

The sky was blue, the birds were chirping and everything was perfect.

Sixteen year old Tellania sat on a little rock, throwing skipping stones into the lake. She seemed really bored.

That was when she heard a rustling sound in the bushes behind her.

[What could that be?] She thought as she walked over there in curiosity.

"Hello? Anyone there?" She asked as she slowly walked over there.

The moment she extended her hand, the rustling stopped...And a bright beam of light escaped into the sky.

Tellania fell on her back and moved backwards because a hooded figure began to emerge from the bush.

"The Witch!! It's the witch!!! Help!!!!" She screamed and shut her eyes as the figure crept closer.

The villagers came in soon enough, but nothing was there. When she opened her eyes, she saw nothing but the villagers and a little squirrel at her feet.

She shrieked.

The moment the villagers saw her, they began laughing.

"Tellania, what's wrong?" Sara asked and ran to her crying daughter. "What happened?" Sara asked a villager.

"She thought a squirrel was the witch! Hahahahahaha!" He laughed and everyone except Sara began to laugh.

Tellania stood up and ran down a narrow path in shame. "Tellania! Come back!!!" Sara screamed, but she was already gone.

Tellania sat under a tree, throwing acorns and pinecones into a far distance. When suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her. She turned and saw her mother standing behind her.

"Tellania, are you okay?" Sara asked with concern. "I've never been better." Tellania replied in sarcasm. "Are you mad because the villagers laughed at you? And no one believed you?" Sara asked.

"No, I'm mad because I wet my pants." Tellania said and Sara stared at her. "Is it that bad?" Sara asked her and Tellania sneered, "No! I'm just being sarcastic. The point is, I really saw the witch. I know what I'm saying." Tellania said.

"I believe you." Sara said. "Are you just saying this to make me feel better or do you mean it?" Tellania asked.

"I'm saying it to make you feel better." Sara said and Tellania huffed. "The witch is gone, okay? Your father destroyed her long ago. Don't relive moments that can't come back." Sara said and turned before adding, "Be sure to come home before dinner."

"Huh! No one cares anymore. Not even my own mum." She said and stood up.

She walked down a path leading to a pond. The place seemed lonely... And that was when she heard footsteps behind her.

"Oh no... Not again." Tellania mumbled.

"Who's there!?" She asked in fear and turned, but no one was there.

...And then, she felt a hand in her shoulder.

"Aaaah!" She shrieked and slipped on a stone.


She fell into the pond and saw a really cute guy standing right in front of her.

"Are you okay? You looked a little spooked. What's your name?" He asked and extended his hand towards her. She reluctantly held his hand and he pulled her out.

"I'm Tellania. Nice to meet you..."

"Creston... The name's Creston." He said and the two teens stared at each other in awkward silence.

"So... Uhm...I would've loved to.. continue this... conversation. But, I have to change into better clothes. See you anytime, Creston." She said and walked into the path leading home.

"Tellania, do you mind getting me a glass of water?" Alexa said and Tellania mumbled, "Just because your older than me, doesn't mean you can order me around."

"I heard that." Alexa said with a sneer.

"Hey sis... I've always wondered... Have you always been this lonely or should I say, single?" Tellania asked in mischief.

"Lonely!? Single!? Are you trying to irritate me!?"

"Pretty much.... Yes."

"Okay, I've never been lonely. If you wanna know the story, I'll tell you." Alexa said and drifted into the memory lane.


"Donny, why did you bring me here?" Alexa asked.

"Listen dear, my father has decided that we should move over to another town... Far away from anything that brings memories of the witch destroying our home.

I brought you here to make you remember the day we met. So you can remember me always." He said.

"But Donny..."

"No buts, Alexa. I'll be leaving anytime soon. But I'll use this to make you remember me." Donny said and pulled Alexa into a passionate kiss.

"Goodbye Alexa." Donny said and ran to meet his parents.

"Wow... How come I never knew this?" Tellania asked.

"Because.....I... Actually don't... know... Maybe I never really trusted you." Alexa said.

"Wow... that's deep." Tellania said.

"I hope that didn't make you feel..."

"It's okay...I.. don't feel anything... It's okay..." Tellania said in a sad tone and ran out the door.

"Tellania, wait!" Alexa screamed and watched her younger sister run out the door.

"I was right! No one cares." Tellania said and threw an acorn into far sight.

"Are you sure? I care... to take your soul and have my revenge." A woman said and Tellania turned and saw a dark hooded figure.

"Who are you?" Tellania asked in fear, moving backwards.

"Do you really wanna know?" She asked as she crept closer, preparing a huge blazing sphere of doom.

"What do you want from me?" Tellania asked as the figure kept coming closer and she kept moving backwards.

"Nothing more than your soul, that's all... GIVE IT TO ME!" She demanded and pounced on Tellania.