

The clearing bore witness to a moment of contemplation as the group, now a tightly-knit unit, gathered around the unconscious form of Junnu. Concern etched their faces, and the air was heavy with the weight of the forest's lingering power.

Annie, the empathic psychic of the group, took the lead. Closing her eyes, she extended her hands over Junnu, feeling the residual energies that clung to him. The forest seemed to whisper secrets, and as Annie delved into Junnu's memories, glimpses of his encounter with the mysterious force emerged.

In the shared vision, the forest's shadows danced as Junnu, almost instinctively, manipulated time to escape the clutches of the demons. The realization hit the group like a revelation – Junnu possessed a unique time manipulation ability, a skill he was yet to comprehend.

Annie opened her eyes, her expression a mix of wonder and concern. "He's been manipulating time without even realizing it. The forest granted him this ability during our encounter."

Moosie's protective stance intensified. "Time manipulation? That's a dangerous power. We need to understand it fully before it puts us all at risk."

Fishpu, the pragmatic voice of the group, nodded. "Agreed. But we can't ignore this gift either. It might be the key to navigating the forest's challenges."

Deciding to explore Junnu's newfound power, the group planned to test the extent of his control over time. As the first threads of the temporal tapestry were unraveled, they realized that Junnu's mastery of this skill happened at an unconscious level – a survival instinct triggered by the forest's malevolent forces.

Moosie and Fishpu took the lead in guiding Junnu's training. In a secluded part of the forest, they watched as Junnu attempted to manipulate time deliberately. The air shimmered with an unseen energy as Junnu strained to grasp the threads of time around him.

"This power is a double-edged sword," Fishpu cautioned. "We need to tread carefully and understand its limitations."

As Junnu faced challenges within the forest that required his unique skills, the group's bonds deepened. Moments of tension arose, but with each trial, a stronger sense of camaraderie emerged.

One day, as the group ventured deeper into Death Valley Forest, they encountered the guardian once more. The mysterious figure provided cryptic guidance on Junnu's time manipulation, warning of consequences and responsibilities tied to this newfound ability.

The guardian's words lingered, echoing in the group's minds. The forest demanded balance, and the threads of time were intricate and delicate. As the chapter closed, a sense of foreboding set in – foreshadowing a greater challenge or threat tied to Junnu's abilities.