
Tell the secret

Unlike other kids, she was special, really special. Anyone who saw her would think she was a witch who uses magic to heal people but no. Nature loved her and granted her the gift to use nature to heal. Alora grew up as a peasant, always helping her mother and others on the farm. But luckily, the head of the kingdom adopted her and she became a lady. Life doesn't give us what we always hope for but what if what life gives us is a blessing in disguise of a curse. Vampires, humans, werewolves and witches were the four creatures who descended on Earth millions of years ago but due to some reasons, they separated. Witches being the creatures in hiding because of their magic. Alora was forcefully taken away by the Alpha of the werewolf to settle the dispute between werewolves and humans. It wasn't as bad as she thought at first. A sudden twist came when she found out that she was his dead mate.........

Limah_Lisah · Kỳ huyễn
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171 Chs

Chapter Two

"Hey watch it." Alora frowned as she was pushed out of the way by one of the peasants daughters that had also gone to supply things to the palace. 


"If you keep on daydreaming while you ought to get busy, you'll end up killing yourself whatever your name is called." The girl laughed and those following her too did the same. 


"That doesn't say you should push me out of the way. For crying out loud, this place is enough for you to pass without even touching me or having my time." Alora growled and the girls just laughed as they walked away. "Seriously I'm fed up already."


Alora walked down the hill in anger as she looked at her bruised snow white skin. "Oh my goodness Alora, you seem angry."


"I just got pushed away and I got a bruise. Don't worry, I'll be fine." Alora grumbled as she walked towards the cruck she lived in. 


Everyone knew Alora doesn't take bruises easily. It was more of the reason why she only delivered the foodstuffs to the palace and package them. She never works on the actual farm because of her sensitive snow white skin. 


"Seriously it hurts." She winced as she added her special remedy to the bruise. 


Alora wasn't just blessed with an enhanced vision, she was blessed with her way with plants. She could use plants to heal all type of illness, wounds or diseases. 


Many of the people working on the farm would have died if not that Alora could helped heal them. It was a surprise to some people because even the most skillful healer in the kingdom isn't as effective as hers which made some of the kids of her age envy her. They all made it known only within the farm and she was quite popular and loved for that. 


"What's wrong Alora?" Arielle asked as she saw her daughter pouting as she walked into the silo to help package grains for those that would transport it to the warehouse. 


"I got a bruise. And my skin turned red." Alora showed her the bruised elbow and wrist.


"Sorry sweetheart. Now help me with these grains. Don't forget you will be making dinner for the house tonight, so you can go home once the sun starts to set." Arielle reminded her daughter who just hummed. 


"They said the palace had visitors, that's why Ava didn't come over for three days." Alora mumbled and Arielle hummed. 


After a long day of working, Alora left the farm to go prepare dinner for them at home. Ten people lived in the cruck she and her mother lived in. A woman with two kids, a couple, two single men and a lady. They all cooked together, ate together and more. 


Alora walked into the kitchen still having her pout on since morning. She started cooking the porridge she had told Ava they would eat. The thought of Ava calmed her down a bit and she cooked as fast as she could. 


By the time the moon came up, she had finished cooking and everyone was back from the farm. 


"You're not eating with us tonight?" Arielle asked as Alroa served them all their porridges. 


"No, I'm having dinner with Ava by the creek." She smiled, picking the food she had packed for her and Ava. 


"Okay sweetheart. Don't come late." Arielle said and Alora walked away. 


Everyone ate outside their houses at night even though they all ate different dishes. It was the beauty of the night. Children used that time to play and chat with their parents and other people before going to bed. 


Alora walked away from the group of houses and walked to the creek which was just behind the palace below. Ava was sitting there already on a picnic cloth. 


"Phew. What took you so long? I thought you wouldn't even come again tonight because the night looks lively over there." Ava gestured at the crucks far away. 


"Yeah. I got some fries from old Ma'am Sarah when I told her I was coming over and thankfully, you can eat them with the porridge or after the porridge. 


"Thank you." Ava smiled as she collected the plate of porridge before she started to dig in. "Mmm. This is more delicious than I remembered." 


"Yeah, I added new ingredients. I didn't expect it to be this delicious though." Alora smiled as she ate from the plate. 


"Well, everytime you add new ingredients to an existing dish, it tastes different than it usually is." Ava winked as she ate the fries. 


"So tell me Ava, any news on Lord Zayen?" Alora asked and Ava choked, making Alora laugh when she passed her the cup of water. 


"You should have allowed me to finish my food." Ava pouted as her cheeks turned pink which Alora could clearly see in the moonlight due to her enhanced vision. 


"Well when did you start blushing this much when he is mentioned. Spill it, tell me every detail." Alora gasped curiously but Ava knew she was only curious because Ava finally fell in love with him after all these days. It was obvious the Lord was in love with her but she didn't even act like she knew. 


"Well..….. I don't know why I was….asked to serve him dinner in his room…..but…..but he….. he kissed me on my cheeks." Ava gulped the food hard. 


"Oh my goodness."