
Tensura : Crimson Heavenly Dragon

I created this fanfiction as a way to pass the time, especially since I couldn't find much Tensura fanfiction. Please be warned that English is not my first language, so I appreciate your understanding. P.S.: This story is set in an alternative universe to the original Tensura, so there may be some gendered characters and events that never happened in the original. Notice : This work of fiction is not intended to infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks, nor is it intended to challenge the ownership or rights to the characters, settings, or plot lines of any established intellectual property. All characters and elements are the property of their respective creators and owners. ______________________________________ After so many years, he did it. Finally, he completed that tower just as he was ready to embrace death. However, fate had other plans for him – an opportunity to reunite with his lover. He accepted that chance, and once again, he found himself thrust into a new world. Now, the question is: Is this world ready for him ? A human who Transcendent The Gods themselves

Rayen_Zouina · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 8 : A New Player Joins The Game (Part 2)

(Alrose Point Of View)

In the aftermath of the intense battle that had left El Dorado in ruins, Alrose, the Silver Knight in service to Leon Cromwell, found himself witnessing a spectacle that seemed to defy the very fabric of reality.

His eyes widened in both terror and awe as he observed Alexander, the man who had emerged victorious against his master, orchestrating a profound mending of the extensive damage inflicted upon El Dorado.

The land seemed to respond to Alexander's power as if someone had pressed a cosmic rewind button – the shattered buildings reassembled themselves, the scorched earth healed, and the fallen rose once more.

His unique Spatial Magic allowed him to sense the intricate threads of time, and as he witnessed Alexander's precise control over this fundamental force, a shiver ran down his spine.

The reversal of time with such mastery transcended the boundaries of what Alrose believed was possible, even in a world filled with various powerful [Skills] and [Magics].

A knot of fear tightened in his chest as he grappled with the implications of this unimaginable power.

His gaze then shifted toward Jaune, now named Jeanne in her new body.

She knelt with reverence, her eyes filled with worship as she beheld Alexander's incredible display of power.

Alrose couldn't fathom the submission of someone as prideful as Jeanne to another, but the current circumstances left little room for disbelief.

The atmosphere was charged with an otherworldly energy, and the sheer magnitude of Alexander's existence seemed to instill a sense of reverence and awe in those who witnessed his unparalleled abilities.

The repercussions of Alexander's presence were already echoing across the world.

Representatives from powerful factions like the Council of the West, the Eastern Empire, and the Western Holy Church hurriedly dispatched messengers to El Dorado, driven by the urgent need to secure an audience with Alexander. Their intentions were clear – to offer him rewards, riches, and the allure of joining their respective causes.

Alrose couldn't shake the gnawing worry within him. The fragile peace that had been maintained through delicate agreements and alliances now teetered on the brink of shattering.

The appearance of Alexander, a being of incomprehensible power, had disrupted the delicate equilibrium that the world had struggled to preserve.

As he surveyed the unfolding events, Alrose pondered the uncertain future that lay ahead. The existence of such a monster, capable of wielding such overwhelming power, had thrown the world into a state of chaos.

The delicate balance that held nations in check now teetered on the edge, and the world braced itself for the storm that this Man presence had unleashed.


(Alexander Point Of View)

I stepped into the void, initially surrounded by a pristine sea of white nothingness.

Each step seemed to echo endlessly, creating a rhythmic cadence that resonated through the emptiness.

As I continued this solitary journey, the very fabric of my [Soul] began to ripple, and reality itself started to mold into a surreal tableau.

Suddenly, the blank canvas transformed into a desolated kingdom of weapons.

The ground beneath my feet became a vast expanse of rubble, littered with an array of weapons that stood upright like sentinels.

Swords, pole-arms, lances, hammers, and shields adorned the landscape, each one a preserved relic in this wasteland.

Demonic, Holy, and various other magical weapons were scattered amidst the variety, seemingly frozen in time.

My eyes lit up with recognition and understanding as I gazed upon the weapons.

I felt their latent power, their yearning for battle, and their stories etched into the very essence of my [Soul].

It was a silent conversation, an unspoken pact between a master and his arsenal.

"I see you, my comrades," I spoke softly, my words resonating through this desolate kingdom. "You, who have tasted the blood of gods and demons alike. You who have fought to save and to destroy. I promise you this – even outside the tower, your purpose remains. I will wield you in the battles yet to come."

The weapons, their spirits stirred, responded with a collective hum of satisfaction.

One by one, most of them returned to their resting places, awaiting the day when I would once again call upon them.

Smiling, I continued with my journey; reality shifted once more.

In the blink of an eye, I found myself standing before a colossal, seven-story high building, supported by the very magic that coursed through my Being.

There a guardian awaited me – a mighty hammer, its head blocky and adorned with intricate Asgardian symbols and runes, a testament to its mystical origins.

Upon seeing me, the hammer stirred with life, a sentience of its own. It soared towards me with a swift trajectory, aiming for my head.

The collision echoed through the mindscape, breaking the silence with a thunderous crack as the hammer struck my head and shattered my nose.

"Really, Mjolnir straight to the head."

The hammer didn't speak; there was no need for words between the two of us.

The gathering thunder and the lightning that almost hit me as I nursed my broken nose were all the answer I needed.

Indeed, she was still angry at me.

Once again, I tried approaching Mjolnir, the legendary hammer, with a sense of solemnity.

The air tingled with a subtle energy as I extended an apologetic gaze toward the enchanted artifact.

Mjolnir, presence charged with divine power, hung in the air, its Asgardian runes glowing softly.

"I owe you an apology," I began, my voice carrying the weight of sincerity. "In the face of [the Beast of the Apocalypse], I hesitated. I wasn't planning on surviving that battle.

The Tower's endless climb had worn me down, and I thought maybe, just maybe, using the [God Blast] as a final trump card would be my way out."

Mjolnir, remained stoic, as if contemplating my words. The air crackled with an unspoken tension, and yet I continued, "I was tired, Mjolnir. Tired of the relentless ascent, the battles that seemed to have no end. I wanted to have a warrior's death, to fall in battle."

In response, Mjolnir didn't utter a word. Instead, it flowed gently into my outstretched hand, its familiar divine weight settling comfortably.

As if acknowledging the gravity of my words, a surge of power coursed through Mjolnir and converged into a colossal thunderbolt.

Without warning, the lightning struck me, a blinding display of divine force.

The energy surged through my form, my silhouette illuminated by the radiant glow. The force of the bolt seemed to echo my internal struggle.

"Fair enough," grunting in pain, I murmured, my eyes meeting Mjolnir's silent gaze. I sensed the divine disapproval, the unspoken wisdom of the ancient weapon.

Just as I was about to continue the conversation, a forceful expulsion jolted me.

In an instant, my [Soul] transformed into a burst of blinding light, and I found myself forcibly ejected, back to the void where my journey had begun.

As I stood in the emptiness, preparing to wake from the mindscape, a feminine voice resonated in my mind. [God Tempest], the true consciousness of Mjolnir, spoke with a stern warning, "Next time you consider such a reckless act, remember this moment. Death will be the least of your concerns."

With those ominous words lingering, I awoke from my sleep.


I sat in the heart of El Dorado's Royal Library, a sanctum of knowledge adorned in a soft, otherworldly glow.

The air resonated with ancient wisdom as towering shelves, reaching toward a ceiling adorned with constellations, housed books emitting a gentle radiance.

The library unfolded in a labyrinth of seemingly endless aisles, where books of various shapes and sizes floated weightlessly, organizing themselves into a harmonious dance of knowledge.

Ethereal whispers echoed through grand halls, carrying the accumulated wisdom of centuries.

As I sighed, a stack of completed books sat beside me, each representing a journey into the arcane and mystical realms of this world.

The final book in my hands radiated subtle energy as I turned its final pages, absorbing the last vestiges of its contents.

Closing the book, I took a moment to appreciate the quiet majesty of this library. The accumulated knowledge held within these walls stood as a testament to the vastness of the world, yet there was always more to discover.

In this serene setting, Ddraig's voice resonated in my mind, breaking the silence with an otherworldly echo.

Ddraig: "Quite the impressive collection. That Demon Lord Leon Cromwell has amassed knowledge over the years. It seems the knowledge of this world is at your fingertips."

"Indeed, Ddraig. El Dorado's Royal Library holds the essence of many civilizations, something expected given their King's obsession with magical knowledge. It's quite interesting, so many stories and wisdom woven into every page. But there's always more to explore."

Ddraig: "Speaking of exploration, have you noticed something peculiar about the structure of this world? It reminds me of the system within the {Tower Of Babel}."

I furrowed my brow, pondering Ddraig's observation.

"Now that you mention it, there is a certain familiarity. The way the world operates, the underlying system—it's reminiscent of the structured layers we encountered in the Tower. Do you think they're connected?"

Ddraig: "It's hard to say for certain, but the echoes of that system are unmistakable. The Tower had its own rules and challenges, each floor governed by a set of laws. This world seems to follow a similar pattern. There's a method to the madness, and I suspect understanding it could unlock even greater potential."

I leaned back in my chair, staring into the infinite expanse of knowledge surrounding me.

The best way to describe the {Tower of Babel} is as a gigantic tree that holds countless different worlds within its branches.

Those worlds are under the jurisdiction of the [System], with us {Chosen Ones} being granted special {Authority} to move between said worlds. Each level represents a different [Universe] with its own unique [Laws].

We {Players} were used by the Tower as independent agents to deal with threats to the countless worlds within its jurisdiction. This phenomenon manifests in the creation of unique [Quests], in disguise as the [Will] of the Tower trying to ensure its survival and growth.

The [System] that controls the [Cardinal World], this [Voice of the World], is the sentient embodiment of the Laws of the World, or rather, it is the World itself.

It encompasses conflicting order, cause and effect, laws, and information—just like the {Tower of Babel}.

It recognized me as a [Player], an independent third party that supposedly exists to help deal with anything or anyone that could potentially harm it.

Meaning, just like the [System] that governs [Babel], it holds no true animosity towards me.

Most of my {Unique Skills} have the potential to become {Ultimate Skills} at any given time, yet the [Voice of the World] actively suspends their evolution as an effort to protect me.

My [soul] is barely holding itself together as it is—the extra strain of [Okhwang, Lord Of The First Heavenly Realm] certainly isn't helping. Gaining another [Ultimate Skill] in my current state would make my [soul] simply explode. But still, this would only mean one thing.

"If this world operates on a system akin to the Tower, then understanding it could be the key to unraveling the mysteries that lie ahead. We've barely scratched the surface, Ddraig, and I'm eager to delve deeper."

As the conversation lingered in the hallowed halls of the Royal Library, Alexander's quest for knowledge and exploration continued, guided by the whispers of ancient tomes and the insights of his draconic companion.


Author Notes : Hey Guys

Please tell me your honest opinion about this along with any idea you have for the future

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Rayen_Zouinacreators' thoughts