
test ideas 1 just ignore

just me making ideas for abilities and characters don't know if will make novel if you like ability you can mix and match it for whatever character play for own book

kuroyami95 · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Beast Of Selection


The beast of selections ability is the ability to speak in Enuncia it is an Ancient language not used for communication but as a tool when written or spoken aloud rewrites reality.

The beast of selections job is to find hosts for the 6 Digimon spirits and 7 Demon lords (They have a rivalry similar to DXD divine dividing and boosted gear) for the spirits The weilder must embody one of their traits (EX: courage for fire) to be able to use the human form. To use Beast spirit Must somehow prove to the beast You're worthy of it's power. and when you have both spirits when in dire need or when you've trained enough can use fusion evolution. The more the six spirits work together the stronger they will be together.

but the demon lords have a clear hierarchy Lucemon Fallen down mode sin of pride as leader Lucemon himself has three forms -child angel(is as strong as all spirits)

-fallen down mode, combines the power of a angel and a demon to erase something from existence

-satan mode, A giant demonic dragon carries a sphere of darkness Gehenna and bears the crown of all the sins.

Lilithmon Sin of lust can charm and control others weaker than her its claw on its arm can corrode anything it touches.

Beelzemon sin of gluttony It rides on the gigantic motorcycle-type machine, "Behemoth", holding its cherished shotguns, the "Berenjena". Although its personality is cruel and merciless, it is also exceedingly prideful, so it would never attack the weak

Barbamon sin of greed manipulates Fallen Angel Digimon to run the whole gamut of evil. It is obsessed with all of the treasure which exists, so out of avarice, and regardless of the means, it has a cruel personality with a greed that would kill just for a piece of treasure. It is the foremost and most cunning schemer of the Seven Great Demon Lords

Daemon sin of wrath It is said that before it fell to the Dark Area and became a Demon Lord Digimon, it was in fact a Seraphimon.However, because it raged in fury or rebellion against a being of goodness in the Digital World (perhaps the very human that created the Digital World), it was deleted to the Dark Area. It has vowed to one day conquer the Digital World in revenge against the being of goodness.

Leviamon sin of envy it is called the "Devil Beast" out of terror of the exceedingly mighty power that this monster possesses. This extensive monster, said to possess gigantic jaws which could guzzle down even the Digital World, is reported to sleep in the depths of the Net Ocean nearest to the Dark Area, and if it is awakened, it will despise any Digimon at the top

Belphemon sin of sloth It is said that Belphemon Rage Mode awakens from its eternal slumber once in a thousand years. When it awakens, it regains its natural shape and changes into an incarnation of rage, and anything that enters its field of vision becomes a target for destruction. It is said that just by suffering Belphemon Rage Mode's roar, Ultimate Digimon and below will have their data disintegrated and will instantly die, and not even Mega Digimon can escape unharmed/Belphemon Sleep Mode is a Demon Lord Digimon. It is said to be sealed in the deepest part of the Dark Area. As the strength it possesses is too immense, its data is said to have been put in a Sleep state by the Digital World's system, although the truth of the matter is unconfirmed. Because it has fallen into a deep sleep, it cannot unleash its own attacks, but it is able to inflict damage to Digimon just with its snores

All demon lords can combine into

Ogudomon is an Avatar Digimon. It is a grotesque "Super Demon Lord" that has seven legs, each with an eye beneath it and a sword pierced through the knee which bears one of the seals of the Seven Deadly Sins, as well as an eighth eye on its face. As it includes the whole of the Digital World's sins, and, moreover, is a mysterious incarnation with the ability to atone for them all, the power of a Digimon with even a small amount of malice is offset, making it impossible for it to defeat Ogudomon.