
Extreme Killing, The Eye of the Son of Heaven


The rainstorm poured down on Ling Feng.

At his feet, corpses were scattered with flesh and blood, and under the erosion of rainwater, a range of tens of meters was stained red with blood and water!

Ling Feng looked at his hands, covered in blood and minced meat. The vertical pupils on his forehead gradually closed, leaving a dark red blood line.

"Not only did I not die, but I could also see it!"

Ling Feng's heart stirred up a wave of turmoil, with a golden needle piercing into the Baihui acupoint. He had already embraced the idea of dying, but he couldn't believe that he would go crazy and kill so many people.

"Since the heavens don't allow me to die, then I want you to die!" Ling Feng's eyes lit up with raging anger, "Bitch, your deadline has come!"

Ling Feng pulled out the golden needle above his head, and a feeling of weakness hit his heart. The vertical pupils on his forehead also completely disappeared.

The only thing that remains unchanged is that his eyes have been restored. Everything in front of me is clearly visible.

He had no interest in knowing why he suddenly opened his eerie pupils, and the anger filled his heart had turned him into an angry beast.

The sinister and ugly faces of Su Lin's father and daughter are disgusting!

"Grandpa is still at the Su family!"

Ling Feng clenched his fist, and it seemed that all the broken bones had healed. Although his whole body was in excruciating pain, it no longer affected his walking.

Ling Feng rushed towards the foot of the mountain, intending to kill that slut Su Lin, and then take his grandfather with him. From then on, he will leave Yangcheng far away and never come back!

At the entrance of the Lord's Mansion.

Several servants threw some messy packages and medicine boxes out of the door, soaking them in the pouring rain outside.

"Old Master, get out of here. You won't be able to eat or drink in our lord's mansion again in the future!"

One of the strong men fiercely pushed an elderly man with gray hair into the rain curtain.

"You dog slaves, you're so brave. I'm the grandfather of the city lord's son-in-law. How dare you treat me like this! Oh, it's wet, my medicine box is all wet!"

The old man picked up the medicine box on the ground while shouting loudly.

"Hahaha... The lord's son-in-law? Don't dream, just that stinky blind man. I'm afraid he's already become the son-in-law of the Yan prince at this moment!"

A famous servant burst into laughter.

Another middle-aged man who had gained weight was the butler of the Lord's Mansion. He took out a bag of silver from his pocket and said coldly, "Your grandson has already received the punishment he deserves for trying to disrespect our young lady. As you have healed her, this is the medical fee bestowed upon you by the Lord. Take the money and get out of here!"

"What?" Ling Kun's mind suddenly went blank. "What are you saying, Feng'er... my grandson Feng'er, what's wrong with him?"

"Hehe, hurry to the back mountain now, maybe you can see the last side." The butler sneered, "This is the price that the toad wants to eat swan meat!"

"You!" Ling Kun pointed at the butler, his fingers trembling violently. "You... Feng Er went blind to treat your young lady's triple yin meridian. How could you treat him like this? You will be punished!"

"Retribution?" The middle-aged butler picked up an iron rod and said fiercely, "Damn old man, if you don't get out of here again, I'll send you to see the King of Hell now!"

As he spoke, the butler grabbed the iron rod and swung it heavily, making a muffled buzzing sound.

"You're sacrificing my grandson's life!" Ling Kun burst into tears and rushed towards the butler. "Where's your young lady? I want to see her! I want to see if her heart is black. My Feng Er treats her so sincerely, so sincerely!"

"Old thing, I see you're looking for death!"

The middle-aged butler looked at Ling Kun with a disdainful expression on his face, and the iron rod hit Ling Kun's head directly. "You go to hell," he said


A thunderous explosion!

The rainstorm was like a torrent. The whole city lord's residence and Kaiyang City seemed to be completely submerged by the heavy rain.


When Ling Feng arrived at the lord's mansion, he witnessed his grandfather being knocked down by the middle-aged butler with an iron rod.

Anger once again spread throughout Ling Feng's body, and he disregarded everything, piercing all the golden needles into his own head!


My mind trembled, and the erect pupils on my forehead opened again, emitting a terrifying aura like that of a Shura!

"You're all going to die!"

Ling Feng's eyes were about to crack, as if they were a fountain of blood, flashing with a strange red light.


Ling Feng's figure was like a swift cheetah. In the blink of an eye, he immediately knocked down a servant and tore open the chest of the dog servant with his claws.

"Feng'er!" Ling Kun saw Ling Feng's figure, tears welled up in his cloudy eyes, and then he burst into tears, "The Eye of the Emperor! The Eye of the Emperor!..."

He shouted a few words, but in the end, he fainted.

"You're all going to die!"

Ling Feng thought that Ling Kun was dead, and his anger surged uncontrollably. He let out a wild beast like roar in his throat, "Death! Death! Death!"

The butler was frightened by Ling Feng's fierce and ferocious appearance, which made his legs weak. However, he was still a cultivator in the condensed Qi realm. He immediately activated his true Qi and waved his iron rod, trembling in his voice, saying, "You... don't come over, otherwise there will be a dead end!"

Ling Feng's heart was only filled with slaughter, completely ignoring the butler's threat. After tearing apart several domestic slaves in a row, his figure flashed and he rushed towards the butler again.

"Something happened... something happened!"

With a sweep of the butler's iron rod, a burst of true energy erupted throughout his body, forcing Ling Feng to retreat. Only then did he realize that he had rushed frantically into the Su family's mansion, roaring wildly.

Something happened!

This roar immediately awakened all the sleeping members of the Su family.

Su Shixiong hastily put on his clothes, furrowed his brows, and shouted loudly, "What kind of person, such a bold person, dares to cause trouble in our lord's mansion!"

Then, Su Shixiong grabbed a long gun and rushed out of the bedroom.

At the same time, an elder of the Su family, the guards, and the children of the Su family all rushed out with their swords and crossbows drawn.

"Ling Feng!"

Su Shixiong's pupils suddenly shrank. Although Ling Feng was now covered in blood, he still recognized his appearance.

Su Lin rushed out with her coat on. When she saw Ling Feng, her legs softened and she almost collapsed to the ground.

"You... how did you become like this?"

Sulin was so frightened that she trembled all over. Ling Feng now looked like a Shura walking out of hell, covered in blood and with an extremely ferocious vertical pupil on her forehead. Just being stared at, it was as if there were countless evil spirits haunting her, making her heart and mind tremble.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

When Ling Feng saw Su Lin, his murderous heart became even stronger. A black dot shaped like a yin and yang fish appeared in each pair of blood colored pupils, making Ling Feng's aura even more astonishing.

"What a great courage!" Su Shixiong shook his spear in his hand, "Evil beast, you are indeed a monster. Today, I will act on behalf of heaven and destroy you, this little devil!"

Su Shixiong naturally has some abilities to become the lord of a city. His cultivation level is as high as ten levels of condensed qi, making him a powerful figure in the Qi Sect.

And the long spear in his hand was also a inferior mysterious weapon. With a sweep of the spear, the cold light flickered and he stabbed directly at Ling Feng.

"Death! Death! Death!"

Ling Feng's heart was filled with endless slaughter, and he had no idea what it meant to retreat. His claws tore fiercely as he descended, fearless of the mysterious weapon and spear. His sharp claws seemed like divine weapons, colliding with the spear and sparking sparks.

"You're all going to die!"

Ling Feng roared and rushed straight towards him, like a wild beast with astonishing strength. He even pushed Su Shixiong back a few steps, tearing his right hand and blinding his eyes.

"Ah! My eyes!"

Su Shixiong covered his eyes and took a few steps back. Ling Feng's sharp claws had already been fiercely grasped, piercing through Su Shixiong's heart.


Blood mist filled the sky, and all the people from the Su family around were trembling with fear.

What kind of monster is this!


A series of exclamations echoed through the night sky, even covering the thunderous explosion.

The entire Su family is in chaos, and even the city lord has been killed by this monster. Whoever goes up there is probably only a dead end.

Ling Feng's blood red eyes fixed on Su Lin's direction and said, "Damn it! Damn it!"

In the roar, Ling Feng transformed into a blood shadow and rushed towards Su Lin. Although his consciousness was no longer clear, he still had his own instincts.

This woman is the person he hates and wants to kill the most in his heart!

"Death! Death! Death!"

Su Lin was instantly knocked to the ground by Ling Feng, and then a sharp pain invaded her. She saw a pair of blood colored claws constantly tearing apart her flesh and vitality, gradually fading away.

For a moment, she began to regret it. If she hadn't framed Ling Feng, perhaps the Su family wouldn't have ended up like this.

Unfortunately, everything is already too late!

This night is destined to be a bloody night of slaughter!