
Territory Defense! 100X Rewards From The Start!

One day everyone in the world was sucked into a new world, given a small chunk of land and limited resources and told to surivive by whatever means neccesary. Our main character Leo unlocks his innate skill after the system deems every attribute of his to be trash except for one: Luck! Now his Innate skill 'Midas touch' give him 100 times the rewards for almost everything he does! Watch as Leo overcomes the trauma of killing others, saves his family, and slowly become more and more powerful! Cover Art is not mine! Message me if you wish for me to take it down!

AniMine · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs

Emergency Quest!

Leo was once again flabbergasted at what Bu was telling him and he quickly asked,"I only gave you ten! How are you going to make 50?!"

Bu looked confused for a moment and then it looked like a lightbulb went off in his head and regained his clarity. He responded by saying,"My lord, Every blueprint can be used up to 5 times before disintegrating."

Leo felt like he was getting hit with bomb after bomb today as more information kept pouring out of this world. On top of every chest giving ridiculously overpowered rewards, even the blueprints were multi-use?! Leo thought about and realized that this meant that if he opened an epic chest and got a red grade blueprint then, if he had someone who could make it, he could get 5 of those weapons! This would easily put him ahead of everyone who would have to struggle to get even 1 of these items!

Leo calmed himself and took a deep breath before speaking, saying,"I apologize, I lost my cool there, thank you for the information. I need to check on how the soldiers are doing with their hunt, so please get to work in the meantime."

Bu and the other two weaponsmiths bowed and said to him,"As you wish."

Leo left them to ponder over the green grade weapon and went outside to look at what the soldiers were doing. As he started to walk he noticed that the once barren meadow was now populated with life as the people he just summoned were now working with great fervor and seemed to all be enjoying themselves. Leo smiled as he took all his progress in, glad that he got such a great talent and such great people to start this journey with.

Leo asked out loud while going towards 1 group of 4 soldiers,"Hey, What's up? Have you guys found anything?"

The soldiers all saluted and then one of them spoke up and said,"My lord, we have discovered a cave to the northeast about 300 units away from the territory, but it appears to be home to some ant beasts."

Leo asked the soldier,"Ok, any clue as to what may be inside the cave?"

The soldier looked a little nervous and said,"Well Sire, I believe that there is a good chance that some elemental crystals are within that cave. Those types of ant beasts are known for their love of setting up nests near those crystals and mining them up with their pincers so as to put them in their nests. They are commonly referred to as 'Crystal Hoarders'.

Leo nodded his head in acknowledgment, understanding the new situation they were in when suddenly he heard the systems voice ring out in his head,

[Lord Leo has activated a quest!]

[Lord Leo, please complete the quest 'Crystal Hoarders'. Quest details: A cave near your territory has been found to hold ants that go by the alias 'The Crystal Hoarders'. They bathe in crystal energy as a form of stress relief and recreational relaxation. Go and clear out the ants to gain 2 'Stone chests' and gather all the crystals within the cave!]

Leo's mouth was agape as he heard the voice tell him everything in a manner that made it seem simple. Leo knew that this cave would not be a walk in the park since there were 2 stone chests on the line. Leo told the soldiers,"Alright, I am now officially making it our mission to clear out that ant cave, however we will wait until tomorrow and for the other team to come back from their own scouting mission to clear it out."

The soldiers all saluted and shouted,"As the lord commands!" before Leo dismissed them to continue scouting out the area. Leo went and tried to spot the other team, who he had not seen come back yet. Leo didn't think they would take that long as they seemed pretty competent, so he walked around the edge of his territory.

After walking from the northeast to the northwest for about 20 minutes on the edges of his territory he was about the give up and go see if anyone else needed help when he saw his soldiers coming back. Leo then noticed that they seemed to be running from something! As the soldiers got closer he could only then make out the larger than normal bear that seemed to be spewing a green mist as it chased the soldiers.

Leo yelled at them to run towards him as he took out his Shark Tooth Spear and prepared himself for the bear's attack. Just like with his other soldiers a quest suddenly activated as soon as he saw their conditions.

[Emergency Quest has activated! 'Save your soldiers!' Quest details: Your soldiers are running from a 'Poison Mist Bear' and one of them is injured. Save them and receive a green grade chestpiece and 1 stone chest!]

Leo thought about how well his fight with the two wolves had gone earlier in the day and was honestly a little scared about how this was going to turn out, but knowing that it was going to head this way no matter if he accepted the quest or not he decided that he would rather fight. He steadied his spear by side and called for his water element.

"Shark Tooth Spear!" Leo called out as his soldiers were only a few hundred feet away from him now. Instantly the spear started to glow a light blue and water started to come from the tip of the spear. Now that the soldiers were so close he could see that the lead soldier was indeed carrying one of the four on his back as he ran, panting as he tried to stay away from the bear that was slowly closing in.

The soldier yelled out,"Lord! Get out of here! It's a Poison Mist Bear!" The soldier then ducked his entire body as the bear took a swipe at his head, barely missing him in the process.

However Leo did not do so and mustering up all the courage he could yelled out,"Drop the injured soldier once you get behind me and support me to attack it! This beast cannot get to the village we only just started building! Shark tooth bullet!"

The soldiers were only about a hundred feet away from Leo now and they heard his orders and immediately steeled themselves a fight. They watched as the lord who summoned them shot out a water projectile from his spear and it slammed the right front leg of the bear behind them, causing it to slow down in the process. The soldiers didn't need any more convincing than that and quickly ran behind the lord and started to cast more of his 'water bullets' while they put down the injured soldier and once again stood in front of the lord, swords raised.

The three of them all shouted almost in unison,"Let the attribute of strength wash over me, Strength of an Ox!" and Leo noticed they all started to glow with a slight red hue.

Leo was a little surprised by this and quietly tried it himself in a low enough voice so that no one could hear him if he failed. However, unfortunately for him, nothing happened and he was again stuck to just casting water bullets at the bear who was now starting to get angrier at this food who was fighting back.

The bear then slammed into the soldiers in front of him while they yelled out,"Hold your breath! Don't breathe in the poison no matter what!"

Leo then ran forward and yelled out,"Water blade!" His spear then produced a longer blade made out of water, similar to the one made to slice in half the wolf from earlier. He swung the blade as hard as he could at the bear but it dodged using its head making it so the blade only struck its shoulder. However this proved to be a curse for the bear as the blade, which was a grade higher than it, easily sliced its shoulder, amputating almost the entire right arm off!

Two soldiers quickly noticed this and ran forward with their own swords and sliced down on the bear's other shoulder, not doing the damage that Leo did but severely injuring the bear's other shoulders in the process.

The bear, who was now losing, tried to escape but the soldiers quickly blocked its escape and stabbed its remaining shoulder once more. The bear roared in pain, anguish and most of all RAGE. The bear stood on its hind legs and started to spew out tons of poison to try and fend off its attackers.

The soldier closest to it repeated his warning and shouted,"Don't breathe in the poison!!" and all the soldiers and Leo followed his instructions.

Leo ran out of the poison clouds range and deactivated his water blade. He aimed his spear at the bear's head that was still spewing the poison and shouted,"Water sharpen! Water Bullet!" Almost instantly the stream of water at the end of the spear becomes much faster, like a water jet. Then the water bullet was launched from the spear and it struck the bear straight in the middle of its exposed forehead. Leo then heard the system speak to him as he watched the poison mist stop and the bear quickly fall to the ground.

[Lord Leo has landed a critical strike and slain the Poison Mist Bear!]

[Lord Leo has gained 1 green grade chestpiece and 1 stone chest!]

[Innate skill Midas touch has activated]

[Lord Leo has gained 1 orange grade chestpiece and 1 Iron Chest!]

Leo collapsed to the ground in exhaustion after the fight was over and the danger was gone. He breathed a sigh of relief as the soldier came over to him to see if he was ok after they were sure that the bear was dead.

The soldier said to him with a big smile on his face,"My Lord! That was amazing! Truely a splendid fight!"

Leo, who was still a little bit out of breath, simply said,"Eh, it wasn't much hehe.."

The soldiers all beamed in pride at being able to take down that bear with their lord and then one of the soldiers asked."What now lord?"

Leo finally caught his breath and said,"Let's go back to the village that's being created and have that soldier get cared for. Also get a couple people to take that bear back to the village, I want to see if we can use his body for anything useful."

The soldier saluted like usual and said,"It shall be done!". Maybe Leo was imagining it but he swore that they sounded more prideful than the other times that had said that exact line.

Leo and the other soldiers came back to the soon-to-be village and got the soldier to a room in the recruitment center so he could rest and get better. Then Leo got ready to see his rewards from killing the Poison Mist Bear.

He called forth the chestpiece first as it seemed like it might be a bit more important. He materialized in front of him and looked at it and he couldn't lie, he was a bit impressed. It was glowing with a stronger orange hue than his blue grade Shark Tooth Spear.

[The Lord has received 'Mutated Toxic Chestpiece']

Leo was surprised by the name but figured that it must be an upgraded version of the "Poison Mist" that the bear was using. Setting the chestpiece aside for now he then materialized his Iron chest in front of him and took a deep breath and slowly opened it. He would not be disappointed as he heard the system speak to him once more.

[Iron chest opened - Gained 3 Blue grade recruitment scrolls (Military General)]

-authors note = chests found naturally in the wild or given by the system are multiplied by 100x rewards. If chest is given through a quest the chest quality is upgraded, however the chest rewards do not get multiplied. Hope that clear some future confusion.-