
Tensura: The Epic Tale of Rimuru Tempest!

That time I got reincarnated as a primordial demon, instead of a slime. Hey guy's new story for ya so read. Also english is not my first language so there will be some grammatical errors. Not much but there will be some, so please bear with it for me. And even if you read there is nothing to lose for me. So make sure read it. Original story and characters belongs to the original writer who is "Fuse". This is just for fun so don't take anything personally. This story contains sexual intercourse, courses, and violence so read with your responsibility. Also the pairings are; 1. Rimuru x Ciel. ('Cause it's best and perfect ship) 2. Rimuru x Shizue. ('Cause it's a really good ship in my opinion ofcourse) 3. Rimuru x Chloe. ('Cause she deserve him) 4. Rimuru x Velzard. ('Cause in my opinion Velzard deserve someone like Rimuru instead of Guy. Also Rimuru deserve atleast one milf) 5. Rimuru x Velgrynd. ('Cause Rimuru deserve one milf and I can't choose between Velzard and Velgrynd so I take both of them)

God_RimuruTempest · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 17: The Supreme Deity.

'Third Person POV:'

In a place filled with [Nihilithy] energy, this place is the place of the begining and the place of the end. This is the place where everything starts and everything ends. This is the place of Nothingness as well as the place of Everythingness,

This place which is known as The Void.

Void is everything as well as nothing. Everything starts from the Void and everything ends in Void.

This is the place where the most destructive and chaotic energy in existence the [Nihilithy] energy originate. It is the Primordial energy that is superior to any and every type of energy in entire existence.

In this Void we can see a figure floting or standing or whatever is happening with it. We can't say precisely what is happening with it because there is no space in the Void.

By the looks of it this figure appears to be a male and a quiet handsome one as well.

His height is arround 188cm (6.2 fit.). He appeared to the age between 20-22 male. with long silvery bluish colour hair. Long enough to reach a little more than his lower back.

The figures outfit consists of black pants and a black sleeveless long shirt accented with white boots and white stripes respectively. The arms have black detached long sleeves with golden ornaments at the top as well as a golden collar piece around the neck. The white rope-like belt has a metal loop at the back for the purpose of tying the scabbard of a sword.

This figure is The strongest person in entire existence. The True Omnipotent, True Omniscient and True Omnipresent being.

The One Who Rules Over Everything, The Supreme Deity, The Ruler Of Space and Time, The Chaos Creator, The embodiment of nothingness: The Ruler Of Void; Rimuru Tempest.

And it seems this figure now known as Rimuru Tempest is waking up from his slumber.

He opened his eyes and a pair of shining Golden eyes which can look and peirce anyone's soul shine brightly in the Void.

Now the Ruler Of Void is awake and ready to rule over everything.

'Rimuru POV:'

I slowly open my eyes. And all I can see is a nothing. I literally see can't see anything here.

<<Have you finally woken up?>>

Asks a voice inside my head.

Oh...right it's Ciel my wife she said something to me and her voice seems so happy.

>>Where are we? What happened to us? Ahh... I remember now we asked Veldanava to use 'Chrono Saltation' on us and he used it. So now where are we exactly?<<

<<This is the End of World or <strong>The Void. Also it could be referred to as the 'End of Time and Space'. As for our condition, we didn't take any damage, so please rest assured,>>

I see. We're alright.

>>Are you okay, you must feel lonely all this time by yourself, I am sorry for that!<<

<<Don't worry master, now that you are awake again there is nothing to anymore and our plan also worked. Now we strongest being in entire existence. Not even Veldanava his prime state can't think of putting a single scratch on master. And it impossible for anyone become stronger than master too.>>

That's good to know and Eh?.....This needlessly large and empty world is the 'End of Time and Space', she said?

Looking around, there is literally nothing at all.Only a pitch-black void surrounding me.

Is that even black or it's just my imagination. Certainly, time doesn't flow and time is in stopped state. I can't sense the spread of space either.

<<In entire existence, in Tensura World and Fiction their all realities, dimension, timelines everywhere this existence the flow of time has stopped.< p>

The spread of space had ceased as well. And in accordance with the Law of Entropy, all the entire existence have arrived at nothingness then be it The Tensura World or The Fiction World.>>

>>Again you have to go all of this just for my sake I am truly blessed to have you as my partner and wife, but don't worry I will make it up for you!! So anything that I should be aware of?<<

<<Don't worry master but you have to make it up for me. And about that, when Veldanava used 'Chrono-Saltation' we were hurled beyond time and space. When that happened I witnessed everything like the lifespan of entire existence has already ended a long ago.< p>

The destruction of the Cardinal World, where the place of beginnings had resided in, that triggered a chain reaction, destroying the space-time continua of all the worlds connected with the Cardinal World which is also known as outer world.

After that, we wandered around as we drifted in space and then we became a True Omnipotent being and following that we became True Omniscient and True Omnipresent being and when that happened we became aware all the knowledge of the entire existence then be it past, present or future and from that time we are aware of what happened what is happening and what will happen in entire existence then it doesn't matter which reality or timeline or dimension we know everything. Also that time I found out about the Fiction World and later then I witnessed the end of the everything.>>

Huh...what!!! I have become a True Omnipotent, True Omniscient and True Omnipresent being!!!!!!!!!

You know what just forget it!! if it's Ciel doing then it's possible.

>>I see but still we are able to go back where we want right ?<<

>>Yes master, it is possible. After the world ended we were transported to the Void and after coming here master's body and soul started to absorb the [Nihilithy] energy but at some point the infinite amount of [Nihilithy] energy became part of master. I have a theory that because of master have the Void attribute all of the [Nihilithy] energy got absorbed in master and master itself become the source of the [Nihilithy] energy and after becoming source of [Nihilithy] energy master's [Imaginary Collapse] has evolved into [Nihilithy Collapse]. And after that master became one with Void.<<

<<Wait....wait.. does that mean now I am part of Void? And can use the [Nihilithy] energy like how my own ?<<< p>

<<Yes master can use Nihilithy energy like his own or rather master's is [Nihilithy] now.< p>

And no, master is not a part of Void rather master is Void itself. It's like Void is originated from master now. Now master is in a true sense become the Ruler Of Void. Also because master was able to survive after the End of the Space and Time master has transcended Space and Time itself.>>

>>Doesn't that mean I am above Space and Time.<<

<<Yes. Also it can be said that master has become the Ruler Of Space and Time. because of transcending Space, Time Void master is now not bounded by any law in entire existence.< p>

It also means master has transcended all the laws in entire existence and can manipulate, change or erase all the laws in existence. Also after master went into slumber and becoming the the source of [Nihilithy] energy and Void itself becoming part of master, master has become a True Omnipotent being in other words master is the strongest being in entire existence, also it is impossible to become stronger than master be it in the past, present or future. No one will be able to become stronger than master. And when became a True Omnipotent being that time master has also become a True Omniscient and True Omnipresent being.

Actually first after analysing all the Virtue and Sin series skills master become a Omniscient and Omnipresent being and later when master became a True Omnipotent being that time master also became a True Omniscient and True Omnipresent being.>>

(A.N. I think in LN vol 19 it is stated that the key of the Omniscience is all the Virtue and Sin series skills or only Virtue series skill, somthing like that. Tell me if I am wrong.)

>>That's some serious boost in power I got. Since I have transcended Space and Time, does it also means that I will remain in my prime state forever.<<

<<Yes, because of master transcending Space and Time, time does not affect in any way, so it also means that will remain his prime state forever. And now has become strong for the entire existence is just a plaything>>

>>It's too much to take all in, you just run appraisal on me. Also you said about Fiction World and Tensura World few times could you also explain that to me.<<

<<Yes master I will explain that later but first about appraising you, please forgive me master. can't measure our powers ....< p>







*Time-Skip: One Ciel's long Explanation later.*

Now I feel weaker than before.

I think I only have a fraction of my power compare to when I was in my True Body but still I am stronger than everyone in entire existence and everyone means everyone then be it weather anyone from The Tensura World or The Fiction World or even Void itself.

They all are nothing infront of my power.

But still it was shocking to know the truth about existence. Who could have thought that existence will be this big.

Let's see how strong is my avatar/clone anyway.

>>Ciel run a appraisal on me and also for the time being, I mean when you will run appraisal on seal my Omnipotence and later after when appraisal is done unseal it. Also I know that even after becoming I Omnipotent being I didn't need skill or weather they are far too weak for me to use it so could you just upgrade my previous ultimate skills [Azathoth] and [Shub-Niggurath] and showtell about themto me? Also make a replica of our orginal swords too.<<

<<Understood,< p>

(A.N. I will only write the upgraded part of his skills.)

Name: Rimuru Tempest (Avatar/Clone)

Race: True Dragon {Supreme Chaotic Devine Sprit} (True Demonic Dragon body) [Digital Lifeform].

Title(s): The Embodiment Of Nothingness : The Ruler Of Void, Ruler Of Space and Time, The Supreme Deity, The one who rule over everything, The one where everything starts and everything ends, The Chaos Creator, True Demon Lord, Void Dragon, The Fifth True Dragon, Primordial Silver, Progenitor of the Silver.

Gender: Male.

Nickname: Argent, buddy. (given by Veldora)

**Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent being.*(in avatar/clone)

Existence Value: Immeasurable/Infinite.

1,775,005,050 (1775M/1.775 B) (Infinite with [Nihilithy] energy) {When Omnipotence is sealed}

(1500M Rimuru+ 50M Sword+225M True Dragon release)(Infinite with [Nihilithy] energy)

1,500,000,050 (1500 M) (Infinite with [Nihilithy] energy) {When Omnipotence is sealed}

(+50M sword, +225 M True Dragon release.)

(84M Veldora+ 74M Velzard+ 67M Velgrynd)(A.N. They are not in their prime yet. they can still become strong.)

**Omniscience {Sealed}

**Omnipresent {Sealed}

**Omnipotence {Temporary Sealed}

Intrinsic Skills: Dragon Spirit Haki, Universal Sence, Universal Shapshift, Information Partical Manipulation.

Manas: Ciel Tempest. (A.N. even if Ciel has evolved and become existence similar to a True Dragon Rimuru can and still use Ciel as his Manas.)


(1) All of Creation.

(2) Alteration.

(3) Analytical Appraisal.

(4) Attribute Conversion.

(5) Chant Annulment.

(6) Future Attack Prediction.

(7) Law Domination.

(8) Parallel Operation.

(9) Synthesize/Separate.

(10) Thought Acceleration.

(11) Thought Domination.

(12) World's Knowledge: The knowledge of anything and everything in the existence be it past, present or future.

(13) Food Chain.

(14) Creation: The ability to create anything user desired, only limited by imagination.

Ultimate Skills:

1. Void God : Azathoth


(1) Soul Consumption.

(2) Nihilithy Collapse: The unlimited/infinite amount destructive energy [Nihilithy] that filled in Void and is able to be used as users own energy.(Note: it is not taken from Void, it is originate from Rimuru and Rimuru is the source of this energy.)

(3) Imaginary Space.

(4) Food Chain.

(5) True Dragon Release [Storm, Scorch, Frost].

(6) True Dragon Nucleation [Storm, Scorch, Frost].

(7) Eyes of Distruction: Can nullify or erase from existence anything in user's field of vision it doesn't matter what it is. It can Nullify/erase matter, magic, skill, space, time, timelines, dimensions, realities, fictional world, real world, even Void itself.

(8) Space-Time Control: Complete control over the elements of Space and Time. It is possible to activate Suspended World at will where no one is able to move even those who can move in Suspended World can't move. Also if anyone wants to enter or move in the Suspended World they needs the users permission. Also user have full authority over all timelines, dimension as well as worlds. Anyone wants to manipulate or interfere with natural flow of time that individual must take permission from user (Rimuru).

(9) Reality Control: Absolute control over reality. User can destroy, erase, alter, change, create realities at will.

(10) Life and Death Control.

(11) Multiple Parallel Existence.

(12) Law Control: Absolute control over any and every type of laws in existence. User can change, create or erase laws at will.

(13) Multi-Dimensional Barrier.

(14) Space-Time Leap: User can travel anywhere he desire at will be it past, present or future, ignoring space and time. It doesn't matter if Information of desired location is available or not. It is also possible to travel in different timelines and dimensions.

2. Harvest God: Shub-Niggurath


(1) Creation: The ability to create anything user desired, only limited by users imagination.

(2) Skill Gifting.

(3) Information Bank.

Extra Skills: Hell flames, Black lighting, Thought Communication, Perfect Memory, Sleep, etc.

Magic: Primitive Magic,

True Dragon Magic[Void, Storm, Scorch, Frost],

Every Type of Magic In Entire Existence.

Nullification: All types of nullifications. (Including nullifications from destruction of the entire existence including Void.)


(1) Void Collapse : World of a Thousand Blooming Changes.

(2) Imaginary Blade.

(3) Imaginary Fist.

(4) Secret Art of Implantation.

(5) Secret Art of Resurrection.

(6) Secret Art of Revival.

(7) Secret Art of Spiritualization.


(1) Name: The sword of Destruction and Nothingness: Anos.

Grade: Genesis Grade.

Existence Value: 50,000,000 (50M).

(2) Name: The sword of Creation and Everythingness: Militia.

Grade: Genesis Grade.

Existence Value: 50,000,000 (50M).

That concludes all.>>

(A.N. guys detailed chapter about stats of Rimuru's in his True Body and Avatar/Clone and Veldanava in his both Pre-Creation and Post-Creation state will come later.)

>>Well I knew that it was going to be absurd even in avatar but it's too much absurd. But I guess it's worth doing this because now I can enter in lower worlds.<<

<<But our efforts are worked and now master is the strongest being. Also in this avatar clone master's my body several times stronger than a Genesis Grade metal.>>

>>I see that's good to hear.<<

<<Now everything is done should we go back now?>>

>>Yes, we should go back now and also make it ten seconds after Veldanava using 'Chrono Saltation' on us.<<

<<Understood, activating [Space-Time Leap] to travel desired location.>>

Just as Ciel said everything around me changed in an instant and I arrived on the same spot where I was before going into the Void.

It seems like nothing happened at all.

<<Master we have successfully arrived ten seconds after Veldanava using 'Chrono Saltation' on us.>>

>>I see and here comes Veldora<<

Just as I talked with Ciel Veldora come towards me running and laughing.

"Kuhahhahaha kuhahha hahahah you did it Rimuru!!!! you did it!!! I knew from the beginning that you can do everything!!!!!" Veldora come towards me and starting saying stuff like that.

"I know that you have potential to surpass me even my prime state but to think that you actually surpassed me is quite shocking you know!!!!" Veldanava said as he also come towards us.

"Wha do you mean brother? How is that possible to become stronger than you when you are prime state? Aren't you in that time a Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent being?" Velzard asked him as she and Velgrynd come here.

"Yeah I was Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent but now Rimuru is surpassed me because I can sence the overwhelming [Nihilithy] energy inside him.... No it's not inside him, it's like he is the [Nihilithy] energy itself!!!" Veldanava said shoking everyone even me because I don't know how did he found out that.

>>How is that possible??? How did he know that!!!!<<

<<Master I think it's because Veldanava is born in the Void and also he had absorbed some [Nihilithy] energy that time can sence you.>>

"And if what I am senceing is true then it is most likely that he has achieved Omnipotence, Omniscience and Omnipresence which means even surpassing me!!!! Because even though I was Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent being, but still I wasn't able to use the [Nihilithy] energy at all." He continued once again shoking everyone except me and Ciel.

"Well you are right about that. Yes I am not only able to use the [Nihilithy] but I am the source of the [Nihilithy] energy and Void is itself is part of me. Also I have achieved True Omnipotence, True Omniscience and True Omnipresence. I also has transcended Space and Time including all kinds of laws in entire existence!!!" I said to them because at this point hiding this from them is not going to do anything for me.

Also I want to brag my powers infront of someone.

"I The embodiment of nothingness: The Ruler Of Void, I The Supreme Deity, I The One Who Rules Over Everything, Rimuru Tempest have become the strongest being to ever have in entire existence!!!!!" I said to them and I released a some of my Haki as well as a little amount of [Nihilithy] energy.

"Rimuru!!!!! Rimuru!!!! Don't release your Haki like these!!!! Half of my creation is got destroyed!!!!!!! And other half is on it's way to get destroyed!!!!!!!!! Retract it!!! retract it!!!!!" Veldanava shouted at me.

As I heard him I opened my eyes and saw that the three dragon siblings are clinging on Veldanava to stay on toe and Veldanava himself standing barely.

I can also see that the half of the creation has been destroyed.

>>Oops I overdid it. Ciel retract my Haki immediately all of it!!!<<

<<Understood master.>>

And just like that Ciel retracted all of my Haki and [Nihilithy] energy. And everything become normal again.

"Kuhahhahaha kuhahha hahahah my friend you have become so much strong!!!! Kuhahha as expected of Rimuru to even surpass big brother!!" Veldora come towards me after recovering from before.

"Well I knew that Rimuru will become strong but to think he would surpass big brother in his prime state is just absurd." Velzard said as she come towards us, behind her Velgrynd is also coming.

"Well even though it is unexpected we can't do anything about it. We just have to go with it. He is Rimuru afterall if we stay with him then things will become more interesting. I know for sure." Velgrynd said while all of us now are sitting on the sofa.

"You are right about that!" Velzard also added.

" Kuhahhahaha it's because of me that all of you are able to meet him sister!!" Veldora boasted himself.

And now they are glaring daggers on him.

Jeez this guy is he never going to learn. But one thing is good now they act more like normal siblings instead of fighting all the time.

I wonder because of Veldora is being the manifestation of the storm element his nature is this type of, like always chaotic.

<<That is correct.>>

Well even Ciel agrees with me. If that's the case then all we need to do is guide him and give him a direction.

I should save Veldora before they start to fight again.

And also I want to tell(brag) them about my True Body and my True power and because they are only aware of my power that I am currently wielding, it is not even a fraction of my True power.

It's not like I want to brag about it or something!!! It's just I want to make sure that they are aware of the truth.

Yeah totally that!! About truth!! And not bragging!!!

I can bet that after knowing the truth there reaction will be priceless.

"Hey girls why don't you leave Veldora alone for the time being and hear me because you don't know anything about me." I said to them and took their attention from Veldora to me and only then but all of them.

"What are you talking about?" Veldanava asked in a confusion.

"Well this in not my all power heck this not even my True Body either." I told them and now they are looking at me curiously.

"What do you mean by that?" This time Veldora asked.

"Listen here buddy because now I am going to tell you the truth nd that is...." with that I started to tell them the truth.

I wonder what future can offer me and to entertain me?


And that's end that's all for this chapter.

Tell me how is the chapter in comments. It is really motivates me to write new chapters.

Word Count = 3.5k