
Tensura: Sun Wukong

What would you do if you were going to create a Tensura Fanfic but suddenly found yourself in the place of the protagonist of your story? and with all the skills and perks you intended to give him at the start....? Well, let's find out, follow the adventure of... ho? his name? he doesn't have one yet, he is a majin after all.

AllBullshit · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs


As he came back to himself, Sun Wukong felt the world differently than before. His eyes weren't opened but he could see... not it's not seeing, he knew.

It was strange, it was like a sixth sense... that enabled him to recognize the universal significance and purpose of almost if not everything.

He could tell and distinguish the laws of reality, and everything in between. He, to put it simply knew things he shouldn't know. Anything that could potentially affect him, he just knew.

He knew how much time this planet had left before dying, how much time before the sun would collapse and become a black hole. He knew and could sense all planets in this galaxy without even trying. He could feel/sense everything.

The exact number of people in this city, kingdom, continent, and even the entire planet. He was aware of all truly powerful beings in this world, whatever it was Guy and Velzard in the Ice Continent. Rudra and Velgryng in the Eastern Empire. Dino, Millim, Dagruel, Luminous.

Heck, he was even aware that some of those discovered him sensing them.

The sub real affiliated to this one, the demon realm, Heaven, he could feel them all and even some of the things happening there.

Due to being aware of everything on a cosmic scale, he could also sense this world's system even if could not really interact with it... yet.

All of this was really overwhelming and it was all because of his new Unique Skill [Spiritual Ascension]. Because of this, he was now aware of all of his skills, their true purpose, the details, and even the intertwined concepts within them.

The new Unique Skill has surprisingly five sub-skills, more than all of his former unique skills.

-Cosmic Awareness: this was the sub-kill that gave him new his sixth sense. He felt like this skill by itself was powerful enough to be considered a Unique Skill.

-Though acceleration: is rather self-explanatory, it would allow him to multiply his processing speed up to a thousand.

-Parallel processing: It made him capable of carrying out multiple calculations and thought processes at once. Truly a helpful ability.

-Chant annulment: when using magic, the chant is no longer necessary. Not that he used to chant that much anyway. Still useful.

And Now last but not least.

-Law manipulation: enables the manipulation of the laws of the world from either a magical or scientific perspective.

Although this seemed powerful, it was not that useful from a normal skill holder's perspective.

That is because how effective it is used depends on the user's abilities. If the user does not have sufficient affinity for the respective laws or not in possession of enough knowledge about the scientific or magical laws and the way they operate, they will not be able to fully bring out their power.

But that is different for Sun Wukong who had Cosmic awareness, he could do wonder with the combination of those two alone but had his other skills to the fray... now he is one of the most overpowered being in all of this world's creation.

"He is coming..." Sun Wukong opened his eyes and landed on the ground as he made his way out.

He could feel the King's incoming, even though the man was still in his palace.

As he kept thinking about the discovery of his true potential, he made his way out. Right now he was constantly thinking of all the new applications of his skills and their combination, whether new or past. But that didn't bother him as he was using [Memory Partition] and [Thought acceleration].

He was even doing potential simulations of anything that could have gone differently since he arrived in this world.

He walked through the door and the barriers that were supposed to protect him. They cracked like glass and fell apart before disappearing. He of course was already aware of their existence but simply didn't bother with them.

"Hm?" As he stepped outside, his eyes met that of a man clothed like a knight. The man was surprised as his eyes grew wide.

"You." Sun Wukong addressed, his face indifferent, his tone as well. But his aura was... different.

"Me?" The man pointed at himself, he was surprised but didn't panic. It was not hard to conclude that the young man before him was the one he was supposed to guard. The problem was something about this young made him feel odd.

It was not just about his tail, nor the fact that he was currently bare naked, but something else entirely. In fact, he couldn't even force himself to care about his nakedness.

"Yes, go and tell the others outside that their service is no longer necessary." Sun wukong instructed the knight like he was the man's superior, and something even stranger is, "Yes, Right now!" The man followed his order without complaint like it was the most natural thing in the world.

After that Sun Wukong waited for a moment before walking to the dining area. He was aware that no one was currently in the Inn except himself presently, but that didn't bother him at all.

Soon enough the knight he commissioned earlier came back after doing what he was told to.

But he didn't even get any time to rest as he was once again commissioned by the Monkey King.

"My current conditions are a little inappropriate... Find me something appropriate to wear"

Due to his huge physical change, the clothes he wore in the past were tiered to shred, even those he had in his inventory were unusable now.

"Understood!" To which the knight once again answered before running off looking for the nearest cloth shop.

This situation was a little too bizarre. The Knight knew the young man was a Demon Lord, he knew the man was dangerous. But he wasn't doing all of this out of fear, it was something else.

Do you know the feeling when someone was face to a king? They would be overwhelmed by his aura of nobility and whatnot. It was something similar but in a far greater proportion.

The nameless knight felt like he was face to a... superior... or a higher existence to be more specific.

In fact, what the knight felt was nothing more than his soul itself recognizing the massive superiority of the Monkey King after he had gone through a spiritual awakening.

There was no Haki, ki, magic, or whatsoever, it was just something that became apparent on a conceptual level... In the presence of the Monkey King, the only ones that would be able to resist it would be fully spiritual beings, the others... no matter how strong they are would have no choice but to prostrate in reverence and happily carry out his will and wishes.

Truly terrifying, but it has to be clear not every being that got through spiritual awakening would receive such benefice, in fact, most wouldn't even receive more than an Extra skill like [Spiritual Awareness] or [All Of Creation]

Sun Wukong was a unique case. Not only he adapted to this state of being by transcending his pre-established limit, he even got a Unique Skill as a result.

That coupled with his possible [Personal Reality] made it so not many could defy his will alone.

'Perhaps one day I will be able to bend reality to my alone. Making it be whatever I want.' He thought, and such a thing was truly possible... if his skills evolved further and perhaps combined...


Aedor P.O.V

As I was teleported along with Gazef and Lisa herself... I was surprised that from all of the knights positioned here only one remained.

"What happened?" I asked the sole knight left.

"Your highness!" He kneeled before me before explaining. "The Monkey King, after his awakening dismissed all of the other knights and since they were afraid to offend him, they followed his will."

"Hm... I see, then it's fine, you did well. You can also take a break." After understanding the situation, I dismissed him as well.

I feel more at ease knowing he didn't take our intervention badly, hope he will not too difficult to talk with.

"Gezef, Lisa... Follow me. He probably already knows we are here." I told them as we slowly made out way inside.

As my eyes fell on him. A was directly taken by a strange feeling, but it was nothing like killing intent or Aura impression, it was different but since I felt no bad intent from him, I kept walking toward him.

The closer I got the more change I perceived, the biggest one except the strange feeling was his appearance. The changes were significant from the last time I saw him... not surprising considering it was four years ago.

He was now way taller, around 6'2 foot (1m83), his face well defined, and piercing dark eyes. He was wearing some cheap clothing not even worth noting.

But even then I couldn't help but feel nervous in his presence, so much that a little sweat dripped down my forehead.

"Take a seat." I heard him say calmly, although his tone was neutral, he felt like I couldn't refuse. I wasn't planning to anyway so I walked forward and did as he said. "Thank you."

Now facing the other side of the table, face to him, with Gazef and Lisa standing behind me. I thought a little about how to address the subject but it seems like it was not necessary.

"Let's not beat around the bush." He said as he observed me carefully, making me feel like he was seeing through all my being. "I am well aware of what you did while I was meditating."

how does he know? Is that normal? So he know that we barged in while he was meditating? Ha fuck... What should I say? Should I just apologize?

Hm... observing his expression he doesn't seem that angry...

"You protected me... in some manner as it would have been disastrous if someone interrupted me. Thus you have my gratitude." He kept speaking, it seems like he didn't mind our Intrusion then, better, he is even grateful for our help!

Perfect! Gazef, I will make sure to handsomely reward you later for this. You are truly a good subordinate!

"That was nothing much." I choose to be humble, no matter my political power, in front of him who holds true power, I am nothing extraordinary.

"You do not have to be humble. I know full well that you had some ulterior motive for doing so. And I will allow you to speak what is on your mind." Seems like I was really seen through easily. But that's not a problem, he also should know that nothing is free in this world... except if you are truly powerful which he is but he seems to have some kind of moral most lack.

"But before, as a repayment for your service, I will swear on my name Sun Wukong, that I won't ever be an enemy of your Kingdom... as long as you don't cause me troubles."

Eureka! That was already good enough to repay our service, now we will have one less potential enemy to worry about.

And whatever I am worried about him keeping his promise? Well, I doubt someone as strong as him would lie to me, he had nothing to gain from doing so. If he had any bad intentions toward us and decided to take action, there is nothing we would be able to do about it.

"Thank you, that's already more than I expected," I said but suddenly I saw him frown as his eyes changed and turned crimson with a cross-shaped black spot in the center.

I instinctively felt intimidated and he didn't even use any kind of aura whatsoever.

"Do not lie, those eyes can see through all falsehood. Just tell me what you want." I heard him say, thus I didn't waste any time, and stated my business.

"I would like to make a deal with you," I said as eyed his expression carefully, looking for any change but he didn't react, patiently waiting for me to continue.

"I want you to become the Great Guardian of my Kingdom and in exchange, I would give you a Legendary class Weapon. If you also desire something else in my power, I can give it to you." I said everything in one breath.

But he didn't answer as the silence reigned for a while.

"What if what I desire is your kingdom?" I heard him ask with an indifferent tone.

"Cough*, hum... tha-... That would be a little." I couldn't help it as my face became a little Hagar and I panicked a little bit.

I was certainly not expecting such an answer... but now what can I or should I do?

I looked behind as I saw the worried face of not only Gazef but also Lisa, but they seemingly didn't dare to intervene in this conversation.

"Hahaha." I looked toward the source just to see the Monkey King looking up to the roof while laughing. It seems like he was testing me... or making fun of me.

"Great, it's been years since I last laughed so much. Fine, I accept your deal, but I will be your guardian for only Four hundred years, and in return, I will not only take the Legendary Weapon, but you will also give me some lands and construct a residence for me. Lastly, I plan to create my own country in the future, you will have to give me your full support then." He said as he looked at me intensely.

This was a deal I could not refuse, not only would it be beneficial for us, but also... his tone made it seems like he wouldn't accept any refusal.

"Then We have a deal"