
Chapter 0 : The End God

Time: In A realm Beyond Time And Space

Location: After The End, In The Nothing

(Unknown Point Of View)

In This Day, At The End Of All Days... I have Been Gutted, Both Emotionally And Physically in Ways I didn't even think were possible for a God of my status to even Survive.

I've been Crucified, Blinded, Hanged on Yggdrasil, Burned by Stars, skewered with The Bones of all those I've failed to Save... And Half Drowned in a Black Ocean of Oblivion alongside My So-Called Brother's Mutilated Head.

I've watched as The Golden Halls of the place I started to call Home in this second life of mine Go Up In Flames.

Now I hold my Guts inside myself through sheer force of Will, holding a hammer Heavier than a world, Heavier than anything that has ever Been moved By Any Living Being.

And a sword coated in Eternal Flames waiting to Bring Ragnarok, and to recreate the universe anew with its flames.

He was once a normal human, though now he has forgotten everything but long echoes of those distant memories.

Now He is Thor, The Thunder King. The All-mighty Father of Shining Asgard, Thor The King of Kings, Thor The Hero Of Earth, Thor The Avenger .

But today he earns another Title .

"We witnessed your Deeds, Thor Lord of Asgard, king of the gods who has traveled beyond Death. You are worthy of our Notice, Of Our Presence. Thus We Give you our blessings, Odinson."

Along time ago I realized a simple fact I was playing a game that had spun out of my control.

Yet If I could somehow get the whole picture from a high point, there might be a way to beat the game.

But I was hopelessly trapped and had to play my part in the game... Yes, instead of the player, I was merely a pawn on the chess board.

Who's playing this game? Are there other observers? Would they feel bored when the game has come this far? They might be able to see in a glance the ending that I have to take thousands of steps to get to.

I don't know how this story ends... or if the story has any ending at all.

It was only after losing everything did I finally acquire the power to change everything.

Now I'm no longer a simple puppet for my stings have been finally been cut.

Now I can finally see them. They who once controlled my strings finally I can see them

They appeared as spectral figures, their forms obscured by swirling veils of darkness that seemed to bend and warp the very fabric of reality around them. Their features were indistinct, obscured by the shifting shadows that cloaked their ethereal bodies.

Yet, there was an undeniable aura of ancient wisdom and otherworldly power emanating from their presence.

Their eyes, if one could call them such, glowed with an otherworldly luminescence, piercing through the darkness with an intensity that seemed to pierce the very soul. Their voices echoed like distant thunder, resonating with the weight of eons of existence.

Though they stood in the shadows, their presence loomed large over the realm, casting an oppressive pall that seemed to suffocate even the bravest of souls, they appeared as enigmatic beings, existing beyond the comprehension of most mortal and divine minds, their true forms hidden behind layers of cosmic mystery.

"So you finally show yourself, Cowards who sit above in the shadows. You were always a great mystery to my own people, a mystery that was Never truly explained and rarely even whispered in the darkest of nights. Yet now I knew you and I see Through you!

Aye, I now have sight beyond sight, for even your shadows could no longer cloud my Eyes, Gods of Old."

"How interesting. If you truly know who we are, as you claim - what shall you Do with this Knowledge?

You cannot understand what you have no context for, and we are beyond you, Fate Breaker; for you are nothing more to us than..."

"...Than a toy to a child! Children, that is all you are, you who sit and watch, you who laugh and smile at our lives and deaths... You Feed on us... You Feed on our stories... I know of you fallen Ivory Kings."

"And we know of you, Odinson. We know of your destiny, for we control it. You are no threat to us; we have seen your kind live a never-ending Eternal Cycle. We know all the outcomes, Past, Present, and future... You never were and will never be a threat to us."

"Oh, but those times are long Done. I have become Something you never even dreamed Possible; my father saw a way to shield me from your manipulations.

You may have seen the strength and courage of the gods, but you have yet to see those of mortal men.

And now this is how it ends. With Fire and thunder. With sword and hammer. With one last stand beyond the Gates of Heavens. So Hear me, Fallen Gods of old, a King of Asgard has come, and he would have words with thee!"

As He stood defiantly before the figures of those who sat above the shadows, their laughter echoed like distant thunder, mocking and derisive.

"Really, this could be interesting. Go On, entertain us, little thunder god"

Their forms seemed to ripple with amusement, the swirling darkness that cloaked them undulating with their mirth. Their voices, though ethereal, carried a tone of superiority that grated against Thor's resolve.

However that Laugher, that sense of superiority and pride quickly died the moment they heard it.














What is the sound of the strongest thunder God who has ever lived unleashing an ancient Lifetime's worth of Resentment, Anxiety, Doubt, and Self-Loathing in The Form of An ancient Cosmic Firestorm ?

It is Thunder that rumbles the length of Infinity.

An all-consuming inferno That Shatters The very Pillars Of Creation Itself.

The swirling shadows that enshrouded him quivered and recoiled as if threatened by the sheer magnitude of Thor's fury.

And with that fear finally made itself known to them

"Hold, Thor, we see your Deeds. You Have won our Eternal Respect and Honor! We witnessed not only Your Strength but your wisdom."

"You have seen our game, and you call us on it; you have bested us, and for that, we are in awe."

"We will grant that which no other has ever Been Granted."

"Come join us, come to us, be above all others, sit with us and be a god of Gods."

With each thunderous roar and blazing burst of cosmic flame, those who sit above the shadows began to realize the true extent of Thor's might.

And they for time know in all of their existence knew fear.

A fact that brought nothing but endless joy for the thunder god.

For Ragnarok has finally come, and it's Thor, Thor the destroyer, Thor the last king of the 10 realms, Thor the twilight of the gods. All hail King Thor the End-God.

"Your are too late, and your respect matters very little to me, Now Be gone."

And then creation itself screamed













According to the Halls of All-Knowing of Omnipotence City the nexus of all the God's after unleashing his [God Blast] the ultimate fate of All Father Thor Remains Unknown after the destruction of the world tree and the fall of those who sit above the shadows

Though The cycle of ragnarok may have ended yet the stories of king thor has just begun

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Rayen_Zouinacreators' thoughts