
Territorial Ruler: The Plants I Planted Are Alive!

On this day, everyone transmigrated to an alternate world within a single night and was all given their own territory. But outside their territories, countless monsters lurk in the jungles, they will obliterate any foreign species that they encounter. So, in order to survive, you must quickly build up your own territory and strengthen the defensive powers in your territory. Built powerful troops in order to fend against the invaders and conquer big enough territories. Jiang Chen was one of the transmigrators, but the territory that he had received was very small and had no soldiers inside capable of battle. Just then, he abruptly received a magical system — Plant Life System. As such, while the other players were leading farmers and going crazy chopping down plants in their territories, Jiang Chen quietly planted his potatoes. On the day when the potatoes matured, with a sudden loud boom, his potato…… exploded!

Floating Morals · Kỳ huyễn
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40 Chs

New Building Blueprints

Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

He could not read too much of these things.

Otherwise, he'd become addicted just like water.

He clicked on the 'make' column.

"Wood 2x, thatch 1x."

Jiang Chen clicked 'make 'and three barrels were made in an instant. He mainly used them to store berries.

With the wooden barrels, the commoners of the territory would be able to gather berries much faster.

Round trip transportation.

They had been busy the entire morning.

When they were tired, they would randomly pick and pull two mouthfuls of berries to fill their stomachs and replenish water. Everyone's enthusiasm for work was quite high.

"Berries 216x obtained."

It was equivalent to 54 units of food.

Jiang Chen was only prepared to start building lodgings after eating dry rations and berries for lunch.

He first checked the material situation.

"Wood 153x, stone 120x, hay 240x , water 400mL, iron 26x, bread 2x, and flint 10x."

"Let's build two lodgings first. We'll expand them when we have enough resources in the future."

He did as he was told.

"Are you sure you want to build a level one lodgings?"


In the same pattern as before, the shadow of a building appeared before his eyes. Jiang Chen first placed one in the middle of the territory, and then placed another nearby.

The one in the middle was naturally Jiang Chen's own, while the one next to it was used as a backup. It could also be used to store some valuable things.

After that, Jiang Chen assigned them to work in the eastern side of the Berry Forest.

He brought Parker into the southern area to explore.

This area bordered the east and was even larger.

It was the largest area of the territory's border.

It was twice the size of the territory.

Parker walked in front while Jiang Chen walked behind with his sword in hand.

This time, he didn't ask anyone else to come along. It was too time-consuming.

What's more, Parker was a powerful cavalry soldier with a wolf and wasn't afraid of ordinary wild beasts.

With the giant wolf around, he wasn't worried about getting lost, but he was still careful with his tactics.

He mainly explored the outer regions. Once he encountered danger, it would be easier for him to run back to the safe zone.

Suddenly, the giant wolf in front of him let out a gritting sound. Parker crouched down and said in a low voice,

"Your lordship, I've discovered wolf paw prints. There might be wild wolves roaming around this area."

Jiang Chen tightened the sword in his hand.

He couldn't help but feel a little nervous for someone who hadn't even fought in his past life.

He felt uneasy when he thought of how close this place was to the fruit forest and how there were wild wolves roaming about.

No, he had to get rid of this wolf today!

He continued to grope his way forward.

There were quite a few trees in this area as well, and it was generally a bit more open. He'd found some stone resources here.

Not bad at all. The vegetation and hills drew his attention.

Jiang Chen climbed up to the small hill and saw a small stream in the distance.

There was only a small section, and even more were hidden within the hill.

"There's actually a small stream nearby. If I can draw a stream to my territory, then the growth rate of that plant might be much faster!"

Before Jiang Chen could think too much, a gray wolf appeared in his field of vision.

It let out a low growl and moved slowly, its eyes emitting a fierce light.

It was a lone wolf.

Seeing Jiang Chen, the lone wolf was a bit apprehensive, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of food and pounced fiercely.

Parker pulled out his saber and swung it.

The unexpected thing was that it missed.

The lone wolf nimbly jumped backwards and circled to the side to pounce and bite again.

It was very slow.

The lone wolf's movements seemed to have been slowed down in Jiang Chen's eyes.

Jiang Chen followed his instincts and unsheathed his standard longsword. He took a few steps forward and blew up the dust.

When the lone wolf pounced and bit into the air, he suddenly thrust his sword out and pierced through the wolf's abdomen.

Rip! Dark red blood spurted out.

Jiang Chen had long since dodged to the side.

It was only now that Jiang Chen realized that his physical fitness seemed to have changed quite a bit after transmigrating.

His overall strength had also increased quite a bit.

"I wonder if the others have also improved, or if it's different for each person."

Jiang Chen thought that if the others had also received improvements in their physical abilities, then the early stages of exploration wouldn't be too much of a problem.

However, he discovered through the chat channel that many people had still encountered danger.

"It shouldn't be for everyone. Perhaps it's related to the construction of the territory."

However, now wasn't the time to think about this. Jiang Chen looked at the lone wolf, who had been fatally struck by him.

The lone wolf howled and struggled, its sharp claws clawing everywhere.

The pool of blood under its body continued to expand.

Before long, it gradually stopped moving, and had already begun to howl.

A pale white shard condensed next to the gray wolf's corpse.

"Soul Shard: a special material. Explore its specific uses on your own."

"It can drop items when fighting monsters!"

Jiang Chen held the Soul Shard in his hand as if it were nothing, and then put it into his backpack.

He had Parker cut the skin and cut the meat.

"System notification: wolf skin 2x, wolf meat 20x, wolf bone 3x, wolf fang 3x."

He explored his surroundings himself.

He didn't find a second wolf, and the hare found one, but it ran a bit fast. It ran far away with a whoosh.

He didn't chase after it.

His main goal was to find valuable resources and treasure chests.

Then, half an hour passed.

"This area is large enough, but there's nothing here."

"There's only some forest and stone resources."

"There aren't that many people mining right now."

"The most important thing is that there aren't any treasure chests!"

"It looks like not every area has a treasure chest."

After drinking two mouthfuls of spring water to replenish his strength, Parker and the giant wolf continued to scout ahead.

Jiang Chen would occasionally glance through the chat channel to gather information.

He would open the system map from time to time to observe the area he was exploring.

He would also patrol the territory to prevent wild beasts from attacking.

When the Sun gradually set, the six areas that bordered the territory had all been lit up.

The area to the north wasn't small, but it was mountainous. Not far ahead was a cliff that towered like the clouds. There was no way to find a mountain path at all, and there were no resources at all.

The northeast and northwest regions were both very ordinary.

A corner of a river could be seen on the southwest and south borders.

The exploration of these four regions didn't encounter any wild wolves again.

But the resources were also far inferior.

The fruit forest area to the east was the richest, followed by the south.

And the land to the south was relatively flat, suitable for building.

Only one treasure chest had been found in the four regions, and it was still the lowest grade wooden treasure chest. Jiang Chen's luck was better this time.

"System notification: normal saber blueprints obtained, beast trap 2x obtained, grade two barracks building blueprints obtained. Barracks: wood 40x, thatch 55x, stone 38x. A single soul fragment can train a commoner into a soldier and give him basic battle experience."

"To think that a Soul Shard can have such an effect."

Jiang Chen looked at the current state of the territory.

"Population: 15. Basic resources: food 174, wood 48, thatch 36, stone 46, iron 26."

As the territory's buildings were used up, the materials were also slowly used up, but there wasn't much of a problem.

There were stones to be harvested in the southern area.

Jiang Chen forged five pickaxes in one go.

"Pickaxe: wood 2x, iron block 1x."

There were ready-made areas to gather stones.

The barracks could be built, but the battle sabers could only be used to forge one at most.

There weren't enough resources for iron blocks.


Jiang Chen thought about it. He only had one soul fragment right now, and could only train one soldier.

"What a pity!"

Jiang Chen sighed helplessly.