


Athena Lemiere


That's the one word that made me drag myself to Redent's office to give him the lawsuit paper. It's been 7 years since I've seen him, I do saw a lot of news about his company along with all the girls that he dated which is a lot.

He's a certified playboy.

The moment when I saw him, my heart stopped for a moment. It was the worse decision that I've ever made. All of my system was screaming for him and my blood rushed around my body really quickly. I feel like someone was choking me but it was myself, I was choking myself.

And I know the fact that he still gives the same affect to me, just like 7 years ago. My heart crunched remembering it and I have to say, I can't trust man easily after that because of him. It's hard for me.

/"Athena, why are you acting like this?/" I said to myself as I leaned my head to the steering wheel. My phone rang and I took it out from my dress pocket.
