
That One Cousin

Hi my name is Alexia I'm 11 years old and I have that one cousin in my family. Her name is Brinley she gets on my nerves all the time! Brinley is one year older than me she's 12. Now I will tell you about our past together by reading this she mite get on you're nerves to.

When we were little we would play together. Brinley on the other hand thought it was fun to kick me and slap me on the back. I'm not really upset about that though I mean we were kids. When we were little we played bakery with coins. She said here eat a cookie and she handed me coins. Well I was stupid and I actually ate them. I had to go to the emergency room and get the coins removed. I don't really remember this though can't really be surprised.

As we got older we would always get in arguments. Usually either me and her would get in trouble and we would run and cry. We would say stuff to each other minutes later like I hate you. If I didn't say it out loud I'd say it in my head.

About a year or two back we found out that baby diapers were made out of stuff like instant snow. She took one in Phoenix's diapers and put it in water. We were playing with the stuff inside of it. But what she did not tell me is that phoenix had Peed in the diaper. We were having fun right then she started throwing it at me. While she was throwing it at me she told me that Phoenix had Peed in the diaper. I said stop because she was getting it in my mouth and my eyes, but she didn't.

Then we got into a fight. We were rolling on top of each other and pulling each other's hair. I was really mad at her. I ended up trying to walk all the way to my house. Which is by car 45 minutes away. Right when I was approaching the gate her mom came out and said get back here. We both got in trouble and we had to sit outside pretty close to each other. To me that was one of the worst days of my life.

My cousin calls me stingy I kind of am though, but she says she shares with me so much. You have no idea how much of a lie that is. I let her play on my hover board till it dies. Obviously I'm upset when she's on it and I don't want her on it but I still let her play on it till it dies. She doesn't even let me play on hers for one minute. 10 seconds as soon as I get on it she says here let me get on it or let's get on it together. I do get mad but I don't show it because I don't wanna be mean. But it does make me angry whenever she says she shares so much. Like no you don't you obviously don't know what the definition of share means.

I don't like her holding my phone whenever she call somebody because she doesn't need to, and when I say no she says oh my god you're so stingy you never share anything. Obviously I do some people don't want you holding their phone they don't want the phone to get dirty. In my case I just don't like you that much I don't trust you. Trust is earned.

Whenever I tell her secret she always tells on me, or tells somebody. Sometimes she will even use it against me. If you have a sibling or That One Cousin you understand how annoying that is. Sometimes she'll get mad at me for no reason. She says well you're mad at me. No I'm not stop assuming things. That happens every day. I hope you like'd this short page.☺️