
Tempest In the Land Of Seven Extuaries

Each desire requires sacrifice. And the worst of it all, a sacrifice from an agreement involving the devil from the dark side. Well, that’s what happened to Adanu Raksa. When he’s just a 6 years old kid, he had already been offered as a sacrifice to The Carrion Flower devil. He did manage to free himself from the devil’s grip. However, as he's been marked as the offering for the devil, he will always attract all the evil entities toward him every damn night. Wherever he goes, he brings disaster both for himself and the people around him. Is there any way to free himself from the curse? Or, should he live the rest of his life as an exile?

Ryt1r · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

The Mysterious Young Shaman

It shocks Adanu Raksa a bit, for the fact that the man immediately realizes he had been marked as a sacrifice in the past. Even weirder, that man also knows about the Carrion Flower Devil.

"Being able to escape The Carrion Flower Devil and surviving the demons' hunt? Seems like you're not a random man," says that mysterious man.

Adanu Raksa tries to keep his composure, starting to take that man seriously. It's not that easy for other people to notice his odd condition. Usually, only the demons who are always attracted by the aura of corrupted soul he is always emitting. 

One thing that crosses his mind is that there's a possibility that the man standing on the altar is not a human.

"You said you control those demons, huh? So, that's why they didn't come after me for some time? I bet, you are not a human either," Adanu Raksa replies with nonchalant gesture.

"Not a human, you said?" replies the mysterious man by raising one of his eyebrows.

That man is smirking. But then, his body slowly grows bigger, especially on his shoulder that is getting wider.

It makes his head slightly bowed due to how big and high his shoulder has become. Dense black fur also begins to grow on his shoulders and chest.

Adanu Raksa squints his eyes, can't clearly see the man's exact condition. He only finds the man's figure to be a bit taller than before.

That young shaman points his wooden staff toward Adanu Raksa, and then starts murmuring like reading some kind of spell.

A moment later, so many evil spirits flies so fast between the trees toward that place, gathering around that mysterious young shaman. Even the forest demons and the undeads are also approaching that cliff like answering his call.

"You are really able to control those ugly creatures, huh? How many humans have you sacrificed to gain that ability?" Adanu Raksa inquires.

"Still acting calm after seeing how mad these evil spirits want to eat you?" replies the mysterious young shaman.

Those evil spirits are indeed looking so hectic, finding it hard to hold down themselves. The same with the forest demons and the undeads. They are looking so eager to get to Adanu Raksa. But there seems to be something holding them.

Until then, the young shaman raises both hands high. "I know, how much you like his corrupted soul. If you are really that hungry of him, then get him and eat his soul to your heart content!"

After getting that command, only then do those evil spirits fly so fast in swarm toward Adanu Raksa.

Adanu Raksa is still able to keep his composure, even looking a bit spirited with amusing smiles.

He lightly waves his sword, and a few of evil spirits are butchered easily. Their scream shocks all the night bats in the woods, making them leave that area.

"How?" the young shaman mumbles in curious.

The shaman knows so well that spirits like them can't be touched physically, let alone to be butchered like that by a sword.

In fact, those spirit can't hurt people physically either. But they can drains someone's life force and leave some kind of stress on someone's mind simply by the touch.

Even a few of them get a chance to penetrate Adanu Raksa 's body from behind, stealing his life force away. Soon after penetrating his body, those spirits look so excited.

And of course, Adanu Raksa won't just let them steals his soul.

"Don't think you can get a free meal from me."

He only manages to slay one of them right after the last evil spirit penetrates his body. But it's enough to send a warning to the other evil spirits, that he is not someone to be taken lightly.

It makes the young shaman even more shocked. To be penetrated by a bunch of evil spirits is enough to make an adult pass out. But he finds Adanu Raksa is still looking so fine.

The shaman reaches out his hand toward one evil spirit, and then moves it like he is pulling something. And indeed, one of those evil spirits averts its attention to the young shaman and flies over him.

"He doesn't seem to care much after being penetrated by you. Don't tell me you are unable to steal his life force?" asks the shaman.

That one evil spirit is raising both hands on its head like asking for mercy, and then whispers directly to the young shaman's mind.

<< I did eat his life force >>

Just a short whispering, and it immediately takes its distance due to the fear.

"Maybe he has a great tolerance. Surely this is not his first time some evil spirits draining his life force. I can't imagine how long he has survived this hellish life."

The shaman picks a pouch filled with some kind of dust near the dead bodies on the altar. He takes a pinch of the dust and throws them to the torch.

It creates a sudden burst to the fire shortly, and then a kind of smoke occurs. He waves that smoke toward those evil spirits, making those evil spirits start acting strange. They are getting even more aggressive and mad.

All the evil spirits are going crazy and looking so mad to penetrate Adanu Raksa's body, making him a little surprised and confused by their strange behavior.

Adanu Raksa knows how they've always attracted by him all this time. But this is the first time he finds them acting so mad like this.

"What's wrong with them?" he mutters, as he is getting difficult to avoid them.

He averts his attention behind him, and finds a few of forest demons have also managed to get into the cliff. He simply slays their head, and kicks a few of the others to the ravine.

He knows there's no end to these evil creatures, but he needs to clear the cliff first so that he can take on that young shaman before he is getting too tired.

"Are you going to just standing there?" Adanu Raksa taunts the young shaman right after he butchers four evil spirits with one stroke.

"With this many soldiers at my disposal, I don't need to step down from this altar," the young shaman replies.

"I mean, you should run while you get the chance," sneers Adanu Raksa, as he begins releasing a dense murderous aura.

That aura pushes away a few of nearby evil spirits that are about touching him. Three seconds later, he is already so close to the young shaman, about to slay the shaman's head using his sword.

The shaman simply ducks down a bit, and…


Adanu Raksa is shocked, finding his sword is blocked by something that looks like a horn, which is gradually growing out of the shaman's forehead.

"What the hell are you?"