
Tenchi Nura childhood as ryouta kise (continues at Tenchi Nura guardian of the multiverse)

I was always the second fiddle in my past life or the B-Team. My best friend was the best. I didn't hate him I supported him but it made me feel jealous of his natural talent and always labeled number 2. However, I found a new trick to surpass him but ended up dying after performing it. I was reincarnated as Tenchi Nura but I'll go by my family ... I am happy to be reincarnated but they have no Air trecks and I don't seem to have normal superpowers. I just have good looks.well this time I will become the greatest athlete... meaning in any competitive event I will be the best! fighting best! slaying monsters best! sleeping with girls best...wait why are you pulling down my pants... disclaimer: This is a work of fiction Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan Discord https://discordapp.com/channels/579757112268161037/579766647519313920

DemonKingVan · Khác
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62 Chs

Wow its so surprising that you betrayed them...

Its been a few weeks since Ryouta gave up contact of the SEES. He was walking around when suddenly he was summoned to the velvet room. In there was Elizabeth and the big nose Igor

Igor: Welcome to the velvet room

Ryouta stayed silent. This couldn't be a social call because he summoned him right away

Igor: I know you have been looking to involve yourself in the Dark hour. However, I must warn you...

He looks at Ryouta

Igor: It may be better you don't get involved right now...with the strength you currently possess. It will end up with you losing. I suggest you combat the threat later on

Ryouta who was silently finally questioned him

Ryouta: Why is it I have to be stronger... Who is the threat...Why do I feel like your connection to the threat?

Igor was silent and a butterfly flew near him and Ryouta caught Igor saying yes master.

Igor: It is similar to me...

Ryouta: So what are you...are you angel god or what

He said with a smile

Elizabeth: Why are you asking when you don't even care

Ryouta: Your right... oh you look beautiful today

Elizabeth: thank you but try not to interrupt or my master will scold me later

Ryouta: So the guy is powerful and I don't stand a chance.

Igor: Correct and he seems to be influencing one of your friends.

Ryouta laughed

Ryouta: It doesn't matter. Gods, demons, shadows, Yokai, humans, beast! They are all the same level as me


Ryouta: I'm not a hero, I'm not trying to save the world. I just want to be the greatest athlete, if they interfere I will stop them. period

Igor: but he is strong and will kill you without a second thought. He killed many of his own just for power

Ryouta: A being who kills his own kin without thought isn't a person anymore. He is a mad dog who ought to be dealt with the same way.

After that he left the velvet room, Elizabeth ran out with him

Igor: Master are you sure he is the one?

butterfly: He is ... Something tells me this world won't be able to hold him...

Igor: Master should I help him more

Butterfly: Myself and the other 12 lost the war...if only we didn't mock the 13th...with him helping us we would have...

Igor: master I didn't hear you

Butterfly: No we made vow was unable to fully involve ourselves... Plus it would affect the natural orders of the world...


After that Ryouta and Elizabeth went on a date. Ryouta bought her a blue choker. There was a locket on it.

Elizabeth: Does that mean you own me... I didn't know you had that sort of play in mind. I do warn you I am a resident of the velvet room

Ryouta: I know but I wanted something to show that I like you

She clapped her hands

Elizabeth: Oh is this one of those love confessions. Even though we are from different worlds how forbidden

Ryouta and Elizabeth then went to the top of Ryouta's school.

Elizabeth: So this is your favorite place at the place for education. I wonder what type of learning takes place up here. Is it about wind or about heights?

Ryouta: I wonder..." he took Elizabeth hand and had his yokai teleport to the Tokyo tower" Look over there

Elizabeth: wow was that a teleportation yokai, wow that is a very strong Yokai. It usually requires a contract but it takes a great amount of spiritual energy to open. wow, you seem fine. What a fascinating creature you are...wow I can see everything from here...everyone looks like small little dots from here. If I was to drop a one yen coin at this height the people would surely die

Ryouta: Please don't...

Ryouta grabbed her hand

Ryouta: let's jump

Elizabeth: are you planning to jump to your death? Interesting. but won't humans die

Ryouta jumped with her before she could say anything

Elizabeth: Strange why are you smiling as were falling. This isn't a joke right

Ryouta: haha its scary isn't it.

Elizabeth: it is fun

As they were falling she laughed

Ryouta: you seemed stressed about ages life what your life meaning. but you look better with a smile on your face. No need to worry about your

Elizabeth: that is true...but what are we going to do about the landing. At this height, you may die

Ryouta grabbed her in a princess hold and told her to hold him. She did and he let go of her and used his spiritual powers to fly on down. (think of Ironman)

She laughed

Elizabeth: That was so much fun

As she fell she kissed Ryouta lips and smiled.

After that, she had to leave back to the velvet room and Ryouta had to go take care of the dark hour.


Gathered at the school. The SEES are gathered in front of Mitsuru father. The SEES finally finished defeating the 12

Mitsuru father: As of midnight tonight, you shall be officially relieved of your duties. I commend you from the bottom of my heart.

He then looks at Mitsuru

Mitsuru father: Well done, Mitsuru

Mitsuru: Yes, sir.

Afterward, they went out and had a celebration to celebrate ending the Dark hour

Junpei: woohoo this is great

Yukari: To bad your dad couldn't join us

They partied till midnight when the dark hour hit

Akihito: What does this mean?

Lady: The dark hour

They heard a bell

Yukari: What is that? Wheres it coming from?

Mitsuru points to a Tarturus

Mitsuru: from that direction


At the gates of Tartarus was Shuji Ikutsuki.

Shinjiro: I knew it. He was here. He was the one who set up this. The one with the organization. Guys prepare yourself

Ikutsuki: raising your hands in violence towards your school Chairman? For shame! Don't you think so Aegis?

They turn to see her have her gun hands pointed at Mitsuru father

Mitsuru: Father!

Mitsuru father: Mitsuru

Lady: Aegis

Ikutsuki: it's no use. Your voices won't reach her. because your friend right over there is nothing but a cyborg that I rebuild. I messed with her mind to make her follow my orders now.

Lady ran up to try to stop Aegis but was shot at

Lady: don't you recognize us?

Ikutsuki: now let the ceremony begin! The bells to summon one of the great one. All that it takes is to offer the sacrifices. As he foretold

Then all of the SEES except for Aegis was tied to a large wooden cross

Mitsuru Father: Ikutsuki are you mad?

Ikutsuki: Not at all. But I doubt you can understand that. You never understand your own father's ambitions, even to the very end

Mitsuru father: Are you saying that my father wanted to open a gate to hell

Ikutsuki: so you noticed. If he freed the great one he would be granted everlasting powers... We would all have powers and live forever. It would be salvation

Mitsuru father: At the cost of destroying all of the worlds. How could my father be so foolish as death is the salvation for the people

Ikutsuki: foolish huh? You truly don't understand a thing, do you? Aegis

Mitsuru: Father

Ikutsuki: It was your father who games me this means to achieve this...by meeting him. I am indebted to him...Including you, his child, as one of the sacrifices in my way of repaying that debt

Lady: Aegis stop

Mitsuru screamed Aegis stop

Aegis hesitated and Mitsuru father pulled away from Aegis and grabbed his hidden gun from the side shoe to shoot Ikutsuki

Mitsuru father: Ikutsuki

both fired their guns and it was Ikutsuki who won

Aegis laughed and then ordered Aegis to kill the SEES but instead she fired and freeing the SEES members.

Aegis: I am not a machine...I am a former human...Cyborg

She then shoots at Ikutsuki but he shot back injuring her.

Mitsuru ran to her father and tried to call out to him and Lady ran to Aegis

Ikutsuki who was holding his wound

Ikutsuki: you defective puppet!

He manipulated her mind to order her to kill Lady and the rest of the SEES

Aegis: No stop...Stop" she said pointing her gun at Ladies head"Stop

Suddenly Kuro comes out taking out the control device that was in Ikutsuki hands

Mitsuru: Kuro...but that would mean

Ikutsuki: haha why can't you understand?

Ryouta appeared with his sword out? One eye open coldly looking at Ikutsuki

Ikutsuki: If the world is allowed to go on this way, it will continue to rot. To build a new world, we must destroy the old! I could be the new king of the new world

Ryouta: yeah...but you haven't realized yet...you turned yourself into a yokai

Ikutsuki: yokai? what do you mean

Ryouta cut his hand and the gun hand was destroyed

Ikutsuki: AHHHH' he screamed while holding his hand

Ryouta: You see my weapon is unique. It only hurts Yokai... Your mad pursuit for power...turned you're into a Yokai...or maybe you lost to your shadow...don't know don't care...All I know is you have sold your soul to a demon...I will now urge you...

Ryouta takes his sword and cuts

Ryouta: Neathergate slash

Ikutsuki was purge soul and body

Ryouta then went to Mitsuru father

Ryouta: I'm going to heal him and Aegis. "healing slash" "regeneration wave"

Mitsuru father was healed and Aegis body became more humanoid than a robot. She became a true cyborg...

Mitsuru was hugging her father crying and thanking Ryouta

Yukari wanted to thank Ryouta when Ryouta turned around and shouted

Ryouta: Why not show yourself

A figure appeared on the tv...it was the hippy

Hippy: haha it seems you beating him...haha I must thank you. I was planning on killing him after all the stuff he did...

Ryouta frowned

Shinjiro: so you gained your memories back...then why are you working with them

Hippy: I want to destroy...destroy. I realize that if I kill enough I will live forever. The more I kill the more powerful I get. Plus I can make people suffer the same fate as me...

Glasses guy: We will go to the top floor of Tarturus and cause the world to be destroyed. I want hell on earth to happen

Ryouta: So you think I will let you

Female artist: You will not live to matter. He said he will be waiting on the top floor of the tower nephilim

Ryouta shrugged and Kuro jumped on top of his head and he teleported away. Leaving the stunned SEES To their own devices.

\\AN: I created a coffee page. If you are able please support me at


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