
Tensei Shippai

Living a great life so far, Zack is suddenly kidnapped by one of his friends. After a few days of strange imprisonment and a weird ritual, he wakes up as the son of a poor medieval family and has to figure out what happened.

gahstone · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Metting Ava

Time went on, and nothing really changed in the village.

I turned eight years old, and everything was as always.

I achieved student level in the other elements as well, and since Caius isn't allowed to teach me much more, my progress started to slow down.

Luckily, eight was also the age at which Caius promised to teach me history.

Our class had grown to seven people by now, and we were all sitting on the front bench of the church.

"Good morning, everybody. Today we will learn a bit about history since I promised Theo I would do that when he turned eight years old."

The church turned quiet, and we all looked at Caius.

"Let's start by talking about the two biggest groups that have changed history the most: the church and the cult."

A child raised his hand eagerly. "What's a cult?"

Caius smiled gently. "A cult is a group of people who follow demons and do bad things."

Another child's eyes widened. "So, they're like really bad?"

"Yes, very bad," Caius nodded. "They are the enemies of the church. We try to help people and keep the world safe from demons. But cult members are controlled by demons from birth. Have your parents ever told you to stay away from people with red hair?"

All the children nodded. "Yes!"

Caius continued, "Do you know why?"

A little boy with wide eyes piped up, "Because they're evil and will hurt us!"

Another girl added, "And they talk to demons!"

"That's correct," Caius said. "Just as people with blue hair are chosen by God, people with red hair have been corrupted by demons. They will try to spread evil and hurt those who believe in God. That's why the church fights these evil people. For thousands of years, the church and the cult have been fighting each other. The leader of the Red Cult, Demonic Elf Karia, started this war when she killed the first pope, Angelic Elf Arion. She then went on to kill everyone she could find until everyone present was dead. She led the Red Cult for thousands of years, killing all six popes who led the church during the war. Under her rule, the Red Cult killed thousands of innocent people and destroyed many cities. There were only a few who could fight her. But you don't need to worry because 24 years ago, the pope, together with the most powerful magicians and warriors of that time, lured her into a trap and managed to kill her. Unfortunately, the pope and many others died in the battle, but those who survived brought her body back to Sanctacivitas where it is sealed up to this day."

A curious child raised his hand. "And what happened to the Red Cult?"

"The Red Cult still exists and is very strong and dangerous. However, without their leader, Demonic Elf Karia, they haven't been able to win any major battles, and we are slowly getting rid of them."

A boy's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Are you also fighting against the cult?"

"The main reason the church sent me here is to spread the teachings of God. But I'm also here to protect the village from bandits, monsters, and attacks from the cult. I also make sure that none of the newborn kids are possessed, and if they are, it's my job to purify them. Luckily, none of those things have happened so far."

Caius smiled at us like he always did.

"Aww, I want to see you fight against bandits!" one kid shouted.

"Yeah, me too!" another chimed in.

"Do you have a sword like in those stories where they go and fight big evil monsters?" a little girl asked, her eyes wide with wonder.

"I do have a sword, yes. However, I'm not really good with it."

"Please show us!" the kids shouted in unison.

Caius smiled wryly. "All right, all right. Wait here. I will go and get it."

After that, he showed us his sword and told us some stories about his journey from his hometown to our village and the problems he had to confront.

In the evening, we all headed back home.

When I entered the house, my parents weren't there yet.

Looks like they are still working.

I sat down at the table and started thinking about everything I learned today. About the church and the cult. But especially about that Demonic Elf Karia. Somehow, thinking about her felt kind of odd. Karia, Karia. Do I know anyone named Karia? I don't think so. Then why does it feel so strange?

"Karia," I said out loud.

<Oh dear lord, finally I can communicate with you!>

I jumped up and fell backward.

What was that?

It sounded like someone else was speaking to me in my head.

<Hey Zack, listen.>

There it is again! And it even knows my real name. What is going on?

"Who are you?" I asked.

<I am Karia.> The voice in my head said.

It sounded familiar, but I had no idea where I had heard it before.

"The-the Karia I just learned about from Caius?"

<Yes. I am Demonic Elf Karia. But most of the things they say about me are wrong.>

"Ah ple- please don't kill me."

<Even if I wanted to, can't kill you. But please, could you stop saying things out loud when are talking to me? You can just direct your thoughts me, and we communicate that way. That way, no one will think crazy they walk in see yourself.>

I tried it a bit.



Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

<Can you hear me?>

<Yes, I can.>

<Oh, ok.>

An awkward silence followed.

<Soo, Miss Demonic Elf Karia, why are you in my head?>

<I'm not really in your head. It's more like my soul is connected to yours.>

<And why is that so, if I may ask?>

<You can ask me anything. Unfortunately, that's my new purpose now. As to answer your question: soul has been turned into servant in a ritual where I made mistake and positioned myself the wrong place.>

<Wait, what?>

<Maybe you'll understand it better if I say straight up. I'm the one you know as Ava...>

<YOU! You piece of shit, what have you done to me? And our friends? even your own family! sick psychopath! Bring me back right now!>

<I'm afraid I can't do that.>

<Why, you piece of shit, why?>

<Because I don't know how.>

<Well, if that's the case, then how can I kill you?>

<The only way to kill me is if you yourself.>

<Oh, very funny, you piece of shit!>

<I will wait until you finish your rant, and then I answer all questions.>

<You won't do shit!...>

I kept screaming at her in my mind until I ran out of insults.

Tears came out of my eyes as scenes of that terrible event crossed my mind.

"Ah, ah, ah," I was breathing heavily.

After some time, I calmed down.

<Tell me. Why am I here?>

<You will need more context, but I tried to get this world with a magic summoning circle had created the knowledge have. However, accidentally placed you in position where should have been standing. That's why were sent here instead of me.>

<And why is your soul stuck on me or whatever it was?>

<While I needed your life for the summoning to work, also added something so that and of friends would turn into skills could use. Now, because exchanged my position, got turned skill.>

<Does that mean my friends are also here?>

<No, the skill I turned into is only one that requires a functioning soul to work.>

<What does that mean?>

<The skill I turned into has the role of advising its user, which is you. The other skills do not require an additional soul in order to work.>

<What are the other skills?>

<The other skills are Body Manipulation, Soul Implantation, Deal Making, Transformation, Dimensional Pocket, Deadly Teacher, Bodyless Spy, and Teleportation.>

<What does all of this mean?>

<They are abilities you now have. Do want an in-depth explanation of each?>

<No. Is there any way to bring them back life?>

<No. >

<Is there any way for me to get back?>

<Yes, but I don't know how. It will probably take a lot of research and time to create portal that sends you back.>

<Can't I use the one you made?>

<No. It was made to bring a soul back this world from your and involved some other things as well. Developing new one especially for you will take lot of time.>

<I don't understand what you are saying.>

<I know. Summoning magic is very complicated, and it would take a couple of days to explain everything you. I myself don't understand most yet.>

I took some time to let everything Ava just told me sink in.

So my friends are dead. I already thought they might be, but knowing it still hurts.

And I can't even revenge them because the one who killed them is now a part of me or something like that.

<Why? >

<Why what?>

<Why did you want to come this world?>

<I am originally from here.>

<Explain. >

<I am Demonic Elf Karia. In the fight that Caius told you about, I wasn't killed, but my soul was separated from body and banished this world with a spell don't know. then reborn in of Ava. your world, searched for way to return. used knowledge had about summoning magic summon myself world. figured gave me rare opportunity get some skills, so spent years developing circle back gain skills wanted. However, made mistake mixed up our positions.>

<You could have returned without killing us and chose not to because of some stupid skills?>

<No. I had to kill you either way, so just used your deaths more efficiently.>

<Efficiently? >

I felt disgusted.

<You little piece of shit! Did our friendship mean nothing to you?>

<I am an Elf that's thousands of years old. While I did care about you and the others, organization people that have lived with protected for those mean much more to me than a friendship had five years.>

<Is that so? Then tell me, who are these people you care so much about? I will take my revenge on by killing them.>

<They are all members of the cult. I beg you to please not kill them since they have nothing do with this.>

<Why do you even tell me who they are if don't want to kill them?>

<The skill I have turned into makes me not only your assistant; also to obey everything you say and answer truthfully. can remember absolutely anything that happens look memories if allow it.>

<Is that why you made me watch all those videos before the ritual?>

<Indeed. I wanted to use the knowledge from that world strengthen cult.>

I wanted to ask something else when my mother entered the house.

<Oh great, it's that religious freak again,> Ava said.

"Oh hello, sweetie. How was your day?" she said while closing the door.

When she looked at me, she looked shocked.

"Theo, what happened? Why are you lying on the ground? And the chair! Did you fall down? Oh, and your face! You are completely pale, and why are you crying? Is everything alright? Do you need anything? Are you hurt? What happened? You can tell me if there is anything wrong. You know what, we better take you to Caius so he can use some healing magic on you. Come on, we are going right now."

My mother didn't let me answer a single one of her questions. She just dragged me outside. As we left the house, I felt a bit of pain in my right hand, and it felt like mana that had just appeared in my body was sucked out.

We entered the church, and Caius was there talking with a strange white figure I hadn't seen before. He was very strange. A tall, blue-haired man in white clothes with a strange aura. He looked and felt like he wasn't from this world.

<Be careful, Zack. That's an Angel! If they hear about me, will kill you!>

An angel?

"Priest Caius!" my mother screamed.

"Oh, and who is this? Another priest?"

"Oh, hello Margareth. No, this is no priest. This is an angel."

"WHAT! An angel?" My mother went on her knees and bowed down. "Please excuse my disrespectful behavior. Theo, get on your knees! This is an apostle of God!"

I went on my knees as my mother told me.

"Please, Margareth, there is no need to do that," Caius said calmly. "This Angel just told me that there is a demon near the village."

"A demon?"

"Yes, a demon. However, it seems to be a rather weak demon, so it's nothing I can't handle. Please wait here with the angel. I will go and purify this demon."

Caius went to a rope next to the altar and started pulling it. From the tower of the church, a bell could be heard. It was the first time I heard the bell. It resonated through the whole village, and soon the villagers started entering the church.

After just 10 minutes, everyone had gathered inside. My father joined together with some other men. It seems they were sorting wood.

Caius stepped in front of the altar where everybody could see him. Everyone was murmuring, and I couldn't understand anything.

"Attention, everyone." Everything went quiet as Caius said those words. "A demon has been spotted near the village. I will go and purify it now. In the meantime, please stay in the building. If anything should happen, this angel is here to protect you."

As he said that, he pointed at the angel. Everyone started murmuring again.

"An angel?"

"I have never seen one."

"They really are as divine as it says in our holy book."

While everyone was talking, Caius started speaking again, and everyone went quiet.

"It is a very weak demon, but please bring the children near the angel just in case anything unexpected happens."

He then left the church while the adults brought us to the angel. I looked up to it. The angel noticed and smiled while looking at me. I felt very uneasy.

What is it with divine things and me feeling uneasy?

<Ava, is this feeling because of you?>

<I think it is.>

<Well, make it stop!>

<I'm afraid that's not something I can control.>

With an uneasy feeling, I had to wait. We stayed in the church for about two hours until someone knocked on the wooden door.

"It's Caius. You can let him in," the angel said.

A few men who were standing as shields between the door and the other villagers unlocked the door. Caius entered the church. He looked a bit exhausted.

"The demon is gone. It's safe now; you can go home. If anyone wants to stay, we can speak a small prayer together."

With that, the people of the village slowly went back to their houses. My family and I stayed together with a few others and prayed.

After the prayer, my mother took me and approached Caius.

"Priest Caius, could you please help us?"

"Ah, Margareth! Sure, what can I do for you?"

"Today, when I came home, I found Theo lying on the floor. He was crying and completely pale. That's when I came running to you."

"Ah, I see. Hm. Theo, can it be that you saw the demon?"

I didn't know what to say. Would they kill me if I did?

<Say yes!> Ava told me.

"Yes," I answered. I had no idea why I was following her orders.

"Ah, I see. Well then, let me use some purification and healing magic on you, and after that, I will speak a short prayer."

Caius mumbled some spells I didn't know.

"Well, Margareth, seeing a demon for the first time can be quite a frightening experience, so you better let him rest for the next couple of days."

"Alright. Thank you very much for everything."

With that, we left the church.