
That Mafia Loves to Kiss Saddist Nerd

AkoSiNaviko07_ · Thanh xuân
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

(Levy's POV)

After the incident earlier, he just left me on the couch. That's rude! Leaving after --- kissing? Such a playboy gangster! It's just weird we didn't meet before but why does he know me? Tsk maybe his a stalker. May our destiny never meet again.

"Levy" calls of who when I exit the cubicle.

I was still actually staring at his face as if the world had stopped because our eyes met. And suddenly the event accelerated --- I raised my leg to kick him but he touched me with a grin on his lips. I was about to attack him when he first approached me while holding my neck and I was surprised by his kiss. With that kiss I knew who he was.

'The playboy gangster!' that's what I thought.

I pushed him with my strength and I succeeded. Nyeta will just kiss with alcohol and bites! I pointed at him angrily. I will show him the opponent of this man. He is too abusive ah!

"You know?!--"

"That you like my kisses? Yeah I know that" he said calmly. '70% close to exploding the bomb 'my mind said to me. Takte!

"You're annoying ah! Do you know my blood boils when you kiss me ?! With too much boiling I want to strangle you!" After I said that I gasped and stared at him. Takte didn't even have a reaction? Poker face is just the peg? Does this man just smirk ?!

My eyes suddenly widened ---

"Hey I'm still talking to you!" I shouted at him but he turned his back on me while rubbing. Wow!! Takte are the walk out king?

In annoyance I followed him. That man is really rude! No respect!

"Hey!" He still doesn't pay attention to me. '89% before the bomb exploded 'I'm so excited! He likes to tweak! What does he think I can't handle him? Even if I'm a woman and even if I'm a nerd, I can beat her!

"Mr. Jalo I am here to refer my business with you. Veeno, Glenfiddich, Four Roses Bourbon, etc. Or what ever what the products are you want just fired Ashy Levina Vermillion. I don't accept no Mr. Jalo except you want you die? "I saw him face the owner of this bar. T-wait what is he doing ?!

What is he saying ?! Is what I'm hearing right? Those are the best selling wines products! Is he serious?! ---

"Wait, what's fired, fired ah ?! Hey!" I shouted as he shook. He looked at me with a grin. Shocks! Is it addicted to my lips ?! Kiss kiss! Here it is again, the addict suddenly left!

We were left stunned but I really had a big problem with it. Maybe-- maybe sir Jalo will follow that man's wishes ?! I looked at Sir Jalo who was sweaty and obviously scared. Why is he so scared? How annoying is that man threatened!

"Sir Jalo don't listen to that. Please don't fired me ---" I stopped what I was about to say when he spoke and then left me falling down with hollow blocks, sky, and earth.

'I-I'm sorry, Levina. B-but you're f-fired '

It echoes in my brain again and again! Huhu no! I'll be here for almost a year then-- then just like this ?! Wahhh how is this?

I just sighed and drew strength. I can do this! I will look for a job again tomorrow.

'Go Levy fighting!' I cheer myself up. Hmmp I thought about the man earlier. Who is that? Why if you can order ah! I decided to get dressed to go home.

"Are you really leaving, Levy?" One of my friends here.

I just smiled at him --- at them. They had heard that I was being fired.

"Yeah. I'll miss you guys" he said sadly as they hugged each other. During the time we will be here, who can't miss them? Wahhh they are my sisters and brother too.


I said goodbye to them again and started to walk out the door. When I opened, a full moon immediately appeared on me. I close my eyes while taking advantage of the time.

"Levy" suddenly I opened my eyes when someone speak behind me.

Takte! Why is this man so sulking ?! Wait why is he here? I frowned at him. Heh! It was his fault that I lost my job! Why did sir Jalo obey this man's order? This robot doesn't look like a business. Yes robot because there are no emotions!

"Don't talk to me. I hate you and please stop tripping and make my life miserable"

I was about to pass him when he pulled my arm and dragged me away. I would have yelled at him when I saw his motor in the distance. What is this man up to? Earlier I noticed that it was feeling close! He just kissed me and told me I have you like that right away? Is that really serious? No joke?

"Wait you're feeling close ha!" I shouted but that's it --- let's not expect that to happen. He lost his tongue.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to" he began. Ok, I'm taking back that his voice is beautiful, so he has a tongue. Tsk!

I smiled at him and turned my gaze to another place but I shouldn't have done it. After he kissed me on the neck I looked at him at the same time he put a helmet on my head.

"Why did you do that! You not supposed to kiss me like that!"

"Then should I ask your permission to kiss you?"

"N-no! You know what urgggg you making me mad!"

He wasn't looking at me. Tsk!

"I just don't want you to be there because I just want you to be here with me, Levy. You're mine all the time" he said as he bent down to face my face. Yes, my small person! But what?

I was surprised when he hugged me which also made me sigh. I could hear my heart pounding.
