
Episode 1

(The episode opens with A 15-year-old girl who has blonde hair, white skin, wearing a pink dress and heels walk out of a red house)

(A 15-year-old guy who has red hair, brown skin, wearing a black shirt, red pants, and black shoes named Terrence comes out of the house too)

(Terrence locks the door)

The girl: I had fun last night

Terrence: Well, I'm glad, Cindy

(Cindy giggles)

Cindy: Well, I better go ahead or my mom will kill me, I'm supposed to meet her at the coffee shop (claps her heels and it turns into roller skates) (skates off)

Terrence: What a cute girl, well I better get to the gym or I'll miss Daryl

(Terrence runs off)

(The screen shows Terrence lifting weights slowly)

A 20-year-old brown-haired man: You are really picking up well

Terrence: No, it's thanks to you

The man: You figured it out, I didn't do much

Terrence: Nah

(The man and Terrance continued talking)

(The screen shows Terrance running in the rain, while holding an umbrella)

Terrance: I wish I had brought a jacket or something

(A cat meows)

Terrance (stops): A cat?

(Terrance looks around and sees a black cat under a bench meowing)

Terrance: It's okay, come here

(The black cat jumps onto Terrance shoulders)

Terrance: Wow! (Gets up) It's like you understood me. Anyway, let's go (runs off)

(The screen switches to Terrance entering a house)

(The black cat jumps onto a matt)

Terrance: Make yourself at home

(The black cat gets the water off her)

Terrance: I'll get you a towel

(Terrance gets a towel and rubs the cat with it)

Terrance: I wonder who would possibly get rid of a cute cat like you

(The screen shows Terrance sleeping with the cat in his bed)

(The cat is glowing)

(The episode ends)