
tensura:- Authors adventures

life of reincarnated person through tensura world. all rights belong to author I don't own anything except OCs

isekaigiffy · Tranh châm biếm
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// Christina POV//

It's been 9 months since I unlocked my unique skill and my mana capacity (temporarily) I can now use every otaku's dream! magic ! With my sub skill - word magic for example if I write (fire) with magic in air it will appear I have to imagine how and how big it will be but I am pretty sure I can do more complicated magic but I haven't tried it yet and I could feel myself getting stronger each day magically somehow it seems I can't grow any stronger physically because of my toddler body I am sure I can run by now which is already unnatural for 1year old so I can't really complain.

today both father and mother seemed busy , The mother was making a lot of food while the father was cleaning the house. I was wondering what it is all about I saw two people enter our home.

"Chris chan granny came to play with you !" A beautiful woman said with a big smile. I remember her she has visited me a lot and she is my grandmother which is weird as she just appears to be in her early thirties. " That's not very nice of you angelica I want to play with Chris first!" The man who came with her said, he was my grandfather and he looked a lot like my father I have met him several times. I looked at them and giggled at their childish behaviour I have been preparing to say my first word and I will refer all of them. at first my vocal cords weren't yet developed enough to make a comprehensive word but now I have decided to give them a surprise today seems to be the right day! When I was planning this surprise for them I was lifted from my crib by my grandmother "shut up daneil lay off." My grandmother said little meanly.

So after this I played with them. It was actually really fun hahahaha!

//Isabella POV//

I watched Chris happily playing with her grandparents and I renewed my resolve once again to get powerful enough to protect this happiness no matter what .

Today was Chris first birthday and after today I will not be able to spend much time with Chris she would surely cry as I haven't separated myself from her for more than few hours a day but now that I have to go on difficult quests I will be away from Chris for more than few days just thinking about it made knot in my stomach. I shook my head to keep gloomy thoughts away Today is Chris special day so I wanted to make it a happy occasion so we only invited his parents and some friends as my parents have broken their ties with me after I ran away from home to be adventurer with Roberto I did my best to give happiest smile as leaving kitchen with cake.

//Chris POV//

When I was trying to find an opportunity to make all my family happy I saw 4 people enter our home, 2 men one was women and a child about 5years old. when I was wondering who these people are father went and greeted them like old friends and then he started introducing them one by one. "Chris this is uncle jeorge." He said while pointing at slender man with handsome face brown hair and eyes he appeared slightly older than my parents. "This is uncle james "he pointed at tall man,talller than father and father is at least 6.4feet , he was walking lump of muscles with black hair and blue eyes,he appeared oldest among group about 30 yrs old "This is aunty Jasmine" he said pointing at beautiful women in her early twenties she had flamming red hair and eyes she had graceful air about her," I am aunty, I am big sister!" Women said with rather scary glint to which father nodded vehemently. "This is big brother Marcus" he pointed at boy boy blushed after hearing 'big brother' but he was cute boy with platinum silver hair with warm blue eyes. After introduction they all left to freshen up one by one, and marcus was apparently james son which I found out after sometime.

//Daniel POV//

I watched with a smile as Roberto's party members interacted with chris they were playing with her this people were quite talented youngsters according to angelica so we are going to train them for while in return they will have to stay in this town for next 10yrs. Roberto has told them about the tenma war and they agreed they will help this town during angel attack. While I was watching them with warm fluffy feeling after watch my granddaughter skitting through everybody Isabella returned to hall with cake in hand she placed cake on table with and took little Chris near it I could see Chris was trying to get to cake as early as possible "why don't we cut a cake and be done with it, little Christina seems quite eager to taste cake" I interjected in conversation between Roberto and james and brought everyone attention towards today's star.

//Christina POV//

After mom brought cake and took me near cake delicious looking cake my stomach involuntaryly made grumbling sound my mother just chuckled at my antics after which grandfather whispered something in father's ears after which everybody came one by one and wished me happy birthday after all new people had placed many candies in front of me mother looked at me with bright smile "happy birthday Chris!"she hugged me This is my chance "ma..ma" I said and hugged her back , after that silence reigned for some time ,first to come out of stupor was mom "kya! Dear did you hear she called me mama! " Mom said in an excited voice after hearing it The father took me from mom's hand. "Chris say pa-pa " he took me near when I was going to say mom interupted me " it won't be that easy, atleast wish her birthday first!" Mom said with smug tone as if to rub it that I said mama first. "Happy birthday Chris, now say pa-pa!" He said with desperate expression "papa?" I said as I did my best to look confused. Another silence this time heavier one papa started looking smug while mom was little taken back as if to break silence grandmother came and took me from father who was reluctant to pass me to her but consided after seeing her glare . "Little Chris happy birthday to you," she said with smile but after little , but after little while seeing I was not replying she looked little downtrodden "little Chris say gra- nyy" she said with light blush all others looked at her with jaw dropping expression I was also suprised as my always cool and calm granny did something my clumsy papa would do.

"Granwy?" I said with slight lisp this time people weren't silent "how cute!" Granny said as she hugged me tightly.

"Come to grandpa little Chris, if you don't say grand-pa I will be lonely" he said calmly "lonely?" I said as I did my best to look confused. I could hear Snickers from everyone , "Chris not lonely but grandpa" he said repeating word "not lonely?" I hate to admit but I was having to much fun seeing his expression after understanding I will just repeat word he worded "grandpa" reluctantly as he eliminated all possible ways I could say word "grandpa!" I said smugly after this antics my family members were happy while papa and mama's party members were having fun seeing my family's antics. After which we ate cake with some orange juice adults complained about absence of Ale but mother firmly refused and just like that my first birthday party came to end.

<Can you comment plz I just want to know if people are liking my work or not.>