yet, an eerie dissonance pervaded the air, for though he was proximate to his goal, an incessant tremor coursed through the ground beneath him. Baffled and intrigued, he cautiously observed the village from a vantage point, seeking to decipher the source of this inexplicable phenomenon.

However, his observations birthed a startling realization – he had not stumbled upon the Goblin Village as intended. Instead, he had unwittingly trespassed upon the realm of the Ogres, beings of colossal strength that eclipsed Goblins in potency by a staggering factor of fifty. Realization dawned too late, and panic clenched his heart as he attempted to flee the scene. In his haste, a single misstep upon a twig resonated like a thunderclap, alerting the Ogres to his presence. With unwavering precision, they homed in on the source of disturbance, leaving Aladin grappling with an escalating sense of trepidation.

Mounting his motorcycle, Aladin revved its engine, desperate to escape the impending danger. The encroaching Ogres, poised to strike, served as harbingers of his imminent doom. As the engine's rumble crescendoed, a palpable tension hung in the air – the intersection of survival and annihilation. At last, the engine roared to life, propelling Aladin away from the encroaching peril. Relief washed over him as the menacing figures receded, the distance between him and the Ogre Village growing with each passing second.

Alas, respite proved ephemeral, for his rearward glance revealed an unforeseen threat – a pack of voracious Wolves, numbering fifteen in their relentless pursuit. Their ambush was swift and merciless, forcing Aladin to relinquish control of his motorcycle as he was dislodged from it. Surrounded by the ferocious assailants, he fought for his life, the Wolves gnashing and biting with unrelenting ferocity. The fray was an agonizing blur of teeth and snarls, a desperate struggle against overwhelming odds.

In a testament to his unyielding determination, Aladin fought valiantly, using his bare hands as lethal weapons, battling to stave off the ravenous horde. Blow by blow, he retaliated, his determination proving to be an indomitable force. His actions wove a tapestry of survival, each strike a battle cry against his lupine assailants. Through sheer grit and a survival instinct that transcended the boundaries of mere existence, he emerged victorious. Bloodied and battered, the six remaining Wolves retreated, leaving behind a tableau of carnage.

Exhausted, Aladin sank to the earth, the aftermath of his harrowing clash leaving him battered and marked by his triumphant struggle. His clothing bore the grim testament of the encounter, stained with the life essence of the fallen Wolves. As his weary body recuperated, his mind plotted his next move – the search for solace in a nearby river. This oasis of reprieve held the promise of cleansing away the detritus of battle, a momentary interlude of respite in the midst of his tumultuous journey.

Thus, his path led him to the banks of the "Azgemadeth River," an enchanting waterway whose ethereal glow and verdant hue mystified his senses. Its surface shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence, casting an iridescent sheen that left him wondering whether it was due to the presence of luminous moss or some enigmatic property of the water itself. A cursory examination affirmed the river's purity, devoid of even a speck of contamination. Nature's elegance was embodied in this aquatic sanctuary, a sanctuary that beckoned him to partake in its revitalizing embrace.

Unbeknownst to Aladin, the name of this river held hidden significance – an enigma yet to be unveiled. Stripping himself of his blood-soaked garments, he waded into the beckoning waters, succumbing to the cool and refreshing embrace of its embrace. The ebb and flow of the river enveloped him, a harmonious dance between man and nature, a timeless exchange that cleansed both body and soul.

An unexpected encounter disrupted this moment of solitude, as fate wove another thread into Aladin's tapestry. From the river's depths emerged a vision of unanticipated beauty – a girl, naked and unabashed, her presence casting a serendipitous spell upon their surroundings.

A girl with yellowish green hair, bright brown eyes, a perfect figure for his ideal girlfriend.

But a startled scream echoed through the air, their worlds colliding amidst the riverside idyll. Profuse apologies tumbled from Aladin's lips as he grappled with a mixture of embarrassment and contrition, earnestly explaining his inadvertent intrusion. An understanding embrace of empathy calmed her fluttering heart, bridging the chasm between two lives abruptly intertwined.

He who bore the weight of battle's aftermath was the harbinger of revelation, his stained existence inviting queries of the macabre. Her curiosity danced on the precipice of inquiry, a question left hanging in the air – had he spilled the blood of others to earn his crimson mantle? The truth escaped his lips, a tale of feral Wolves and a struggle for survival that marked him as both predator and prey. With a fervent request, he implored her to bathe as well, an invitation she accepted with coy reluctance, retreating behind the concealing veil of a boulder.

A sentiment of both unease and anticipation clung to the air as the waters flowed on, each moment marked by suspended breaths and the rhythm of water against stone. Their paths had intertwined in the river's watery embrace, two souls bound by the happenstance of the universe. Emerging from the waters, they donned their respective garments, ready to face the world anew.

Miko Halju, her name a melody of syllables, became a chapter in Aladin's story, an encounter that brushed the canvas of his journey with hues of serendipity. Her presence was as captivating as it was enigmatic, the name "Miko Halju" etched into his memory, a promise of further connections yet to unfold.

With farewells exchanged and futures uncertain, Aladin's journey resumed, his steed an unwavering companion across the landscape. Curiosity nestled in the corners of his mind as he embarked on a fresh leg of his adventure, his motorcycle's fortitude a silent testament to the journey's transformational arc. Within the depths of the lush forest, he finally uncovered the coveted Goblin Village, a beacon of challenge and opportunity on the horizon.

Yet, his triumph was tinged with trepidation, for the realization dawned that he stood unarmed, bereft of the tools necessary to confront the Goblins that awaited him. A maelstrom of doubt and contemplation churned within him, the specter of imminent demise casting its ominous shadow. Amidst the foliage, a solitary Goblin patrolled, its presence a potential lifeline. With cautious precision, Aladin ensnared the Goblin, extinguishing its life with swift finality. Thus, a weapon

was born from necessity, a crude yet effective instrument of defense.

In the ensuing moments, Aladin embraced his newfound weapon, a symbol of his adaptability in the face of adversity. The Goblins that lay in his path were dispatched with calculated precision, each swing of his impromptu weapon a declaration of his determination to survive. As the tide of battle surged and receded, he carved his path through the Goblin ranks, his smile both an assertion of defiance and a testament to his newfound prowess.

Intriguingly, the perceived ease with which the Goblins fell at his hand perplexed him. Their categorization as a "Medium" difficulty had not borne fruit in the crucible of combat. Little did he know that their potency was an amalgamation, a challenge that escalated exponentially when united in their quest for survival. Amidst the carnage, he seized upon the weapon of a fallen Goblin, a sturdy baton that served as an extension of his will.

Thus armed, he fought a resolute battle, grinning through the blood-soaked fray. Against the odds, he not only overcame the Goblins but surpassed his initial objective, offering up a staggering bounty of thirty-seven defeated foes. This triumphant return to the Adventurer Guild was a testament to his tenacity, the receptionist's disbelief mirrored by the awestruck gazes of his compatriots. Whispers swirled like autumn leaves, speculation intermingling with admiration. Yet, Aladin remained unperturbed, his sights set on satiating his hunger and, at long last, indulging in a sumptuous repast.

A disillusioning realization awaited him in the form of the marketplace's prices. Inflation's relentless grip had transformed commonplace commodities into symbols of opulence, and the simple act of purchasing five kilograms of meat bore an exorbitant price tag of seventy Golds. Despite the financial setback, Aladin's resolve remained unwavering, the allure of sustenance driving him to secure his prize. Nightfall summoned him to a secluded haven within the forest's embrace, where flames danced and meat sizzled over an open flame. The meat, a luxury of unparalleled magnitude, held the promise of satiating his body's longing.

Unbeknownst to Aladin, a specter from his past loomed close by. The enigmatic Beast from Chapter 1, a figure shrouded in enigma, stirred from its slumber by the tantalizing aroma of food. Driven by instinct, it embarked on a silent pilgrimage, the scent guiding its path.

Just as Aladin's anticipation reached its zenith, fate intervened with a startling interruption. The Beast materialized, poised to strike, a lethal predator ready to claim its prize. In a moment of uncanny reflexes, Aladin eluded its initial assault, preserving both his life and his precious meal. Emotion surged within him – frustration, annoyance, and the inexplicable timing of the Beast's return.

"Out of all times, why now? You bastard, you appeared again and ruined my refreshing dinner"

With a begrudging acceptance, Aladin safeguarded the meat for later consumption, yielding the present moment to the feral confrontation that lay before him. The clash of wills was fierce, two beings locked in a battle for survival. Uncertainty clouded the outcome, but his resolve remained unflinching. In this crucible of combat, Aladin was no longer the observer, but the protagonist, his existence a testament to adaptability and resilience.