
Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

I am known as man with many faces Sometimes I fight as a persona user, sometimes I fight as against people like baki Sometimes I play basketball with the generation of miracles (Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise) Thats because I have lots of masks Volume 1: I went to an all girls school (Shomin Sample/ Armed Girl's Machiavellism) Volume 2: I went to a parallel world as Raku from Nisekoi met some twins and had an akira fight... Volume 3: I spent time with my fiance yona of the dawn Volume 4: I did a side job at a the prison deadman wonderland Volume 5: checking out the three kingdom in tales of bersira and arslan Volume 6: Cooking in Shokugeki no Soma My identity can be Sanji from one piece, master roshi from Dragon ball, or many others In my first life I was known as the smartest God In my second life I was known as the scariest and most powerful Devil In my third life I was known as the fastest human and called the flame King Now in my fourth life I am the Grandson of two of the strongest in the world. Nurarihyon and Katsuhito Masaki This organization has taken control of the multiverse with its leader goal of bringing destruction. My universe is prime, so I can combine the dimensions together and save them, or destroy them to sever them and lead them to their destruction Be a hero? a villain? Fuck that I'm a Guardian I'll go to the universe and judge them. Good and evil means nothing to me. but if they're with the organization they should wash their necks because I will even make a devil cry (Sequel to Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise recommends read it but you dont have to) Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan

DemonKingVan · Tranh châm biếm
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276 Chs

Scouting models

I headed to the roof and noticed I had a video call from Washu


Tenchi: hey little Washu,

Washu: Ten aww

she was pushed by Ryoko

Ryoko: Tenchi where are you. I miss you so much, why did you leave without me

Tenchi: sorry my pirate queen, I'm in another dimension.

Ryoko: But why couldn't I go with you. Its been so long

Tenchi: haha sorry, but its a school thing

Ryoko: but

suddenly she was pushed by Ayeka

Ayeka: leave Tenchi-sama alone. *she bows* Tenchi-sama I hope things are good over there

Tenchi: it's good. I'll be back in 10 hours your time

Ayeka: well be careful...now come on you demon

Ryoko screamed Tenchi as she was dragged out

Washu: My idiot daughter has no control. Who raised her to be like that

Tenchi: (didn't you?)

Washu: well anyway. Something in Saga makes souls not want to move on and return to their bodies...well that's not my specialty that's yours right

Tenchi: hmm

Washu: but I did discover with the dog you brought up...it seems he is infected...The whole Saga may be infected...in some way so be cautious...I don't know what effect it has yet and what activates the infection...so be wary of everyone.

Tenchi: yeah...


As I was leaving the roof I recalled that Chitoge had asked me to get her some models for her...She needs a couple martial artist girls, a couple of big breasted swimmers. (I should have asked Hitomi or my fish girlfriends)

The first place I went was the track field, I thought it would be a good idea to check out the girls there for models...it wasn't that I thought it would be nice to see them in bloomers. it was because I heard that they were going to have a meet with the girls at Chinatsu's school.

As I look at the girls I see beauty. She has light orange hair just like Rei Miyamoto, but her hair is cut much shorter and she uses a hairband to keep her hair back. She also has a pair of earrings in each ear and a second earring in her left ear. She had an Erotic body.

Tenchi: I want her to be a model...

Two girls walk up to me. They were Taniuchi and Kawamoto (I don't know their first name) Taniuchi seems like your typical smart girl with big boobs but she isn't that smart and is an athlete as for Kawamoto she is your typical athlete...she has a nice ass small chest.

Taniuch: Prince are you interested in Yuuki?

Tenchi: hmm

Kawamoto: Miku has a lot of bad rumors about her,

Tenchi: bad rumors?

Taniuch: yeah...*whispers * I hear she's a slut

Tenchi: ...okay

Kawamoto: yeah she has sex with lots of guys

Tenchi: *sigh* so what does that have to do with anything? I don't care about a girl's past. it only matters what their future is...

They stare at my back as I walk towards her

Miku: *huff**huff*

Tenchi: here

I hand her a drink

Miku: thank you *gulp* *cough* huh Chocolate milk not sports drink?

Tenchi: yeah, Its high water content replaces fluids lost from sweating and assists in preventing dehydration. Also, it gives the body calcium, vitamin D, sodium, and sugar, which help you retain water and regain energy. Milk also contains key nutrients that sports drinks cannot match

Miku: I-I see (Okay he's a weird one...but he looks good. did he come because he heard rumors of me?)

Tenchi: so I wanted to ask you something

Miku: (Here it comes...he's like everyone else. I'll date him and he will leave me...)

Tenchi: I want you to be a model for me.

Miku: mo-d.e...l

Tears started falling off her face.

Tenchi: eh, huh what did I say

Suddenly a man comes by

man: what is going on?

Tenchi: not much...she started crying.

Miku: I'm fine sensei

Tenchi: (sensei? is he the club adviser)

Advisor: I am Shido the club advisor. I appreciate it if you didn't cause my students to cry

Tenchi: Oh well sensei...I appreciate it if you mind your own business. We were just talking why don't you move along

His eye twitches

Shido: is that the way you should speak to a teacher

Tenchi: hey our the one who was staring at your student's chest and butt. We are having a private conversation so go grade some paper or something

Shido: Listen you..(calm down me...) As the club advisor, I am responsible for

Tenchi: You suck no one cares you 4 eyed bitch. *I grabbed Miku's arm* Let's go

and ran off with her

Shido eyes went dark.: (that bastard...HOW DARE THAT BRAT SAY THOSE THINGS TO ME...INSULT ME LIKE THAT IN PUBLIC...I WILL CRUSH HIM. ) Maybe I'll just speed things up...


After a bit Miku wacks my hand away

Miku: What was that for. Why did you say all those things to him

She seemed afraid of upsetting him...like she had to be on his good side

Tenchi:*shug* no reason, I just don't like that guy. He seemed like a creep

Miku: lol, the heck is with that

After a bit of silence, I asked her why she freaked out when I asked her to become a model.

Miku: I always wanted to be a model...one that does those runway shows...but it turns out

Tenchi: yeah your breast and but are too big. they probably said something about losing weight and getting a butt and breast reduction...

She gave a regretful nod.

Tenchi: (Runway models are the toughest to get into. You have to be relatively tall and have certain measurement standards. Of course, most women don't meet these standards and that is why fashion models generally get paid the most and work the most.)

Miku: I tried many agencies...but I wasn't able to get any modeling spots...then I found one...he told me he'd get me a tv modeling job but I had to wear some erotic poses...I was desperate and so I did.

Tenchi: (that's shady...)

Miku: I was happy that I got my first modeling set...but it kept getting worst and worse...then he said that if I want to get more modeling gigs...I'd have to make it worth it to him...

Tenchi: (In the entertainment ring. They do this sort of thing all the time...wait why am I always getting taken advantage instead of the other way around...)

Miku: I refused him but...the rumor spread that I was spreading my legs to people had spread...I wasn't able to get any deals...even some students think that...Sensei said that he'd take care of everything...I have to listen to him...he's the only one who listens. He is always by my side he will

I then touched her head and my hand glowed with purification

Miku: huh whats going on...I feel...much clearer...

Tenchi: (it seems that Shido guy...brainwashed her...he tricked her into thinking he was her hero..) Miku are you alright

Miku: wha-...why was I thinking like that...*she threw up* I-I why did I think Shido-sensei was a god... he made me...whats going on...

She then fainted so I brought her to the nurse's office which was empty for some reason...


Its lunchtime now. I decided to check out to see if anyone was practicing and luckily I find a girl doing kendo.

Her name is Saeko Busujima and she's a third year. She is the daughter of grandmaster Busujima who is a friend of gramps and is one who protects the throne of japan...

Saeko is gorgeous, long, straight, and shiny purple hair along with a triangular fringe at the front that barely touches the ridge of her nose, and she is also shown to have blue eyes and sizable breasts. She is quite tall for a Japanese girl

Tenchi: nice legs, that is the right amount of muscle that won't affect her movement. Looking from her swings she seems to be as strong as Karen Jinryo currently. I wonder why she goes to this school. If she went to that school she'd become the top easily...oh yeah that's shut off from the rest of the world...

I went up to her and she stopped what she was doing and threw a Shinai at me

Tenchi: Huh?

Saeko: I'd like a match...I want to see how good you are...

I blank a few times but I decided to agree

Saeko: do you need a mask

Tenchi: No, I'm good

Saeko: then I don't need one either

She came quickly with a slash downward at me cutting the floor but I dodge it. Then several cross slashes but I dodge them all.

Saeko: are you not going to cross blades

She then thrust faster than she was before at me. I spun and went behind her and did my clothes thrust and her clothes were destroyed. nice me

Saeko froze as she saw her clothes on the ground

Saeko: Amazing

Tenchi: huh?

Saeko: amazing not that's a swordsman...As expected from the disciple of the Sword Saint. its been a while Masaki-sama

Tenchi: its Nura...Tenchi Nura...geeeze were childhood friends. you don't need to call me so formal

Saeko: That may be the case but you are a king

Tenchi: (she often gets like this...Back in grade school, she was in six-year while I was in 4th. She was the student president. When she learned there was bullying... let's say it didn't go well...She is kind of an S...wait does she act like this to me because she knows I don't like it...no that can't be...)

Saeko: so a model..sure is what I'd like to say. but I don't cant show my body to anyone other than my future husband.

she said causing her giant tits to bounce

Tenchi: I see...wait but aren't you naked. Shouldn't you be angry or try to beat me up? Aren't you embarrassed

Saeko: why would I be embarrassed if you see me naked...N.U.R.A.S.A.M.A

Tenchi: I see. (She hates me after that match, that she doesn't see me as a man. If I push her down. I'll show her I'm a man...no, I have to help Chitoge...) Well if you are not interested then it can't be helped...oh here

I gave her a blanket to cover it up.

As I left I realized I still have some swords...I should modify one that would suit her...

Saeko looks at Tenchi departing figure and smelled the blanket.

Saeko: it smells like him...


Tenchi: that's two that's failed...

I see Hayashi-sensei and called out to her as she heading to the teacher's office

Hayashi: Pri...Tenchi what are you doing here. Lunch is almost over

Tenchi: (she was about to call me prince) nevermind that

Hayashi: nevermind that!

Tenchi: your the advisor for the swim club right? I'm looking for swimmers to be models

She frowned

Hayashi: listen you

Tenchi: but I want you to be the main

her eyes widen

Tenchi: I thought this from the moment I saw you but you were made to be a model for swimmers. I mean you're inspirational

Hayashi: Inspirational?

Tenchi: of course. You were a famed swimmer and could have gone pro but you wanted to repay the kindness of your old sensei who helped you out when you were younger and so you became a teacher like that sensei

Hayashi:..how did you know...

Tenchi: what you swam in the Olympics 10 years ago getting gold. swam last year and saw you. I want you to be our headliner for swimming

She started getting red and looked down.

Hayashi spoke in a high voice: but I'm old

I grabbed her boobs and start groping them

*ahh don't squeeze Ahah*

Tenchi: look at these boobs they're so big and perky. Your boobs are still youthful

She starts rubbing her legs together as I continue to squeeze her nipples that start getting harder.

I then let go and she sighs and I get closer and grab her ass

Tenchi: this ass isn't the type that of an old lady. You work out everyday right. Who are you trying to impress

breathing heavily on my chest she says: I just swim...I don't do much of anything

Tenchi: see that's what I mean. your boobs, ass and

I go down and kiss her lips. I then put my tongue inside her mouth and attack her...she begin to rub on my leg...I had to stop before it goes to far...remember. I'm a good guy now.

Tenchi: See...your lips aren't ...(shes still rubbing against my leg) *ahem*

She backs away fixing her skirt and glasses

Hayashi: So you need a model right, I'll get another one of my swimmers to join me.

Tenchi: Yeah. the sooner the better

I slap her butt to give her a push but she squirmed a little...and started moving faster.

Tenchi: i meant like this week, not this instant...whatever...now...I guess I'll go back to the roof


a minute later I got to the roof and the second I was about to relax I see a few teachers outside yelling at some strange looking people trying to break into school...

Tenchi: ugh annoying...I'm going on top of there where I can't hear them.

Tenchi: huh why is that guy biting that teacher...Why is that teacher now biting another teacher...lets ignore this...maybe its a dream...

I then close my eyes and then hear a couple arguing about not being a real couple...

Yuuki Miku, Taniuchi and Kawamoto are from High school of the dead

Karen is from shomen sample

DemonKingVancreators' thoughts