

Mark McCoy, a half-alien, half-human hybrid, was born into a unique lineage, setting him apart as a distinct species from the Tetronians. Endowed with extraordinary abilities beyond those of his counterparts, Mark becomes a coveted target. Raised under the nurturing guidance of his Tetronian biological mother, known as Tetra from the distant planet Tetron, Mark receives a comprehensive education on honing his powers for the betterment of humanity, poised to avert looming planetary catastrophes. Finally embracing his hybrid heritage, Mark assumes the mantle of Tetraman, the cosmic guardian, destined to safeguard the universe from imminent threats.

richard_rick · Khoa huyễn
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29 Chs

Episode 16: A Future in Peril - Part 1

The next day, Mark told his mother he was ready to return to his normal life. Having prepared himself for school, he embraced Tetra, who could sense a lingering worry in him. Mark tried to lighten the mood with a cheerful demeanor. As he stepped outside, he took a deep breath, and moments later, the school bus pulled up.

Mark Junior and Amanda greeted him warmly as he boarded. They were glad to have him back by their side. As the bus arrived at school, students began to disembark. Unbeknownst to Mark, his every move was being tracked from a distance by those from the future.

His actions were meticulously observed, as his unseen watchers awaited the perfect moment to strike. Lydia, observing from afar, could not tear her gaze away from Mark Junior and Amanda, her heart filled with pity for the two unsuspecting friends. Meanwhile, Tetra's presence was increasingly demanded at the Guardians of Earth headquarters as they strategized their next move.

One fateful day, during a school closure, Mark McCoy was with Mark Junior and Amanda when he couldn't shake the unsettling feeling of being watched. Without a red dot to indicate a sniper's aim, Mark sensed danger as he walked a few steps away from his friends. Trying to identify the source of the surveillance, he grew more anxious. His sudden movement worried Mark Junior and Amanda, who questioned his behavior. Mark explained his unease, just as a shot rang out.

In an astonishing display of speed, Mark caught the bullet with his tetra hearing, never looking in the direction from which it was fired. His actions stunned Mark Junior and Amanda, who watched in awe as he revealed the captured object.

"Tetrenite!" Mark Junior exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder.

"And it looks like it's fused with Tetrenium," Amanda noted, both she and Mark Junior scanning the surroundings for the shooter. "But who could have done this?"

Before they could ponder further, multiple shots were fired. Mark's tetra hearing alerted him immediately. Using his tetra vision to track the incoming projectiles, he caught them with ease, avoiding any unnecessary attention.

The would-be assassins, watching from a distance, were repulsed by their own failure. They were further dismayed when they realized that Mark McCoy had pinpointed their location.

With swiftness, Mark McCoy excused himself from Mark Junior and Amanda, then materialized before the resistance location. His sudden appearance left them momentarily stunned, frozen in awe as he emerged from thin air. But before he could react, a blindingly fast and powerful blast struck Mark with incredible force, sending him crashing into the streets like a meteorite. The impact shattered windows, crumpled cars, and sent debris flying everywhere, causing chaos and panic among the passersby.

Mark Junior and Amanda sprinted towards the heart of the commotion, their concern for Mark's well-being driving them forward. Meanwhile, the resistance fighters from the future emerged from the shadows, their eyes fixed intently on Mark. The team of six, consisting of three men and three women, was a formidable mix of skilled warriors and brilliant scientists, each possessing superpowers designed to counter Mark's abilities.

The three men, Axel, Kai, and Zane, charged forward with superhuman strength, speed, and agility. Axel wielded razor-sharp claws, while Kai unleashed a barrage of energy projectiles. Zane, with his mastery of telekinesis, hurled cars and rubble at Mark.

The two women, Maya and Ava, joined the fray, their powers complementing each other perfectly. Maya controlled the elements, summoning powerful gusts of wind and waves of flame, while Ava manipulated technology with her mind, hacking into nearby robots and drones to attack Mark.

Their leader, Lydia, stood tall, her eyes blazing with determination. She grasped a sleek, high-tech weapon designed specifically to neutralize Mark's powers. With a fierce cry, she unleashed a concentrated energy beam that Mark barely dodged.

As the battle raged on, Mark McCoy found himself facing an onslaught of attacks from all sides. The resistance fighters' coordinated assault pushed him to his limits, testing his strength, speed, and agility. The outcome of this intense showdown remained uncertain, leaving Mark Junior and Amanda on the edge of their seats, worried for Mark's survival.

After a fierce and brief battle, Mark McCoy stood tall, his impressive feats leaving the resistance fighters stunned and amazed. He demanded to know their motives and grudges against him. Lydia stepped forward, her eyes blazing with accusation and tears.

"Fifty years from now, you'll destroy the future," she declared. "After the last Tetronian war, which ravaged Earth beyond recognition, you became a ruthless dictator. Your methods were harsh and brutal, leaving devastation in your wake."

Lydia's voice cracked as she mentioned the death of her parents. Mark's expression softened, and he felt a pang of sorrow for her and the future she described. He tried to reason with her, insisting he would never destroy Earth.

"But what changed me?" Mark asked, seeking answers. "What drove me to become the tyrant you fear?"

Lydia's response was laced with venom: "Tetra's death in the battle against the Tetronians. That's when you changed. And now, the only thing that remains secure from your destruction is the artificial universe."

With a fierce cry, Lydia aimed a Tetrenite blast at Mark, who dodged it by flying over. "You destroyed the planet, my loved ones!" she screamed, tears streaming down her face. "You must die, right here and now, to save the future!"

The air was electric with tension as the resistance fighters closed in, their determination to stop Mark fueled by Lydia's words. Mark, however, remained resolute, his mind racing to find a way to prevent the catastrophic future they described.

As Mark struggled against the superpowered members, Lydia seized the opportunity to strike. With a series of swift shots, she delivered a lethal blast that incapacitated Mark, neutralizing his abilities with each hit. Amanda boldly intervened, her gaze locking onto Lydia's as she pleaded, "Please, don't do this! Mark isn't the person you think he is from the future. He would never betray Earth!"

Lydia hesitated, sensing worry in Amanda's eyes. But she quickly regained her composure, signaling her team to remove Amanda and Mark Junior from harm's way. With a hardened expression, Lydia stood over Mark, wielding a spear fused with Tetrenium, Tetrenite, and an ultra K9 virus. As Amanda and Mark Junior screamed in anguish, Lydia pierced Mark's chest, making contact with his heart. Mark's body instantly decayed, reduced to a charred, lifeless form.

As sirens approached in the distance, Lydia's crew informed her it was time to return to the future. Before departing, Lydia made a forehead-to-forehead contact with Mark Junior and Amanda, whispering, "It's for your own good." Her words and gesture left them confused and shocked. Amanda accused Lydia of being a monster for killing Mark, but Lydia vanished into thin air with her crew, leaving the two grieving over Mark's lifeless body.

As the VCPF and ambulance arrived, they cordoned off the area, their flashing lights casting an eerie glow on the scene. The medics gingerly lifted Mark's charred, lifeless body into the van, his limbs brittle and broken. The sight was nothing short of horrifying – his once vibrant face now a blackened, unrecognizable mask, his eyes frozen in a permanent stare.

Tetra's world crumbled as she sensed the news from the Guardians of Earth headquarters. With a racing heart, she swiftly flew towards Vill-City Hospital, the wind whipping through her hair as she devoured the distance. But nothing could have prepared her for the soul-shattering reality that awaited her. As she burst into the morgue, she was met with a sight that would haunt her forever: her son's lifeless body, his skin charred beyond recognition, his eyes sunken, and his mouth frozen in a silent scream. The dam of her emotions shattered, unleashing a torrent of tears that streamed down her face like a river of grief. With a heart-wrenching cry, she swiftly closed the distance to Mark's body, her legs trembling beneath her as she came to a stop beside him.

As Tetra stumbled towards Mark's body, she collapsed beside him, her legs giving out beneath her. She cradled his charred head in her lap, her hands trembling as she stroked his hair, now brittle and singed. Tears continued to stream down her face, her vision blurred by grief. The cold, metallic scent of the morgue filled her nostrils, and the harsh fluorescent lighting overhead seemed to mock her, highlighting the stark reality of her loss. The silence was oppressive, punctuated only by her own ragged sobs. She whispered apologies, her voice cracking with anguish. "I failed you, Mark... I failed to protect you..." She rocked gently, her body wracked with sobs, as she held her son's lifeless body close, trying to will him back to life.

The sound of footsteps echoed through the room, and Tetra looked up to see government agents approaching, their faces expressionless. They requested Mark's body, their voices devoid of empathy, and Tetra felt a surge of anger and helplessness. She watched in stunned silence as they took her son away, the sound of the zipper closing on the body bag echoing through her mind like a death knell.

As the agents gently lifted Mark's charred body onto a stretcher, Tetra's eyes followed, her heart shattering into a million pieces. The female agent, her eyes still red-rimmed from earlier, approached Tetra.

"I'm so sorry, Tetra," she whispered, her voice cracking. "We'll make sure he receives a proper burial, with full honors. He deserves that."

Tetra's gaze never left Mark's body as they carried him away. She felt like she was losing him all over again. The agent's hand on her shoulder was a gentle reminder that she wasn't alone.

"We'll find out what happened, Tetra," the agent promised. "We'll make sure his sacrifice isn't in vain."

Tetra's voice was barely audible. "Take care of him... please."

The agent nodded, her eyes welling up with tears. "We will. I promise."

As they wheeled Mark's body out of the room, Tetra's legs gave out beneath her. She collapsed to the floor, her body wracked with sobs. The agent knelt beside her, holding her as she wept.

"We're here for you, Tetra," she whispered. "We'll get through this together."

As the agents departed, Tetra remained, her body wracked with sobs, her mind reeling with the thought of her failure. She had sworn to protect Mark, but in the end, she had failed him. The weight of her grief crushed her, leaving her a shattered, hollow shell of her former self.

Late at night, Teknight arrived at the incident site, his advanced sensors scanning the area for any clues. The radiation readings astonished him, prompting a closer examination. As he approached the epicenter, his tech detected a fragment of the ultra K9 virus, its signature disrupting his operative system. The analysis revealed a lethal virus capable of affecting both organic and inorganic components, far surpassing his own ultra virus prototype in sophistication.

Fascinated, Teknight carefully activated a specialized container, releasing a gas infused with his ultra cure prototype. This neutralized and sterilized the ultra K9 virus within its containment field, preventing further contamination. With the area secured, Teknight headed back to HQ, eager to study the ultra K9 virus and unlock its secrets.

Meanwhile, at the McCoy's residence, Tetra wept uncontrollably, consumed by grief as she reminisced about fond memories with her son Mark and husband Tony. The silence of her apartment only amplified her anguish.

In contrast, at the government facility, Mark's charred body was subjected to intense scrutiny. Scientists meticulously examined his remains, seeking answers about his tragic demise. The lifeless bodies of Tetronian warriors, defeated during their attempted invasion of Earth, lay nearby, a grim reminder of the ongoing conflict.

In the future, the resistance fighters returned, only to be met with a horrific sight. The world they had sought to protect had worsened, not improved. The once-blue skies were now a toxic haze, and the landscape lay barren and scarred. The team stood in stunned silence, their eyes fixed on the desolate future they had created. The weight of their mistake crushed them - killing Mark McCoy in the past had not saved the future, but rather sealed its fate.