
Tensura: Golden Goddess

you are reborn but instead of purgatory or heaven you are given the chance to to take the place of End and Origin. as both you are now wandering the multiverse and it takes you awhile but eventually you find what you where looking for friends. hi I’m Jessica Verde or was I am now Lady Reine Humninon The True God. at first I thought it was impossible but I've come to realize it isn't a joke. I am basically omnipotence's embodiment "The god above gods." anyway I am currently in my human form because it is more flexible. I am also looking for something. A companion on this lonely journey maybe even multiple I just don't want to be alone. I reside in the universe of tensura I want rimuru I want him to be my child a soft, cute, strong, smart child. I also want to meet veldanava he should be residing in the voids gates somewhere right?

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4 Chs

The massacre.

-Author POV-

The streets of Tempest are quiet and dark.

Barely any signs of life are visible and everyone is in turmoil.

-Rimuru POV-

It was silent everywhere.


I had silently muttered,but apparently the people closer to me heard as some flinched and others looked down in shame, or was it pity?

Finally after several seconds of silence

Gobuta speaks up

"Lord-Rimuru..the- the humans attacked.."

It went quiet again.

Nobody moved a muscle and it felt as it it was just me.

I was there staring at Shion's deceased body

No movement was seen from her. I looked at the others, children.. the elderly..all of them..

Then in my vision nothing but darkness enveloped me. But suddenly multiple shadows or.. spirits..? Bagan to fill my vision

I wasn't sure but I knew why they were there.

And then suddenly they all started speaking incomprehensible words that soon start to turn into..sentences..insults..

They all came at me like knives,no more like daggers,spears. All blaming me for my incompetence and failure to protect the only place I swore I would.

…I then unleashed a dark and suffocating aura that frightened everyone in tempest.

Suddenly a soft and gentle voice call to me.

I was sure if who it was,Mother,She had came back..

Mom had left a few days before me to see some old acquaintance's.


She walked closer to me and the others, who were already several yards away from me


She said solemnly was she feeling remorseful?


A sad tone is what came out of my mouth. My voice cracked but i couldn't cry. I wanted to sob and be comforted by the individual who i love as a mother. I felt as if I should have died instead..

"Mama I failed..i-its all my fault!"

She looked even more upset with my words and came close enough to me just to pull me into a tight hug although sad her hugs still feel warm and full of love and affection.

"Oh my sweet baby.. you haven't failed..-"

She paused while stroking my hair softly then continuing.

"-you have done all that you could.. and even if you do fail someway or somehow I won't mind.."

She paused once more before bringing my face out of her chest and up to her face

Well as high as my height could.

"It will be alright I'm sure there is a way to save them.."

This statement had cured my sadness at the moment and had piqued my interest as she had mentioned there being a way to bring the beloved citizens of tempest back, and the greatest secretary Shion back.

Later in the meeting room with me calmed down all of tempests officials were there including mother, the self proclaimed guardian of tempests, after my outburst earlier.

The meeting had started.

"I have made a decision."

I had spoke up although a bit less quietly than normal.

"Now what is this idea of yours rimu?"

All eyes were on me and everyone in the room was waiting in anticipation for my reply.

"..I will become a demon lord."


-[no one's POV]

Silence but not that kind of silence more like a silence before happiness.

They all were sporting a smile as they had expected something this drastic from the one and only Rimuru Tempest who decided to make a nation of monsters himself.

"Haha! As expected of Lord-Rimuru!"

"Yes truly exceptional!"

"What a ruler!"

With that the meeting concluded not before the battle plan was made.