
That time I got reincarnated as a Fenrir (Restarted on AO3, hiatus)

In this world there are seven Virtue series skills Sariel Raguel Uriel Gabriel Raphael Michael Metaton And seven Sin series skills Lucifer Mammon Leviathan Satanael Belphegor Beelzebub Asmodeus But there are four Ultimate Skills that do not belong to any specific side, but are a complete third party to this world, the Apocalypse series skills, the ones that possess these skills are harbingers of change, to welcome a new world, skills made just in case that the world is going to disappear, to bring about a "Reset" upon the space and time before there is nothing left... I appreciate criticism, but that doesn't mean I will change stuff, and if you don't like it, then just go read something else, don't make hate comments just because you don't have anything better to do ps: I do not own Tensura and this is a non profit fanfic, please support the official release, such as buying/donating to the manga and/or anime and/or light/web novel pps: credit to Dark_Light and his "That time I got reincarnated as an Abyssal Phoenix" for inspiration to make this fanfic, it's a great fanfic go check it out, I took a great amount of inspiration from it https://www.pinterest.de/pin/132645151509661091/ this is the link for my cover, if the author isn't ôk with me using it I will take it down

nameless_author · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Chapter no.3 Weapon

As I was discussing about what weapon to use in the middle of it I discovered that I could use my Transform skill to get normal hands it just... kinda happened, and instead of something that would go on my claws, I could have something to hold in my hands, my brain went through thousands of ideas to use and so I decided

"I want a double swords connected by chains, a long sword with a short sword connected by half a meter of chain!"

At first Kaijin sat dumbfounded, but as soon as he realised that I had hands instead of claws right now he answered

"That might actually work!"

"I know right!"

I said exited to test it out

"but what will we do with the leftover nails"

he said expecting, a new, ingenious idea

"You could make another sword connected to a very long chain around 5 metres to just repeatedly throw but, make the sword out of 2 nails"

I said out loud thinking it was stupid, but then the dwarf was shocked and asked

"Are you some kind of idea genius!?"

I was kinda shocked that he considered the though genius

"I'm not sure, and if I need something I will ask in return you can keep those six leftovers"

"Of corse, sir yes sir"

And then the dwarfs started working on my order

==============A couple days==============

my "throwing sword" As kaijin started to call it was complete I decided to test it out on a hunt with the goblins

"I'm surprised that you decided to come with us young Master"

Said the leader of the hunting group Rigur

"Of course I am, I want test out my sword"

I said as I held my sword that was 15cm wide and a cm thick it was a black blade with a white edge that was around half the blade the handle made it 80cm long I was 150cm so in comparison to me it was quite a large sword I also asked Kaijin to make it heavier so it was around 50 kg witch I lifted like nothing with my right hand, it was connected to a five meter chain that made it look like an over sized throwing knife, which it is

"Yo Riguru" Said a boy on a wolf


"it's hard on you, security all around and the food distribution"

"Tonight it's decided to open up a banquet, it's on you to get the delicious food"

"Rimuru-sama are you going to eat with us today?"

Said a dumb looking hobgoblin

"Yea, this body has a sense of taste!"

The slime answered proudly

"I thought you would have realised it earlier wouldn't you?"

I added as if it was most obvious

"Shut up"

The slime said slightly embarrassed

then the dumb goblin asked

"Will eating full make the brests grow?"

And the answer to that was a roundhouse kick to the stomach

"You should have seen that coming"

As I said he really should have

Then riguru said awkwardly

"I shall go prepare the best cow-deer"

"Oh, I'm depending on you"

"leave it to me, recently there's been many monsters coming from the deeper parts of the forest so there's an increase in prey"

He answered with confidence

"... Did something happen?

Rimuru asked worried

"No it's just incidental, but monsters will migrate because of the environment, so I think it's nothing serious"

Riguru said reassuringly

"Of course I will heighten the security"

After a few seconds of a pause Rimuru said

"Rang, you shall follow the security team, if anything happens I'm depending on you"

"Yes sir"

answered the giant wolf confidentiality

"Rimuru-sama aren't you going out?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll reach it right away"

He said peting the wolf

"No need to be thankful, please bring me along, Riguru sire"

Ranga looked very handsome, if it wasn't for his waging tail

"Then I shall go now, if anything happens just call me"

He said about to depart, but he was suddenly stopped by Riguru

"Ah wait I almost forgot to give you this, while patrolling the forest I found it"

He said taking out some kind of mask

"... Thank you for finding it"

he said slightly smiling

===============an hour later===============

suddenly a group of six people with horns on their head attacked us

there was an old man with a katana, a big Brested beauty with a mace, a shrine maiden looking cute girl, a handsome looking assassin with two swords, a buff hammer wielding uncle and to finish it of the leader was red haired handsome guy, with a katana and some cool looking armor,

The beauty started fighting Riguru the shrine maiden used some sleeping magic on the others while gobuta got cut down by the old man, and Ranga was fighting the assassin and the uncle,

so I threw my sword at the old man who deflected it said

"that's a crude way to wield a sword

and as I pulled it back I answered, exited to fight

"Well I was never thought how, mind teaching me?"

and I immediately rushed at him using my skill <Slash> which is supposed to be used with claws but I could use it this way, and even though the old man deflected it it still cut him a bit there was a slight cut on his right shoulder and right side

"Hou, I was sure I blocked it"

said the old man

"to answer that it was the skill, <Slash>"

and slashed in the air that sent a ranged attack using <Slash>

witch he casually blocked, the skill <Slash> is not very predictable at close range but when used like this it's as predictable as a cut tree falling, if your looking out for it it's too easy to dodge

so I decided to throw the sword into the air and slash it onto him and used <Slash> when he blocked it but he immediately dodged and before giving me a moment to pull back my sword he counterd

and slashed aiming for my head but was blocked as I transformed my left hand into a claw and blocked it and used <Slash> to counter but then

a certain slime arrived and yelled out

"Ranga! Feru!"


responded Ranga

"tch* yes father"

I said annoyed because he stopped my fun


Name: Feru Tempest

Race: Tempest Fenrir

Title: The last Fenrir

Disaster rank human form: A rank

Disaster rank true form: S rank

Class: None

Blessing: Tempest blessing


White shirt

Denim pants

Throwing sword

Healing potions (Regeneration class)

Special Skills:

Plague Control


Intention reading


Transform (race intrinsic skill)

Bite (race intrinsic skill)

Slash (race intrinsic skill)

Long Ranged Slash (Lerned Skill)

Wind Magic (race intrinsic skill)

Lighting Magic (race intrinsic skill) (Evolution gained skill)

Thought Acceleration

Unique Skills:

Multilayered Barrier (Evolution gained skill)

Shadow Movement (Evolution gained skill)

Black Lightning (Evolution gained skill)

Magic eyes

Impenetrable Skin

Unbreakable Bones

Ultimate Skills: NONE


(AN - At my biology class we were learning about genitalia, but I prefere to call it the Private Parts, P. P. for short)