
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: A True Demon

A human, stripped of his moral compass, reincarnates as a demon.

SouthEastCrab · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Black and Mask

(SFX: Piazzolla - Libertango (Arr. for Cello and Orchestra)

Metamorphose String Orchestra, Pavel Lyubomudrov

Nike Hutchisson, cello)

Kingdom of Filtwood, the Borders of Jura Forest

In a clearing near a dense forest, a lone female knight knelt amidst a grisly scene of carnage. Her once gleaming armor, now tarnished and stained with the blood of fallen comrades and enemies alike, clung to her weary frame. Her hands, slick with the crimson lifeblood of her adversaries, moved with desperate precision, drawing arcane symbols on the cold, unforgiving ground. Her eyes, wide and filled with a blend of fury and despair, matched the tremor in her voice, as she chanted words of vengeance and dark resolve.

"I'll make you pay! You will pay!" she spat through gritted teeth. "Curse that demon, I swear you'll regret this," her voice cracked, transitioning from a harsh bark to a pitiful whimper, her desperation laid bare.

"Come on, come on, come to me," she urged, her movements frantic. Vengeance for her fallen comrades, who had perished in a battle they were doomed to lose, was the only thing driving her now. She had devoted her life, her every breath, to the kingdom she once loved. Betrayed by the king she had sworn to serve, now corrupted by his own greed and lust for power, she was willing to sacrifice anything, even her soul, to set things right.

As she completed the blood-soaked symbols, an intricate sigil began to form. It was a chaotic beauty, a testament to her dark determination. She was summoning a demon, calling forth dark forces to exact her revenge.

The air grew heavy and thick, an oppressive presence settling over the clearing. The sigil began to glow with an eerie, malevolent light, casting long shadows that danced across the bloodied ground. Dark smoke, mingling with the glowing blood, rose from the circle, swirling ominously as the atmosphere shifted to one of palpable dread.

The blood formed into a vortex, spinning tighter and tighter until it split into two, each mass coalescing into a humanoid form. Two demonic beings emerged from the darkness, their presence exuding a menacing power.

The first figure, standing in the forefront, had black hair streaked with malevolent red and gold. His golden eyes, with red pupils and black sclerae, gleamed with a sinister light. Clad in princely attire, his appearance was deceptively human, but the aura around him spoke of his true, dark nature. His presence alone would chill the spine of anyone with the instinct to sense such evil.

Behind him loomed a second demon, a figure with jet-black hair and sclerae devoid of any visible pupils. His paper-white skin contrasted sharply with his dark, elegant attire. This demon's garment was a full-black ensemble, exuding an air of dark sophistication and malevolent allure. The centerpiece of his attire was a sleek, tailored trench coat, made from luxurious, high-quality fabric that shimmered subtly in the eerie light.

The trench coat featured sharp, structured shoulders and a high, stand-up collar that framed his face with an imposing presence. A double-breasted front with matte black buttons added a touch of classic refinement, while an adjustable belt cinched at the waist, highlighting his powerful, authoritative figure. The coat's length extended just below the knee, allowing for fluid movement and a dramatic flair with every step.

Underneath, a finely knit black turtleneck provided a seamless, sophisticated layer, enhancing the ensemble's overall sleek appearance. Paired with impeccably tailored black trousers tapering slightly towards the ankle, the outfit maintained a streamlined and menacing look.

The finishing touches included black leather gloves, polished black dress shoes, and a minimalist black belt, all contributing to a cohesive and intimidating aesthetic. This demon's attire embodied villainous luxury, blending timeless style with an unmistakably dark allure.

As the two demons fully materialized, their sinister presence hung heavy in the air, promising chaos and destruction to come. The knight, driven by her thirst for revenge, had no idea what kind of monsters she had summoned.

"Kufufufu," the demon in the front let out a chilling laugh. "Who dares summon me from such a... lonely station?" His gaze fell upon the knight, who trembled under his piercing eyes.

"Yes, I called you here," she stammered, her voice quivering. "My request is... I don't care if you're a demon. You can have my soul if you want, just..." Her voice cracked again, the desperation raw and painful. "JUST! Please, I'm begging you, kill them! Kill them!" Her plea echoed through the clearing, laden with despair.

"Very well. I suppose granting your wish will at least relieve me of my boredom," the demon replied, a cold smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you, sir. And for my payment..." Her words trailed off as her body crumpled to the ground, lifeless. The demon had already consumed her soul, indifferent to her plight, finding no need for the meaningless words of a mere human.

"Nice, that completes our contract. Your emotions were absolutely tantalizing, and for that, I shall do you a great service," the demon said, looking down at the lifeless body in front of him. "That said, I fear your payment will only cover about three days. For an extension... well, I suppose I can always help myself to your prey."

He paused, a sinister smile curling on his lips. "I've been away from the living world for too long. I shall enjoy my time here to the fullest."

He let out a creepy laugh, the sound echoing ominously through the clearing. In the distance, thunder rumbled, as if foretelling the disaster that was about to strike.

"But…" the demon paused, turned around, and let out an amused smile. "Summoning one of us is one thing, but two? That's...interesting. Though her soul told me everything I needed to know."

He continued with a mocking laugh, "Kufufu, humans really are fascinating creatures."

The demon in front, casting a disdainful glance at the second demon, added, "Though I'm not sharing any of these with you," he said, gesturing to the corpses scattered around.

The second demon, who had been watching with evident boredom, replied, "Oh, don't worry. I have no interest in your little snacks. Now that our lovely summoner is dead, I'd much rather spend my time exploring than waste another second with you, Progenitor Black."

With his eyes wide open, the second demon stared into the first, his contempt clear. In an instant, he vanished, the sound of air rushing to fill the void the only indication he had ever been there.

"He's as rude as always. Kufufu, I wonder why," Progenitor Black chuckled before disappearing into the night as well.

In that moment, the clearing was left utterly pristine. No trace of the battle remained—no bodies, no blood, not even a hint of the dark magic that had been unleashed. It was as if nothing had ever happened, yet a sense of loss lingered in the air, a feeling that the world had somehow lost its color.




Note: MC does not know any plot about Tensura, continue with that in mind (He's the one that was summoned with Diablo)