
Tenebris Renasci: A World of Magic and Gunpowder

when a prideful, rowdy college senior get the chance of a lifetime, he decides to take it with great pleasure and enthusiasm, making fun of all those who try and reason with him, however this behavior becomes his downfall as he is met with a tragic accident. but instead of death he finds himself reborn in a world of mystery and wonder, this world blends the early 20th century with the late medieval period, and it’s seemingly done by one woman; the queen of Ambur. now known in this new world as Alexander von daname, he finds himself living the dream as a noble, and he has grand plans for the future. however fate is a fickle mistress. a war that was seemingly out of mind for Alex, grows to be the very thing that uprooted him from the new life he has grown accustomed to, after fleeing this war he finds himself staring over in the Kingdom of Ambur.

Therealwaterboy · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

she’s leaving?

Another year has passed marking the third year since alex has been reincarnated.

His time has been filled with lessons from Ava, who despite her young age proved to be an excellent teacher, and time with Elise who would take care of his more private and personal needs.

Alex and Ava would spend almost every day together, discussing random topics or playing dress up, while other times they'd just enjoy each other's company in silence.

Ava was Alex's only source of happiness and interaction in his current situation, of daily routines and sleeping.

if it wasn't for Ava Alex's life would've become so monotonous, that he would've seriously considered ending it.

His life wasn't bad, but his only entertainment was other people, and it got pretty boring relatively quickly.

And to make matters even worse, Alex barely saw any of his other family members.

His father spent most of his time away on missions, and when he then returned home, he was so drained of energy, that he slept the entire time he was home.

His birth mother, whose name is Erica, spent most of her time in her study, rarely if ever coming out of it.

His other mother, Olivia was home often but, she spent most of her days outside in the city, and came home late at night, and as for her sons, they attended a Pathfinder academy, so they didn't come home much.

So in truth alex truly only had Ava, and even she's been acting strange lately.

She hasn't been sleeping with him anymore, or letting him go into her room, and when we they played with each other she always had a distant look in her eyes.

And she currently, as they were sitting on the bench facing the oak tree in the courtyard,

had that exact expression on her face.

Jack shifted his gaze to look up at her, and he began to study her.

Ava remained silent, continuing to look at the oak tree, whose leaves had turned from white to gold.

Why won't she just talk to me?

Suddenly a tear began to fall on Ava's cheek as she tightened her fists.

She leaned back on the bench and sighed heavily.

"Alex…" she spoke softly, her voice was weak and full of pain.

Alex immediately reached for her hand, but as he tried to grab her hand he was greeted by the realization that his hands were simply too small.

Ava shifted her gaze towards me with a small smile.

"It's ok Alex, I'm not hurt physically."

"What's the matter?" Alex asked.

"I'm starting school soon." She said weakly.

Oh, that doesn't sound too bad.

"Why are you crying if it's just school?"

Ava shook her head slowly, "Alex, I'll be away from you for the next ten years, I'll be in a place full of people I don't know, and I'm scared…."

Ava paused as she pulled Alex closer to her.

"….I'm scared to leave home, to leave you, to stay in a dorm room with strangers, it's all too much, but I have to go because I'm starting school next week."

Ava's voice was full of pain and sorrow, her eyes were becoming puffy, and her hands were trembling slightly as she continued to rub Alex's back.

Ten is too young to be staying in a dorm by herself, hell when I was 10 I was still doing crazy ass shit and I had adult supervision, I can't imagine what a 10-year-old would do if they were alone.

"Why can't you just stay here?" Jack asked as he grew closer to her.

Ava sighed as she continued to squeeze Alex tightly.

"Because everyone has to go to an academy, it's so you can become a functioning member of society, but I don't need school, I'm smart, and I'm sure I'd surpass everyone at that academy, but I still have to go."

Ava had a growing anger in her voice.

Alex honestly can't blame her, school was never something he enjoyed either.

Alex felt it was even worse because ava was smart as hell, so she doesn't even need to go.

I looked towards the oak tree and its falling golden leaves.

"Well, you still have a week before you have to go, we can spend it together."

Ava nodded her head slowly, "Alex, I want more than just a week, but I guess it'll do."

She sighed as she leaned her head down against alex's.

"I'm going to miss you little brother."

"I'll miss you too Ava, I'll miss you a lot."

And that's how they sat for the next hour, holding each other in an embrace that held all of their emotions, wishing that they could stay like that forever.

The following week was full of mixed emotions.

The siblings had planned to explore the mansion but in reality, Ava spent every second she could, with Alex.

So instead they just spent most of their time talking about various things, and she even showed Alex how to draw a little.

she taught him the basics of sketching, and she also ensured he knew how to write his name, and that he knew the alphabet.

The language wasn't like the Latin lettering system, instead of twenty-plus symbols, there were forty, and they all had their own unique meaning and shape.

His grasp on the language was firm, but as far as writing goes, alex found it difficult to say the least, the symbols are simple enough, just a few lines and dots posed in various ways.

The problems arose when Alex learned that some symbols look completely different but are used to mean the same thing in different words, and symbols that look almost identical that mean completely different things.

There are also three forms that each word can take, feminine, masculine, and objective, there are also words that are spelled the same but spoken differently, words that are spoken differently but spelled the same, and it just gets more and more confusing and complicated.

However, alex could write in a completely objective tone, so, as long as the person he's writing to doesn't mind not being addressed properly, he can write to them.

Of course, with writing you always have to have reading as a company.

Alex can read to a certain degree, if the words are simple enough.

And just like that the last day had arrived as fast as alex had blinked.

Ava had all of her bags and books sat at the front door, his mother and Olivia were outside preparing for their departure.

Olivia was standing at the door looking at Alex with a weak smile and an envelope in her hands.

"Are you just going to stand there Alex?"

Her tone was joyful, but there was a tinge of sadness in her voice as she spoke.

Alex quickly ran towards Ava as fast as his legs would carry me, the sounds of his small feet smacking against the hardwood floors echoed throughout the house.

When he finally reached Ava he hugged her as best he could, Ava quickly lowered herself down to one knee and embraced him.

"I love you so much, Alex." Her voice was full of emotion and passion, her gentle voice was shaking more and more by the second,

"Do you have to go?"

Alex asked as he closed his eyes to stop the tears from rolling down his face.

Ava slowly nodded.

"Yeah, but there's a reason I've been forcing you to practice your reading and writing Alex, I want you to write to me, I want you to write me letters every time you get the chance, I want you to never stop writing, I want you to draw me pictures and send them to me, I want you to…."

Ava began to sob softly as her grip tightened around Alex, "….I want you to show me all of your progress Alex, I want it to feel like I'm there with you."

As she spoke, Alex began to truly realize how long ten years was….

Now that's she's leaving, who would I spend my time with now?

Alex's emotions began to run rampant as the realization sunk deeper.

"You can't go, Ava!" Alex cried as he tried to pull her back into the house.

Ava remained silent, and only hugged Jack for what seemed like hours.

"Ava, please, you can find a way to stay, can't you? We can figure something out right?"

Alex's mind began racing with questions and ideas for ways to get her to stay, but no matter what he offered, Ava remained silent, her warm tears trickling down his back.

"Ava no…." Alex cried softly.

Eventually, she pulled away from the embrace as the footsteps of a servant began approaching the front door from outside.

"We are prepared for our departure lady Ava, whenever you're ready."

The servant remained as professional as ever, but she had a sympathetic look in her eyes.

Ava nodded as she began to wipe her tears, "ok, just give me a little more time with Alex."

The servant nodded as she returned outside.

Ava looked down at the letter in her hand, then back up to Alex, a weak smile appeared on her face as she handed the envelope to him.

"What's this?" Alex asked weakly as he wiped his tears.

"It's the first letter, I had it prepared for a while, and now, it's time to give it to you."

Alex accepted the letter with a weak smile.

"I guess you got a head start huh?" Alex said softly as he looked down at the letter.

Ava let out a weak chuckle, "Yep, so you better get started, otherwise you'll make your big sister mad."

She reached down to run her fingers through my hair, her touch was soft and gentle.

Eventually, Elise came downstairs to retrieve Alex for his bath.

Ava looked up at Elise and nodded, "Right Alex, I guess it's time for me to go."

Ava turned towards the door and grabbed her few remaining bags, she then turned around one last time and smiled.

"I love you, Alex, with all my heart."

And with that, she turned to leave out the door, her figure disappeared under the rays of sunlight that were beaming down brightly.

Alex dropped to his knees as he held the letter in his hand tightly.


Elise grew closer to Alex's side.

"Would you like for me to hold you, my lord?"

Alex looked up at Elise with tears in his eyes, his vision blurred and all he saw was her vague shape.


He wiped his tears and reached out his hands.

Elise wrapped her arms around him and lifted him from the floor, her embrace was a warm welcome from the cold reality Alex was beginning to face.

A few days had passed.

Alex continued to spend more time with Elise after Ava's departure.

His time with Elise wasn't the same as with Ava, but Elise tried her best to cheer him up.

He appreciated her efforts greatly, and eventually he grew to accept his new reality.

With help from Elise, he began to send letters to Ava regularly.

Ava would often respond a week or two later, and she would always send long letters, she told Alex about the fun she was having and the friendships she made.

He felt happy for her, in a sense, and he was glad she didn't let their situation dictate her school life too much.

But, that doesn't help him out much.

He needed to go out and make my connections, as he felt he'd lose his mind in all of this isolation.

A few days later.

Elise and Alex were bathing together.

He decided that it was time to ask her about the city.


Alex lifted his head and looked towards her with a determined look in his eyes.

"When will I be able to see the city?"

Elise dipped the sponge back into the water, she then smiled as she lifted the wet dripping sponge, placed it on his chest, and began to scrub, "whenever you wish." She replied gently, "You have only to ask, and you shall receive."

She began to wash his neck, her touch ever more gentle.

You mean all this time, I could have just asked.

He chuckled softly, "Is it really that easy?"

His voice was soft and full of curiosity.

Elise laughed as she dipped the sponge again, she then reached the sponge towards her arm and began to scrub.

"Yes, my lord." Elise chuckled, as she dipped the sponge again.