
Chapter 48

"James Clerk Maxwell is credited with unifying magnetic fields, electric fields, and light as different aspects of the same phenomenon." Noah wrote notes on the board for his students to take down.

A knock sounded on the door, and he looked over to see Olivia. She mouthed sorry and he nodded for her to come in.

Olivia slowly opened the door and quietly excused herself as she walked to the back of the room to sit down.

"James Clerk Maxwell was a Scottish scientist, that lived in the 1800's. He formulated the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation." Noah wrote the dates down on the board and turned back to the class. "In 1865, he showed how electric and magnetic fields move at the speed of light through space as waves. Because these waves are all moving through the same medium, they move at the same speed. So, this theory indicates you can communicate across the ether at the speed of light in the same way you can send a signal through a wire."