

Lucid_Devil · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

CH 28: Inferior Strength

"Mr. Gerard, you full well know that what you are doing is against the rules. We, instructors, aren't allowed to interfere in the test in such a way. And what's with using real swords in the fight, it is highly forbidden, he will get injured because of you.", instructor Samantha growled at Captain Gerard at his grave decision.

Captain Gerard replied, "Don't worry about the rules, I will explain the situation to the chairwoman later myself and if anything happens, I will take the blame for it", looking back at Martin he continued, "And do you believe that you can convince him otherwise just look at him, he is ready to jump me right now."

Confused by what she just heard, instructor Samantha followed Captain Gerard's gaze, until she saw Martin, but to her surprise, instead of him being afraid for his life after Captain Gerard's words, Martin had a huge grin on his face and his eyes sparkling with fighting spirit, fixed on Captain Gerard. He was leaning forward placing his hands on the hilt of his sword as if he was about to jump from his seat and attack the challenger.

Seeing this, instructor Samantha was in shock, "What the hell am I seeing right now, an instructor challenging a teenage examinee to a real dual, and the latter doesn't have a shred of fear for his own life, this is madness, these are madmen, lunatics".

While instructor Samantha was off in her little world Martin didn't waste any time, giving his sword to Tark to hold onto it, he hurriedly made his way to the arena. Standing face to face with the huge bear-like Captain Gerard, Martin looked like a little kid with his slim body compared to him. Pulling the sword out of the ground with his right hand, Martin looked back at Captain Gerard with the grin still stuck on his face, "No holding back or you will regret it".

Releasing a laugh, Captain Gerard replied, "I wasn't planning to".

After those words the whole arena fell deathly silent, the audience and the instructors were nervously anticipating the upcoming battle, knowing that a tragedy could happen at some point.

After a minute the bell rang indicating the start of the dual. Dashing at Captain Gerard head-on, not giving the size difference any mind, crossing 10 yards in mere seconds Martin was in front of Captain Gerard.

Seeing his opponent in the range of his sword, Captain Gerard took a step slashing horizontally at Martin, who used his sword to block the attack, but the attack was so strong that it made Martin got shot sideways for about 10 yards, feeling his hands tremble slightly, just from this exchange Martin was able to roughly estimate Captain Gerard's strength, and he was way inferior to this man's strength.

When they all saw how far apart these two are, they expected Martin to give up and forfeit the match. But to everyone's surprise, Martin stood back up with a wider smile on his face. Dashing once again at his opponent, this time Martin didn't plan on holding anything back, arriving at his target. Captain Gerard met him with another horizontal slash.

Suddenly Martin stopped his march making the blade slide inches away of from his chest, using this chance, Martin slashed at Captain Gerard's open stans aiming for a winning blow.

In the next moment, Captain Gerard used the momentum of the last swing forming it into a new downward slash, meeting Martin's attack.

Seeing this, Martin let go of the thought of attacking and tried defending himself by meeting his opponent's sword, the clang of metal sounded throughout the arena as sparks shot out of the sword, and a shockwave pulsed out.

The ground beneath Martin cracked in the shape of a spiderweb as he was in its center. In the next moment, they swung at each other yet again, the sword's clashes made the ground tremble as sparks filled their surroundings, they started attacking one another, one going into offense while the other focused on defense and vice versa, with every attack Captain Gerard stood his ground, but as for Martin, every time he blocked an attack, he would get shot 5 yards and dash back at his opponent.

The two had wide grins on their faces as they tried to kill each other, at this point they forgot this is even a dual, they were way excited in the fight that they treated it as a fight to the death and only one of them can leave this arena with his life intact.

Seeing that his hands are numb, Martin knew that he can't drag this any longer, they have been at each other's throat for 5 minutes now, and even if he was inferior to his opponent in strength, he tried to use technique deflecting his opponent's attacks, that's why he was able to reduce the distance that he gets thrown back.

Given that he can't suppress his opponent with strength, he chose his original plan, to use his speed, after getting thrown 4 yards back he was able to dash back at Captain Gerard but this time it took him less than a second, taken by surprise to see his opponent right in his face, Captain Gerard slashed downward right at him.

Using this chance Martin used a sidestep appearing right behind him and slashing at his opponent's back. Seeing this, Captain Gerard had cold sweat cruising through him, pulling his sword that got stuck into the ground he executed a skill whirlwind, in the next moment a tornado formed around Captain Gerard using his blade.

When the two swords clashed, Martin disappeared.

Only for the examinees and instructors to hear a huge and deafening sound, the sound of a projectile flying into a hard surface at an unimaginable speed.

After the dust settled, they were able to see the figure of Martin laying on a pile of rocks that used to be the arena walls.

As for Captain Gerard, he was in complete shock, not by the fact that Martin is in this new state, but by the fact that a mere teenage examinee who is supposedly a magic caster cornered him into using a skill.

At this point, instructor Samantha wasn't able to take any more of this, Growling at Captain Gerard, "What the hell have you done, you are lucky if he is still alive after this. Medical Team Quickly to the hospital firm, be careful his body is probably shattered".

Looking back at Captain Gerard with bloodshot eyes, you will pay for this".

Lucid_Devil#9008, My discord if you want to ask or tell me something, webnovel is way too sensitive, and many messages and reviews get shadowbanned

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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