
Terra's Retreat

Earth, the Cradle of Man. Ever since the Early Colonization period it rapidly grew throughout the years, both populations, Resources and Scientific advancements alike. A hundred years later, they have created one of the first Interstellar travel capable of traversing to other systems. And Greatly Expanded their sphere of influence, Soon they would discover that they were not alone. on one of the Sol federation Frontier bases They lost contact, The last Report from them were the large energy Spike readings in the System.

Lance_Soreal · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

Ch. 1

I was in High school When I first heard of First Contact, It began With Hostilities…

It started on my Usual delinquency and my Mischiefs to skip Classes and give my Teachers a headache. It started with the usual Lost Contact on one of the mining stations, then the Station Hub on the system called "GAF-42501" or the outermost Territory of the Federation, So they Sent out A fleet to investigate the lost Contact. A year Later They Found the reason. It was because of a Certain ship Of alien Design, Nothing of it Indicates Of Human Origins, Their Technologies and Their Communications suggests they weren't humans at all. After A few days Trying to Communicate, they apparently started shooting their energy based weapons at us. They Were Far superior, And so was their technology. Our Mightiest Weapons barely managed to Scratch their Shields. And in the media I heard it's news,"Breaking news" it said, "First Contact started With Hostilities" said After.

Panic Shook the populace, At Least In my Colony, I don't know anything about the other Colonies or worlds for that matter.

A few years came by, I was in College in another Colony in the Same System. It was a colony Solely purposed for Education, By that Time, The government Has given up Communications And treated it as an Act of War. Massive Industries, And massive Space Docks Created Warships, One after the other, Each battle was a Pyrrhic Victory. With each Systems Retaken, three more get stolen. Soon It became clear we were at a disadvantage, So they came up with a plan, A last resort plan, Project "Aeternum" They called it. It's a Project of Immense Scale, They would create A massive Ship, Rivaling that of the smallest moon of Earth, Followed by Ships and Colonies. The plan would be that they run away from the enemy and find a new home planet, Across the galaxy. Thus the plan was making progress, Soon after, They created another project, A project to at least deter the enemies and lessen casualties, it was called "Men of steel" ,

It was one of the most Controversial projects humanity had ever done. They Would Install Humans to machines, most of our Warships at the time did not use Advanced AI systems for fear of rebellion, They only Used Ai that would Track down enemies and Point defenses. So in order To lessen the Casualties, They would Install Humans Directly to the Ships, Have them on their way to the enemies, Of course some would die. Being Directly to the ship would give them Immense control of it, For a time, It actually forced them back. Of course the enemy would push back with More numbers.

A few more years came by, And I was Captain on a Certain Destroyer. A small and Fast Ship, Equipped with Nuclear Missiles. In today's Era, they have found a way to cleanse the Radiation from a Nuclear Explosion.

I was in a patrol on one of the neighboring systems from my Home System. Our Detectors were still so low that we would need Patrol Boats to Patrol the entire System, But due to the war, Destroyers were being used for Scouting and Patrols nowadays. Things got a bit more Hectic with the frontlines getting closer back to our Home system.

Years went by, I became an Admiral on a small fleet of 10 destroyers 5 Frigates 2 Battleships and A Carrier. A normal fleet size would be 10 times of the amount so ours is just as low. We were on one of the less busiest fronts of the battlefield when my fleet got called back to Our Capital system For a Final Stand. A few months Came by, Project Aeternum has Finished And has Begun Evacuation of our Species.

I have been assigned to more Ships, My Fleet Has gone up tenfold, A very Large one at that, It consisted of Repurposed Mining Ships And Freighters. Most of our proper Ships were assigned to Guarding Aeternum along with its crew. All Families of the Military were guaranteed to be one of the Evacuees, So Naturally I bid my Child, Cliff And my Wife Julianne farewell a few months ago.

A few Months has gone By, Most of the Sol federations Fleet Has Been Utterly Destroyed, The Enemies which we Aptly named Orcs due to their Skin Color, Has increased their aggressiveness by threefold.

Aeternum Has left, Along With its Warships and Colony ships..

The enemies are now At Luna's Doorstep, Most of the planets have been Scorched,

We have prepared for the last stand,

150 ships, All biding for the time for the Aeternum to escape the Former Sol federation territories.

This is Admiral Clive Brooks, Signing out.