
the fedge

So sheild or no sheild..sigh

{on one hand if i go to sheild im probably going to get more missions urghh but on the other hand theres probably going to be a lot o f rules

"screw it for now i'll go it alone maybe i'll join when more avengers are in sheild"

{i mean its not like the crime isn't rampant here }




Do you think bad guys are just going to fall out of the sky... dont answer that.

point is to get more chances for missions you have to join the police]

[reward 5sp]

"i guess it is what it is, i'll ask my parents to shmooze me into the police force ,hey if you have money and influence use it "

i pick up my phone and dialed my moms number and her assistant picked up

"hi there could you tell my parents to get me into the police force here in new york tell them that it's something im really into to so..."

ASSISTANT-"Sure i will pass the message along to the sir and miss"

"Thanks a ton get back to me with the details as soon as possible"

ASSISTANT-"Sure sir"


turning of the phone i jump on the bed and go to sleep

{its been a hella long day}


The next morning ryan woke up and looked around

"Huh so not a dream, not gonna lie im a bit suprised"


host :ryan baker

character set -neji hyuga (13)

str:20 (AVERAGE1 -10)

int:12 (AVERAGE 10)

dex:20 (average 10)

cha:10 (unique to host)


{i guess that the neji character set boosted my stats}

"Alright so its time for me to get my life together and join the workforce so i can provide for my poor family and be a positive influence to the community. "


"Time to join the police and be like diehard"


Ryan got out of bed then picked himself out some casual clothes and put them on grabed his wallet and opened the door to leave only to see lisa waiting in the hallway wearing a maid outfit

"o_o"Ryan started to question this whole reality when he saw lisa in a maid outfit ,her eyes exuded a soft and charming presence,she was probabaly capable of seducing ninety-nine percent of this world,her outfit showcased her towering twin peaks for the world to see

"Is it too your'e liking mister ryan"As lisa spoke to ryan she looked down due too the overwhelming embarrasment she felt

"heh my liking, why are you doing this?"Ryan was totaly confused by the situation

"did'nt you say that you wanted me to wear a maid outfit"

"I did are you sure"ryan felt his back start to get wet from the sweat,


"Yes mister baker you told me to wear the maid outfit starting from this week"LISA REPLIED

"last week , now it makes sense" It turned out that the previous ryan left a present for him before he left

in ryans soul space a miniature ryan was kneeling down before a statue and praising it, the face carved on the statue was the previous ryan

"Is there a problem mister baker" LISA ASKED

"HAHA no problem and you don't need to call me mister baker ,ryan is just fine. treat me normally ok"RYAN tried to lighten the situation

"Yes mister Bake...I mean ryan " lisa replied whilst trying to not look at ryan

"well then have a good day " Ryan waved at lisa as he went down the hallway to escape the situation he went out of the hotel and looked for a cab and gave the driver money to take him to the nearest New York Police department

AS he got out of the cab he took in the scenary of the police station and its surroundings