
Teyvat: I Have A lot of Unpaid Love Debt

Travelling to the world of Genshin Impact, Kyle got a simulator system as his golden finger. The continent to Teyvat has never been the same since then. [Bowing in front of the Water Goddess you pledge your loyalty and sword to her.] [With the Flower God and Greater Lord Rukkhadevata by his side he proclaimed himself the Emperor of the Desert.] [You listen to Rosalyne singing in the streets of Mondstadt.] [You take in a Pink Fox as your Pet.] Kyle's life has become chaotic with powerful women looking for him but wait "Why is Nahida calling me father?" Author's note: Inspired from various Chinese fics Cover art belongs to TorinoAqua on Twitter

Amayatsu · Tranh châm biếm
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14 Chs


Furina twirled, showing off her skirt with a bright smile. "What do you think?"

"You look beautiful as always, my lady," Kyle replied, admiration clear in his voice.

Kyle had just finished sewing a new, beautiful dress for Furina. Focalors old outfits had never really suited her, being too formal and uncomfortable. With this completely new look, Furina finally looked like her own person.

Do not take Kyle for granted, along with being Fontaine's Dueling Champion he was also the foremost fashion designer of Fontaine. Dresses designed by him being the most sought after in Fontaine's fashion circles. 

"Hmm, flatterer," Furina murmured just loud enough to not be heard, averting her eyes as her cheeks tinted red.

Just then, a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in," Kyle called.

A terrified guard entered, his face pale. "Your Excellency, there's an urgent report from the Armada. They have found the source of the unusual activities in the sea lately. It's... a giant monster."

"Giant monster?" Furina asked, her expression turning serious. "How big?"

"Ab- about the size of the entire city," the guard stammered.

Kyle and Furina exchanged a worried glance. Kyle's hand instinctively moved to his rapier, 'The Splendor of Tranquil Waters.'

"We need to act immediately," Kyle said, his voice firm. "Gather the troops and prepare the defenses. I'll lead a regiment to the sea to join the armada. The rest should stay alert and be prepared for evacuation if necessary. And inform Neuvillette—ask him to be ready to take action if the need arises."

The guard saluted and hurried out to carry out the orders.

Furina stepped closer to Kyle, her eyes filled with determination. "Be careful out there, Kyle. We can't afford to lose you."

[You are twenty and lead the armada to kill the monster Elynas, you suffer a grave injury while protecting your team.]

[You are twenty one and Furina debuts as the hydro archon after a year of training and practicing for her role.]

[You are twenty two Fontaine enters a period of normalcy, your injury has still not perfectly healed. The wound is corroded by abyssal energy, it's slowly consuming your vitality. Furina tries her best to look after you and nurse your health.]

Fontaine thrived under Furina's leadership, entering a period of peace and prosperity. The city was vibrant, its people content and hopeful for the future. However, Kyle's injury, tainted by abyssal energy, refused to heal completely. The wound slowly consumed his vitality, leaving him weakened and in constant pain. Despite this, Kyle continued to serve as Furina's advisor, his loyalty and dedication unwavering.

Furina, determined to find a cure, spent countless hours researching and consulting with healers and scholars. She tried her best to look after Kyle, nursing his health with a mix of traditional remedies and innovative treatments. Her concern for him was evident in every action, her eyes reflecting the worry she felt for him.

One evening, as the sun set over the tranquil waters of Fontaine, Furina sat by Kyle's bedside, holding the cake she had baked herself, feeding him be her own hands.

"How does it taste?" she asked, her voice soft.

"Absolutely fabulous, Lady Furina," Kyle replied with a smile. "Your cooking skills have drastically improved. What are you going to call this dish, by the way?"

"Um, I was thinking about Pour La Justice," she said, a hint of shyness in her tone.

"Quite fitting," Kyle responded, his smile growing wider. "It's perfect, just like you."

Furina blushed, averting her eyes. "I'm glad you like it. I just wanted to do something special for you."

Kyle smiled weakly, his hand reaching out to grasp hers. "Thank you, Lady Furina. Your care means everything to me."

"I asked you to drop the 'lady' already," she said with a gentle laugh, trying to keep the mood light.

"I'm afraid that's one thing I can't do," Kyle replied, a teasing glint in his eyes. 

Furina sighed but smiled, squeezing his hand gently. "Then I suppose I'll just have to get used to it."

As they sat together, their hands intertwined, a comforting silence settled over them.

Over the next couple of years, peace reigned over Fontaine. Kyle and Furina's relationship grew deeper, becoming a source of speculation among the high circles of Fontaine. Rumors floated about their bond, some whispering of a romantic connection between the Hydro Archon and her devoted champion. Kyle disliked these rumors, feeling a fierce protectiveness over Furina's reputation. How dare they gossip about their god?

Furina, however, was unfazed. She was the Hydro Archon; she ruled over Fontaine with grace and authority. Does anyone dare to object about her relationship?

One evening, as they sat in her private garden overlooking the tranquil waters, Kyle voiced his concerns. "The rumors... they bother me, My Lady. They speak of us as if it's something scandalous."

Furina, who was nestled in his lap, looked up towards his face, her finger gently caressing his lips. "Are they wrong?"

Kyle blushed a healthy pink. "I don't think there's anything scandalous about our relationship," he replied softly.

Furina smiled, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Then let them talk. Our bond is ours to define, not theirs. We've faced greater challenges than idle gossip."

Kyle nodded, feeling reassured by her confidence. "You're right, as always. I just want to protect you from any harm, even if it's just words."

She leaned in closer, her breath warm against his skin. "Your protection means everything to me, Kyle. But remember, I am the Hydro Archon even if a fake one. My strength is not so easily shaken by rumors."

Kyle's heart swelled with love and admiration. "I love you, My Lady."

"And I love you, Kyle," she whispered, sealing her words with a tender kiss. In that moment, all doubts and fears melted away, leaving only the warmth of their shared commitment to each other and to Fontaine.

As they held each other close, the tranquil waters of Fontaine reflected the serene sky above, mirroring the peace that had finally settled in their hearts.

Fontaine entered a new era of prosperity and stability. The people, inspired by their Archon's strength and their champion's loyalty, flourished under their guidance. Whispers of their relationship turned from scandalous gossip to tales of devotion and unity, symbolizing hope and resilience in the face of adversity.

And so, in the heart of Fontaine, love and duty intertwined, creating a legacy that would be remembered for generations to come.

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