
74 -=The moon=-


A/N: Read 10 chapters ahead in my P a T r E o N



Toneri's father quickly made some hand seals and absorbed a tiny bit of the Giant Tenseigan's chakra

he was enveloped by an cyan chakra cloak, and quickly got into combat position

'I know using the Tenseigan chakra like this is completely wasteful, but I can tell this girl is too strong for me and Toneri...' He quickly concluded

But, albeit his transformation looked cool and by normal shinobi logic it was powerful, in front of Milim...


Milim appeared in front of him, and punched, just once

ONE PUUUUUUNCH! (cue the music)

Blood splattered, Milim wasn't accustomed to fight shinobis, her enemies normally had tough bodies, but not shinobis

their weak bodies only had layers of chakra to defend in, especially the Otsutsukis on the moon, who didn't have motivation or the gravity needed to improve their bodies

"Gah... T-Toneri... ru...n..." Those where his last words

Toneri didn't even look backwards and just ran as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast, but Milim wasn't even going after him

'Ooops... I didn't want to break him...

ahhh... Rimuru (Tensura) is going to kill me if he discover I lost my temper over something so stupid...

No, he would do worse, he would prohibit me from eating sweets... nonononono, that can't happen! I need to make sure no one knows what happened here...'

Milim frantic thoughts found a way

leave no witness behind!

She quickly and easily caught up with Toneri, who despaired as he saw her

"NO! I'M SORRY, I DIDN'T MEAN TO CALL YOU A KID, PLEAAAASEEEE!" his whole face was a mess of tears, and snot

"Dragon Nova!" Milim shot a super powerful move to kill an ant, As Rimuru (og) told her, better make sure, right?

I am 99% sure he didn't mean THAT sure, but... okay

As the dust settled, Milim's face paled

"Oh no..."

Part of the moon was now a trench, and a deep one, she overdid it a little, just a little

"Uh... better go!" She immediately flew away at supersonic speeds


Rimuru was about to go find someone to mess with, when he felt a strange wave of energy coming from the moon

He frowned

"Those guys again? no... the energy is different... are they under attack and the earlier wave was a SOS?" Rimuru deducted

<That makes no sense, it was obviously a scan, it didn't have any frequency or intervals to be a message, much less an SOS>

"Well... that makes sense... So, what do you think happened with them?" Rimuru asked as he looked at the moon, full of dust covering it

"... it seems like a battle..."

<Maybe someone also noticed the earlier scan and interpreted it as a challenge?> Ceres found one possibility

"Sounds rough... anyway, sucks to be them

let's go see if whoever did it, left some spoils for me?" Rimuru grinned as he teleported

<Did you expect this?>

'Actually, I expected this kind of development' Rimuru thought while adjusting his non-existent glasses

<Yes yes, you did

like you expected to never be dumb again, and here you are, going to a possible battlefield without proper information>

'... shut up, will ya?'


As soon as Milim exited the area in panic, Rimuru appeared there

it's the second time she missed him by seconds, unlucky...

"Huh... this place is empty..." Rimuru muttered as he activated his Tenseigan to see things better

He walked around a bit and found the trench made by Milim

"Strange... there is no chakra remnants, either someone cleaned this up, or only used physical power to do this... Is Saitama on this world as well?"

<Highly unlikely>

"Yeah, thought so..."

Rimuru walked a bit away from the trench and found the village of the moon

"Heh, how ironic, this village is closer to the stars than Hoshigakure"

<Well, they do have a 'star' with them>

"It is just a meteorite, nothing more

anyway, maybe something useful can be stored on that village, let's see" Rimuru was about to go loot the village when he noticed something

He went to it and found Toneri's father almost dead there

"...He is alive?" He asked, surprising the man

"Wh...o?" He opened his eyes, not recognizing the voice

what greeted him was the Tenseigan eyes looking down on him, but since that is all he could see clearly, he confused Rimuru

"An-Ances...tor... you... live?" He asked

'Stabilize him a bit with [Heka], but don't save him'


"It pains me to see the end of my lineage at your hands..." Rimuru said, trying his best to imitate some young master

"I'm deeply... sorry, ancest...or... I have... failed you..."

"What happened here? I was away, and only came back after I noticed something was amiss, unfortunately it was too late..." Rimuru said

<His condition is getting worse, it is impossible to keep him alive for long without fully healing him>

'Nah, let him be, we can have what we want from the village, I just wanna know who did this'

"It... was... tha...t pink... haired... demon..."

'Pink haired demon? but Sakura is dead... don't tell me!

did she revive without her uselessness???'

<Please tell me you are joking...>

'O-Of course I am, haha

who in their sane mind would think that seriously? hahaha'

< -_- >

'Well, let's focus here, since he is still alive, lemme get his eye, I need to give Hinata a new one someday anyway...' Rimuru thought as he swiftly plucked an eye, seriously, it is so easy to do so in Naruto world

Imagine if you had to take the nerves into account... hah...

"..." The dying Toneri's father, died shortly after, he didn't question his 'ancestor's' decision, he took every eye of every dying member if his clan himself after all

by the way... they where on the moon, just them

and they somehow lived on for almost 1000 years... SayNoToHarem would love this clan, that is for sure...

No wonder they stopped giving birth and their lineage got cut short, huh?

"Great, now I just need to give this to her and we are fine...

now, to the village we go!"

<I don't think giving an eye to her after YOU stole her eye is a fair->




"Let's see, manual of their taijutsu? to my dimension

History books? nah, trash

... wait, that is all? how the h3ck could they live? what did they eat? did they pull a zetsu and did photosynthesis?" Rimuru asked confused

<Maybe they survived on chakra alone, they ARE Otsutsukis after all>

"Awww man... that's not fair!"

<You can do that as well... -_- >

"Exactly! I can do that, why do they need to as well? couldn't they have some godly fruits that made them not need to eat for months or so?"

<What do you think this is, a cultivation sect?>

"...good point...

now, where did they keep the giant eye..." Rimuru quickly gave up on the wuxia idea and went on search of the giant tenseigan, he found it rather easily since, you know... it's giant...

"Beautiful, but why is it giant? was Hamura a giant and we didn't know?"




"Okay, I'll stop...

This technically counts as a god, right? normal people think Hagoromo and Hamura were gods, so

[Devourer Of Gods] - [Devour]- no wait!" Rimuru stopped his skill on the last second

<What is the matter?>

"I already have a tenseigan, absorbing this serves no purpose!"

<It may strengthen your own>

"Yes, but

I just had an idea

well, two actually"

<I'm listening>

"I can use my Tenseigan to feed it chakra and try to evolve it further still"

<Unlikely, but worth a try, I guess>

"Or, if that doesn't work, I could use it as a battery to my future village"

<Wasteful but I can see where you got this idea from...

I mean, sure. You do you>

"Aren't you supposed to tell me which is better?" Rimuru asked annoyed

<I don't feel like it

too troublesome, finding which option is the least dumb, as both are>

"... sigh, you're such a killjoy..."

<I have no clue what you are talking about :)>

"Well, back to the ninja world, I guess..."