
Tempest of the Stellar War

He received a genetic score of 28... completely disqualifying him from applying to military college! He helped deliver a friend's love letter... and fell into a lake becoming infamous for dying for love! His very first gift... warped him into a brutal training simulation! However he perserved through all these trials! Our Dear Student Wang Zheng has finally started his lucky(?) university life! This is the song of a blood boiling and exciting storm! The most ferocious and heated mecha adventure around is finally here! TL Note: This is a novel about doing the impossible, seeing the invisible. Follow along for a ride across the universe! TL;DR: Not Shakespeare, not complex, but fun and easy to read. Come support! As the translator, I've enjoyed translating this novel and I hope to bring the essence of what the author has tried to portray into the chapters you will read. To sum it up in 3 words: Mechs! Explosions! Science! To be perfectly honest, this novel is about your typically overpowered protagonist who does get looked down from time to time but always overcomes the odds with his own special power. He's abit more mature having grown up on his own and just a littttttttle bit dense. Although it always ends up with him winning, it always happens in an interesting (subjective) and fun way that makes me enjoy reading this. The novel has elements of lighthearted comedy from time to time and I do chuckle at how direct the humor is. It's not as smart as say WMW nor does it weave an intricate story much like Ergen's novels. More importantly, its fun and it doesn't try to hide it.

Skull Elf · Quân đội
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1443 Chs

Bumpkin Battle Turtle

Biên tập viên: Lucas

Viewers from Earth hated this type of situation. Behind closed doors, they dominated the different scenes, yet they were treated no different from dogs.

"We shall see!"

Bubbly Foam was unable to comment further. Based on technical aspects and data analysis, there was no way this match could be won.

The different comments all led up to one determining factor: the physical condition of Lady Stormsword.

If she was in her peak physical condition, impossible.

But what condition?

Masasi and Atos looked at each other and laughed. The eight of them were crowned as the strongest batch on the Moon in the last 20 years!