

3rd pov

(New York, jan 8 2021)

The night sky was bathed by the pale pallor of the moon. The stars decorated the sky as Christmas lights. A light spring breeze blew, lulling the clouds suspended in the sky.

In the busy streets of New York, there were many people coming and going. Everyone seen flit be minding their own business while walking to their destination.

A boy could be seen walk out of a store with some groceries. He has an average look with black hair and black eyes. He is wearing black t-shirt with a black jacket with grey pants and white shoes.

'It's cold, in this cold night I had to buy groceries. Troublesome.' The boy thought.

While returning to his home, he passed by an alley from where he could hear some screams. So being the curious kid he was, He went into the alley to see what was happening.

But he didn't know that was the last thing he will see in his life.

After reaching the alley he saw 3 guys trying to force themselves on the girl who was trying her best to resist. After seeing this scene he didn't hesitate to call the police and went to help the girl.

"Hey leave her alone you piece of shits." The boy shouts to the thugs.

The thugs turned around to see who was shouting only to see a teenage boy. Looking at the boy a thug said."Hey bros look what we have here a brat trying to play hero."

Hearing to the thug the others laughed while looking at the boy who was trying to play hero. "What can a mere boy like you do go and suck on your mama boobs." Said thug 2 while trying to tear the girl clothes.

The boy who saw this was enraged and rushed towards the thugs and gave one of the a drop kick in the face which starts bleeding. The other two who saw their friend getting kicked got angered and charged towards the boy with knife in their hands.

"Die for us you brat." Said thug3 while slashing towards the boys back. The boy who saw the attack dodged efficiently and gave a uppercut to the thugs jaw which broke on the impact.

The moment the boy was going to beat the shit out of the 2nd thug he heard sirens of the police and he saw police coming towards him.

Just when he thought the girl would be safe after seeing the police arrive, the first thug he kicked got up and pulled his gun from his waist and pulled the trigger.


The bullet went through his chest. In his last he pulled the gun from the police officer's waist and shot at the thug.


"Heh if I'm going to die then I'm going to take you with me." Said the boy before he lost his conciseness.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

In a void we can see a golden colored soul floating in the endless darkness. In front of him is an old man whose body emits warm, majestic and fatherly aura.

"Who are you and where am I."said the boy by looking here and there until his sight landed on the old man I front of him.

"I see you are awake and to your question I'm what you mortals called GOD and not fake god but THE GOD, Right now you're in the Void or you can call nothingness." said the old man

"Sorry to not introducing myself GOD, My name is Akita susko ." Said the now named akita.

"I came here to grant you a second chance in life " said GOD

"Thank you and will i get wishes and can go to anime world"asked Akita excited because who don't want to go to anime worlds have super powers and explore the world.

"Yes you can go to anime world but for the wishes to have to spin this roulette so every thing you will get and which world you can go will depend on your luck." said GOD by taking out a roulette out of nowhere.

"This roulette will decide in which you will reincarnate." Said GOD

After hearing this at first he was excited but after hearing the rest he was sad because he doesn't have nice luck. So he went near the roulette and spin it with much force while closing his eyes and praying to god of luck.

The roulette was passing through many worlds like Naruto, OnePiece, DBZ, OPM etc. after spinning for 2 to 3 minutes it stopped in the world of Tensura.

'What to do if I don't get a powerful character in tensura then I will be like cannon folders.' Thought akita

'Let's leave it upon luck and see what can I get' thought Akita and went to spin the roulette with full force and stared praying.

The roulette was spinning faster than before. It spin for around 3 to 4 minutes before landing on Velzard. Akita who saw this was overjoyed when he got Velzard and thought that he wouldn't die as a cannon folder but his happiness didn't last long because he found that Velzard is a girl and he would lose his little brother and became depressed.

GOD who saw Akita being depressed came near him and said" it's ok at least you will not die at the start And I will give you a gift."

Akita who has been depressed heard GOD's words and asked"what gift"

GOD replied"you will know after your rebirth. Now go and live your new life and don't come here early" than GOD opened a portal and threw Akita in it.