
Teyvat Film Studio

WARNING: Harem SOURCE: Genshin Impact ● Finding himself thrown into a world he knew very little about, Yuito begins his adventure in this mystical world not by fighting monsters, not by exploring the continents, but by starting up a film studio! Perhaps he had drawn the short end of the stick, but he didn't care, he was going to make use of this system of his in whatever way he could. If that means introducing anime and more to this backwards world, then so be it. "Hey, have you heard of that new shop? What was it again..." "XTreme Productions? Who hasn't heard of it?!" "I go there every day! I heard the owner is broadcasting the next episode of One Piece today!"

QuantumCypher · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs

Entering The Big Stage

"That's one large lady..."

"Woah, how did his arm stretch like that?!"

"What's a devil fruit?"

As the episode played out on the big cinema screen, Amber couldn't help but become more and more energetic the more she watched. It wasn't just the contents of the video that garnered her attention, it was the overall quality of the video.

She had heard some news about how Fontaine had also been producing other variants of the Kamera, a device that was incredibly popular due to being able to produce pictures with a click. However, she hadn't heard any news of them being this advanced.

'Is Yuito perhaps from Fontaine?' Amber couldn't help but wonder as she silently glanced towards the male that was still staring at the screen. 'That would explain this technology, though I still don't think Fontaine has developed to such a level. The picture and sound quality are way too high, even for Fontaine.'

It didn't help either that Yuito's name was clearly similar to that of the naming convention of Inazuma, despite him not apparently being from there. That begged the question to Amber, just where exactly was it that Yuito came from?

In any case, Amber decided to put her attention back on the screen. The episode was almost over, so she wanted to experience the entire video before it ended. Soon enough, after a few minutes, the episode finally reached its end as Amber stood up with a big smile blooming across her face.

"That was amazing!" Amber gave an excited cry as she turned to look down at Yuito, who merely smiled at her enthusiasm as he continued sitting down. "I've never seen anything like this before in my life! That song at the start as well, it was really good!"

"Glad you enjoyed it." Yuito chuckled as he stood up from his seat. "So, do you understand now just what kind of entertainment my business brings?"

"Yep, and I have to say, I love it!" Amber smiled brightly, brightly enough that Yuito honestly wondered how she could smile so widely and sincerely at the same time. "Will there be more episodes in the future? Will Luffy become the King of the Pirates?"

"Okay, slow down." Yuito smiled wryly as Amber got closer and closer with each question. Pushing her back with a gentle push, Yuito crossed his arms before nodding his head. "Of course there will be, in fact, I'll be officially starting business tomorrow. Today is a day for advertising my store."

"Advertising? How are you going to do that?"

"About that..." Yuito narrowed his eyes slightly as he held his chin in thought. He had a few ideas, the first was to put up some advertisement posters, but that may be too inefficient. Another idea was to go around and just telling people, but that might prove to be far too annoying. "Actually, maybe you could help me out?"



"What's going on?"

"Why is everyone gathering here at the fountain?"

"I'm not sure, apparently the knights are asking people to gather here. Though, I don't think they said it was a necessity..."

At the current time, many citizens within the city were incredibly confused as they continued asking one another about the situation. They had recently been asked to gather here in the main central area of Mondstadt, for whatever the reason was, they had no idea.

What confused them as well was that the knights themselves were also confused, apparently it was by the request of a certain Outrider they all knew very well. She had been pretty vague in her explanation, merely saying things like 'You'll see, and I'm sure you'll love it!'.

Anyway, the commotion had caused quite a ruckus as a certain cavalry captain was also seen making his way over with an eyebrow raised in confusion. His royal blue hair as well as the black eyepatch really made him stand out, not to mention his style of dress. This person was none other than Kaeya, a senior member within the Knights of Favonius.

Walking beside him was a young woman with a rather... well-endowed physique and long brown hair that was tied into a loose side ponytail. She was also wearing a purple and white outfit reminiscent of that of witches... sexy witches. She even had a large hat to boot.

This was of course Lisa, a humble librarian and... local lightning sadist.

"Just what in the world is going on here?" Lisa couldn't help but wonder as she glanced at the large gathering group. Her eyes showing clear signs of curiosity, though she too was confused when she saw that even the people gathering had no idea why they were here. "Did Jean request a mass gathering today?"

"Not at all." Kaeya shook his head while responding. "From what I've heard from the other knights, they were actually gathering as many people as possible all by the request of Amber."

"Amber?" Lisa blinked in surprise. "I wonder what she's up to..."

"We may be getting our answers soon enough. There she is."

Both Kaeya and Lisa looked up to see the person in question helping the citizens quickly gather into the main square, a few of the other knights assisting her the best they could. As they approached, they could see that Amber had a rather excited look on her face as she continued gathering people.


"Hm? Oh, Kaeya and Lisa!"

"What exactly is going on here, Amber?" Lisa quickly brought up the most important question. Once again, she casted a curious glance towards all of the citizens that were muttering towards one another. "From what we've heard, you caused quite a bit of a ruckus. Is Jean aware of this?"

"Uh..." Amber rubbed the back of her head with a nervous look. "Well, no... but, I'm sure you guys will understand soon that the reason I'm doing this is for the better! I've found a way to help people get out of their rather depressing moods! Just trust me!"

"It wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that young man over there, would it?" Kaeya asked as he pointed towards a male who was busy shifting around strange holographic screens that were floating in front of him. This was of course Yuito, and he had a number of knights blocking the citizens from approaching him. "What exactly is he doing?"

"Oh my, what a cutie~." Lisa gave a small giggle as she too turned to look towards the person in question. "What a strange little screen. It's hard to see anything from this far though..."

"Uhh... It's kind of hard to explain." Amber crossed her arms over her chest as she gave a small sigh. "Though, don't worry! Just sit back and relax, I'm sure you two will also understand what I mean soon enough! Yuito's business will be an eye-opener!"

"Yuito?" Lisa repeated. "Is he from Inazuma?"

"I asked that as well, apparently not though."

"His business?" Kaeya also repeated before a small frown formed on his face. "Amber, I'm not exactly sure what kind of business this Yuito individual is doing, but it better be worth as much as you're saying. Otherwise, Jean is going to have an even bigger headache than usual with all of this commotion."

"As I said, just watch!"

Both Kaeya and Lisa looked at one another, Kaeya gave a small sigh before shrugging as Lisa giggled once again. As if on cue, the sudden cries from the citizens caused the three to turn to see that Yuito had created multiple larger screens that now hovered high above the area. They weren't high enough that it was difficult to see, it was just the perfect height for the crowd.

The crowd instantly began chattering once more at this rather miraculous scene, though were silenced when Yuito raised his left hand and snapped his fingers. With silence now filling the area, they all watched as the holographic screens began displaying a clear and visible image.

"Here we go!" Amber grinned as she hopped up and down in excitement. She had already watched the first episode back in the shop, but she was still more than eager to watch it once again. "Pay attention now, Kaeya! Lisa! You're going to love this!"

Although confused, they both complied and focused on the screen.

They were soon, along with everyone else, surprised when a male voice soon sounded out throughout the entire area. No matter where each person stood and watched, they could hear the voice clearly as if the person speaking were right next to them.

『Narrator: Wealth. Fame. Power』

『Narrator: Gol D Roger, the King of the Pirates, attained this and everything else the world had to offer. And his dying words drove countless souls to sea!』

As the voice played, everyone could only watch in stunned silence as the holographic screens also seemingly panned through different images that were printed onto old decaying map-like scrolls. Soon enough, they were greeted by the sight of a powerful-looking man with two blades crossed over in front of him.

"Oh my..." Lisa couldn't help but widen her eyes a bit as the scenes played out. "This was not at all what I was expecting."

Kaeya too held his chin with obvious interest. "Pirates, huh? How interesting..."

『Gol D Roger: You want my treasure? You can have it!』

『Gol D Roger: I left everything I gathered together in one place, now... you just have to find it!』

For whatever reason, as soon as these few words left Roger's mouth, everyone felt a sudden chill run down their spines. Perhaps it was the tone of his voice, the aura he seemingly radiated, or something else, they honestly had no idea.

Soon enough, the screen changed to show an endless ocean where countless pirate ships could be seen sailing off towards the same direction.

『Narrator: These words lured men to the Grand Line!』

『Narrator: Pursuing dreams greater than they've ever dared to imagine』

『Narrator: This is a time known as the Great Pirate Era!』

Immediately after, the audience were all taken aback when the blasting sounds of music soon entered their ears. Pretty much instantly, they all began to enjoy the music as they too focused on the multiple different images that were displayed on the screens together with the song.

What caught their attention the most was definitely the young boy wearing the yellow strawhat, and despite his rather normal-looking appearance, his bright smile was more than enough to get them all to continue staring at him as if he were the sun smiling itself.

As both Kaeya and Lisa were watching with undisturbed interest, Amber was next to them humming to the song. She had only heard the song once, so she had yet to memorise the lyrics, but she could still remember the flow of the song in her heart.

Soon enough, the song ended as a highly energetic voice entered their ears, reading the text that soon appeared on the screens.

『I'm Luffy! The Man Who's Gonna Be King Of The Pirates!』