
Testing Fate: A MadaSaku Love Story

Sakura only followed her new neighbor into his apartment because she was drunk and locked out of her place. It had nothing to do with the fact that he was pretty and offered to share his dinner. She has a boyfriend, and he's hiding the fact that he's a dangerous assassin from her. They shouldn't be together, but fate has other plans. Starts SasuSaku, but endgame MadaSaku

Hina5enpai · Tranh châm biếm
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28 Chs

Chapter 27

Madara was acutely aware of Sakura's position as the duo walked down the aisles of a small convenience store near the hotel they're staying at while in Konoha. It's late at night, almost midnight, and they're grabbing a few quick things to eat. 

She had her long hair in two braids and a ballcap on to minimize the attention the unique color draws. The woman also dressed differently than usual in an attempt to throw off anyone who may notice her from a distance. So, she wore a thin pair of leggings, big combat boots, and one of Madara's hoodies. 

The Uchiha man found her irresistible dressed like this. He likes how she usually dresses, all feminine and pretty, but the new styling definitely suited her. 

'Stop. Thinking like this will only tempt me to act, and that's a mistake I can't make twice.' 

His mood falls further. 

Madara's plan is to do this assignment as Pein expects. When they go to the meeting point to drop them off, he intends to kill anyone and everyone in sight. Then, they'll steal whatever boat Pein intended to use to transport the bodies and escape. Iwagakure. That's where he plans to hide Sakura. His most significant bank account is in that city, and multiple smaller ones are in nearby villages and towns. 

He'll keep her safe until all the threats have been resolved. Once that happens, he'll return her to her family and friends. 

Madara's brow furrowed as he confirmed with himself he wants to actually go through with this. Just returning Sakura to Konoha won't be enough to fix the damage he's done. No, the police are still searching for her because of the Danzo incident. The Uchiha man intends to turn himself in. He'll claim responsibility for the massacre, some of which really was his work, and accept whatever punishment follows. 

'If it means she'll be happy and safe, I'll do anything. Nothing else matters to me anymore.' 

"Mada- Ahem, I mean Buki," Sakura suddenly broke the silence with a quiet, hesitant voice. 

The man looked over his shoulder to see a blush on her cheeks. The bill of her cap blocked his view of her eyes since he's so much taller. An inquisitive sound left his chest. She nervously interlaced her fingers, "How long are we staying?" 

He frowned, feeling a little confused by why she was suddenly acting oddly, "Depends. It could be a couple of days, but it could be weeks. We'll know tomorrow." 

She nodded with her lips in a thin line as though concerned about something but said nothing else. 

'Is something wrong? She's usually up front when something bothers her,' he thought, quietly facing forward again when it became apparent she wouldn't share her concerns. Then, he hesitated because his cutting her off might cause her to suffer through something because she feels like he doesn't care anymore. 

Gritting his teeth, Madara cautiously stopped walking and turned to face the short woman. When Sakura looked up to meet his gaze, she looked embarrassed. It was an expression the man hadn't seen in some time, and it made him recall the days they'd tiptoed around their feelings for one another. It reminded him how much he's obsessed with her. He loves her more than anything, even himself. 

Before he can say anything, the door to the store opens and closes. A police scanner sounded softly, and he glanced over the top of the aisles to confirm that not one, not two, but three officers had entered. They were joking with one another. They hadn't noticed him yet. 

Without pausing, Madara grabbed Sakura's hand and pulled her along until they reached the bathrooms. He placed the shopping basket on the designated hook outside before going in and locking the door behind them. Then, he looked down at the Haruno woman standing between his arms with her back to the door. 

Green eyes remained duller than they used to be with her sad aura but still beautiful and full of emotion. His chest tightened when she appeared to snap out of whatever trance she was in. A sharp breath passed her lips, and she pointedly lowered her head so he couldn't see her face due to the cap again. 

The brokenhearted look on her face was easy to read, especially for the man who put it there. There was a moment when she forgot their situation, and when her memory recovered, she seemed to berate herself for the lapse internally. 

Madara wanted to punch a wall. 'I miss the days when I was the one making her smile when others made her sad. Now, it's the opposite, and she doesn't even have someone to take my place. That's my fault, too.' 

"Can you please back up?" Sakura's voice was tense, guarded.

He obliged, stepping away with a stoic mask, "Are you alright?" 

She nodded, delicately bringing a hand up to cover her lips, her index finger brushing her nose as though it itched. His brow tensed as she turned her head to the side to keep him from seeing her face. 

"Sakura," he said, "What is it?" 

The woman turned her back entirely to him, facing the door with all her weight on one leg, the other bent slightly as she tapped the toe of her boot to the floor, "If you want me to keep my hands off you, we can't get close. Your scent…." 

A familiar sensation tingled about the man's chest and loins. The knowledge that this beautiful, forbidden woman continues to struggle to control herself around him is dangerous, especially when her constitution is more robust than most. 


'I wish he'd either drop the act or cut me out completely,' Sakura thought depressingly as she showered later when they returned to the hotel. It'd still hurt, but not as much as the tiny lapses in his facade she keeps glimpsing. Seeing him suffer alongside her makes it worse. 

All in all, the woman was becoming angry again. It was how she felt when they first began working for The Akatsuki. Being separated for periods while he left the base caused her ire to simmer into sadness. The woman is still very much sad. She's just also pissed off now. 

Sakura's mad that Madara's making a decision on her behalf, that he's disregarding her wants in exchange for his, and that he obviously hates distancing himself as much as she does. More than anything, Sakura's angry at herself for not being able to despise him for all of it. 

She just wants to love him, to be loved by him. 

Things are dangerous and tense in their lives right now, but the woman believes they can come out on top of it all. If only Madara had that much faith. It hurts that he thinks her affection is weak enough that she can simply move on if and when he leaves. They're not even separated yet, and her chest already tightens and aches at the sight of him. 

Everything makes her want to burst into tears and hit him simultaneously. His lips that are so often turned into a severe frown these days, his large hands that flex at his sides anytime a sudden noise occurs as though he's ready to defend her at a moment's notice, and especially his eyes. His sad, sad eyes. 

As rugged and manly as Madara Uchiha is, Sakura can't help but see him as cute. The sick puppy look on his face is impossible to hide, at least from her, and she desperately wants to hold his head to her chest, soothe his hair, and tell him everything's okay. 

But she cannot do that. It's aggravating. 

Stepping out of the shower, the woman wrapped a towel around her body. The steamy water helped ease her muscles. They've been sore from traveling for so long. Her eyes darted to the little travel bag she brought, filled with toiletries like her toothbrush, hairbrush, and deodorant. 

Her face warmed as she thought about earlier at the store. The reason she'd asked how long they'd be staying is because she forgot to pack any tampons or pads. Her period usually hits around two weeks from now. 

She's not stupid. Obviously, Madara is aware of that sort of thing. They lived together for a bit, after all. 

They've never once spoken about it aloud, is all. Sakura knew it was dumb to feel shy and embarrassed about it but couldn't help it. Sasuke and her dated for six years, and she never once talked to him, either. 

After doing her nightly routine and tugging on one of Madara's shirts she'd managed to keep after all this time for pajamas, the woman twisted her damp hair into a bun to keep it out of her face while she slept and walked out of the bathroom. 

The Uchiha man had showered first, so he was already down for the night. He lay on the small sofa, his back to the room, so Sakura couldn't tell if he was asleep. 

'Is he serious? Sleeping in the same bed is the least of our worries right now.' Another pang hit her chest, tears welling as she shuffled to the bed, pulled off a pillow and blanket, and curled up on the small chair near the sofa. 'If he wants to be like that, so can I.' 

The woman was reaching the end of her patience. The lack of communication and compromise within their relationship was so unlike Madara, and she was tired of waiting for him to snap out of it. Months have passed, for God's sake. 

"Use the bed, Sakura," his deep voice rumbled in the quiet room. 

Her eyes crept open to see he was on his back with an arm behind his head. He stared at the ceiling and not her. Sakura closed her eyes again, huffing, "You're too tall for that sofa, so you use it." 

A short pause occurred before the man softly responded, "Don't be like this." 

The hypothetical rope snapped, and the woman's posture straightened, her gaze sharp in a glare on the man, "So, you can pout, but I'm not allowed to?" 

Dark eyes met hers but not angrily. They remained sad. "I know you're angry. I accept it, and I'm sorry, but-" "But what, Madara?" 

She didn't tear her gaze from his, and neither did he from hers. They stared at one another in silence before the man spoke in a surprisingly broken voice, "We need to talk." 

'...Oh no.' Sakura's heart stilled in her chest. The blood in her face drained as she sat a little straighter with the tears in her eyes overflowing, "Huh?" 

Madara slowly sat up, a look of realization meeting his features when he saw the pink-haired woman physically begin falling apart before him, "Don't cry." 

She wiped desperately at her cheeks, shaking her head no while lowering her gaze, "I-I can't help it. I know what you're gonna say." 

Suddenly, the Uchiha man was kneeling before her with a frown, "No, you don't, Baby. Listen," he paused, pulling one of her hands into his, "Do you trust me?" 

Sakura nodded slowly, her chin quivering as she tried to cease the tears, "Yes. Why?" 

"Can you promise me you'll do as I say, even if you're scared or don't understand?"

 'What in the world…?' She nodded again, feeling apprehensive. 

Madara closed his eyes, "We're not returning to Otogakure. If I say fight, you have to fight, and if I say run, you have to run." 

'Does this mean he's not going to disappear?' Hesitantly, the woman demanded, "And what is your plan?" 

His eyes shot open to lock onto hers, but he said nothing for a long moment before closing them again, "I'll take you somewhere safe." 

"Okay…and then what?" 

"That's where I need you to trust me, Sakura." 

The tears thickened again because she knew what that meant, "How can I agree to this when I know you're just gonna-!" Her voice cracked, and she closed her mouth with gritted teeth, looking away from his handsome face. 

"I won't abandon you there," Madara suddenly said, making her gaze meet his again. Dark eyes searched her face as he nodded, "I may disappear for short periods of time, but I'll come back." 

Her throat tightened, and her head tilted, "...Do you promise?" 

The man nodded, "I promise."