
An unexpected ally

"Wait!" I heard coming from the building I just went out of. I turned around to look at the person who called me out, it was a woman in her twenties, she wore black trousers, a striped white blouse with a striped red waistcoat on it. she wore a black cape on the rest of her clothes held by two silver buttons and a silver chain.

"What is a kid doing here, it's dangerous for you to stay alone near this clinic a beast is near, hidden somewhere." She said panicked and scared for me.

"I killed it." I said flatly.

"huh? What do you mean you killed it? You're like twelve how would you be able to kill that beast?" she asked me perplexed. Not believing me at all.

"*sigh* I just did now can I go?" I asked sarcastically. 'I know I look like a kid but leave me alone already.' I thought.

"I don't believe you stay with me for now until I find a safe place for you to stay in." she said seriously.

"*sigh*" I started to walk until I was next to the body near the tomb and used Predator on it absorbing the corpse into my stomach. She looked at me, shocked. Wasting no time, I rushed in front of her and punched her in the abdomen causing her to lose consciousness. This gave me the time to finally leave the backyard. On my right was the decomposed body of a horse still attached to a carriage and a path leading somewhere, on my left was a destroyed carriage and some crates, and in front of me was a stair leading to nowhere.

Walking down the stairs in front of the gate I found another body that had some blood vials then went back on my steps and turned in the only direction left for me to go. I absorbed the decomposed body of the horse attached to a black carriage, obtaining a new mimicry. I started walking near a gate behind the carriage and tried to open it but it was locked so I returned in my slime form and passed between the bars to the other side.

I used the lever connected to the gate and went on my merry way until I was behind a group of people with torches, axes, and cleavers walking under a bridge near a staircase. Curious I wanted to approach them but I heard a shout behind me. It was another man with an axe in his left hand and a torch in his right swinging the axe in my direction. I quickly ducked and narrowly avoided being cut into pieces.

"You're not wanted here you plague-ridden rat!" He screamed at me. I looked at his face; deformed eyes, long unwashed beard with drool coming out of his mouth as he shouted at me.'What happened to him? Why are his eyes like that? And what does he mean by plague-ridden?' I thought using thought acceleration.

I punched the man in the face making him fall on the dirty floor. I continued to punch him, but I ceased only when the axeman stopped breathing. I took his axe and torch and put them in my stomach then started moving again. Looking around, the group from before had disappeared so I continued to walk until I saw someone sleeping in front of some stairs next to a carriage, carabine in hand. I used Predator on him and the firearm. I resumed my walk but had to hide behind some crates a few meters in front of the carriage as I heard the sound of a shot and, sure enough, the impact could be seen on one of the crates.

'for fuck sake when will it stop?' I thought as I ran in the way I came from and then took the stairs to hide in an alleyway, but just as I took my breath I heard a scream to my right. Without thinking I took out my new axe and singled it in the direction of the screamer fending his skull with my weapon. Taking a deep breath I began to think.

'Why didn't I use my skills? That's just stupid.'

I went back to the main street and used my magic sense and thought acceleration to see everything around me. Doing so lets me see the person hiding behind a staircase, the one that shot in my direction before, and the rest of the villagers who are surrounding a cross with a beast crucified on it further away was an old wooden gate ending the street. You could see four staircases leading to elevated paths, one was blocked by an Iron barrier. The other one wasn't obstructed but had huntsmen protecting it. I charged at the hidden enemy axe in hand. He didn't have the time to attack me, my axe wounded his torso and cut his hand. He fell to the ground, lifeless.

I resumed my run and took the stairs in front of me, cutting anyone who came in my way while avoiding their onslaught until I was on the staircase on the opposite side of the street. The last villager was in front of me carabine in hand ready to shoot me. He tried but wasn't fast enough, he soon joined the rest of his group.

The silence let me hear someone groaning on the other side of the wooden gate locked from my side. I took the path leading to the other side. It was a large area with trees and a fountain in the center of it. I walked a bit in the direction of the noise-maker and saw what was making all that noise; a gigantic troll-like human banging on the wooden gate. It's a miracle that it didn't break into pieces. I sneaked behind it and used my axe on its Achilles' tendons making it fall on its knees. I finished it off by slicing its neck.

I used Predator on it, turning its force into mine

[Notice: Analysis completed. Skill: strengthen obtained.]

'Oh, a new skill! Nice! But I didn't get a new mimicry so it was human?' I turned back and saw behind an old fountain a pack of giant crows. Curious I approached them to see if they also wanted to kill me and sure enough, they tried so I killed them and used Predator.

[Notice: Mimicry of Carrion Crow obtained.]

'Ah, no skill this time. Great Sage can I do partial mimicry?'

[Answer: yes.]

'Cool, thanks' I said to Great Sage. While I was asking a question to my skill I heard some barks in the direction of an elevated place connected to my location by a set of stairs. I prepared myself for what could be the hardest fight in my life; a fight against three dogs, a huntsman with a firearm, one with an axe, another with two machetes, and one with a pitchfork. I killed them all of course but the dogs. They will be I. My nightmare until the end of time; I attack them and miss but not once, not twice but seven times each! How can it be so hard to kill a freaking dog!?

(AN:seriously how...)

I used Predator on one of the dogs but did not get any new skills. Looking around, I found a staircase and decided to use it but as I began to walk I heard some music coming from a gate that I didn't see. I passed it using my slime body, saw where the music came from, and started talking.

"Hello anyone here?" I asked the person playing some music on the other side of a window.

"Who... are you?" asked the little girl. "I don't know your voice, but I know that smell... Are you a hunter?"

'smell? What smell and what is a hunter?' I thought. As I pondered on those questions I decided to tell the little girl that I was indeed a hunter.

"Then, please, will you look for my mum? Daddy never came back from the hunt, and she went to find him, but now she's gone, too... I'm all alone... and scared..."

'damn a kid alone with these degenerate outside, even I feel bad for this girl.'

"Sure, I'll find your mom. How can I recognize her?" I told the girl feeling pity for her.

"Really?" she said with a hint of hope in her voice

"Oh, thank you! My m-mum wears a red jeweled brooch. It's so big and... and beautiful. You won't miss it. Oh, I mustn't forget. If you find my mum, give her this music box." she said while passing the music box by the window.

"It plays one of daddy's favorite songs. And when daddy forgets us we play it for him so he remembers. Mum's so silly, running off without it!"

"Okay thanks, girl, I promise to give it to her as soon as I see her." I told her with the warmest voice possible. I turned back and walked the stairs leading to a bridge with staircases on both sides.

I looked around but the only way I could go was right as the left side led to a dead-end filled with strange and disturbing statues and I didn't want to take another bloody staircase. The only problem with the direction I wanted to take was that the bridge was filled to the brim with enemies. Just in front of me were two beasts like the one in the clinic, a few meters away from them were fat crows and another troll-like human so like any normal human being...wait I'm not human anymore... Like any rational being, I prepared myself for what would be a long battle.

(3rd person POV)

The blue-haired boy...girl? began running in the direction of the two werewolf-like beasts, axe in hand. At the same time, one of the beasts jumped in the direction of Ankoku hoping to tear its body into pieces. The kid narrowly avoided the leap and took the opportunity to leave a huge mark on the torso of the monster, Ankoku then resumed his run in the direction of the second beast who raised one of its front legs to skew the reincarnator with its claws. The attempt failed as the body of the human turned into a slime rendering the attack useless. The slime turned back into a human and used his axe to slice the throat of the monster.

With the fight turning into a 1vs1, Ankoku had an easier time taking care of the last creature sending it to its death. The human started walking in the direction of the next group of enemies killing the crows with ease leaving the giant human as the last thing standing in his way with the rest of the bridge.

Ankoku rushed at the troll-like being to strike it with his axe but had to avoid a swing of the rock the big man used as a weapon. Doing so let Ankoku in front of the troll letting him open the belly of the idiot-looking man letting the intestine fall on the floor but that didn't kill it, he took one last swing before falling head first on the floor. Not expecting the burly man to still be able to attack it, the slime got hit by the rock and sent flying a few meters away from the swinger, his left arm detaching itself with the force of the hit.

Feeling its regeneration kicking, Ankoku stopped moving for a moment, waiting for his body to finish healing. He began to reflect on his error during the fight, he shouldn't have let his guard down, and he should have been more aware of his surroundings but he won't make the same mistakes, he will be better.

While he was waiting for his body to be fully healed he heard footsteps in the direction he came from. It was the same girl from before running in his direction with a worried look on her face. When she was next to Ankoku she crouched and started touching his body to look for any wound other than his missing arm.

"Are you alright? What happened? Never mind, dumb questions here take this" she said taking a blood vial or of her pocket.

"No need, thanks." the slime said flatly while showing his arm getting reformed at an abnormal speed.

"Oh...so what's your name? Mine is Lilith." she said with a friendly smile.

"I'm Ankoku, why are you here? How did you find me?" he asked curious about the strange woman before him

"Well I was scared for you kiddo, a little girl walking alone the night of the hunt, it won't end well even with your power, and seeing your state I was right to be scared. As for how I found you it's simple, I followed the bodies," she said grinning.

"...right... anyway my arm is fully healed so I gonna go see y-" Ankoku started but was interrupted by Lilith who put a finger on his mouth.

"You are not going anywhere alone, I'll go with you, you are too young to be left alone!"



"...*sigh* Okay but don't become a burden." saying so Ankoku started walking in the direction of an iron gate further away, Lilith followed him with a smile plastered on her face. They soon arrived at the gate but were blocked by a gigantic beast easily the size of a house. Its left arm, three times the size of the right one with deer-like horns on its head. Its ribcage was exposed covered in blood like his claws and horns. Getting out of their stupor the duo got ready to face the monstrous beast.